Dragon God

C21 Unexpected Visitor

C21 Unexpected Visitor

1Chu Qingya didn't know that her life was being manipulated once again. Furthermore, she was also one of her closest relatives.    2


Chu Qingya did not rest well the whole night. Even with the medicine, Chu Qingxue was in so much pain that she could not fall asleep in the middle of the night. Tears rolled down her cheeks.    


It wasn't until morning, when Chu Qingxue couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep, that she finally took a nap.    


Not long after she fell asleep, Chu Qingya was woken up by a servant.    


"A visitor?" Chu Qingya looked at the servant in confusion.    


The servant nodded, "Miss, he said his name is Tang Jianrui and is a good friend of Mr. Ye Fann. In addition, Mr. Tang is a military man, first colonel."    


Chu Qingya asked in surprise, "Soldiers?"    


Seeing that the servant had nodded, Chu Qingya thought for a moment before saying, "Bring him to the living room, I'll be right down."    


When Chu Qingya cleaned up quickly and came to the living room, Tang Jianrui couldn't wait any longer.    


"You must be sister-in-law." Tang Jianrui stood up with a smile.    


Chu Qingya's eyes lit up. Unlike Ye Fann's average looks, Tang Jianrui was bright and handsome. Moreover, he was middle-aged and calm, which gave people a good impression of him.    


However... Sister-in-law what the hell?    


"To make a long story short, I came this time because of Fan Zi's request." Tang Jianrui pointed at the item he brought.    


At this moment, Chu Qingya finally saw the items Tang Jianrui brought from the tea table in the living room, a simple box and a thick stack of documents.    


Fan Zi, Ye Fann?    


"These are the research materials and approval documents for the female tribulation." Tang Jianrui passed the documents to Chu Qingya.    


The research data of the Perception of Women, the approval document?    


Chu Qingya was stunned and subconsciously received the document. On top was indeed an approval document. The approval document had already been passed and could be sold.    


As for the research materials, Chu Qingya took a few glances. She was not a researcher, so she did not understand. However, she felt that it was not for nothing.    


"Sister-in-law, yesterday Fan Zi passed me the documents and specifically requested that I get the approval documents as soon as possible." As Tang Jianrui said this, he pointed to the ancient box, "I've brought the finished product. The research data provided by Fan Zi has been verified."    


Tang Jianrui sounded like he was taking credit. He had spent a lot of effort just to get the higher-ups to verify a cosmetics product in such a short period of time.    


"Finished product?" Chu Qingya's mind was in a mess.    


After putting the documents on the tea table, Chu Qingya sat down and looked at Tang Jianrui with an apologetic smile. "Mr. Tang, let me first sort it out. My mind is a bit muddled."    


"Fan Zi's way of doing things is brisk and straightforward. Sister-in-law, don't ruin his reputation." Tang Jianrui smiled and then opened the box.    


Inside were two bottles of ointment.    


"The white bottle on the left contains the Beauty's Tribulation and the red bottle on the right. Fan Zi didn't give me his name, but this bottle is something that I've found from the research on the Beauty's Tribulation. It has a miraculous effect on the recovery of scars."    


Then, Tang Jianrui said seriously, "Sister-in-law, not only did I come here with these things, I also have a request from the military. We don't care about women robbing, but we need to give priority to the military for another product.    


Chu Qingya was completely stupefied. She could only hear one sentence clearly: "Another kind of product has a miraculous effect on the recovery of scars."    


Subconsciously, Chu Qingya grabbed the bottle of ointment and unscrewed it before sniffing it.    


The next second, her face turned green.    


The pungent and unknown smell rushed to her head, and her originally dizzy state instantly became clear, to the point that she wanted to throw away the ointment in her hand.    


It was too smelly.    


Could this kind of ointment really help heal a scar?    


Tang Jianrui saw the hesitation in Chu Qingya's eyes. He thought for a moment, then took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Chu Qingya.    


"You?" Chu Qingya looked at the photo and then at the handsome Tang Jianrui in front of her. She couldn't believe that he was the same person.    


"After Fan Zi passed the information about the new product to me, he created two bottles of ointment in your hands, one of which was used on me. From the time I applied the ointment until now, it hasn't been twenty hours. To be more accurate, it hasn't been ten hours."    


Less than ten hours?    


Was this a miracle?    


Chu Qingya looked back and forth at the photo in her hand and the handsome guy in front of her. She couldn't believe that the person in the photo had turned into the person in front of her within ten hours.    


But the truth told her that such an impossible thing had happened.    


This meant that his little sister's appearance could be saved!    


Chu Qingya couldn't wait to use the ointment in her hand to save her sister, but due to her good upbringing, she suppressed the excitement in her heart.    


However, she soon discovered that something was amiss.    


In addition to her rushing to the Public Security Bureau, Hsu Jieyuan had told her that someone had suddenly reported and provided information about the snitch, as well as Ye Fann's sudden request to buy medicinal ingredients...    


Everything connected, there was only one truth.    


It meant that the traitor had been caught, Ye Fann had made his move!    


Thinking of this, Chu Qingya's nose turned sour and her eyes turned slightly hot.    


Obviously, after Ye Fann found out about Qingcheng's predicament, he openly rejected her on the surface, but in reality, he had already started to take action. That was why the case was solved in such a short period of time.    


But what did she do?    


They were old friends, and even when his sister touched the scar deep in his heart, she still thought herself aloof. She even complained that he had done something inappropriate when he went to collect his debts, leading to his kidnapping.    


Thinking about it, Ye Fann didn't lose anything from the beginning. Instead, she and her sister always used marriage as an excuse and wanted Ye Fann to help them.    


The more Chu Qingya thought about it, the hotter her face felt.    


"Sister-in-law, we hope that you can produce another kind of ointment as soon as possible. Be it for you or the military, this is extremely important!" Tang Jianrui warned again.    


The number of people with damaged faces in the military was at least 30,000. Including those who had retired, there were even more people. This group of people desperately needed drugs that would have a miraculous effect on their scars.    


"We will produce the drug in the shortest time possible." "Alright," Chu Qingya promised solemnly, her heart filled with joy.    


It wasn't just the military; there were many people in China who needed special medicines to treat their scars. Now that she had a prescription, as long as there was no mistake, Qingcheng would be able to become a heavyweight in a short amount of time.    


"That's good."    


Tang Jianrui smiled and nodded, then stood up, "Sister-in-law, I will say one more thing. The formula is very important, I hope you can control it well. If not, find Fan Zi as soon as possible. He can think of the best solution to everything."    


No matter what, was the best solution? Chu Qingya was lost in thought again.    


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