Best Soldier Son-in-law

C557 Something's Wrong

C557 Something's Wrong



Lin Nan shook his head. There was no change in his expression.    


"Then... this disease is more difficult to treat?" Ye Qingcheng lightly bit her lips.    


If it was a chronic disease that could not die, such as chronic diseases such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure, it would also be quite annoying.    


"Not really!" Lin Nan continued to shake his head.    


"What's going on?" Ye Qingcheng frowned.    


Lin Nan sighed and said, "Wife! This did not make sense! How did you take care of your hands? It's smooth, tender, and white..."    


As he spoke, he clicked his tongue and sighed, as if he had seen the ninth greatest miracle in the world.    




Ye Qingcheng was so angry that she quickly pulled her wrist back and glared at Lin Nan.    


Old pervert!    


"Hehehe, don't worry. Wife, you are not sick." Lin Nan smiled awkwardly.    


Ye Qingcheng ignored him and got up to quietly make a cup of coffee.    


After drinking a cup of coffee, she felt a little better.    


However, from the beginning to the end, she did not look at Lin Nan.    


This guy was not serious at all.    


"Strange, this is strange. Qingcheng's pulse is stable and there is nothing abnormal about her body. Why is her mental state so bad?" Lin Nan thought to himself.    


During dinner, Lin Nan had to face another historical problem!    


In his dedicated big bowl, the food was piled up like a mountain, and there was no way to take a bite.    


Furthermore, Yuen Shuhan was still constantly stuffing food into the bowl.    


If those people who did the art of balance saw it, they would definitely think that it was awesome. Experts were among the people and then quietly retired into the martial arts world.    


"Mom, don't take so much. I can't eat that much." Lin Nan finally could not hold it in anymore.    


"You are a man. How can you not eat?"    


Yuen Shuhan said as she put a drumstick into the bowl. Then she revealed her mother-in-law's unique smile and quietly looked at Lin Nan.    


Eat, eat!    


In order to resolve this kind of crisis, Lin Nan quickly made a decision.    


He picked up the most delicious piece of eye meat from the fish and put it into Ye Qingcheng's bowl. He smiled and said, "Wife, you have been working hard recently. You need to replenish your nutrition."    


Ye Qingcheng only hesitated for a second but did not refuse.    


Yuen Shuhan was there secretly laughing.    


This couple finally looked like a couple!    


Ye Qingcheng put the fish meat into her mouth and chewed slowly before carefully swallowing it.    


"Is it delicious?" Yuen Shuhan asked in anticipation as she waited for Ye Qingcheng's praise.    


But Ye Qingcheng's expression suddenly changed.    


She covered her mouth and rushed into the bathroom, lying on the side of the pool and doing vomiting.    


Yuen Shuhan's entire body froze there. "It can't be. It tastes so bad?"    


After that, she took a bite and said curiously, "It's very delicious. I even performed exceptionally well today!"    


"I ate the fish meat just now too. It's obviously not a problem with the fish. Why would I suddenly vomit?" Lin Nan frowned again.    


He was full of doubts.    


After Ye Qingcheng finished vomiting, she walked out of the bathroom.    


Her expression looked even worse, like a person who had been ill for a long time.    


"Qingcheng, what happened to you? Do you really think that the dishes Mom makes are unpalatable?" Yuen Shuhan asked in puzzlement.    


"Can't you tell? My daughter has a problem with her body!" Ye Fengchun said.    


Ye Qingcheng sat down again. She picked up the chopsticks and hesitated for a few seconds. Then she put down the chopsticks and said, "You guys eat. I don't have an appetite. I don't want to eat anymore."    


"How can I not eat? Your body is weak to begin with. You need to replenish your nutrition." Ye Fengchun said worriedly.    


"Yeah, eat some. Don't eat big fish and big meat, let's eat something light." Lin Nan scooped a bowl of tomato egg soup for Ye Qingcheng.    


But Ye Qingcheng still did not have an appetite. She did not even want to move her chopsticks!    




Yuen Shuhan seemed to have discovered something and her eyes lit up as if she had discovered a new continent!    


The other three people looked at her in confusion.    


"What happened to you?" Ye Fengchun couldn't help but ask.    


Yuen Shuhan said happily, "Qingcheng, did you... have one?"    


"What is it?" Ye Qingcheng did not understand at all.    


Lin Nan instantly understood. He wanted to interrupt, but it was already too late!    


Yuen Shuhan said, "I have no appetite. I will vomit after eating. My body is delicate and weak. This... This is pregnancy! "    




Lin Nan almost choked.    


He quickly said, "Mother-in-law, you can't speak nonsense."    


Sure enough, Ye Qingcheng's face instantly turned red to the back of her ears, like the most beautiful flower in the valley.    


She was shy and had a trace of helplessness. She reproached, "Mom, what are you talking about?"    


Yuen Shuhan muttered, "After coming back from Jinling, your relationship started to improve. If we were together at that time, we would have reacted after such a long time!    


My mom, the thing that I have been dreaming about actually came true?    


Hahahaha, you two guys are acting so secretively, yet you're still shy? We've been husband and wife for a few years!"    


As she spoke, she danced with joy, looking incomparably excited.    


Lin Nan felt very wronged!    


If this matter was really true, then wouldn't it be like a green grassland above his head?    


"Absolutely not, I'll give four!" Lin Nan raised his right hand and raised four fingers.    


"What's there not to admit? Do you really want Qingcheng to have a big belly before admitting it?" Yuen Shuhan covered her mouth and laughed secretly.    


Ye Qingcheng immediately got up and said, "Mom, Lin Nan and I did not... that."    


It was obviously difficult for her to say it in the end. Her voice was so low that it was pitiful.    


"No one?"    


Yuen Shuhan was already completely immersed in her own reasoning and said proudly, "Girl, don't forget that Mom is an experienced person. Don't hide it from me."    


Lin Nan was speechless and said, "Mom, if Qingcheng was pregnant, would the doctor not be able to find out? Are you questioning the current medical standards? "    




Yuen Shuhan was like a deflated balloon as she wilted.    


When Ye Qingcheng went to the hospital for a check-up, she went there personally to accompany her. The doctor did not say that she was pregnant.    


The hope that had just been ignited was extinguished in an instant!    


"I did it for your own good too." Yuen Shuhan was still stubborn.    


Ye Qingcheng completely lost her appetite and walked to the second floor, "You guys eat, I will go up and rest."    


"You... You are talking nonsense there, making yourself like a detective and making your daughter unhappy, right?" Ye Fengchun was furious.    


Yuen Shuhan might have been patient with her daughter and son-in-law, but she was not so polite to Ye Fengchun.    


"Stop pretending, Ye Fengchun. Don't you want to have a grandchild earlier?" Yuen Shuhan rolled her eyes.    




"How long have they been married? They have to do what they need to do, right? How long do we have to delay it? When you arranged the wedding, didn't you think about what would happen next? " Yuen Shuhan continued to interrogate.    




Ye Fengchun had nothing to say after being scolded. He felt extremely awkward.    


Lin Nan did not pay attention to the bickering between the two. Instead, he thought quietly.    


Today, Ye Qingcheng felt that something was not right.    


"You guys eat. I'll go upstairs and take a look."    


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