I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C96 On the Eve of Opening

C96 On the Eve of Opening

3On December 7th, Ye Feng rushed back to the Tianhai Sea.    


Because number eight was the opening date for the four branch stores in Shanwan, Ye Feng summoned the heads of the branch stores to have a meeting with them in Tianhai.    


At 6 pm, when Ye Feng arrived at the small conference room of Tianhai Shop, all the store managers had already arrived.    


When Ye Feng entered, everyone hurriedly stood up to greet him.    


"Hello, Director Ye!"    


"Hello, Director Ye, Director Duan!"    


Duan Pengfei followed behind Ye Feng and introduced each of them to him. "This is Shantou Branch Manager, Zhou Yang."    


"This is the South River branch manager, Guo Qun."    


"The branch manager, Wu Xiaoguang."    


These three shop managers were all invited by Duan Pengfei. At that time, Ye Feng had already gone to Grand Dominance City and had only communicated with them on the phone. He hadn't met them yet.    


Ye Feng and the others nodded and smiled when they heard Duan Peng Fei's introduction.    


"And this Director Ye should have seen him before, the Tong Yang branch store manager, Yang Smin."    


Ye Feng nodded at Yang Smin, and joked, "Manager Yang was personally hired by me, and is also the only female storekeeper in Yuanfeng, I can't forget even if I wanted to."    


Yang Shimin was only in her early thirties this year. When she heard Ye Feng speak about her, she immediately bowed to express her gratitude.    


Ye Feng responded with a smile, then greeted Shen Mengyan, Zhang Jiadan, and the other Elders of Tianhai Shop.    


After greeting everyone, Ye Feng smiled and said, "Take a seat, no need to be so formal."    


When everyone was seated, Ye Feng said, "Today, the people sitting here are all the pillars of the distant wind. "Although it's the first time that some of the shop chiefs have met, but since Director Duan views you with such importance, it means that you have the ability to qualify for this position."    


Duan Pengfei hurriedly stood up and said, "Thank you for your trust in me, Director Ye."    


Ye Feng smiled and said, "Sit down. For Yuanfeng to have this day, Director Duan must have put in a lot of effort. Without Boss Duan's hard work, Yuanfeng would not have had today's achievements."    


Being praised by Ye Feng in public, Duan Pengfei hurriedly replied modestly, then sat down and remained silent.    


Following that, Ye Feng simply exchanged a few words with the crowd and then began to talk about the main topic at hand.    


The main purpose of this meeting was for the opening ceremony tomorrow. Ye Feng had the several shop managers report about the preparations before the opening and whether they had encountered any problems.    


When it was Yang Smin's turn, she said, "Boss Ye, most of the employees of Tong Yang's restaurant are new. Can we borrow a few experienced employees from Tianhai to help guide them?"    


That was the only thing that should be said. After she finished speaking, Ye Feng said, "That is what I want to say, tomorrow we will go to the South River to take charge. Shen Mengyan will bring the two of them to the Tong Yang to help. Manager Zhang will go up the stage …"    


These were all elders who had experienced the grand opening of the Sky Sea. Only with them watching Ye Feng could they be at ease.    


The people whose names were mentioned by Ye Feng all nodded. Especially Zhang Jiadan, whose face lit up with happiness.    


For her to be sent to guard the area showed that Director Ye still trusted her.    


Zhang Jiadan was a true veteran. Back when Far Wind Shopping was still at Jade Sky International, she was the business manager here. At the same time, she was also Chen Yurou's colleague.    


After Bi Tian International was taken over by Ye Feng, because she did not have enough manpower, a batch of Elders stayed behind. Amongst them was Zhang Jiadan, and of course, this was also Chen Yu Rou's suggestion to Ye Feng to keep her.    


Initially, Zhang Jiadan thought that since he was from the previous boss Wu Tian, it was impossible for him to be highly valued by Ye Feng.    


Zhang Jiadan was overjoyed as he did not expect Director Ye to call out his name and even stand beside Duan Pengfei and Shen Mengyan. It seemed that he was quite competitive.    


Ye Feng didn't care about what Zhang Jiadan was thinking, he continued to arrange things for him. "I'll go to Shanwan tomorrow, I'll leave the other shops to you guys. You have to be absolutely safe."    


"Yes sir!"    


"I guarantee that nothing will go wrong!"    


When everyone was done with their expressions, Ye Feng looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, you guys still need to get busy tomorrow. You can go now."    


Today, his main purpose of calling for a meeting was to identify the owner, so that he wouldn't have to know the manager when the store opened.    


Moreover, it was also to observe the abilities of the crowd. Although a few simple words could not be read, but Ye Feng had a rough idea of what was going on.    


Although he trusted Duan Pengfei, he couldn't let him decide all of it. Sometimes releasing authority to be ruthless was instead a bad thing.    


When the others stood up and prepared to leave, Ye Feng suddenly said, "Manager Shen, please stay for a moment."    


Shen Mengyan was stunned for a moment, but still sat down and did not ask.    


Before Zhang Jiadan left, he cast a glance at Shen Mengyan and thought to himself, "Don't tell me Boss Ye is going to appoint a manager? What should I do?"    


Zhang Jiadan reluctantly followed the crowd out of the meeting room.    


After the rest had left, only Shen Mengyan and Ye Feng were left in the meeting room.    


After Shen Mengyan was left alone, she had been paying attention to Ye Feng's expression. Seeing Ye Feng frowning and thinking deeply, she hesitated a few times and then started to panic.    


After waiting for a while, seeing that Ye Feng still did not make a sound, Shen Mengyan carefully asked: "Director Ye, do you have something to tell me?"    


Ye Feng recovered from his thoughts and saw that Shen Mengyan was a little nervous. He smiled and said: "I heard from Director Duan that you managed Tianhai very well, and your performance has been rising. I am very happy."    


"Director Ye, you're too kind. This is what I should do." Shen Mengyan nodded her head humbly.    


Ye Feng asked, "I heard you have a boyfriend?"    


"This …" Shen Mengyan was panicking inside.    


She still remembered when she was working as Ye Feng's secretary, Ye Feng had told her that in the recent years, it was best not to fall in love, because in the future, the company would get more and more busy, so she did not want to be distracted by matters related to love. For this reason, Ye Feng had given her a salary increase just so that she could fully devote herself to her work.    


But now …    


Shen Mengyan uneasily nodded her head and said, "Director Ye, I am in love, I … …"    


Ye Feng did not wait for her to explain, he waved his hand and said, "Don't be nervous, love between a man and a woman is human nature, I am not unreasonable to this extent. I just want to ask, what does your boyfriend do? "    


Shen Mengyan said, "He is the fleet manager at Tianhai Airport and is responsible for the management of the airport fleet. He is considered a middle-ranking leader and has good salary and family background, but he has recently had some conflicts with his boss and is planning to resign and work alone."    


Ye Feng nodded, and then asked: "Can you tell me, what conflict did he have with his superior?"    


Shen Mengyan said: "The airport fleet is managed by the airport management department, and the director of the management department is the boss of my boyfriend. Last month, the airport had to airlift a shipment of goods. At that time, the customer had found the section chief, who was said to have had a nasty appearance and had eaten a large kickback. That customer felt uncomfortable. When shipping goods, he would make things difficult for the driver of the team. My boyfriend saw his subordinates suffering, and because he couldn't bear to see the Division Chief receive a kickback, he went to find the Division Chief for a theory. "Because of this matter, the Division Chief put on small shoes for my boyfriend and even called him out during a meeting in the department …"    


"Yes." Hearing this, Ye Feng casually said, "It seems that your boyfriend is a very upright person."    


Shen Mengyan shyly said: "It's because he is too upright that I always suffer a loss. But I also have my eyes on him."    


"Yeah, following an upright man means having a sense of security." Ye Feng laughed.    


After a pause, Ye Feng said, "I recently bought a logistics company in Guangcheng, you know?"    


Shen Mengyan did not know why Ye Feng was asking about this, so she subconsciously nodded.    


Ye Feng said, "Since your boyfriend can't continue working at the airport and has the experience of managing cars, why don't we let him come to Yuanfeng? The logistics company just happens to be lacking a fleet manager."    


"This …"    


"Of course, this is not something you can just say. I still need to see him. In two days, when I return from Shanwan Bay, bring your boyfriend to meet me."    


"Yes, Director Ye."    


Shen Mengyan nodded her head in agreement, unable to hide the gratitude on her face.    


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