I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C125 A Nondescript Western Meal

C125 A Nondescript Western Meal

4In the evening, Ye Feng received an unexpected call.    


Yan Meifang wanted to treat him to a meal.    


Ye Feng thought about it for a while, then thought about the few calls he made in the afternoon, and roughly understood Yan Meifang's purpose.    


Standing up from the sofa and washing his face and teeth, Ye Feng changed into a new set of formal attire. He went downstairs and glanced back and forth between his lotus flower and wide Mercedes before finally driving away.    


A famous chef in Milan.    


A rich western restaurant was where Yan Meifang treated her guests.    


Ye Feng parked the car, tidied up his collar, and walked in.    


The waiter came over and asked enthusiastically, "Sir, do you have a reservation?"    


Ye Feng looked around the lobby, pointed at Yan Meifang who was not far away, nodded and said, "My friend is here."    


With that, he walked towards Yan Meifang's seat, not caring if the waiter followed or not.    


Yan Meifang was drinking a cup of coffee. When she saw Ye Feng, she nodded and said, "You're here. Take a seat."    


Ye Feng sat down opposite of her, and then said playfully, "I think Teacher Yan is having a good time. He doesn't look like he's getting 3500 yuan a month."    


Yan Meifang rolled her eyes but did not say anything. She continued to drink her coffee with her head down. Ye Feng did not feel offended by this and waved to the waiter at the side.    


"Sir, may I ask what you would like to order?"    


Ye Feng glanced at the table, but didn't see any menu, so he said, "Just a few dishes, and a bottle of beer."    


The waiter was in a daze.    


Yan Meifang could no longer remain calm. She raised her head and said, "This is not a place to drink beer …"    


Ye Feng smiled, and casually said, "Forgive me, I'm just a country bumpkin who hasn't seen much of the world. Besides beer, I don't know what else to drink."    


Yan Meifang shook her head and turned to the waiter, "Give him a bottle of Pang Fu 407. I'd like to order a vegetable salad with assorted dishes. Take a look at the rest."    


The waiter heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly nodded his head, and turned around to leave.    


Ye Feng twitched his mouth, thinking that this kind of place was outrageous, and he still had the nerve to pretend to be a high-class restaurant? Who didn't know that a bottle of fine brewed beer was the appetizer before a meal? This restaurant, on the other hand, treated it as an industry indicator after learning a little fur, thinking that beer couldn't reach the table.    


And he's even running away with 407 … Thankfully, Yan Meifang was able to voice out the feeling of superiority when she said the words' factory wine '.    


However, in this kind of place, a literary and artistic young woman like Yan Meifang could be tricked. Who would actually come here if they truly understood how to live?    


Yan Meifang did not know Ye Feng's grumbling. She looked at him and asked, "Why are you dressed so formally?"    


Ye Feng felt the restaurant was a little hot. He undid a button on his shirt and laughed, "You told me to eat at a famous chef in Milan. After hearing the name, you thought it was some fancy western restaurant, so you dressed up well. "Who would have thought that in such a restaurant, there would be no beer.    


Yan Meifang's face turned black as she lowered her voice and stared at him, "What happened here? Who do you see eating Western food and drinking beer? "    


Ye Feng shot her a glance and shrugged, "Looks like Teacher Yan needs to visit a few more proper western restaurants. If you were to say that you can't drink beer while eating western food, the workers of the winery will go to the streets to protest."    


The more she spoke, the darker Yan Meifang's expression became. Ye Feng did not want to pursue this issue any further. After all, he was not here to show off his sense of superiority, and he had no obligation to teach anyone about the taste of life.    


He looked at Yan Meifang and got straight to the point. "What is your relationship with Zhou Yue?"    


Yan Meifang also forgot about the beer and thought for a while before saying, "She should be a cousin, Zhou Yue is my aunt's daughter."    


There was a saying in the rural areas of China — "watch" was three thousand miles, and it said that as long as a relative had the word "watch" on them, the relationship would be even further. Moreover, Zhou Yue was Yan Meifang's cousin's daughter, so it was basically impossible for the relationship to be related at all.    


Ye Feng did not care about their relatives, and continued to ask, "Then why are you looking for me? Was it a business show that required extra money? Or do you want me to invite Zhou Yue back as my ancestor to worship her? "    


However, she was the one who asked for help, so she could only suppress her anger and explain, "The matter regarding the money was caused by Zhou Yue's manager. Zhou Yue did not know about it before, but when she found out, she could only acquiesce."    


"No need to explain, there's no need." Ye Feng smiled and said: "At worst, we can just not invite her. In this world, we are lacking in everything, just that we don't lack in people. Without Zhang Tu Hu, do we really have to eat porcupines?"    


Yan Meifang was exasperated. Look, what kind of analogy was that?    


No matter how weak Zhou Yue was, she was still a minor celebrity. How could she compare with a butcher?    


Yan Meifang was afraid that if she continued this conversation with Ye Feng, she would be angered to death, so she directly said, "For tomorrow's commercial performance, Zhou Yue can go …"    


Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Ye Feng waved his hand and interrupted her, "Don't, his voice is worth thousands of gold. Besides, wasn't her throat uncomfortable? If I force him onto the stage, won't he be a bad person? How about this, you tell her that the deposit for the performance will be returned to me, and the food and lodging fees for the past two days will be treated as my treat. This matter shall stop here. "    


Yan Meifang could no longer hold back her anger and asked loudly, "Ye Feng, what do you mean by this?"    


Ye Feng had an innocent look on his face: "Don't, who did I offend? For those people I invited with money, they are all very arrogant and do not want to fulfill the contract. I don't even want the penalty fee, that's enough, isn't it? Why am I a bad guy now? "    


This was Ye Feng's idea, but in Yan Meifang's ears, it became nonsense.    


Zhou Yue has already agreed to go onstage, what else is there to be unhappy about?    


Taking a deep breath, Yan Meifang spoke again, "Director Ye, what do you want?"    


Ye Feng ignored her. At this time, the waiter began to serve the dishes. Ye Feng picked up his knife and fork and started to eat.    


Yan Meifang did not continue asking and just stared at Ye Feng as she ate.    


Only after Ye Feng drank two glasses of red wine and finished his steak, Yan Meifang asked again, "Director Ye, what are you trying to do?"    


Ye Feng lifted his napkin to wipe his mouth, and said with a frown, "What do you mean, what do I want to do? "I'm just calling the dean of your school, telling him that Zhou Yue has requested for the singing competition to be postponed."    


"Think about it, I'm a sponsor, so I spent the money to hire Zhou Yue. It's reasonable that something like this happened, so I should greet your school, right?"    


"Think about it again. Because the person I invited had a problem and the competition has to be postponed, I am also responsible. So, in order for the competition to continue as usual, I told your Principal that I am willing to increase the amount of money to change the judges."    




The moment Ye Feng finished his sentence, Yan Meifang slammed the table.    


"You are trying to force Zhou Yue to her death!" she said angrily.    


How could she, Yan Meifang, not understand Zhou Yue and Xu Ya, not understand?    


Currently, the head of the Culture Hall in Nanjiang Province was previously the Vice President of Guangcheng University!    


The dean of the school and the head of the culture hall were former colleagues, and they had a very close relationship with each other. If Ye Feng decided to do this, it would be hard for Zhou Yue to not die!    


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