Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



3Chu Mo moved as fast as an arrow, his body like a butterfly dance, he stepped on the Meteor Step in the air and lightly landed on the ground.     3




Immediately, a wave of cheers shook the heavens!    


Tu Fei's previous imposing manner disappeared without a trace, and the two people on the stage looked at each other, sparks appearing in their line of sight.    


Looking at Chu Mo, Tu Fei's eyes became cold and he said: "I underestimated you, to actually be able to cultivate the footwork to such a level, it is just trying to attract attention, I am unable to show my face."    


Chu Mo smiled slightly, did not give him an inch, and sarcastically said: "Your Air Control is only an illusion, other than showing off your movement skills, what other uses do you have?"    


Tu Fei's eyes became even colder, and she said: "You're really good at arguing like how people say!"    


Chu Mo spread out his hands and said: "You must have heard more than that. Then you should also know, there are a lot of things I'm good at, words and mouth battles are just my hobbies."    


Tu Fei scoffed, and said: "Your so-called specialization, in front of a true ranker, is just a joke."    


Chu Mo looked at Tu Fei seriously and asked: "The true expert that you are talking about, is that you yourself?"    


Tu Fei laughed proudly, and said: "In front of you, I, Tu Fei, am a true expert!"    


Chu Mo declined to comment and said: "You sure are confident!"    


Tu Fei sneered, and said: "This is not a matter of confidence, but a statement of the truth. If you don't want to lose too badly, I suggest that you give up!"    


Chu Mo shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I, Chu Mo, have never admitted defeat in my entire life!"    


Tu Fei said: "There is always a first time, and in the future, you will slowly get used to it!"    


Chu Mo shook his head again, and said: "I don't plan to have this first time, at least it won't be today!"    


Tu Fei's eyes flashed with a powerful light, his killing intent surged, and said: There are some things, that is not up to you!    


Chu Mo's eyes were carefree and without joy, filled with strong confidence, he said: "However, all of this is not up to you!"    


"Good, very good!"    


Tu Fei was not angry, instead, he was laughing, the aura of his entire body erupted, and a powerful aura that belonged to the peak of the Yi Gan surged out, enveloping the entire Arena and shouting, "Since it's like this, then I'll tell you right now, in this Arena, everything about you is up to me!"    


Chu Mo's eyes were bright like the stars, his expression was solemn as he looked at the judge at the side.    


Seeing how the two of them were opposing each other, the referee promptly announced, "Let the match begin!"    


Swish! Swish!    


As soon as he finished speaking, two afterimages appeared and headed towards the center of the arena.    


In front of the heavy fist, it whistled out from both sides of Arena, and the air along the way was shattered, producing crackling sounds.    




When Chu Mo and Tu Fei met each other, their fists also met each other, like mountains colliding.    


Countless strong winds whistled and danced around the two of them. The wind blew across their bodies and the Clothes s that touched them emitted a cracking sound, just like a rainstorm.    


The rumbling suddenly stopped, and the strong wind suddenly died down!    


Two human figures glided out, quietly standing on the ground. It was the same as before, a distance of two zhang!    


With this strike, the two of them were actually on the same level!    


Regarding this, Tu Fei, who had an even higher cultivation level, actually laughed, and said: "As expected, your physical strength is indeed tyrannical. I think, this is probably what you relied on to reach your current level!"    


Chu Mo did not comment or say a word!    


Although his expression remained the same, he secretly sighed in his heart: "I never expected that this person's body tempering strength is actually strong enough to be on par with mine."    


Although Tu Fei's realm was higher, Chu Mo had met a stronger opponent before. In terms of body tempering, no one could be his match. However, Tu Fei's body tempering was also extremely strong, causing the advantage Chu Mo had in body tempering to instantly disappear.    


In other words, under this situation, Chu Mo could no longer rely on tempering his body and was forced to compete with Tu Fei in Spiritual Energy. However, compared to the peak of the Yi Gan, the difference in Spiritual Energy between the two was not small, no matter whether it was in concentration or strength.    


This was also the reason why Tu Fei laughed lightly in a complacent manner.    




Tu Fei sneered, clenched both hands into fists, and once again rushed towards Chu Mo.    


His movement technique was extremely tyrannical, like a fierce tiger coming out of its cage, bringing about an endless amount of resplendent golden light. It was like a blazing sun exploding, shining the entire Arena, shaking people to the point that they couldn't even open their eyes.    


Both fists moved, the flying Tu Fei suddenly formed more than a few hundred golden fist images around him, the sound of wind and thunder resonated out, striking towards Chu Mo.    


Seeing that, Chu Mo frowned, the Fire Spiritual Energy in his body immediately surged out, like a furious wave surging into the palms of his hands.    


Both of Chu Mo's palms danced, overlapping each other like a stretch of sea of fire, engulfing the entire area, as though it was going to burn the entire world.    


In order to deal with Tu Fei's tyrannical attack, Chu Mo had not hesitated at all to unleash the Yellow Rank Martial Skill.    


The golden fist was like crushed stones, vast and mighty!    


The fire palm was like a raging flame, violent and fierce!    




The palm aura and the palm finally met, and the Spiritual Energy exploded, producing a sound of thunder from the ninth heaven.    


Immediately, a strong and indescribable energy fluctuation howled out, and it was as if mountains and seas were toppling, spreading out in all directions. The tyrannical impact caused sand and rocks to violently dance about, and smoke and dust to burst out.    


With a "whoosh", a human figure swept out, both of his feet dragged on the Arena, leaving two black marks on the bluestone s, extending all the way to the sides of the ropes, shocking everyone.    


When the figure finally stopped at the edge of Arena, everyone finally saw clearly, and surprisingly, they saw Chu Mo.    


In the Spiritual Energy competition, Chu Mo was indeed inferior!    


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