Peerless War God Returns

C199 Search for Spirit Stones

C199 Search for Spirit Stones

4Chu Xihee stood up and stretched his body. After Chu Dieh'er's healing just now, Chu Xihee no longer felt that uncomfortable feeling.    1


After swinging his arm, Chu Xihee walked into the hidden room of the black pig leader. He wanted to find something that could destroy this foothold. However, after entering, what appeared before his eyes was an orderly map, which clearly depicted the terrain of the Green Brook Mountain and the map between Green Brook Park and Zhou Family.    


"Eh, what is this?"    


The sharp-eyed Chu Xihee found a report on the yellow springs and Zhou Family agreement for the safety of the Spirit Stone on his messy desk. A series of protection agreements were written on it, but Chu Xihee wasn't too concerned about it, but he saw the Spirit Stone.    


"Oh! Although Spirit Stone s are not rare in the eyes of the rich and powerful, in this tiny realm of Zhou Family, there is actually a Spirit Stone.    


Chu Xihee said in surprise.    


Chu Xihee looked at Zhou Family's map and the clues provided by Zhou Quan. The remaining information was all about the Yellow Springs, Zhou Family and the nearby maps. However, to Chu Xihee, only the information about Huang Quan was useful to him.    


He neatly kept the information regarding Netherworld in his pocket. Then, he found some hay, burned down the Black Pig Chief's office, and destroyed all his weapons there. He only took out a gun for Chu Dieh'er to protect herself with, and then began the journey back to Zhou Family.    


Although Chu Xihee could walk very fast, he could only take Chu Dieh'er with him and walk slowly to enjoy the scenery of the Green Brook Mountain.    


As for Chu Dieh'er, she rarely saw the outside world during her time in the stronghold. She was so excited that she ran around like a butterfly. He ran around Chu Xihee again and again.    


And it was as if he finally found someone to chat with, holding Chu Xihee's arm and refusing to let go. As they walked, they chatted with Chu Xihee.    


He asked Chu Xihee in curiosity, where did he come from? What's his name? What fun was there outside? At the beginning, Chu Xihee was very patient and told Chu Dieh'er over and over. Chu Dieh'er was also very happy to hear it, but Chu Xihee was really annoyed by the question later on. He also felt that this way of walking was too slow. Perhaps he wouldn't be able to reach his destination tomorrow.    


Thus, he carried Chu Dieh'er on his back and ran forward. After running for around 10 minutes, the towering Green Brook Mountain had been left far behind, and Chu Xihee had also slowed down. Only then did Chu Dieh'er finally catch her breath.    


Because Chu Xihee ran too fast, the incoming wind made it hard for Chu Dieh'er to breathe. Luckily, Chu Xihee had strong arms, otherwise he might have fallen down halfway.    


"Master, master, you ran too fast. My head is spinning."    


Chu Dieh'er said while panting heavily.    


"You! His physique was too weak, and he was still waiting for Master to find the Spirit Stone. I'll help you improve your physique and spiritual veins a little. "    


Chu Xihee slowly put Chu Dieh'er down and said gently.    


"What?" Spirit Stone. Master, do you want to use the Spirit Stone on me? "    


Chu Dieh'er had been at the Black Pig Stronghold for so long that she more or less overheard the words of the Black Pig Tribe's leader. This could be heard from the Black Pig Tribe's leader. Spirit Stone s were something that they, Huang Quan, had been searching for for for the past two years.    


Zhou Family was also an official year ago, signing this agreement with the Yellow Springs. Using to exchange for the safety of the bloodline. However, Chu Xihee actually wanted to give him such an important thing to improve his spirit vein and physique.    


This made Chu Dieh'er feel the love she had never felt before. She was moved by Chu Xihee to the point of collapse and crying as she held Chu Xihee's hand tightly.    


"It's fine, foolish disciple. This thing is meant to be used." Furthermore, the Spirit Stone no longer have any use for me. But if it was used to improve your physique and spiritual veins, it would have a very good effect. You are my disciple now! If your battle prowess is too low, others will laugh. "    


Chu Xihee touched Chu Dieh'er's head gently and said with a smile.    


Chu Dieh'er wiped her tears away as her gaze turned firm and confident.    


She said to Chu Xihee, "Master, I will work hard. I will not let you down. One day, I will become your right-hand man. You were the one who gave me the name Chu Dieh'er, and this life is also yours. I will use my entire life to repay you. "    


The rest of the journey was not far. Chu Xihee didn't want to rush on his way either. He made it difficult for Chu Dieh'er to breathe again, so he slowly walked the last part of the way.    


Chu Dieh'er was lost in the scenery for a long time.    


Arriving at Blue Brook Park, he found himself surrounded by police. This was because many black corpses had appeared on the hills south of Green Brook Park. And they carry a lot of dangerous weapons. Thus, this period of time, Blue Brook Park had already been sealed off — no one was allowed to enter.    


Chu Xihee went around the park and directly ran towards Zhou Family. He planned to start a carpet search, using Chu Xihee's clues. Zhou Quan should have placed the Spirit Stone somewhere underground.    


Chu Xihee came to the Zhou Family Hall and casually knocked down a few guards. Then, he crouched down on the ground and pressed his hands to the ground. Using his spirit energy to feel, he couldn't even find the location of the Spirit Stone. Chu Xihee was confused.    


"Eh, isn't it here? Could it be that he is not putting it in the Zhou Family? "    


Then Chu Xihee pressed his other hand on the ground to expand the range of his Spiritual Energy. He finally found them not far from his Zhou Family. Beneath one of the newspapers, came the strength of a Spirit Stone.    


Then, without hesitation, Chu Xihee rushed to the location of the newspaper and took out the Spirit Stone. He passed it to Chu Dieh'er.    


Then he took her to a nearby hotel and opened a room. The doors and windows of the room were sealed with energy, so that even if anyone wanted to rush in, they wouldn't be disturbed.    


Since Chu Dieh'er's spiritual power foundation was relatively poor, once she was disturbed, the process of improving her spiritual vein and her physique would begin. It would cause irreversible damage to Chu Dieh'er.    


So, just in case, Chu Xihee didn't want anyone to disturb them.    


Through Chu Xihee's circulation technique, Chu Dieh'er's body began to heat up. Sweat slowly dripped from Chu Dieh'er's forehead. In less than a minute, Chu Dieh'er was drenched from head to toe.    


Chu Xihee lifted the Spirit Stone and had Chu Dieh'er turn around to smash the Spirit Stone into pieces.    


Then, he started to circulate his Qi, letting the Spirit Stone's energy turn into light and slowly enter Chu Die's body. Chu Dieh'er's body also began to change. First of all, the muscle fibers became denser, and the weakness of the arm at first became a powerful line.    


Most importantly, Chu Dieh'er's spirit vein was close to being crippled at the beginning.    


However, through the integration of the Spirit Stone, Chu Dieh'er's spirit vein started to slowly glow. Chu Die instantly felt that there was a strong power in her body. The brain has more memories, the brain can store more things.    


Chu Dieh'er passed out due to overwork after finishing her training, so Chu Xihee did not stay for long. He helped her to feel as if he'd covered her with a blanket and left the room.    


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