Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



1Marketplace was packed with people. It was crowded and crowded with pedestrians. All kinds of stalls were placed on both sides of the road, making it extremely lively.    1


Because he was trying to concoct a second grade pill, Chu Mo was specially coming to purchase a medicinal material. Moreover, they were all low grade spirit medicines, which were not too hard to find, and were all bought very quickly.    


After buying all the medicinal material, Chu Mo and Qin Er strolled around for a while longer. He bought some pretty accessories for the little girl, which could be considered as thanking Qin Er for taking care of her these few days.    


Waiting until the day became increasingly noon, and the weather becoming increasingly hot, Qin Er brought Chu Mo to a restaurant and introduced: "This Drunken Wine Inn is the biggest restaurant in Feng Xuan City. Inside, other than food and wine, there are also specially crafted cold drinks.    


Looking at the two story tall building in front of him, Chu Mo nodded and said: "Then let's go in, let's try this so-called cold drinks!"    


Walking into the restaurant, the two of them climbed up the stairs and sat down at a table next to the window on the second floor.    


After ordering the dishes and drinks, Chu Mo leaned against the window and sat down. Feeling the summer breeze from the street, he felt extremely comfortable.    


"Sorry for disturbing you two!"    


Just then, a voice interrupted Chu Mo's free time.    


When he opened his eyes, he noticed that the person before him wasn't a waiter, but a young man with gorgeous clothes.    


Chu Mo did not understand, and asked: "What is it?"    


The young man was polite and said: "This one is Song Zeyu, I would like to discuss with brother, I wonder if you can let this one go!"    


As he said that, the young man called Song Zeyu pointed to a nearby Young Girl and explained: "My Friend likes the location right next to the window and says that we can see the scenery outside the window. I wonder if the two of you would be willing to part?"    


Chu Mo looked at the Young Girl that Song Zeyu pointed to, and then looked at the doting smile in Song Zeyu's eyes, and immediately understood that this was a pair of lovebirds.    


was still very willing to be an adult because, after all, he, Chu Mo, had to sit on this seat. Furthermore, Song Zeyu's attitude was very good, causing Chu Mo to have a very good impression of him.    


Chu Mo looked at Qin Er, and seeing that the little miss had no objections, he immediately agreed, and got up to give the seat to Song Zeyu.    


"Wait a moment, I like this location!"    


Just as Chu Mo was about to get up, a domineering voice suddenly sounded out, revealing a feeling that there was no doubt about it.    


Chu Mo frowned, and turned to look. He saw a Young Man leading two guards slowly walking over, striding in an exaggerated manner, as though he was about to walk out horizontally, to see how many second ancestors there were.    


Because Chu Mo had paid attention to the three people from Young Man, he did not see Qin Er's expression. The moment Young Man and the others appeared, he became somewhat ugly, and felt a little afraid.    


The Young Man came closer, and impolitely said to Chu Mo: "Kid, I like this position, you can change locations now!"    


"It looks like this guy's background isn't weak!"    


With regards to the Young Man, Chu Mo made this judgement in his heart. After all, if a fellow with Peak of Ning Yuan dared to be so arrogant, it was naturally because he had someone backing him up.    


However, Chu Mo did not care about that. Shaking his head, he said to the Young Man: "I have already given this position to this Brother Song, you should go somewhere else!"    




Hearing that, the Young Man turned to Song Zeyu and said: "This brother Song right? I have my eyes on this seat, why don't you give it to me?"    


It had to be said that this Young Man was very domineering. His tone of voice didn't sound like a discussion, but almost commanding, as if the entire world would listen to him.    


After hearing the words of the Young Man, Chu Mo found it hard to listen.    


But, unexpectedly, Song Zeyu nodded his head and answered, "Since Ning Shao likes this position, then let me take it!"    


Hearing the answer, Chu Mo frowned, but, his sharp senses detected a trace of fear in Song Zeyu's eyes.    


Song Zeyu, fear that so called Ning Shao!    


Of course, what Song Zeyu feared was not Ning Shao's strength!    


"Where exactly did this Ning Shao come from?"    


Chu Mo squinted his eyes and looked towards Qin Er. He finally noticed the little girl's expression and realized she looked similar to Song Zeyu.    


With regards to Song Zeyu's answer, Ning Shao was extremely satisfied. He turned and looked towards Chu Mo, and said complacently: "Now that he has given me this position, Kid, you can move aside!"    


Chu Mo sneered, and actually sat down again under the puzzled gaze of the crowd, and said: "I'm sorry, I don't want to give up this seat anymore!"    


Hearing that, Ning Shao was stunned!    


Song Zeyu was stunned!    


Even Qin Er was stunned!    


The Ning Shao did not understand and asked, "Why?"    


This was the same question that everyone present had!    


Chu Mo slightly smiled, looked at Ning Shao and said: "Because, I don't really like your attitude!"    


Hearing that, Song Zeyu quickly gave Chu Mo a meaningful look, and advised: "Brother, you should give this position to Ning Shao."    


"The reason I'm willing to give up this spot to you, Brother Song, is because you're behaving so well, and that makes me feel as if I'm bathed in spring breeze!"    


Chu Mo pretended not to see Song Zeyu's expression and changed the topic. "However, I do not like Ning Shao's attitude, so I am a bit unhappy. If things are not good, why should I do it? "    


In short, I'm not happy!    


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