Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I hadn't received anything from my slaves before I fell asleep Tuesday night and wondered if Sarah had wanted sex or conversation. When I woke up the next morning, I found the stuff Julia texted to me. There was a movie five minutes in length of Ron fucking Julia and he was still going strong when it ended. There were photos of Julia sucking his cock, which from the time stamp, preceded the fucking. There was also photos and video of Lisa and Sarah in a sixty-nine, also still going strong past the five minute mark. Ron and Sarah looked good, both leaner and more wiry than I remembered, the thousands of miles of hiking doing both of them good and keeping the weight and tone provided by it. Portland was known for the outdoor activities. My slaves looked like they were enjoying the visit. I wondered how Ron's visit with Regina went and if Shasta and Sean had stayed past supper.    


Questions for later in the day. I'd be seeing them later. They should be at Brianna's for supper, and I planned to be there when they arrived, fucking them before they ate, even if our food got cold.    


I sent a text to Julia. Be at Brianna's by four. Expect to be fucked hard. All three of you.    




I woke up at 6:00, when I got a text, dragging from the night before. It was from Master. Expect a hard fucking. Good, I missed him, no matter how many people who fucked me since he left. Sarah was awake watching me as I stretched.    


"I need you to lick my cunt again," she whispered, parting her legs.    


"Yes, Mistress," I mumbled. I crawled between her legs and found her core, wet in contemplation of the tempting slaves she had at her disposal. Using my fingers and tongue, I gave her an orgasm. "Again," she whispered. I didn't answer, I just kept licking, my tongue doing a song and dance up and down her slit. Lisa woke up, smiling when she saw what we were doing. Sarah motioned Lisa to ride her face. Ron felt the rustling and movement of the bed, and leaned on one arm watching.    


"Slave, you think you get to lie there like a fucking lazy bones just because Julia is pleasing your Mistress," Lisa said. "Get your ass in gear and fuck Julia. Her cunt needs attention."    


Fifteen seconds later, Ron's erect prick pierced my pussy and started thrusting. We were all busy, so no one told him to cum. He was still fucking me thirty minutes later when Sarah finally pushed me away. Since my mouth was no longer busy, I said, "Cum" and felt his prick pulsing in my pussy, filling it with his cream; a cup of it, it seemed.    


Fortunately, he cleaned up after himself and I didn't feel I would embarrass myself by standing up and having it all run down my leg.    


"I suppose I should start looking for a motel," Sarah said.    


"I thought you might be staying with Regina," I said.    


"It would be weird for both my slave and I," she said. "His ex-wife, her two paramours, the bi-sexual ex-husband and his Mistress. Sounds like an Agatha Christie murder waiting to happen."    


"We'll be gone, but there's no reason you can't stay here," I said. "If Master trusts you with his slaves, he should be good trusting you with his house."    


Lisa chimed in. "The party bus is picking up a bunch of people from Chen's, right next door on Friday. Janet and Chen know the codes to set the burglar alarm. You can take an Uber or Lyft if you need to go anywhere, but there's plenty of food in the house. You know your way around it."    


"The offer would be even more tempting if you were here," Sarah smiled. "God, that was fun last night. I haven't cum like that in a month of Sundays."    


"We were thinking of sending the workers home at noon when we have to leave," I said, "but I'm thinking now we should leave Shasta in charge. She's taking on more responsibility all the time. Some of it earned, but some is her Dominance beginning to exert itself. She gives an order and we've all started to jump. Everyone is starting to take orders from her like they come from me."    


"You're right," Lisa said. "Let's make her like shop foreman or something. Put her in charge of production. She can do as well as we can. We can concentrate on administration or something, maybe work on getting our own website up instead of selling everything through Mistress Dark."    


"She spent the night, let's talk to her at breakfast," I said. "Ugh, I need a shower. I feel covered in cum. Sarah, shower with me. It will give Lisa a chance to get a shower fucking with Ron, since I just had mine."    


She joined me. I only had to give her one more orgasm as the water cascaded down her body. Since I was trying to put Lucas on a regular schedule, I got him and started his feeding.    


Shasta and Sean were up already, and Sean had started getting out some ingredients for breakfast. Lisa started to help him while Sarah and I sat down.    


Sarah smiled at her. "Good morning, Shasta. You look lovely this morning."    


"Don't you think you get me to lick your cunt this morning, cause it won't happen," Shasta replied. "I ain't quite decided if I want to become like all you other perverts who don't know the difference between a cock and a cunt."    


Sarah laughed. She held up a thumb and forefinger, a quarter inch apart. "Not even a teeny, tiny one, like this."    


Knowing Sarah was pulling her leg, Shasta laughed too. She seemed much more relaxed now she was getting sex regularly and settling into her role.    


"Shasta," I said, "Lisa and I have noticed you starting to take over things in the basement."    


"I'm sorry, Julia. I'll try not to do it again."    


"We're not. Don't be sorry. We want to make it official. Make you the shop foreman, in charge of making everything. You understand what's needed as much or more than we do. We'd give you a raise, a larger percentage of the profits. You'd have to do the ordering, but you know what's needed."    


"I don't know anything about being in charge of nothing."    


"Nonsense. Just treat us all like your slaves. When you want something done, just say it like you're telling me to lick your cunt."    


"Like this. 'Lick my fucking cunt, slave'."    


"Exactly like that."    


"No, I mean it. I want you on your knees licking my cunt, now." She spread her legs under the table. "Now, slave."    


I got on my knees and started licking her cunt. She sounded serious. Some of Sean's cum was leaking out of her cunt. I licked it up, then licked her until she orgasmed.    


"That's enough, slave." I crawled out from under the table. "I think I can do that," she said, smiling.    


Sarah started laughing. "Oh my God!" Through bouts of laughter. "You've screwed the pooch now, Julia. You're going to spend a lot of time on your knees. Might want to invest in knee pads." Sean and Lisa were tittering in the kitchen.    


"No fucking way," Shasta said. "Not at work. We got things to do. Might be busy during lunch break though. What the fuck are you going to do if you ain't the boss?"    


I started to wipe my face on a napkin, but Shasta told me to leave it there. "Going to wear me on your face all morning, slave."    


I put down the napkin. "Fine. I'll still work, of course, but one of the things I'd like to do is start our own website. We lose 30% of our gross to shipping and handling by using Mistress Dark's business to sell on-line. If we start our own, I think we can cut that substantially, maybe down to 10%. Big increase in profits if we can do it. I need to find a web designer though."    


"Uh, Miss Rivers. Are you aware of what I did before working for you?" Sean said.    


"No, I didn't interview you and I'm not sure prior work qualifications had much to do with becoming a sex slave."    


"I was a web designer."    


"What the fuck are you doing building bondage furniture?"    


"Mistress wanted to know if I thought I could build furniture if she taught me and I said I could. Gave me a chance to work with her; do her bidding. I wanted to be a slave more than a web designer."    


"Every minute you're not building furniture, or obeying your Mistress, I want you building our website. We'll pay you fair market value for the site and add more to your pay for keeping it updated and running. Tell us what you need and we'll make it happen."    


"A computer and web design software. We'll need either a server or to purchase server services."    


"We can't buy it today. We need to leave for LA, but give us a list of stuff and we'll get it next week."    


"Shasta, we were going to let everyone go at noon, because we were leaving, but Sarah is going to stay here until Friday and if you're going to be in charge, you can start today. Keep things running the rest of today and tomorrow. Give everyone the day off on Friday because almost everyone is coming to the bonding ceremony."    


"I can do that."    


Sean and Lisa were putting food on the table when Rhonda came home from work. She had the rest of this and the first part of next week off due to our bonding ceremony. She was going to pack this morning, take a brief nap, make lunch and sleep as she could during the car ride to LA. At this point, we didn't know what Master had planned for us except for his text this morning telling us to be there by four and expect a vigorous fucking when we arrived. I know he owed Brianna for the use of her slaves a week ago, Sunday. I don't know when he planned to pay his debt.    


I started to sit down to eat. Shasta pulled my plate beside her. "I'm feeding you this morning, slave. You eat, then lick my cunt some more." She patted her lap and I sat down.    


Sarah pulled Lisa's plate next to her. "Sound's like a plan, Lisa. I don't think I'm done with your slave services for the day."    


Rhonda took Lucas and began feeding him some of his baby food we were giving him now. Ron and Sean got to eat their food while we were fed like the slaves we were, then ordered to the floor when our meal was over. She didn't even give me an orgasm first. When the other workers got to work, we were buried in humid cunts lapping two Mistresses taking their time over their breakfast.    


The women tittered to see their bosses on their knees licking cunts, but Sean led them downstairs to start. Probably for the best we were putting Shasta in charge. We were likely losing credibility anyway.    


We went down right before eight and Shasta immediately made the new state of affairs plain.    


"I'm in charge of all furniture production from now on. You got any questions, you ask me. Need time off, you ask me. Need direction, ask me. You're a good bunch and I don't expect to lay down the law often, but I will. If you don't have any questions now, get to work. Times wasting."    


They looked at me, still with Shasta's cum on my face. "She was put in charge this morning," I confirmed. I'm sure they wondered if my position was usurped while licking Shasta's cunt, or if it was given to her first.    


"Yes, Mistress," Janet, Sean and Reneé said. "Yes, boss," the others replied. Didn't make any difference how it happened. It was a done deal. Shasta was in charge now. I got to work, doing what I was told.    




At 11:30, Shasta gave Lisa and I permission to leave. We kissed the others goodbye. Shasta patted me on the ass and told me I'd worked hard today.    


"May I see you a moment in private, Mistress?" I asked.    


"Of course."    


We went upstairs for privacy.    


"Am I taking it too far?" Shasta asked.    


"No. I've no problem with that. It clearly shows you're in charge now, and you are a Dominant and I'm a slave. I wanted to give you the security codes to the house. You're in charge of ensuring the house is locked up now if we're not present. Sarah and Ron don't have them. They can lock it, but can't get back in. They're only going to be here a few days, so I don't wish them to know. If they need to leave for any reason, you can lock the house. Janet and Chen also have the codes as our neighbors in case there's an issue. Please make sure the house is locked up before getting on the bus on Friday."    


Everyone going from here was leaving on Friday from here, except one worker who lived close to Luigi's. Only Jerry was driving on his own as he had to work next week, taking Reneé with him.    


"Of course."    


I gave her the codes. The entry code for entering the house, the password to the security company if the alarm was inadvertently tripped while someone was here.    


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