Best Soldier Son-in-law

C596 Creating People

C596 Creating People

2When Lin Nan and Ye Qingcheng returned home, it was already past ten o'clock at night.    


Yuen Shuhan knew that the couple went out to attend the banquet, so she did not stay in the living room and went back to her room to rest early.    


At night, Ye Qingcheng drank a lot of wine, so her steps were a little shaky.    


Seeing this, Lin Nan quickly supported her and sent her to the bed in the room.    


Before he left, he also instructed. "Wife, you drank quite a bit today. Rest early."    


"It's alright. There are still two more days to the holiday." Ye Qingcheng smiled.    


She looked a little silly when she was drunk. There was always a smile on her bright red face, which was very different from her usual image.    


"Then I'll be going down first. Call me if you need anything." Lin Nan nodded and said.    


Unexpectedly, Ye Qingcheng suddenly jumped up from the bed, walked to the door, and closed the door.    


After that, her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Nan as if she didn't want him to leave.    


"Wife, what are you doing?" Lin Nan was startled.    


"What do you think I am doing?"    


Ye Qingcheng approached Lin Nan step by step.    


Lin Nan held his breath!    


His wife was going to eat him?    


He felt his heart beating wildly. The things that he often fantasized about, were they going to become true?    


Ye Qingcheng came in front of Lin Nan and placed her hands on his arms.    


Lin Nan smelled the fragrance of Ye Qingcheng's body mixed with a little bit of alcohol. He was instantly a little drunk!    


"What's wrong? You look very nervous." Ye Qingcheng teased.    


" I... I am nervous? What kind of joke is this?" Lin Nan defended himself.    


However, it was obvious that he was short of breath!    


His appearance was like a little white rabbit that had entered a wolf's nest, trembling.    


"It's good that you're not nervous. Come here."    


Ye Qingcheng excitedly held Lin Nan's arm and fell backwards!    


The distance was just right!    


Ye Qingcheng laid down on the bed, and Lin Nan was pulled over.    


"It's over, it's over. Is this for real? Qingcheng, Qingcheng, Qingcheng! I didn't expect you to be so proactive." Lin Nan thought to himself.    


Was his virgin body, which he had kept for many years, going to be ravaged and ruined crazily tonight?    


At this moment... He was still somewhat reluctant to part with it!    


Lin Nan's entire body was almost pressing down on Ye Qingcheng's body. Both of their faces were almost touching each other!    


Ye Qingcheng's jade body was horizontal and upright. Her long hair fell down like a waterfall on the bed. Her entire person looked like a beautiful oil painting.    


This scene.    


It was a man. Even a man could not withstand such teasing, right?    


"Are you ready?" Ye Qingcheng smiled.    


Her smile was filled with endless tenderness and metaphor.    


Lin Nan took a deep breath and thought in his heart, one more step and I will be a beast. If I take a step back, I will be worse than a beast. How can a man admit defeat at a critical moment? "    


After making all the preparations, Lin Nan was ready to throw caution to the wind.    


I don't want my chastity anymore. I'll give them all to you and let you pick them up.    


Why don't we have an unforgettable midnight snack!    


"Looks like you're already prepared."    


At this point, Ye Qingcheng actually revealed a trace of shyness!    


After all... she was a woman!    


"Ready, wife!" Lin Nan gritted his teeth and nodded.    


He added in his heart.    


Please... take good care of this delicate flower of mine.    


"Alright, let's begin!"    


Ye Qingcheng suddenly pushed Lin Nan's hand away and laid on the bed.    


Lin Nan was so excited.    


He was not afraid of a joke when he said it. Both of his hands started trembling.    


The big girl got on the sedan chair. ... No, this was the first time that the old handsome man went to bed. He didn't have much experience.    


Just as his hand was about to touch Ye Qingcheng's jade-like skin...    


"Help me massage my shoulder. It's so sore!"    


Lin Nan froze on the spot!    




But... pressing his shoulder?    


Something was wrong with the script?    


He almost took off his pants. It was actually such a request?    


Even if he pressed his shoulder, he would still need so many foreplay?    


Ye Qingcheng saw that Lin Nan did not make a move after a long time and said somewhat angrily, "What, you don't want to?"    


"I am willing, I am willing!"    


Lin Nan smiled and immediately turned into a licking dog!    


He threw away all distracting thoughts and obediently held Ye Qingcheng's shoulders!    


"So comfortable!"    


Ye Qingcheng very much enjoyed saying this!    


Lin Nan was not happy about it.    


Why was it so mysterious, just like that?    


Wasn't it a waste of emotions?    


Although he felt aggrieved in his heart, Lin Nan still very seriously helped Ye Qingcheng hold back.    


His technique could be said to be very perfect.    


His control over strength was very strong, and coupled with his familiarity with acupuncture points, every time he pressed on Ye Qingcheng's fingertips, it made her feel relaxed and incomparably comfortable!    


However, Ye Qingcheng's body did not have any fat on it. Every inch of her skin was tight and elastic and smooth - it could be said to be the most perfect masterpiece!    


The more it was like this, the more Lin Nan did not dare to be careless!    


Unknowingly, he pressed for half an hour.    


"Wife, is it alright now?" Lin Nan, the tool man, was extremely tired.    


It was not that he was physically tired. It's psychological exhaustion.    


To be able to see and not "eat" was definitely a great torture for humans.    


Ye Qingcheng did not reply.    




Lin Nan called again, but he heard a slight sound of breathing.    


"F * ck!"    


Lin Nan waved his hand and complained. "Let me do it. You fell asleep enjoying it!"    


Complaining was still complaining.    


Lin Nan still turned Ye Qingcheng over and covered her with the blanket.    


Ye Qingcheng's face appeared so quiet and pure under the dim light.    


Even just looking at her was enough to wipe away all of Lin Nan's fatigue.    


After doing all of this, he quietly left the room.    


After Lin Nan took a shower, he laid down in his own room.    


He looked at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep for a long time.    


Recently, he had been in contact with things related to the Dragon Hidden Team!    


First, he found out about it from Liang Fann and Tang Mo!    


Now, it was even better that Liang Siyu was still secretly investigating with him!    


As the former founder of the Dragon Hidden Team, he was the one who was pushed to leave.    


All the fog turned into a big hand, wanting to press him to the ground.    


"It's time to find out the truth." Lin Nan said to himself.    


The mystery of the team's destruction must be investigated clearly.    




The next morning, after Lin Nan finished washing up, he saw Ye Qingcheng.    


"When did I fall asleep last night?" Ye Qingcheng asked.    


"F * ck, wife, you still ask me! I was half dead, but you were enjoying it downstairs!" Lin Nan complained.    




Yuen Shuhan spat out a mouthful of porridge and coughed violently.     0


"You... What are you guys talking about? What did you do last night?"    


She asked excitedly, her face filled with joy!    




Ye Qingcheng knew Yuen Shuhan must have misunderstood and her face turned red to the back of her ears.    


She explained helplessly, "Mom, what are you thinking about? Last night I just asked Lin Nan to help me massage my shoulders."    


"Oh, just massage my shoulder." Yuen Shuhan pouted and was a little disappointed.    


"Why are you so disappointed?" Ye Qingcheng muttered.    


"Hey, you guys are not young anymore. There are some things that need to be done. How long do you plan to delay it?" Yuen Shuhan asked indirectly.    


"What is it?" Ye Qingcheng was confused.    


"Making people!"    


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