Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



3"Indeed, whenever the Star Cave opens, it is when a true genius appears. But now, it doesn't seem to be the time for it to open yet!"    


"That is to say, and the opening of the Star Cave requires a lot of resources, if it is opened, I am afraid half of the reserves of the Star Academy would be used up!"    


"The key thing is, in the last ten years, although the Star Academy has not lacked talents, but he has not revealed any true exceptional talents. If he were to blindly open the Star Cave, it would only be a waste!"    


After a period of discussion, the elders seemed to have reached a certain agreement.    


As the spokesperson, Elder Xu looked at Wu Yazi, then cleared his throat and said, "It's not that Junior and the others aren't willing to open the Star Cave, it's just that the time isn't right yet!"    


Wu Yazi shook his head, disagreeing. "I think the time has come."    


The Elder Xu said, "Opening the Star Cave now is just a waste of resources."    


Wu Yazi asked, "Why do you say that?"    


The Elder Xu said, "Senior also knows that even though he is a treasure trove, he possesses supreme intelligence and luck. Only true geniuses can make rational use of him."    


Wu Yazi asked, "And then?"    


Elder Xu paused for a moment, before continuing, "However, the current Star Academy does not have such a genius."    


Wu Yazi pointed to Chu Mo and said, "Isn't this little guy?"    


Elder Xu was startled for a moment, then said: "Although Chu Mo's talent is not bad, his strength is still lacking!"    


Wu Yazi asked, "Since when is the Star Cave related to strength? If I remember correctly, although there are restrictions on people entering Star Cave, it is only restricted to those entering air control. With Chu Mo's current strength, you're just qualified, right? "    


Elder Xu said, "Senior should know that Star Cave is not someone who can be entered just by saying so. In the previous history of the Star Academy, the tragedy that had never come out again after entering this place had happened as well. Therefore, in order to increase the odds of survival, Star Academy has already brought the threshold of Star Cave to the realm of Peak of Air Control.    


Wu Yazi shook his head and replied, "Although this old man has never entered the Star Cave before, I know a fellow who has. Back then, that fellow was the Star Cave that entered Air Control, and he walked out safely as usual. Since someone was able to do it in the past, it is the same now. "    


"But ?"    


Elder Xu seemed to want to say something.    


Wu Yazi raised his hand and cut him off, "You guys should know that this time, the one Chu Mo brought to Star Academy was the Martial Arts Mountain! Compared to the Martial Arts Mountain, the Star Cave was nothing, right? This old man knows that a large amount of resources must be used to open the Star Cave, but if Chu Mo is able to successfully pass through the Star Cave, then the Star Academy will have one more true peerless genius, and this will definitely be a good thing for the Star Academy! "    


Hearing that, Elder Xu had to admit that Wu Yazi's words were true.    


However, the opening of the Star Cave was of great importance, it was not something that the Elder Xu could decide alone.    


Therefore, he turned back and gathered with the remaining elders and began to discuss in a low voice once again.    


"Everyone, what do you say?"    


"The resources needed to open the Star Cave is too huge, and once used, the Star Academy will have to spend quite a few years!"    


"Indeed, the Star Cave is not something that can be opened easily. If I am unable to exchange for a true peerless genius, then I have completely been tricked."    


"It's just that Senior Wu Yazi seems to be very optimistic about Chu Mo!"    


"Maybe, it's really possible for Chu Mo to pass the Star Cave s!"    


"Do you believe that yourself? We are also aware of the dangers of the Star Cave. If even an expert from the Peak of Air Control can survive after entering, wouldn't Chu Mo just be sending himself to his death? "    


"But, we seem to have no other choice, after all, Chu Mo has brought back the Martial Arts Mountain for us!"    


"That's right, just based on Martial Arts Mountain's achievements, not to mention Star Cave, even if Chu Mo wanted the entire Star Academy's support, we would have to agree to it unconditionally, no?"    


Hearing everyone's discussion, Elder Xu was silent for a long time. After a while, he slowly spoke, "Actually, I think the suggestion that Senior Wu Yazi made was pretty good."    


After pausing for a moment, the Elder Xu slowly said, "As the current number one person in Star Academy, Chu Mo is even the only person to successfully ascend to the top of the Stellar Martial Mountain. Such strength and performance have long attracted our attention. Even without Senior Wu Yazi's suggestion, I think everyone believes that Chu Mo will definitely have the qualifications to enter the Star Cave in the future, don't they? "    


At this time, an elder said, "Even if you say so, that is still a matter for the future!"    


Elder Xu nodded his head, he did not deny this point and continued, "Everyone, the truth is that Chu Mo's strength had already been revealed without a doubt during the Star Academy's assessment. Now that he has advanced to air control, his power will definitely increase greatly. I think that he has the qualifications to enter Star Cave, and even more so, he has a very high chance of success in making it out. "    


Hearing this, the elders looked at each other in dismay. After hesitating for a moment, they nodded their heads one after another, finally reaching the same goal.    


Seeing this scene, Elder Xu heaved a sigh of relief. He turned around and said to Wu Yazi, "Senior, the Junior have discussed your suggestion before. They feel that Star Cave can be opened."    


Speaking to here, Elder Xu paused, then looked at Chu Mo and said: "However, before opening Star Cave, Junior cannot emphasize the degree of danger within Star Cave. "Kid, do you dare to enter this place that has a slim chance of survival?"    


Such an opportunity, how could Chu Mo let it pass? The only answer was one!    


You dare!?    


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