I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C61 Waiting for a Witness

C61 Waiting for a Witness

3A few days later, Ye Liangsong committed suicide in prison.    


He twisted the sheets into a rope and hung them from the ceiling beams of the cell.    


However, no one could criticize him for what he did.    


Compared to the Ye Family's methods, perhaps this choice of his was the smartest.    


Of course, this was something that would happen in the future. It would only happen a few days later.    


Today, the trial continued.    


"… …"    


The judge adjourned the trial for 10 minutes after Ye was taken to court.    


Ten minutes later, the judge returned, but he was not alone. Beside him, there was another judge.    


This was an unfamiliar face. Those who came to attend the hearing were very familiar with the old judge who liked to knock the table. He was the oldest person in Grand City's judicial system.    


And now, the one sitting with him looked unfamiliar.    


However, Ye Feng had seen this person before, Chen Yurou had seen him, and Duan Pengfei had also seen him.    


This man was the judge who had tried the Wang family case in Tianhai — he was a member of the mid-level People's Court of Tianhai City.    


The problem was, he was a judge of Tianhai City.    


Ye Feng knew, Chen Yu Rou knew, and Duan Pengfei also knew.    


Zhao Hongyang did not know.    


However, he had a faint premonition.    




As usual, the old judge knocked on the table, and with a loud and clear voice that did not match his age, he said, "Now, the case of the defendant, Zhao Hongyang, harbouring the prisoner Wang Kai, shall begin the trial!"    


Zhao Hongyang's heart shivered, he turned his head to look at Ye Feng.    


He had witnessed the entire process of the previous trial. He was shocked, or rather, frightened.    


To be honest, before the trial, he had been as confident as Ye Liusong. He had even helped Ye Liusong obtain financial institutions through his family's connections.    


But in the end, he discovered that everything was a dream.    


He realized that the clever Ye Zong in his eyes, compared to Ye Feng … Like a baby whose brain hasn't fully developed yet.    


He had underestimated his opponent.    


It wasn't just him, but also Ye Liangsong.    


If Duan Pengfei hadn't made the wrong contract that day, if Duan Pengfei hadn't stood on Ye Feng's side, then the one who would have been imprisoned today wouldn't have been Ye Congsong, it would have been Ye Feng.    


However, Ye Chusong never would have thought that the loyal Duan Pengfei would betray the Ye Family and come to his side after only interacting with Ye Feng for such a short period of time.    


It was precisely because of this that he trusted her. It was precisely because of this that he didn't carefully look at the contract.    


Underestimating the enemy was the main culprit.    


Now, Ye Zong had fallen.    


As for himself?    


Would he end up in the same situation?    


No, no. On this point, Zhao Hongyang was still confident.    


Nobody knew that he had such a house in his own mansion in Litchi County, not even his family.    


This matter was intrinsically different from the case of Ye Liusong. In the last trial, Ye Feng had been in the dark, Ye Liangsong had been in the light, and Ye Feng was the one who knew about this. Ye Liusong had been kept in the dark.    


And for the matter of hiding Wang Kai, he was in the dark, while Ye Feng was in the light. He would never know where Wang Kai was, nor would he know that he had hidden him.    


Thinking of this, Zhao Hongyang's heart slightly calmed down.    


He judged that Ye Feng had merely given him a warning to scare him.    


As his confidence skyrocketed, Zhao Hongyang felt that in truth, in the last case, Ye Feng was just lucky.    


What if Duan Peng Fei's contract was correct?    


If he was right, Ye Feng might not have used this mistake to guess that someone was going to plot against him.    


If the shares were his, he couldn't possibly gift them to Duan Peng Fei for no reason, right? In that case, wouldn't all of Ye Liangsong's plans work?    


So, it was only because of luck that Ye Feng managed to escape death.    


Mm, an opponent relying on luck isn't that scary.    


Zhao Hongyang hinted to himself in his heart.    


It had been more than ten minutes since the judge had announced the start of the second trial, but when he had finished, there was no movement.    


In the presiding judge's panel, two judges were chatting with their heads down. On the jury next to them, some of them were looking through their documents while others were playing on their cell phones.    


As for the plaintiff, it was unknown when Chen Yurou had sat beside Ye Feng, but the two of them were whispering to each other and laughing from time to time …    


Zhao Hongyang felt the weird atmosphere, he raised his head and asked, "Your Honor, why didn't you start the hearing?"    


The judge looked at him and said, "Waiting for an important witness."    


"Witness?" When Zhao Hongyang heard this phrase, his heart inexplicably jumped.    


Five minutes later, a bailiff came in and whispered something to the judge. The judge nodded and looked down.    


Very soon, in the witness tunnel, the person with an unremarkable appearance, average stature, and the width of the road that hid power within the muscles walked up to the witness stand with large strides.    


Upon seeing this person, Zhao Hongyang was slightly taken aback.    


He didn't know the man. He didn't know what he could prove, as a witness.    


Before the judge's question, Ye Feng had finally stopped joking with Chen Yurou and turned to Zhao Hongyang, "Director Zhao, I'll give you a hint. The last time you met me, after we left the Sky Sea, where did you go? "    


"Where can I go? I …" Zhao Hongyang suddenly opened his eyes wide.    


He extended his hand and pointed at Ye Feng, trembling: "You, you sent someone to follow me?!"    


Ye Feng shrugged, neither confirming nor denying.    


As for Zhao Hongyang, he was already sweating profusely.    


The judge said, "Witness Lukan, please begin your statement."    


"Yes, Your Honor." Lu Kuan looked at Ye Feng and said, "Two weeks ago, Zhao Hongyang went to Tianhai to discuss business matters with Boss Ye. After the business negotiation, after Zhao Hongyang left, Director Ye noticed a phone on the sofa. He thought it was pulled down by Director Zhao at that time, so he told me to drive after it. Of course, Director Ye only found out later that this phone was not pulled by Director Zhao, but that the secretary left it in the office. "    


"But I didn't know that at the time, I wanted to catch up with Director Zhao so that I could give the phone back to him," he continued. So I followed his car all the way to Litchi County. "    


Here, the judge interrupted him and asked, "Zhao Hongyang did not return to Guangzhou that day, but went to Litchi Bay?"    


"Right." Lu Kuan nodded, "It's Litchi Bay. I'm sure I've been there before."    


"Alright, go on."    


"After we entered the Litchi District, Director Zhao's car didn't slow down, and I've always tried to drive steadily. It was very difficult to catch up with him, and I was never able to close the distance," Lu Kuan said. Just like this, I chased him all the way to the outskirts of Litchi Bay. Then, I saw a villa there. Director Zhao got off the car and knocked on the door. Someone opened the door, and it was Wang Kai. Judge, I'm finished. "    


The judge asked, "Are you sure?"    


"That's right, Wang Kai is a well-known figure in Tianhai and he has interacted with Director Ye before. As his bodyguard, I have seen him many times, and..." Hit him once. "    


The judge said, "It's not good to hit people."    


"No, Judge, not next time."    


The judge turned to Zhao Hongyang and asked, "What do you have to say?"    


"He lied!" Zhao Hongyang shouted, "What knocked on the door, what opened the door, all of you are lies! "That villa, I have the key …"    


"… …." I have a villa in Litchi Bay? How come I didn't know? "    


Zhao Hongyang's soul was frightened out of his body.    


He almost blurted it out.    


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