Supreme Master In City

C426 Dare to be the World's First

C426 Dare to be the World's First



A thunderous sound that shook the heavens and the earth was heard. The falling Jade Box had yet to completely close when a portion of the lightning shot through the crack and into the stone door inside the Jade Box.    




After a moment of silence, the Jade Box suddenly produced a loud sound that sounded like a tsunami. In an instant, a huge wind blew and waves rolled. The sky darkened and the earth darkened. It was as if there was something extremely terrifying that was about to break out of the door.    


"Karala!" The heavy stone door was forcefully pushed open, and an extremely majestic Yin Qi poured out like a torrential flood.    


Under such a terrifying Qi, even Hong Wennzhong, who was an expert in martial arts, was like a duckweed that couldn't even withstand a single blow.    


In the blink of an eye, the vast Yin energy dispersed all the lightning in the sky.    


It was only at this moment that the Jade Box finally closed and fell into the lake with a gudong sound.    


Loong Wei let out a long breath.    


Hong Wennzhong's face was ashen. He didn't think that Loong Wei would still succeed.    


But very quickly, Hong Wennzhong rushed towards the lake where the Jade Box had fallen.    


This Jade Box was able to withstand even the heavenly lightning. This showed that it was a treasure passed down from the world. Furthermore, the instant the Jade Box was struck by the heavenly lightning, an extremely powerful divine might erupted from it, causing Hong Wennzhong to salivate.    


Since he couldn't obtain the Python, it wasn't bad to obtain this Jade Box.    


"Hiss!" Although Loong Wei could tell what Hong Wennzhong was thinking, he had expended too much of his inner energy at the moment. He could no longer stop the frenzied Hong Wennzhong.    


However, right at this moment, the dying black python suddenly opened its eyes wide. Two terrifying rays of light shot out from its eyes. It roared furiously at Hong Wennzhong who was charging towards it. "Awoo!"    


An angry roar. At first, it sounded no different from before, but gradually, the angry roar turned into a heaven-shaking dragon roar.    


The body of the python started to produce dragon Qi. It bent its body and lunged at Hong Wennzhong.    


Hong Wennzhong's heart tightened, and his face turned pale with fright. At this moment, he finally realized that this black python had successfully transformed into a Flood Dragon. If that was the case, the flood dragon was in the sky!    


Let alone a mere Hong Wennzhong, even if Duanmu Kang and Zhuge Jing were to join forces, they would definitely not be a match for this flood dragon.    


The serpent transformed into a Flood Dragon, just like a mortal turning into an immortal, extraordinary and extraordinary.    


"Not good!" Seeing the flood dragon coming at him, Hong Wennzhong didn't dare to show any neglect. He quickly turned around and retreated.    


Even Duanmu Kang, zhuge Jing, and the others who were in the middle of the battle quickly shook off Jin Tai and Lei Xianming and fled.    


Previously, they wanted to subdue the black python, but later, they stopped Loong Wei from saving it. Now that the black python had turned into a flood dragon, it must have come with revenge. If they didn't leave now, when would they?    


Jin Tai and Lei Xianming coldly snorted and didn't chase after it. The two of them turned around and looked at the center of the lake not far away.    


At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed. The sound of thunder gradually faded, and a clear radiance that contained the power of life sprinkled down.    


The Python was bathed in that clear radiance, and the wounds on the python's body had actually miraculously healed.    


The broken scales had withered one after another, and what replaced them was a brand new flesh and scales.    


Very quickly, the Python in front of him had completely transformed into a completely new appearance.    


It had horns on its head and four claws on its abdomen. Its entire body was streamlined and beautiful. At this moment, it was no longer a python, but a Flood Dragon!    


"Roar!" Along with the Flood Dragon's roar that shook the heaven and earth, even experts like Jin Tai and Lei Xianming felt uneasy. The inner energy in their Dantian was almost dispersed.    


"Swish!" Immediately after that, the dragon in the center of the lake flew up into the sky. It circled in the air for a while and then swam towards Loong Wei.    


The Flood Dragon's head faced Loong Wei and slightly opened its mouth. There was something in the Flood Dragon's mouth.    


It was the Jade Box that Loong Wei had left behind.    


Loong Wei received the Jade Box.    


However, the Flood Dragon did not leave. Instead, it spat out a cloud of dense Qi towards Loong Wei and wrapped him up.    


The Qi in the cloud of Qi was vast and mighty, and it was almost as effective as a spiritual herb.    


It was obvious that this Flood Dragon could tell that Loong Wei was injured, and this Qi could be considered as Loong Wei's thanks for helping him transcend his tribulation.    


Loong Wei urgently needed the spiritual energy to heal his injuries. He smiled and accepted it.    


"Roar!" Seeing that Loong Wei was absorbing the spiritual energy, the Flood Dragon once again let out a world-shaking dragon roar. Its huge body started to circle in the sky, and soon, it disappeared from everyone's sight.    


Loong Wei slowly landed on the ground, turned around and walked towards Shen Hong who was not far away from him. Loong Wei had never thought that he would lend a helping hand at this critical moment.    


"Thank you." Loong Wei cupped his fists.    


"It was nothing." Shen Hong also cupped his fist and returned the greeting.    


Loong Wei nodded and said, "Although I owe you a favor for this matter, I still want to ask for something from you." As he spoke, Loong Wei took out a Remnants Drawing, "I heard that you have such a Remnants Drawing in your hand?"    


Seven Remnants Drawing, not only was it related to Big Brother Loong Hwa, it was also related to the fate of China. This kind of thing absolutely could not fall into the hands of someone with ill intentions.    


Especially the Infinite Sect, an extremely ambitious organization. No one knew what they were trying to do by gathering all the Remnants Drawing. However, they were plotting something big, so they had to be prepared for it.    


"That's right." Shen Hong smiled, as if he had already guessed that Loong Wei would ask him for the Remnants Drawing, "But let me remind you, the seven Remnants Drawing are ferocious creatures. Once they are gathered together, it will definitely cause a catastrophe. I advise you to think about it carefully."    


"A catastrophe?" Loong Wei was slightly startled. Back then, Shen Hong's father, Shen Tairann, had said the same thing to Loong Wei.    


"Yes." Shen Hong nodded slightly, "But I don't know exactly what will happen. If you want to find out what will happen, you can go and find Sect Master Yun!"    


"Yun Yuteng?" Loong Wei's eyes sparkled. As the Sect Master of Infinite Sect, Yun Yuteng had always been mysterious and unpredictable. Not to mention finding him, he had only heard a few things about him, which made many people wonder if this man really existed.    


"Where is he?" Loong Wei asked in a cold voice.    


Shen Hong shook his head sadly. "I don't know about that either. The old Sect Chief is still missing. Even I don't know where he is, but he will appear when he wants to see you."    


Loong Wei nodded. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to find Yun Yuteng in a short period of time. He then said to Shen Hong, "The Remnants Drawing is of utmost importance to me. I hope you can give me the Remnants Drawing in your hand."    


This was related to the truth of Loong Family's annihilation. No matter what, Loong Wei couldn't let these Remnants Drawing fall into someone else's hands.    


"Loong Wei, let me ask you one thing. If these Remnants Drawing attract a great calamity, how will you deal with it?" Shen Hong didn't hand over the Remnants Drawing directly, but asked with a serious tone.    


Loong Wei's face turned stern and said, "I, Loong Wei, will bear all the consequences. I won't hesitate to sacrifice my life!"    


Shen Hong stared at Loong Wei with a pair of cold eyes. After a while, he let out a long sigh. "Alright."    


After that, Shen Hong handed over the Remnants Drawing and said with emotion, "You will know that your life is not worth mentioning when you are in danger."    


"However, it is better for the Remnants Drawing to fall into your hands than to fall into someone else's hands. At least, you still have the heart of good and evil."    


As he spoke, Shen Hong had already strode towards the shore. After a moment, he disappeared without a trace.    


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