Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



2A new starting point, a new journey!    


Currently, Chu Mo was still one hundred and ninety-nine levels away from the top of the mountain!    


This number was not small, Chu Mo felt that he could give it a try. As for the result, he did not set a limit for himself.    


With one step forward, a heavy pressure came crushing down on him!    


As if something weighing a hundred kilograms pressed down on his body, Chu Mo's body immediately sank downwards.    


Finally, on the 400th step, his body felt an obvious pressure.    


From this, it could be seen how freakishly strong his body was.    


It had to be known, that even Bai Xingwen and the rest of the tyrannical people were forced to stop below, but Chu Mo had only just started to truly feel the pressure.    


"The ancient body tempering technique is indeed extraordinary!"    


All along, Chu Mo had relied on tempering his body's advantages to establish the odds of winning a battle with another person, and even relied on it to carry out a cross-border challenge.    


Now, on the mountain climb, his body tempering had completely revealed his superiority.    


Familiar with the pressure, Chu Mo slowly straightened his chest and walked down, his speed neither fast nor slow.    


In order to adapt to the rhythm of these changes in pressure, Chu Mo didn't dare to be too quick.    


As they slowly walked up, Chu Mo calmed his heart and gradually walked past another fifty level of Stone Steps. Finally, he was forced to slow down and it became somewhat difficult for him to move.    


Because, the pressure was growing too fast, just like an angry tide, even Chu Mo who had reached the peak of his body tempering, found it difficult to continue.    


Under such a heavy pressure, Chu Mo's waist slowly bent down, making it seem like it was going to be difficult.    


Carrying such a heavy weight, every step of Chu Mo's body became somewhat difficult. It was as if his legs were tied with a thousand kilograms of iron, and when his feet stepped on the gray colored Stone Steps, creaking sounds were emitted. It caused the stones on the stairs to be stomped into pieces, turning into powder.    


"Hu!" "Whew!"    


In order to familiarize himself with the rhythm of change in pressure, Chu Mo did his best to maintain the pace of his breathing.    


Thus, his body maintained a slow but steady speed as he kept going upwards.    


At this moment, the tree grass along the way seemed to have disappeared. Chu Mo could only see the few Stone Steps s in front of him, and he only wanted to conquer these Stone Steps s ? ? As for how much was above, he tried his best to tell himself not to care.    


The only thing he had to do was not to stop.    


"Five hundred steps!"    


Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Chu Mo had finally reached the 500th step!    


At this point, he could no longer hold on and sat on the Stone Steps.    


At this time, his body was drenched in sweat and the Clothes s all over his body were drenched in it. His face was abnormally red and he had expended too much energy so he urgently needed to rest.    


However, he didn't dare to rest for too long. Otherwise, he might never be able to get up again.    


Once again standing up, Chu Mo looked up, and as if he had seen the highest step, he said while clenching his teeth: "There are still ninety-nine steps, quick, I can still make it!"    


After cheering himself up like this, Chu Mo once again took a step forward, and stepped onto the next step.    




Suddenly, a heavy pressure surged forth and wrapped Chu Mo within it like an angry tide. A strong pressure attacked this place, oppressing Chu Mo's bones to the point that it creaked, causing him to feel incomparable pain all over his body.    


Fortunately, Chu Mo's body's strength was outstanding, and could barely withstand the pressure. She continued to climb while carrying the pressure of over a thousand kilograms.    


One step, one step, after another!    


Chu Mo lowered his head, changed his waist, and bent his body, no longer appearing as relaxed as before.    


As he walked forward, every time his heavy feet landed, it was as if a stone pillar had smashed onto the ground. There were even clear footprints left on the tough Stone Steps.    


Clenching his teeth, the veins on Chu Mo's neck stood out.    


However, the higher he went, the more painful it became.    


Chu Mo finally understood what torture was.    


He wanted to get through this life and death situation faster, but it was simply impossible. In fact, he was getting slower and slower.    


The pressure became heavier and heavier, as though there was an enormous mountain pressing down on him, causing Chu Mo's waist to bend completely. His hands also hung by his side, almost touching the ground.    


Moreover, his legs seemed to no longer belong to him. He began to sway left and right, his body was like a fallen leaf in the wind. He could fall down at any time.    




Finally, Chu Mo could no longer hold it in and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


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