Supreme Master In City

C450 Regenerative Pill

C450 Regenerative Pill

1Cai Die fell into a dilemma after being threatened by Xue Qing. She pondered for a while and then firmly shook her head: "I'm sorry, xue Qing."    3


"You!" Xue Qing would never have thought that her best friend, who had been with her for so many years, would be willing to cut ties with her rather than leaving Loong Wei.    


She really didn't know what kind of ecstasy this man had given Cai Die!    


Loong Wei really did not expect these two little girls to be so noisy because of him. He turned around and said to Cai Die, "Let's go in."    


Loong Wei came this time to see what the so-called magic weapon was. He didn't think of fighting with anyone.    


"Alright." Cai Die nodded her head and followed Loong Wei into the auction hall.    


"Hmph!" Lu Yuan and the others' faces turned ashen.    


Everyone knew that Lu Yuan liked Cai Die, but how did this Loong Wei come out of nowhere? But now, cai Die didn't care about Lu Yuan at all. Instead, she was very close to Loong Wei.    


"Let's go in as well." Lu Yuan took the lead and walked at the front. When he saw Loong Wei and Cai Die holding hands in front of him, his anger skyrocketed.    


The cruise ship auction was held once every three years, and it was a grand occasion every time.    


The auction was very grand, and the decorations were luxurious. Sure enough, it was a paradise on earth.    


When Loong Wei entered, there were already many people sitting in the hall, waiting for the auction to begin.    


Loong Wei and Cai Die found two inconspicuous seats and sat down.    


Very quickly, Lu Yuan and the others also walked into the auction hall and sat down not far away from Loong Wei.    


They whispered to each other, and one of them asked, "Lu Yuan, will Xu Jiangxing arrive at today's auction?"    


The other few people also looked at Lu Yuan with longing. "That's right. Master Hsu Jun is a big shot in our Peace City. He has been awe-inspiring and has always been my idol!"    


"Today, this princess ship is parked at the pier of An Ping City. Lord Xu, there is no reason for you not to come, right?"    


Lu Yuan shook his head slightly. "I don't know. I heard that Xu Jiangxing has offended a very important person and has taken refuge in the city."    


"What!" When everyone heard this, they were all shocked. "Is this true? Even in the entire Qianyuan Country, there were only a few people who could suppress Hsu Jun. Who was so powerful that he could scare Xu Jiangxing away? "    


Hsu Jun was the General of Peace and was responsible for guarding the land. How could he abandon the city and run away?    


Lu Yuan smacked his lips and replied, "I don't know about that either. It's just a rumor."    


Ten minutes later, the auction officially began.    


A well-ironed Auctioneer walked onto the stage. After a simple opening speech, the auction officially started.    


A beautiful woman wearing a brocade qipao walked forward with a wooden tray in hand. On the tray was a sandalwood box. When the lid of the box was opened, there was a brown pill inside.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, the first item on auction today is a medicinal pill with a magical effect. If you want to talk about how magical this medicinal pill is, you will definitely be excited when you find out about its effects!"    


Auctioneer smiled mysteriously and kept them in suspense.    


The people in the hall were all confused and discussed animatedly.    


"Isn't that just a pill? What's so new about it?"    


"Could it be a magic tool that has been popular for a long time? Why did it come out so quickly?"    


"Impossible. Magical artifacts, that type of mysterious object, will definitely appear in the grand finale. Why would it be the first to be taken out?"    


The discussions gradually dispersed. Everyone looked at Auctioneer who was standing on the stage with eager eyes. "Don't be so muddle-headed. Hurry up and tell us what this is. Let alone the Longevity Pill, we won't believe it!"    


"Hua!" Everyone in the hall burst into laughter.    


Auctioneer saw that the atmosphere was getting more and more lively, and knew that everyone's emotions had almost been stirred up. He then smiled and said, "That mister just now said that if there really is a Longevity Pill in this world, will Qin Shihuang still die?"    


"I won't hide it from you all. Although this pill can't grant one immortality, it can regrow one's flesh and regrow one's limbs. It is called the Resurrection Pill!"    


Auctioneer's words were simply frightening to the extreme!    


"Boom!" The entire hall was in an uproar. Everyone looked at the brown pill with excitement on their faces.    


Even Loong Wei's heart was stirred. A broken limb being regenerated. This was too miraculous.    


If this pill really had such a miraculous effect, wouldn't Lee Hann's broken arm regrow?    


Loong Wei had once promised that he would definitely help Lee Hann regrow his broken arm.    


However, how could it be so easy to regrow a broken arm? Unless a Great Luo Golden Immortal descended to the world.    


If this pill really had such a miraculous effect, Loong Wei would take it no matter what.    


When everyone saw Auctioneer's miraculous words, they couldn't believe it. "It's as if you're telling the truth. How can you prove its medicinal effect? What if you lie to me?"    


"That's right, how are you going to prove it?!"    


The auctioneer smiled and said. "This gentleman's doubts are very reasonable. How about this, let's do an experiment "    


After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and two people immediately carried up an iron cage. Inside the cage was a little white mouse.    


Auctioneer picked up the little white mouse and instantly cut off one of its legs with a blade in his hand. The little white mouse squeaked and then bled profusely.    


Next to him, Auctioneer took out a small transparent bottle and introduced it, "This is the powder from the Rebirth Pill."    


After saying that, he directly poured all the powder into the mouse's mouth.    


The mouse that was struggling gradually calmed down as time passed and slowly fell asleep.    


Five minutes later, abnormal movements began to appear on their broken legs.    


"Look, something seems to be wriggling on Mouse Bai's legs!"    


"It seems like new flesh has grown out!"    


"My God, it can actually regenerate broken limbs!"    


In an instant, the entire auction hall was filled with thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time.    


After another five minutes, the rat's broken leg had completely grown back. It was almost the same as the broken leg from before, but the new leg seemed to be quite young.    


"This is amazing. This pill can even regenerate broken limbs. It's amazing!" Everyone was in a state of confusion. They all wanted to have this pill that contained infinite regenerative power.    


Although not everyone needed this medicinal pill, if they could buy this medicinal pill and reverse the formula within, they would be able to mass produce it to treat tens of millions of dismembered people in the world.    


The value of this industry was simply inestimable.    


Seeing that everyone was almost done talking, Auctioneer slowly opened his mouth. "Looks like everyone has already believed in the miraculous effects of this pill. Now, the starting bid of the Regenerative Pill is one billion. Each increment must be no less than 50 million!"    


Hearing the starting bid of the pill, many people who were eager to give it a try were instantly discouraged.    


Although the medicinal effect of this medicinal pill was miraculous, the base price of one billion could possibly increase the transaction price by four or five times. This kind of sky high price was not something that anyone could afford.    


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