Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



2The Meteor Step, as its name implies, was profound and as fast as a meteor!     1


According to the Martial Skills book, after the Meteor Step was successfully cultivated, one could move as fast as a meteor, surpassing the speed of lightning and reaching the peak of the mountain!    


This footwork had nothing to do with the Spiritual Energy, what was important was the strength of the trainer's flesh.    


Regarding this point, Chu Mo wasn't worried at all. His body had already reached the peak of perfection long ago, so cultivating the Meteor Step naturally wouldn't be a problem.    


"Let's begin!"    


With his decision made, Chu Mo did not delay any further and went straight to the small courtyard to cultivate.    


The Meteor Step, the most important thing was the footwork!    


It was said that all of the Stellar Gait s, including the Meteor Step, had evolved based on the changes in the stars. Every time the trainer set foot on a star, it would change its position mysteriously, in order to achieve the effect of accelerating to the peak.    


Of course, the initial Meteor Step was actually not that complicated. The Martial Skills books had long since formed a profound footwork trajectory, as long as one followed the book, it would be fine.    


Thinking till this point, Chu Mo took a stance, took large strides, and floated in an extremely mysterious path. From far away, he looked like an illusion as he moved about in the small courtyard, instantly increasing his speed to the maximum.    




Just when Chu Mo's speed had reached its limit, he suddenly felt his feet messed up. He stumbled and fell to the ground, falling flat on his face.    


To be honest, as a cultivator, to actually fall over while cultivating was most definitely a very humiliating thing.    


Therefore, Chu Mo was so embarrassed that her face turned red.    


Luckily no one saw it, so Chu Mo crawled up quickly and patted off the dust on his body. He frowned: "That shouldn't be the case, I was moving according to the route written on the Martial Skills.    


In order to prevent himself from making a fool of himself again, Chu Mo had no choice but to read through the Meteor Step again.    


It turned out that when Chu Mo was cultivating earlier, the muscles on his body were not completely mobilized, and thus lost balance under the extreme speed.    


"So that's how it is!"    


After understanding all of these, Chu Mo once again took up a fighting stance and started cultivating.    




Stepping forward with his Profound Steps, Chu Mo moved all of the muscles in his body to follow the movements of the footwork.    


In the blink of an eye, Chu Mo's speed had reached its limit. From afar, he looked like a ray of light flashing across the sky.    


"Wow, this Meteor Step is indeed mysterious. It's only the first time in cultivation, but it's already able to reach such a speed. It is truly amazing!"    


After tasting the sweetness, Chu Mo's spirits were lifted, and he trained diligently, all of his focus was on cultivating the Meteor Step.    


Time flew by like flowing water. In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.    




In the small courtyard, Chu Mo quickly flew by, like a shooting star, her speed was extremely fast.    


Following the Meteor Step's martial art, Chu Mo's speed became faster and faster, and even his body seemed to become blurry. Under the high-speed movement, it was as if he brought about numerous afterimages, extremely profound.    


"Phew, I finally succeeded!"    


Chu Mo stopped in his tracks, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and started to pant.    


After ten or so days of cultivation, Chu Mo had finally managed to cultivate the Meteor Step.    


With the ten waves of Tyrant Fist and the Meteor Step in his hands, Chu Mo's fighting strength could be said to have soared.    


Including Chu Mo's tyrannical body and his dual attribute Spiritual Energy, Chu Mo would have the power to fight even if he had to face Ning Yuan s or even Mid Realm s.    


When he thought of this, Chu Mo couldn't help but laugh; it was as brilliant as the blazing sun in the sky.    


"Hey, I say, why are you laughing so foolishly all by yourself?"    


Just then, a voice sounded, interrupting Chu Mo's reverie.    


Chu Mo was simply too familiar with this voice. Turning his head to look, it really was that fellow Tang Xiaodao!    


Behind Tang Xiaodao, Tang Xin also appeared and walked into the small courtyard.    


Chu Mo looked at the two of them and asked.    


Tang Xiaodao shrugged and said: "If there's nothing else, I can't come visit you for a while?"    


Chu Mo curled his lips and said: "You don't seem to be that free!"    


Hearing that, Tang Xiaodao declined to comment and retrieved a scroll, casually throwing it at Chu Mo.    


Taking the scroll, Chu Mo slowly opened it to find that it was a painting of a lifelike Young Man with red lips and white teeth.    


After looking at it for a bit, Chu Mo casually threw the scroll back and said: "I'm not interested in men!"    


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