Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C8 008

3"My apologies, Master."    


"I should hope so."    


"I think you pumped quite a lot of air into my bottom when you fucked me."    


He laughed. "Janet does that sometimes."    


Janet giggled. "It's true. Sometimes I have pussy farts."    


We heard Lucas start to make noise over the baby monitor. "He doesn't always sleep the entire night through, sir. I'll feed him in the other room so you can sleep."    


"No," he said, "bring him here. We should get used to nighttime feeding schedules."    


I rose from the bed and picked Lucas up, bringing him back to the bedroom. While I fed him this time, it was Chen who dined on my pussy, while Janet sucked his cock. I orgasmed five times before I heard him cum and Janet gobble down his cum.    


"He's not really drawing milk anymore," I said. "He's sucking just to suck, like a pacifier. Would you like to put him to your breast and see what it's like?" I asked Janet.    


"Please, I'd love that, Domina," she said, stroking his head.    


I pulled my nipple from his mouth and he fussed a little until Janet placed him at her own breast.    


"If I'm still breast feeding Lucas when you have yours, perhaps I can feed your Rose or Lily while you feed Lucas. I exchanged with Zoe once. It was nice."    


Janet sighed. "I'm looking forward to my baby. Chen will be a wonderful father."    


"Chen is a wonderful man," I said, "and a good Master. I see how well he treats you. He's a good lover, too."    


Janet looked at her husband with love light in her eyes. "He is. I was very lucky to find him."    


"I was the lucky one," Chen said. "Best day of my life when Reneé set me up with you."    


"Can Lucas sleep with us, in the middle of the bed?" Janet asked.    


"I'd like to change his diaper again, but I see no reason why he couldn't," I replied.    


"Can I change his diaper?" Chen asked. "I'd like to see if I can do it."    


"Of course, sir."    


I set everything out for him and he did a creditable job of changing his diaper. Lucas was nodding off again when Janet put him back on her breast. His tiny mouth working, though not sucking. He slept between Janet and I with Chen spooned up against Janet. The next time he actually got hungry, we just turned him over so he could find one of mine.    


In the morning, Chen put me on my hands and knees, fucking me again. Janet watched the baby and took more pictures, Janet cleaning my pussy and his cock of our cum. I left at eight to get ready for my day, Chen helping me carry everything next door. Rhonda was just getting home from work. I kissed Chen goodbye.    


"I'll pick something out for you," I told Rhonda, "so you can sleep. It will be appropriately slutty. You'll have to watch and listen for the baby, however. I don't expect Jerry and Reneé to babysit."    


"No, problem, Domina" she said. "Is there milk in the fridge?"    


"I'll make sure there are three bottles prepared before I leave."    


"How was your night, Domina?"    


"Good. Chen fucked me several times. I need to send the photos to Master."    


"Still no clue what he's doing, Domina?"    


"Not a one. I guess we'll just wait to see what happens."    


"You're still worried though, aren't you, Domina?"    


"Until I'm sure, I'll remain worried. Only the fact Master Dan doesn't seem concerned gives me any comfort at all."    


She went upstairs to shower and sleep, taking the baby monitor with her. I put Lucas in his room. He was still sleeping. I went into my bedroom and Lisa was on her back on the bed while Jerry plowed her with his big black cock and Reneé rode her face. She was taking pictures, or at least she had a phone in her hand. She didn't seem to be taking any at the moment; close to cumming if facial expressions were any clue.    


"Don't mind me," I said. "I have to shower before I go shopping today. I'll put some breakfast on after I'm done."    


Lisa couldn't speak and Reneé was moaning through an orgasm. Jerry grunted, "Fine."    


I was just finishing up my shower when Lisa joined me, cum dripping down her legs. I helped wash her, then brushed my teeth. Reneé was riding Jerry's cock when we went into the closet for clothes, picking some out for our shopping, though they wouldn't go on until just before we walked out the door.    


"He still has something left after last night?" I asked. "Didn't he fuck you at all?"    


"Every hole," Lisa said; "my cunt twice. I got the impression he saved himself for this weekend, kind of like Ed and Rob did Thursday. He flooded my cunt the first time."    


"Looked like he flooded you the last time, too. It was dripping down your legs."    


We prepared breakfast and called them when it was done. They came out and I asked what they were going to do today.    


"I'm going to watch some NBA playoff action", Jerry said. "Reneé is working on wedding things with her mother."    


"That's right. A little more than a month away. Are you looking forward to getting married?"    


"More than I ever thought I would," Jerry said. "But look at who I'm getting," pulling her down into his lap, "the perfect little slave slut." They kissed and he stroked her pussy, quickly making her moan.    


I took a chance and asked Jerry if he knew why Master was passing us around again.    


"Not a clue, but it seemed important. He wanted to make sure I fucked both of you thoroughly."    


"Seems he told everyone that," I said. "We're getting fucked several times every day."    


He smiled at us. "Loving it too, from the way Lisa orgasmed last night."    


Lisa guiltily smiled. We ate, cleaned up and we both sent the photos of the night's activities to Master. Neither one of us got a response, but Master was working today. I wondered what he would think when he saw them. His slutty slaves fucked to a fare-thee-well by multiple men and women. Even though I never felt badly when Master fucked other people, I knew he did, so it hurt me to cause him this pain.    


Sandra came at ten and she took us in her car to this hole-in-the-wall shop in a strip mall that looked like a rat pit. Yet it had the sneakiest, lovely little shop containing nothing but cute, but slutty clothing. Sandy helped us pick out some outfits that were actual enhancements to nudity. For the bonding ceremony, she bought the three of us panties whose only crotch piece was a string of pearl like beads which would go in our slits and up the cracks of our asses. Combined with my clitoral hood piercing, I could see myself climaxing all day just from walking around. We bought the rest of the items ourselves. As for fucking, the beads wouldn't be any impediment to a cock sliding up our cunts.    


Sandy took us to lunch afterwards, a much nicer restaurant at a much nicer location. The waitress seated us; three good looking women without underwear in sleazy slave clothes, one a little older. Perhaps we looked like two girls being turned out by a madame, for one person came to our table asking how much.    


"You couldn't afford it," Sandra said. "No amount of money would buy even one of us."    


He left despondently. That was probably true. I never felt as if Master was eager to part with us before, but this week was leaving me befuddled. Would he have wanted to sell us to some stranger to fuck if he were here? Maybe not sell, as it would be illegal, but just give us away for an afternoon of pleasure to some total stranger? I know he knew Sean, and Shasta, but having us fuck a relative stranger we'd never fucked before had me confused. At least we'd been with the others before and they were known quantities, but Sean wasn't.    


"Has Master Dan given you any indication of what Master is up to?" I asked.    


"I was concerned myself, as it seems my son is not acting as he was normally acting. I didn't realize he'd shut down other male sexual encounters after Memorial Day. I asked Master about it and he told me not to worry; everything would be fine. He wouldn't say more than that. Perhaps Scott feels more comfortable about it knowing my Master is sharing me."    


"I don't know," I said. "I suppose it's possible. But Master described seeing us with other men as a horrible blackness, a barely contained rage, and an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach like acid burning or he had to puke. I'm not sure how knowing you are shared would change those thoughts. He got the same way with Cindy. I know he didn't want her fucking other men. It's partly how I found out they cared for one another in a non-sibling way. And to want pictures of it! It's one thing to know it's happening because you ordered it to happen, but to have photographic evidence seems excessive considering I know how he feels about it."    


Sandra patted my hand. "I'm glad Cindy didn't manage to ruin your relationship and you could find a way to include her in your life."    


"Any more than you could," I replied, squeezing it back, reminding her that she and her Master were now our lovers too. "It doesn't seem odd to me that I'm not bothered by it. I suppose most people would be, but somehow, it's okay. If it's important to Master, it's important to me. I worried a little about Lisa when she first joined us, thinking she might push me out of my own marriage because I knew Master was attracted to her, but I love her as much as he does. Since then, nothing bothers me except the thought I might somehow disappoint him, which is what worries me now."    


Lisa smiled at me. "You're making me wet."    


"Everything makes you wet, just as it does me."    


"Too true," she laughed.    


"We're about to undergo a bonding ceremony to confirm our relationship to each other before all our friends and family and I question what he's doing and why right now. I want this with every fiber of my being. If he did it six months from now, it might not concern me as much as it does at this moment. It makes me wonder if he wants to bond with us at all now."    


"All plans are going ahead as scheduled, aren't they?" Sandra asked.    


"Yes, except for sharing us with everyone, I'd have no concerns at all."    


"I think my Master would be concerned if he felt there was something going wrong in your relationship. You're the mother of our grandchild. Lisa might be at some point. This would pain him if he felt it was over."    


"I hope you're right, Sandy."    


The rest of the meal was like most other meals between close friends and family. We talked, we laughed, we drank wine. It was nice to drink again. Since Sandra was driving, she only had one glass, but Lisa and I killed the rest of the bottle. I felt good. I'd probably feel better when I felt Jerry's man meat fuck me later, or felt Reneé's tongue slither in my cleft, searching for her Master's cum, but Sandra had reassured me a little by saying Dan apparently had no concerns.    


"What time are you coming over tomorrow?" I asked.    


"We're coming over at 11 AM."    


"Do you want us to prepare something special for dinner?" Lisa asked.    


"No. Master told me I would be preparing dinner, probably something in the slow cooker. We'd bring it with us when we come over."    


"Do you know what it is? We can chill some beer or wine to go with the meal."    


"He said he'd tell me later. I can let you know."    


"Perfect," I said.    


When we got back, Jerry was still watching basketball and Reneé wasn't back yet. He took notice of Scott's mother being present with us when as we were saying our goodbyes at the door.    


"Mrs. Rivers," Jerry said to Sandra. "I've got to say you're the best cock sucker to ever wrap her lips around my dick. The night you spent at my house was amazing. Any chance your Master would object if you suck me off now while I watch the game?"    


"Thank you, Master Jerry. I can check with him if you like."    


"Please do."    


Sandra called Dan and told him what Jerry was requesting. Apparently, she got a favorable response to her question. She started to remove her clothing as soon as she hung up.    


"Master said you could have me for whatever you wished for the next hour, sir."    


"He's a generous man, slave, to share you with others."    


"I've always thought him generous, sir."    


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