Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



4Chu Mo bellowed, and the power of Tyrant Fist surged out like a flood, ruthlessly smashing into the palm image and the Sword Qi, resulting in a loud explosion that rumbled like thunder.    4


In an instant, terrifying energy ripples surged out from the arena and swept towards the three of them like a raging sea. The shockwave was incomparably sharp and cut off all the nearby trees.    


Under the powerful force, the three of them were forced to fly back. Occasionally, fresh blood sprayed out and it caused one's heart to tremble.    




Chu Mo spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, and steadily landed on the ground. He seriously looked at the two people in front of him, and muttered to himself: "Looks like I can only use my true strength!"    


Thinking about that, the Fire Spiritual Energy in Chu Mo's body suddenly surged, and released waves after waves of pyretic sensation, covering Chu Mo's entire body, from afar, he looked just like a flaming man.    


"Raging Flame and Burning Sky Palm!"    


With a loud bellow, Chu Mo's palms wildly danced, and the fiery red palm image surged in front of him, condensing into the angry flames of a sea of fire, as if it wanted to burn the entire world.    


Such an imposing manner was enough to shock one's mind!    


Of course, the two opposing disciples did not stay idle either. They also completely released the Spiritual Energy's energy waves, and two powerful energy waves suddenly rose up, filling the entire forest, causing people's hearts to palpitate.    


Both sides looked at each other. A fierce light surged in their eyes as they refused to give in!    




Almost at the same time, the three of them angrily shouted and attacked at the same time.    




Just as the three of them were about to exchange blows, a shout suddenly came from outside the forest.    


Hearing that voice, the stuttering eyes turned cold as he decisively stopped his attack.    


Although deaf, he could not hear a sound, but he could see a figure rapidly approaching him. Immediately, it was as if he had received some kind of inviolable order, forcefully retracting the sword force even though the backlash caused blood to ooze out of the corner of his mouth.    


Seeing that the two of them had stopped, Chu Mo also forcefully stopped his palm strike!    


At the same time, he curiously turned his head, wanting to see who it was that could actually stop the two steel-like fellows in such an intense battle!    


If he didn't look, he wouldn't know. However, upon seeing it, he was shocked!    


Chu Mo was truly shocked by the person who came!    


Because, he actually recognized this person. He was Lv Feibai, whom he had met before during the Green Mountain Hunt.    


Looking at Lv Feibai, Chu Mo asked with doubt: "How is it you!?"    


"Why can't it be me?" Lv Feibai retorted, and explained: "This is my territory.    


"So that's how it is!"    


Chu Mo understood and nodded.    


"Brother Chu, wait a moment!"    


Lv Feibai said to Chu Mo, then walked over to the two who were stuttering and deaf and reprimanded: "Why aren't the two of you staying in the city properly, and have come here for? Are you trying to rob someone else? With just this little strength of yours, you want to block the way and rob us? "Do you want to die ?"    


Lv Feibai's voice grew louder and louder, to the point where he was practically shouting it out, scolding the two of them until their heads were drenched in dog blood.    


As for those two, they stood there motionlessly like children who had made a mistake, not daring to even fart.    


He stopped to rest for a while, then pointed at Chu Mo and said to the other two: "Go over and apologize to my Friend. If I hadn't arrived in time today, you wouldn't even know how you died!"    


Hearing that, he stuttered, "You ?" You... If you don't... No, no. We're willing to... I can definitely hit him... Beat... "Beat him!    


"You ? You can... Lala... "Fall down!"    


Lv Feibai was not a good guy, he had actually learned to stutter as he replied, and said: "Do you know who he is? He is this year's champion of the Green Mountain Hunt, killing someone at the Yi Gan realm is no different from playing around! Just the two of you want to beat the other?    


With that, Lv Feibai raised his leg and kicked, causing the two of them to stand right in front of Chu Mo.    


Hearing Lv Feibai's words, the stuttering and deaf people could not hold back their laughter and apologized honestly.    


Chu Mo waved his hand, and said: "We are all on the same side, it's better to not get acquainted with each other!"    


Hearing that, the deaf and stuttering man nodded his head and looked towards Lv Feibai, the meaning could not be clearer: Chu Mo can forget about it, just let this matter go!    


How could Lv Feibai not understand what these two meant? He glared at them and said: "Scram quickly, don't let this daddy see you coming to the forest to rob again, otherwise, this daddy will personally cripple you two!"    


Hearing this, both the stuttering and the deaf acted as if they had received amnesty. Without saying anything further, they turned around and fled!    


Looking at the two's figures that seemed to flee, Chu Mo felt it was funny, and said: "These two brothers of yours are really interesting!"    


"You two are the ones who are causing trouble!"    


Lv Feibai said angrily at the backs of the two people, and then explained slowly: "These two fellows were fatherless since young, and relied on each other for life, and because they were born crippled, their lives were extremely difficult. Once, I followed Master out of the ravine to do something, and coincidentally met them. Master couldn't bear it, so he taught them the basic body refining methods, but who would have thought that the talent of these two people was not bad, and their cultivation was even faster than ordinary people. Later on, Master also ordered me to teach them the method to condense cores and help them reach the Condensing Yuan Level successfully. However, he didn't expect that after these two had improved their realms, they would actually come to the forest to plunder. Although they had never hurt anyone, it wasn't a good thing. "Moreover, there is always someone stronger than you and there is always someone stronger than you. If you meet someone stronger than you, then ?"    


After pausing for a moment, Lv Feibai continued, "Today, fortunately I made it in time, or else, the two of them would have become the spirits of the Brother Chu!"    


Hearing this, Chu Mo was speechless, and thought: "Big bro isn't that bloodthirsty, okay?"    


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