Best Soldier Son-in-law

C8 Despair

C8 Despair

4Ye Keer did not look away and stared back at him in high spirits.     0


However, Ye Qingcheng felt guilty and avoided his gaze.    


"The proof is right in front of you. Don't deny it.    


"You secretly got married three years ago. I knew I was right to object to the marriage since I know your background is not good. You lack in terms of knowledge, education, or experience. You are not worthy of my daughter.    


Even Ye Fengchun tried his best to stop me. He said that my daughter will definitely be happy if she marries you. But because of this, I won't talk to him. I will go to the Spirit Invisibility Temple to abstain from food and pay respects to Buddha for three years.    


I just couldn't believe that you would cheat on my daughter behind her back."    


Yuen Shuhan told him off like a machine gun.    


Overwhelmed with emotions, she suddenly stood up and poured the black tea from her cup towards Lin Nan.    


Truthfully, Lin Nan could've been able to dodge it easily.    


However, he hesitated and instead allowed the hot content inside the cup to hit him.    


The tea ran down his face and onto his clothes.    


Lin Nan could feel his heart slowly turned cold.    


Ye Keer, who would panic if the world wouldn't fell into chaos, saw this and gave her mother a thumb's up.    


Her sister, on the other hand, slightly frowned, and the corner of her mouth twitched. She did not think that her mother would pour tea on Lin Nan.    


Her mother's actions were a bit too much.    


Unexpectedly, Lin Nan licked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "This tea tastes good. It must be quite expensive, right?"    


"You are indeed a trash," Yuen Shuhan gritted her teeth and said.    


"Trash. You're a coward!" Ye Keer chimed in.    


Lin Nan carefully wiped away the tea stains off of his face. He took out a wrinkled cigarette box from his pocket and took out a cigarette.    


He ignored the disdainful look from the crowd and lit the cigarette before smoking it.    


He exhaled the fumes and slowly asked, "Mother-in-law, what do you want? Why don't you just say it?"    


"Divorce immediately! I don't want you to be with my daughter, not even for a second," Yuen Shuhan touted sharply.    


"I'm afraid I can't do that," he responded as he shook his head.    


"Why? Is the compensation on the contract is not enough for you?"    


Yuen Shuhan sat down and crossed her legs. Her long and slender legs were white and so mesmerizing that they could hurt people's eyes.    


"Yes, it's not enough!" Lin Nan confirmed.    


He was still doing it for the money!    


Ye Qingcheng shook her head. The last trace of guilt she felt towards Lin Nan instantly disappeared.    


"What bad luck! How did my daughter end up with a rogue like you?"    


Yuen Shuhan crossed her arms and asked, "Then tell me, how much do you want?"    


As long as money could solve it, it wouldn't be a problem.    


"For the past three years, I have suffered a lot of grievances and cold gazes from the Ye Family. The loss of my youth and good looks, as well as the loss of my spirit..." Lin Nan counted with his fingers.    


Ye Qingcheng saw how serious he was and had to stop herself from hitting him.    


'How could this guy be so shameless?    


Other than being lazy with nothing to do but eat, what do you have to lose?'    


She couldn't help but think how unfair it was for her.    


"Forget it. I'll give you a discount, a friendly price!" Lin Nan exclaimed. He stopped counting and raised his palms.    


"How much?" Yuen Shuhan asked.    


"Fifty million."    


"What? Say that again." Yuen Shuhan thought she had misheard him.    


"Fifty million," he repeated with a big grin.    


The mother and daughter of Ye Family looked at each other in shock.    


How could he dare ask them for that amount of money?    


It was unreasonably high!    


Lin Nan casually smoked his cigarette. "It shouldn't be difficult for the dignified Ye Family to take out fifty million, right?"    


"It's not that it's not difficult. It's just that you're not worth it. Not to mention fifty million. Even if it's five hundred dollars, I won't be willing to give it to someone like you," Yuen Shuhan retorted furiously.    


"Well, It's up to you." He shrugged and continued smoking.    


The women gritted their teeth at him furiously.    


Especially Ye Qingcheng. Her impression of him had reached its lowest point.    


Lin Nan gladly looked at the three women with a big smile on his face.    


'You dare pick a fight with me?' he thought slyly.    


Just then, they heard Uncle Zhu's voice from the outside of the door. "Master, you're back."    


A middle-aged man entered the room.    


He was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Although he looked a little old, he was tall and sturdy. Not to mention he had a handsome face.    


The Ye sisters immediately greeted him as soon as he entered.    




"Dad! You're back?"    


Ye Fengchun greeted them back casually.    


He looked around and saw Yuen Shuhan on the sofa and was slightly confused. "Madam, why are you here?" he asked.    


Yuen Shuhan rolled her eyes at him and replied, "If I didn't come, you wouldn't even know what happened to your daughter."    


"Nothing serious, right?" he curled his lips.    


He felt bitter inside. He knew that she came to look for trouble. Otherwise, she would've not been so furious on the other side of the phone and forced him to come back from Europe.    


"How have you been? Did your business go well?" Lin Nan interrupted them casually. He didn't look serious either.    


"Everything went well."    


When Ye Fengchun saw that it was Lin Nan, he immediately beamed at him. "Dear son-in-law, I'm sorry for the trouble."    


The three women were stunned when they heard him.    


Lin Nan suffered?    


It was him who made them so furious.    


What did Ye Fengchun mean by that?    


"Ye Fengchun, what do you mean?" Yuen Shuhan's face instantly drooped.    


"Dad, why are you speaking up for Lin Nan? He lied to my sister and cheated on her. All the evidence is here. Take a look at these photos if you don't believe me."    


Ye Keer took the photos and placed them in front of their father. She wanted to show him how much of a beast Lin Nan was.    


Ye Fengchun briefly glanced at the photos and threw them aside.    


"Sometimes, the truth is not the truth," Ye Fengchun said lightly.    


Lin Nan gave his father-in-law a thumbs up.    


"We have pictures as proof. How could it not be true?"    


Ye Keer began to suspect that her father might have had a fever.    


"Furthermore, it is normal for a man to have seven emotions and six desires. As long as he knows how to repent, he is still a good and trustworthy person," Ye Fengchun answered with a smile.    


Lin Nan gave him two thumbs up.    


'Father-in-law, you are too kind to me,' he thought happily.    


"Ye Fengchun, are you crazy? What nonsense are you spouting?" Yuen Shuhan could not hold it in anymore.    


"Yes, Dad! I know you have always been partial to Lin Nan, but this time, he clearly let my sister down first," Ye Keer insisted.    


Ye Qingcheng bit her lips tightly but said nothing. Truthfully, she was trembling all over.    


She felt sick in her stomach. Her feet went cold.    


She felt hopeless.    


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