Treasure identifying Golden Finger

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C260 Tracing Home

2Seeing Faang Cheng's shocked expression and his lower jaw, Ye Lei smiled slightly, turned his wheelchair and moved towards Faang Cheng!     3


"I finally found someone who can cure my legs, I can't let you escape! Didn't you say last time that my legs needed more gas? "Then I'll have to follow you closely. What if I don't find you one day? What will I do with my leg then?"    


Hearing Ye Lei's words, Faang Cheng, who had finally recovered from his shock, smiled.    


"I'm afraid it's not that simple. In fact, Old Master Ye was afraid that I would go back on my word and sent you here to ask for that Seven Color Jadeite! He's always thought of that Seven Color Jadeite in his heart. If he doesn't get it by the end of the day, all he has to do is wait for it to come to fruition! "    


"Mm …" Both of these aspects! Of course, my legs are the most important thing, the Seven Color Jadeite is just here to pick them up by the way! "    


What Ye Lei said was true, in the eyes of the Old Master Ye, no matter what treasure it was, it could not compare to his grandson's healthy pair of legs.    


"I understand. Let's go to my room. I'll help you vent your anger one more time!"    


Faang Cheng said as he walked into the house. Upon entering the house, the entire family surrounded him.    


"Cheng, you're back!"    


Lian Yuerong said happily when she saw her son.    


"Mom, are you alright?"    


"Good, what's wrong with that? Eat well, sleep well, everything is fine!"    


"Cheng, your granny thought that you wouldn't be able to come back before New Year's!"    


Grandma Huang Qizhen said with a kind smile.    


"Grandmother, how could I not come back for the new year?"    


"Little big brother, did you bring me any presents?"    


Within a certain radius, they immediately asked Faang Cheng for his gifts, but were scolded back by his aunt.    


"Hurry up and go study. How can you ask for a gift like this? You are getting more and more rude!" It's both of you! You've all spoiled her! "    


Aunt pointed at Faang Cheng and scolded him in a joking manner.    


"My younger sister, I'm willing to give up …"    


He scratched his head with a smile and said,    


Faang Cheng, these two have something to talk to you about, looks like you two have already met!    


His uncle pointed at Ye Lei and said to Faang Cheng.    


"Oh, yes, these two are my friends, this is Ye Lei, this is Xu Yinan, they are both noble guests from the capital!"    


Faang Cheng introduced his own family, but after hearing his introduction, Xu Yinan anxiously corrected him.    


"What important guest? We are all Faang Cheng's friends. Hello Grandmother, Uncle, and Auntie!"    


"Alright, alright, since you're here, you will be my guest. You take a seat first, auntie will cut some fruits for you. Right, have you eaten dinner yet?" "Auntie, can I make some food for you …"    


Lian Yuerong enthusiastically greeted Ye Lei and Xu Yinan.    


"No need, Auntie, we've already eaten!"    


Ye Lei hurriedly said politely.    


"Mom, we're not eating anything, so don't be busy! We still have some matters to discuss in my room, so we'll be going up first! "    


After greeting everyone, Faang Cheng and Xu Yinan then carried Ye Lei to Faang Cheng's room on the second floor!    


"Third Brother, has there been any change to your leg in the last two days?"    


Faang Cheng asked as he entered the door.    


"Yes, yes!"    


Ye Lei was extremely excited when he mentioned his own legs. He used both of his hands to hold onto the handle of the wheelchair, and then, using his strength, he was actually able to stand up halfway. He showed an excited expression to Faang Cheng, as if he already possessed the entire world.    


"Your reaction was much faster than I expected. It seems... You may not need as long as I say to get up! "    


Faang Cheng was also surprised at Ye Lei's recovery speed. His ability to use spiritual energy was gradually becoming more proficient, and … He could feel that the Double-winged Divine Beast's spirit energy was purer and richer than the spirit energy he had absorbed from other objects. This was probably one of the reasons why Ye Lei's leg was recovering so quickly!    




Ye Lei asked in surprise.    




Faang Cheng nodded. He looked at Ye Lei's legs and slowly raised both his hands.    


"Third Brother, everything is ready. I will begin!"    


The spirit energy within Faang Cheng's body slowly rose, and enveloped both him and Ye Lei tightly within it. Ye Lei instantly felt as if he was enveloped by a warm air, and his entire body felt indescribably comfortable. Faang Cheng thought to himself, at this rate, it seemed that Ye Lei would be able to completely stand up in a few days!    


called Xu Yinan who was waiting outside the door to come in.    


"It ended so quickly?"    


Xu Yinan felt that it would only take a few minutes for them to finish.    


"Only the first time when I tried to break through my blocked or ruptured meridian would take a bit more time and effort. After that, the repair would be very simple!"    


Faang Cheng said as he packed up his backpack. Just as he took out the box containing the Double-winged Divine Beast, he heard a "Eh" from Ye Lei, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes as he looked at the box.    


"What's wrong?"    


Faang Cheng looked at Ye Lei in confusion, then looked at the box containing the Divine Beast.    


"Third Brother knows this item?"    


"Is that the Golden and Silver False Double-winged Divine Beast from the Liao Dynasty?"    


Ye Lei looked up at Faang Cheng.    


"How did Third Brother know? This is indeed a Liao Dynasty wrong Golden and Silver Double-winged Divine Beast, could it be that Third Brother has seen it before? "    


Faang Cheng opened the box hastily and took out the Double-winged Divine Beast that he liked so much. He handed it over to Ye Lei.    


"This …"    


Ye Lei carefully looked at it, his expression becoming somewhat subtle, but before he could say anything, Xu Yinan who was standing by the side spoke.    


"Hey, Sanshi, why does this Double-winged Divine Beast look so similar to the one you gave Little Di?"    


"It's either a statue or that one!"    


Ye Lei said that he would never recognize his own things wrong.    


"This Divine Beast... is it you, Third Brother? "    


This time, it was Faang Cheng's turn to be confused. He looked at the Double-winged Divine Beast in his hands with a face filled with bewilderment.    


"Faang Cheng, where did you get this Double-winged Divine Beast?"    


Ye Lei asked straightforwardly.    


"This is the gift I gave to a child when I helped him diagnose his illness and then when his father knew that I was an antique maker, he gave it to me. This item is indeed a bit expensive, but the other party gave it to me with a sincere heart as a thank you gift to save their son, so I accepted it …"    


Faang Cheng spoke the truth.    


"Diagnosis? Could it be … Faang Cheng, the child you treated is called Shi Wendi? "    


"Third Brother knows Wendi?"    


Faang Cheng was even more surprised now.    


"It's really him! Wendi is my nephew, he is my cousin's child! This Double-winged Divine Beast is my gift to Wendi on her tenth birthday! "    


Faang Cheng was shocked and speechless after hearing what Ye Lei said. This rich and powerful family was different, did they need to give such a precious thing as a birthday present to children?    


"That means... Big Brother Shi is your cousin! "    


"That's right! Look at us … I heard from my cousin that an otherworldly expert saved Wendi, and I was even disdainful at that time.    


Ye Lei laughed as he shook his head.    


"Then this Double-winged Divine Beast …"    


Faang Cheng looked at the item in his hand with some hesitation. He was truly reluctant to return the item to its original owner! Seeing that Faang Cheng seemed to have thought of something, Ye Lei quickly spoke up.    


"Since I should gift this item to you, it has nothing to do with me! I don't care much about whether its owner wants to sell it or give it away. Since Cousin gave it to you, it means that he is truly grateful to you for saving Wendi! "    


Hearing Ye Lei's words, Faang Cheng's heart could not help but relax. To him, this Divine Beast was not even worth money, its value was something that ordinary people could not display! The Spiritual Qi Source could only be of value to Faang Cheng when it was in his hands!    


As Faang Cheng was thinking, he heard Ye Lei continuing to speak.    


"The Double-winged Divine Beast, it is said that the Wind God 'Fei Lian' left it by his side to suppress and exorcise the Evil Spirit, and it was later used as a substitute by the Wind God! After that, people used its image to make it look beautiful, making it look like an artifact and placing it at home to guard against evil and to keep it safe. It's a very good symbol! "    


"So it is just a substitute for the Wind God …"    


Faang Cheng earnestly listened as Ye Lei narrated the story of the Double-winged Divine Beast. So the Double-winged Divine Beast was actually an Divine Beast that was auxiliary by Fei Lian's side, a god that was able to be assisted by a Double-winged Divine Beast … What does it look like?    


"Not long after the Double-winged Divine Beast was sent out, something happened to me! They all said that it was because I sent the Divine Beast away that the danger had come looking for me! But now, it seems like even though this Double-winged Divine Beast was sent away by me, it still protected me because it had brought you before me! "    


Hearing Ye Lei's words, the absent-minded Faang Cheng suddenly froze. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He tried to think of a reasonable clue in his mind.    


"Third Brother, do you remember before and after the accident … Is there anything unusual happening around you? For example, if you were robbed... Or his home was stolen! "    


"How do you know?" I remember that half a month before the accident, my grandpa's house was robbed, but nothing was lost, and the thief was caught! "    


Ye Lei was extremely shocked, how did Faang Cheng know about his own family's matter, the gaze he looked at Faang Cheng with, became more profound.    


"I don't know. I was just guessing, because I met a 'thief' a few days ago. I also didn't lose anything! Furthermore … I've found out what their goal is! "    


Faang Cheng's gaze fell on the Double-winged Divine Beast in his hands.    


"You mean, their goal is … Was it this Divine Beast? "Then your meaning is …"    


Ye Lei opened his eyes wide, and looked at Faang Cheng in disbelief.    


"Yes, I suspect … Your car accident … It's not an accident! "    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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