Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



4Ning Xing Yuan nodded. Of course he wanted to learn it!     3


Such arrogance, such arrogance, such hatred for others that would rather die than pay with one's life ? As a second generation ancestor, Ning Xingyuan really wanted to learn this skill!    


Chu Mo smiled slightly, and said: "It's simple, no matter who the other party is, no matter what kind of strength or influence they have, you just need to be able to say four words!"    


Ning Xingyuan was like a kid hungry for new knowledge. He curiously asked, "Which four words?"    


Chu Mo slowly opened his mouth and spat out four words, "Fuck!"    




Hearing that, He Zhilan who was at the side burst out laughing, the fine wine in his cup sprinkled onto the ground.    


Ning Xingyu slanted his eyes at Chu Mo and said, "Brother Chu, don't teach bad to kids."    


Chu Mo pointed to Ning Xingyuan and said, "He's not small!"    


Ning Xingyuan agreed, "That's right, I'm not small!"    


Ning Xingyu glared at Ning Xing Yuan, causing him to suddenly behave himself. He then looked at Chu Mo and said sternly: "Brother Chu, you were really a bit unwise just now!"    


Chu Mo took a sip of the wine and asked: "How do you know?"    


Ning Xingyu said: "Xu Yonghe has always been a wild and arrogant person. Since you're going against him and making him embarrassed, he will definitely bear a grudge in his heart and he will definitely think of a way to get back at you. To put it bluntly, he will definitely not let you off! "    


"This, I believe!"    


Chu Mo nodded, changed the subject, and continued: "However, even if I admitted defeat just now, he still wouldn't let me off. After all, I defeated him in the Yibao Pagoda, and caused him to lose face. In that case, no matter what I do, he won't let me go. Instead, it would be better to turn the world upside down and let it drop from the sky to the bottom of his heart in a carefree manner! "    


Ning Xingyu asked: "Aren't you afraid of Xu Yonghe?"    


Chu Mo was very straightforward, and replied: "I'm afraid!"    


Ning Xingyu said again: "Then why did you provoke him?"    


Chu Mo shook his head, and said: "It's not that I'm provoking him, it's that he's provoking me!"    


With that, Chu Mo looked at Ning Xing Yuan and asked, "Young Master Xing Yuan, if someone tries to bully you, what will you do? Do you want to sit back and wait for death, or go fuck yourself? "    


Ning Xing Yuan blurted out without thinking, "To hell with it, of course."    


Hearing this, Chu Mo pointed at Ning Xingyuan and said to Ning Xingyu, "Did you see that, your little brother is the one who understands!"    


Ning Xingyu looked at Chu Mo helplessly, and asked: "Since when were you the same person as Xing Yuan?"    


Chu Mo laughed, and said: "From today onwards, when our hatred will be resolved!"    


"Sigh ?"    


Ning Xingyu let out a long sigh, and said: "Since Brother Chu has such an attitude, I believe you have a plan in mind, so I won't say more, I'm only reminding you to be more careful, in case Xu Yonghe tries to backstab you."    


Chu Mo nodded, and said seriously: "I got it, thank you Brother Ning for your concern!"    


At this point, the topic of conversation had come to an end. The four of them started drinking heartily once again. They seemed to be having quite a good time chatting and laughing merrily.    


After eating his fill, Chu Mo bid farewell to He Zhilan, and returned to Residence of He!    


"Zhilan, it's time for me to leave!"    


After staying in Residence of He for a few more days, Chu Mo bid his farewell to He Zhilan, intending to leave this place and head to another place to train.    


He Zhilan asked: "Have you decided?"    


Chu Mo nodded, and said: "Yes, I have already stayed here for too long, it is time to leave!"    


He Zhilan said: "Since that's the case, then I also have no reason to keep you. I can only wish you a pleasant journey."    


Chu Mo smiled and bid farewell to the Young Girl, then left the Residence of He.    


"You're leaving?"    


Not long after leaving the Residence of He, Ning Xingyu appeared in front of Chu Mo with a warm smile on his face.    


Looking at the handsome Young Man, Chu Mo asked in confusion: "How did you know I was leaving?"    


Ning Xingyu said: "Feng Xuan City is only such a small place, there is some information that cannot be hidden!"    


Chu Mo shook his head, and said: "I also didn't plan on hiding it from you!"    


Ning Xingyu said: "I think you should hide it from me!"    


Chu Mo spread out his hands and said: "Didn't you say that you could not hide some information?"    


Hearing this, Ning Xingyu said: "If you really want to chat like this, we can continue chatting for a long time!"    


"I don't have that much time to chat with you!"    


Chu Mo smiled and said, "A genius is still suitable for you and Zhi Lan. I hope that when I return to the Feng Xuan City, I can be able to see the two of you living happily together."    


Ning Xingyu said: "You should worry more about yourself!"    


Chu Mo did not understand, and asked: "What do I care?"    


Ning Xingyu said, "There are many things you need to be concerned about, such as Xu Yonghe. Since I can appear here, he can appear anywhere in the Feng Xuan City! "    


The corner of Chu Mo's mouth curled, and he casually said: "What should come, will eventually come. No matter whether I'm concerned or worried, it's useless!"    


Ning Xingyu said: "You sure are open-minded!"    


Chu Mo laughed at himself and said: "When you are as helpless in life as I am, you will also be open-minded!"    


Ning Xingyu declined to comment and said: "Let's go, I have some matters to attend to, let's go out of the city together!"    


Chu Mo looked at Ning Xingyu seriously and said: "This is just perfect, what a coincidence!"    


"Coincidences are everywhere in the world!"    


After Ning Xingyu said this, he walked forward first. Chu Mo shook his head at the figure and laughed involuntarily. Then he slowly caught up with him, walking shoulder to shoulder.    


It was unknown whether it was because of Ning Xingyu or not, but the two of them were able to smoothly pass through the road and quickly arrived at the entrance of Feng Xuan City City.    


Outside the city, a dark cloud could be vaguely seen in the distant sky. It seemed like ?    


"It's going to rain!"    


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