Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



0"Kill!"     3


Li Ming's lips slightly parted, and the dagger moved forward, thrusting straight towards Sun Wenshu's back.    


As an assassin who had assassinated many strong warriors in the past few years, Li Ming was very confident that this attack would heavily injure Zhangsun Wenshu.    


He was confident that he wouldn't miss this blow.    


"Chu Mo, don't worry!"    


Thinking about it this way, Li Ming's dagger finally hit its target.    


When the dagger touched Zhangsun Wenshu's skin, Li Ming felt a sense of familiarity ? the familiarity of killing.    


This feeling couldn't be wrong.    


His dagger had successfully stabbed the target!    


But, in the next moment, Li Ming was suddenly stunned.    


He did not hear the sound of the dagger shedding flesh and bone, but instead heard a "dang" sound.    


This sound was like a knife chopping down on metal.    


Immediately after, Li Ming was stunned to see his daggers releasing a series of sparks.    


At the same time, he acutely discovered that there seemed to be a golden light flashing outside of Zhangsun Wenshu's skin. He looked like a golden Clothes, as he stuck closely to the outside of his skin.    


"This is ?" The Treasure Armor!? "    


Looking at that golden Clothes, which was as thin as silk wings, Li Ming immediately reacted.    


Treasure Armor s, as the name implies, were a type of armor, and also a rather rare type of armor.    


Li Ming had never expected that eldest grandson Wen Shu would be so careful and cautious to such an extent. He wore the defense of a Treasure Armor, and at the same time, was a little surprised that his eldest grandson Wen Shu actually possessed such a good item like a Treasure Armor.    


The moment the Treasure Armor appeared, Li Ming already realized that this sneak attack of his would no longer have any chance of success.    


When the assassin's attack failed, he would retreat!    


This was a rule and a way of survival!    


Without the slightest hesitation, Li Ming retreated in a flash, his speed even faster than when he arrived.    


However, he had come without a sound and while others were caught off guard, he had arrived without a sound.    


He, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky after retreating.    


At this time, all of them, including the eldest grandson, Wen Shu, had reacted.    


"It won't be that easy to leave!"    


The eldest grandson, Wen Shu, sneered. The wind from his palm rose again as the energy fluctuations of a tyrannical force whistled out, attacking towards Li Ming.    


At the same time, Fu Yongsi waited for the other three to attack as well. They came from all directions and surrounded Li Ming.    


Four Air Control experts took action at the same time, their aura was extremely tyrannical, simply indescribable.    


Under this kind of situation, let alone Li Ming, even morphogenesis Realm Rankers would be able to avoid this attack.    


"Can't you leave? Then we won't be leaving! "    


Li Ming's reaction was extremely fast, he immediately gave up on the idea of retreating, and lightly tapped on the tip of his foot.    


His opponents were four people!    


Amongst the four of them, the one with the highest realm was Zhangsun Wenshu; the one with Treasure Armor s to protect him was Zhangsun Wenshu; the one with the most prepared attack was also Zhangsun Wenshu.    


No matter what angle it was said, Li Ming should not have chosen the eldest grandson, Wen Shu, as the most difficult opponent.    


However, he chose to do so.    


Because he was not a single person!    


Dugu Batian and Bai Bingning had arrived.    


Their target was also Zhangsun Wenshu.    


Under these circumstances, Li Ming's attack target was extremely accurate, and just happened to form the shape of a pincer attack.    


In the face of such a situation, even with the protection of the Treasure Armor, the eldest grandson Wen Shu was unable to escape unscathed.    


Therefore, he could only retreat ? even if retreating this way meant that Li Ming could escape safely.    


"I knew you would retreat!"    


Looking at Zhangsun Wenshu who had retreated, the corner of Li Ming's mouth raised slightly. His body quickly shot out, escaping from the circle of attack of the four opponents, and returned to Dugu Batian's side, once again facing Zhangsun Wenshu.    


Looking at the whole situation, in just a blink of an eye, only Li Ming succeeded in creating a tree, piercing through Zhangsun Wenshu's Clothes and leaving a shallow line of blood on his back.    


Other than this, there was nothing else.    


However, in conclusion, Li Ming had gained some benefits.    


The eldest grandson Wen Shu was extremely embarrassed and angry, he shouted: "Li Ming, you have wasted your title as the heirs of the Sacred Grounds, could it be that you only know how to sneakily attack?"    


Li Ming's expression remained indifferent, and said: "I have never boasted about myself being a heirs of the Sacred Grounds, I am just a killer."    


At this time, Dugu Batian opened his mouth and said, "Speaking of wickedness, it seems that your eldest grandson, Wen Shu, is the real wickedness. It was fortunate that you were even a so-called prince, and actually plotted against his back, causing Chu Mo to die in Black Abyss. To think that a villain like you would appear in the emperor's house. Xuan Zhou's future is truly worrisome! "    


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