Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C23 023

0"I'm going to go back downstairs with you. I'd like you to give me another order so people don't think I was chastising you for earlier. I want it clear to everyone you're in charge."     3


We returned to the work spaces and everyone looked at Shasta like she'd just been called on the carpet. It's what I was afraid of given the circumstances.    


I grabbed my phone, which I'd left down there on purpose.    


Shasta said, "Thanks for giving me the security codes. It shows a lot of trust in me. Before you leave, I want you kiss my cunt."    


That should reestablish her authority. I knelt down and kissed her pussy. "Thank you, Mistress," I said.    


"Back to work everyone," Shasta said. "It's not time for your cum break yet." Everyone started working again, including Shasta.    


Sarah and Ron were relaxing out by the pool. I told Sarah that Shasta had the code to open the house now and to see her if she needed help. I gave her Shasta's phone number and Janet and Chen's next door. She kissed me goodbye and said she was looking forward to seeing us on Saturday.    


Rhonda had gotten up to make snacks and pack water on ice for the drive down. I got Lucas and everything we'd need for the next five days, including an extra box of diapers. His packing took up more space than the adults. We had almost nothing to wear but the items purchased for the bonding. We did bring a wide selection of sex toys and punishment instruments. Who knew what we might need.    


We left a little after noon. Lisa drove so Rhonda could sleep some more and I could sit in the back next to Lucas's car seat so I could feed him when he got hungry. We ate some before Rhonda lowered her seat to doze.    


"What do you expect to happen the next few days?" Lisa asked softly. "Given what Master's had us doing the past couple weeks, I don't have a clue what to expect."    


"His text said he wanted us there by four and to expect a hard fucking when we got there. Beyond that, I haven't the foggiest either. None of the other guests will be there until Saturday, so hopefully, it's only Master and a few of the women we pleasure."    


"Don't forget Thornhill and Sam," Lisa said.    


I wouldn't have thought Bill and Sam would be an issue, but after the last week and a half, who knew what Master planned. I'd been fucked by Phil and he had less excuse to fuck us than Bill or Sam did. Even Marcus had less reason to fuck us than they did, despite having fucked us before. He was only a random delivery driver.    


Lucas started fussing and I figured he was hungry, so I pulled my dress aside and put him to my breast, unconcerned for the passing motorists. I'd lost all sense of modesty and decorum the last year. As expected, he quickly quieted once he was feeding. Eventually, he stopped drawing milk, but kept gently sucking as he fell asleep. When he dropped off, I put him in the car seat, neglecting to put my breast away until he was buckled in.    


"Asshole," Lisa muttered, giving someone the finger. "Fucking driver was watching you more than the road. Almost side swiped us. You'd think people never saw a boob before."    


"Perhaps not as nice as mine," I laughed. "There are boobs and then there are boobs. You seem to like it."    


Lisa smiled at me in the rear view mirror. "What's not to like. If I get hungry in bed, I can have a quick snack."    


"Lucia should be having her baby fairly soon. The end of the month, I think, or early June."    


"Master might be here for the delivery," Lisa said. "He's here every other week."    


"It would be nice if he could be here for the birth of his daughter."    


Traffic wasn't as bad as it usually was. Maybe coming on Wednesday was a blessing. It looked like we'd be there ahead of time. I sent a text to Master and Brianna, giving them the ETA.    


As soon as we pulled into the Estate, Brianna, Monique and Zoe were waiting for us.    


Brianna ordered us to strip. We would have done it anyway, but now it was plain. Brianna took our clothes.    


"Give me Lucas," Zoe said. "We're putting him in the nursery with the others. I'll take care of his feedings and other needs while you're here. You're going to be quite busy." Monique and Zoe collected all of his things and the luggage.    


"Follow me," Brianna said.    


"Yes, Mistress," we said, following her into the house.    


She led us into the living room where Adele waited, holding their leather punishment paddle. "Your Master isn't home yet. He wants you prepared for his arrival. Bend over the couch, reaching for the floor. Adele will fasten your hands down so you're somewhat immobile. She'll then give you thirty swats apiece, and you'll wait for your Master to arrive."    


"Did he say why we were being punished, Mistress?" Lisa asked, though she was already obeying like the rest of us.    


"He'll tell you when you see him."    


"Yes, Mistress," Lisa said. Perhaps arriving early wasn't such a good thing after all.    


We were soon fastened down over the couch. To make it worse. Our legs were fastened to spreader bars making our asses and sex more available. As soon as we were fastened, Brianna ran a finger through our slits, testing our wetness.    


"You taste good, slaves. Your Master had indicated you'll be mine tonight. Expect to be treated as Cindy was except for your use by any of the men. Go ahead, Adele. Spank their asses red."    


At least it wasn't any more men.    


"Yes, Mistress," Adele responded, moving around behind us.    


She started with me, the first in line.    


"Keep count, slave."    


"Yes, Adele."    


Adele laid it on. The paddle was heavier than the Enforcer and jolted me more, yet stung less, though it hurt as much. I kept count as she did the full thirty. I was sobbing by the time she reached twenty. I didn't cum, but I was dripping more than when Brianna fingered me. I couldn't see my ass, but it burned and I assumed it was red.    


Adele started on Rhonda next. She was made of sterner stuff. She didn't sob, though I could see the tears dripping from her eyes. She didn't cum either. Lisa was next and she cried as I did. We were left there, waiting for Master to arrive. The minutes ticked by, the sounds of people moving around the house. Since I was bent over the couch, I didn't see him enter. The first I knew he was there is when his cock plunged into my cunt with a cheery, "Good afternoon, slave." I spasmed, gasping.    


"That didn't take long." He pulled out of me and fucked into Rhonda. She made it about three strokes before she climaxed.    


"You'd think you'd be a little fucked out," Master said, moving on to Lisa. "Apparently, I was mistaken."    


I heard the wet sounds of his cock sluicing in her, his hips smack her bottom twice before she moaned, wriggling as she orgasmed.    


He moved back to me. This time it took fifteen or so hard fucking strokes before I climaxed again. He was slamming into me like a battering ram, using every inch of his cock to gain speed and momentum before he smashed into my pussy. Moving down to Rhonda, he abused her as much as he'd done me, with the same eventual result, her squirming in orgasm, bent over the couch.    


Now it was Lisa's turn again, her last orgasm further distant than Rhonda's and mine. It took him a half a minute of steady pounding before she moaned and shuddered through another one. Then it was back to me. When he took my cunt this time, it seemed gentler, but he only wanted to ensure his cock was drenched in my juices. He pulled out, moved up to my ass, pushed deep in my rectum and the battering started all over again. "Fuck my ass, Master," I moaned.    


It took almost three minutes before I shattered again, shivering through another strong climax. On to Rhonda. A gentle insertion into her bottom, then a hard fucking ending in her squealing through her next climax.    


I heard Lisa moan as he took her ass, giving her no more than ten seconds to accustom herself to the intrusion before another hard fucking ensued. Master groaned through his own orgasm before Lisa moaned into hers as Master emptied his sperm into her bottom.    


Adele handed him a wet washcloth to wash himself after he pulled out. Just like that, three orgasms apiece in less than twelve minutes.    


He took the paddle from Adele's hand.    


"Master, why are we being punished?" I asked as he laid the first one on me.    


"I don't recall you asking me on any of the days you were fucked so thoroughly if you had permission to cum." The second one fell, jolting me.    


No, we hadn't. God, I must have climaxed at least a dozen times a day or more while he was gone. Eleven days and nights of fucking, a well used slave.    


"How many times are we to be punished? I asked. "One for each orgasm?" He smacked my bottom again. Three.    


He paused. "Do you even know how many times you orgasmed, slave?"    


"No, Master. A lot. Many times. I lost count of the times."    


"Yes. I'm sure. No, I'm going to do thirty for each day, plus the three you just had, making fourteen times. Fourteen times thirty is four hundred twenty swats apiece. We'll spread them out, maybe a hundred-twenty per day. I wouldn't forget again to ask for permission."    


One hundred twenty a day was four times each day, thirty in a pop. I'd survive. I might even be able to sit down. "No, Master."    


"How many have I done this time, or do we start over?"    


"Three, sir."    


"Very well,"    


He gave me the balance of his spanking, moving on to Rhonda and finally Lisa. Even Rhonda cried this time.    


"Adele, when supper is ready, they can be released from their confinement," Master said. "Everyone who comes to dinner will be provided an orgasm with their food from one of these slaves. Man or woman, makes no difference. Put them to work."    


"Yes, Master Scott."    


I'd been hoping to spend a little quality time snuggled up to Master in a bed. Those hopes were dashed. We stayed where we were until supper was announced, our asses waving in the breeze. Three naked, punished slaves, bent over in a most exposed manner. Occasionally, some of the others would drift through the room, taking note of us, commenting and rubbing our red asses. Even kissing them at times, but no one touched our cunts, when I'd dearly love for someone to do it, even to lick my cum leaking from my pussy, and down my legs; but apparently they were told we weren't available for pleasure yet.    


At six, Adele released us. She brought us into the dining room and told everyone who wasn't sitting at the table to get themselves an orgasm before getting their food. Fortunately for us, they were slaves and climaxed quickly. When only the seated remained, she sent us under the table to see to their needs. As the three of us moved around, I was confronted with Sam's cock, lying semi-hard on his thigh. I apologized to Marcia for sucking her husband, before taking him in my mouth. Rhonda was doing Marcia and Lisa was doing Chantelle. It took me longer than the other two. They were slaves and he wasn't and he took every moment to savor my cock sucking. It was fifteen minutes before he sent his cum down my throat. I risked a quick glance at Master, before moving on. He was busy in conversation with Zoe and Cindy, kissing Zoe, then whispering something in her ear, so perhaps he didn't notice me sucking Sam's shaft. Rhonda was working on Williams prick. Lisa had done Evelyn and moved on to Adele. Cindy was the next one and she parted her legs and scooted forward on the chair so I could lick her cunt. Lisa finished with Adele and moved on to Zoe. Rhonda was still sucking Bill so when I finished Cindy, I had Master.    


"I would hope you haven't forgotten how to suck cock," Master said. "You've had enough practice while I was gone."    


"No, Master. I haven't forgotten."    


Let's see, there was Dan, Sean, Edward and Rob, Chen, Jerry and Marcus. Dan again, with Reggie and my father, Sean and Phil, Sean and Ron. No, I'd had plenty of cocks to practice on. Sam just now. Twelve different cocks, multiple times. No one could say I'd been bereft of practice on cocks. Most or all of it seen by Master in photos and videos. His slut wife slave servicing countless different men in all of her slave holes.    


I did my best to give Master the best blow job I could. Drawn out, lots of kisses and little nibbles, lots of tongue and throat; his cock, balls, inner thighs. When he orgasmed, he held my head, grunting as he pulsed, pumping stream after stream, jetting against the back of my mouth.    


"Very good, slave," Master said, patting my face.    


"Thank you, Master."    


Rhonda and Lisa had moved on to Dawn and Monique, leaving only Brianna for me.    


"Come here, dear," she said, parting her legs under the table. "Let's see if you remember some of what Monique taught you."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


My head dipped between her legs, inhaling the rich scent of her pussy. My tongue laved up the middle of her cleft from sheath to clit. Tasting and gathering her liquid honey and causing her to gasp suddenly.    


"Your Master is giving the three of you to me tonight in payment for Cindy and Zoe a week ago, Sunday and Dawn tonight."    


Still no time for my Master. I sighed and kept licking. No response was required. It wasn't an order. It was information. I gave her an orgasm, her breath halting as she melted over my tongue.    


"Again, slave."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


I gave her another. "You do get lots or practice on cunts, don't you?"    


"Yes, Mistress."    


"Stay here at my feet. I'll feed you."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


I know the food was probably good. The food here was always excellent, especially when prepared by Chantelle, but it tasted bland in my mouth. I'd been without my Master for eleven days and all I'd had of him since getting here was roughly three or four minutes of hard fucking in my cunt and ass, and sucking his cock under the table while he was engaged in speaking with Zoe, Cindy and Dawn. Nor did it appear I would be enjoying him any more today, if I were Brianna's tonight. I'd be swamped in wet slave pussy for the night, shared with whoever might want me.    


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