Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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3Chantelle was cumming almost as much as Marcia had in similar circumstances. Despite her surrendering to her orgasms on a regular basis, she managed to keep sucking Bill's cock. Since Evelyn was below Chantelle, she had a close up of her husband's cock disappearing in Chantelle's mouth, back and forth. Once again, Sam was the first man to cum. The tight confines of Chantelle's ass along with the vibrations going on right beside it being too much to hold out long. He stopped briefly as his cum filled his slave's ass, then continued fucking as long as he could maintain an erection until Bill groaned and released in Chantelle's mouth. Since everyone else was stopping, I stopped as well.    


"Kiss me," Evelyn said to Chantelle, still breathing hard from her sexual exertions.    


Chantelle leaned down and kissed Evelyn, letting her taste her husband's cum.    


"Thank you," Evelyn said. "You're so kind to me after I was so horrible to you."    


"How were you horrible to Chantelle?" I asked.    


"Simple prejudice," Evelyn said. "I thought blacks were less intelligent, less clean, more criminal than whites. Lack of knowing any personally, primarily, living in a white bubble. Chantelle's family invited everyone on the cruise to come to their house in Guadeloupe for a big homecoming dinner. I thought of Chantelle as nothing more than a servant, her family as living in a shack, utterly beneath me. I refused to go. I was horrid and beastly. It's when I was still a nasty bitch before I began my slavery. Now, I feel only shame for my behavior. Chantelle has been far more gracious to me than I deserved."    


Chantelle kissed her again. "The important thing is you've learned, Evelyn. You're no longer that person. I'm honored to be your friend now."    


Everyone was disengaging, disentangling. I got a warm, wet, washcloth to clean Sam's cock. Marcia said the wine they had wasn't $3000 a bottle, but she'd crack one for the next rest period. She collected the goblets and left for the kitchen. She returned in ten minutes with the glasses refilled.    


"I didn't keep track of who was using which glass," Marcia said, "but considering we're all fucking one another, does it really make any difference?"    


"Not to me," I said, laughing, "my primary concern would be whether this wine tastes as good with cum as the last one."    


The rest of them joined me. I spent a little more time learning about Chantelle's family in the Caribbean and whether they knew about her relationship with Sam and Marcia.    


"They know I live with Monsieur and Marcia, but they don't know I'm in a subservient relationship to him," Chantelle said.    


"She has a very stern father and several brothers," Sam said. "I'm unsure if I want them to know I spank or whip their daughter/sister. Might not come out well for me."    


"Cindy knew we all lived together, but didn't know about our slavery or even her parents playing at BDSM until she came for Christmas," Lisa said. "I suppose we all have something we'd prefer everyone didn't know."    


"Isn't it amazing what those things can be," Evelyn said. "When I was a bitchy, nasty, prejudiced, cheating wife, I didn't particularly care who knew. I only superficially acted like I didn't want Master to find out. I didn't think I was being that obvious, but I know now I was. I acted out those things every day, indifferent to my behavior. Everyone knew me and knew about my behavior. Now, I'm a more loving, balanced, kinder person and I worry who might know I'm a sex slave. Our parents still don't know. Master has been kind enough to keep it from them."    


"I suppose all of our closest friends know about us now," I said. "Everyone coming tomorrow knows. In fact, I suspect Master is going to let all or as many who want to, fuck us tomorrow."    


"You're kidding!" Sam exclaimed. "Scott? Why would you think that? Has he said something?"    


Lisa looked surprised as well.    


"He hasn't specifically said so, but it's been hinted at, sir," I said. "Everyone who's coming except for two people has fucked us in the last two weeks, including all of you. He told Lisa he was ready to have children with her and she said she'd come off birth control immediately, but Master told her to wait. He said we should expect to be well fucked this weekend."    


"Aren't your parents coming tomorrow?" Marcia asked. "Are they the two who haven't fucked you?"    


"They are coming, Marcia, but they aren't. Last Sunday, Lisa and I were both airtight with our parents. Only one slave hole is prohibited to our fathers. He says he wants to loosen our restrictions given we're so open to him with other women slaves. I think he's serious in trying to overcome his angst regarding us and other men."    


"Scott, the one who nearly went ballistic when he thought I'd purchased you two for the night?" Sam said. "That Scott?"    


Lisa said, "God! I think you're right. I never put it together before."    


"No, it can't be," Sam said. "He was so adamantly opposed to other men fucking you. He almost gave up two delicious slaves when he thought he'd have to keep sharing you."    


"Yet, here we are, Master Sam, getting fucked by the two of you. Six months ago, it would never have happened, I agree. We've been wondering what's come over him lately, and I think there's a reason he's had us fucking everyone we know. He said it's a question of love and giving us freedom, which I think is the basis for it, but every time we fucked someone else, he wanted photos and videos taken and sent to him, and I think it was to prepare himself for seeing lots of people fuck us."    


"She may be right," William said. "He said he wanted to offer them their freedom when he approached me about having sex with his slaves."    


"But everyone? Running a damn train on his wife and paramour? It seems impossible."    


"As I said, I don't know, but it's the way my speculation is running," I replied.    


"How would you feel about it if he did?" Sam asked.    


"I'd be okay with it. I love sex. It's no one I haven't fucked before. I supposed I'd want to stop if I got sore. What do you think, Lisa?"    


"I imagine Master would have some limit on it so it wouldn't be indefinite. With that many people, the first one who fucked you would be ready again before the last one finished. It might never end."    


"I can't imagine getting fucked by that many people one after the other," Marcia said. "It's nearly incomprehensible."    


"That's why I don't see Scott turning his slaves out like that."    


We did talk to them about Memorial Day, didn't we? How could he not think Master might do this?    


"Are you gentlemen ready to fuck Evelyn now?" I asked. "I'm sure she'd like to enjoy the same thing Marcia and Chantelle did. William would you like to fuck your wife's ass or cunt?"    


"I'd like her cunt," Bill said, stroking her cheek.    


"Who's doing her ass then?" Marcia asked.    


"Any woman. Since you're friends, it could be you."    


"What about you or Lisa?"    


"We're here to serve you. We can pleasure one another or play with Chantelle."    


Marcia smiled. "Fucking Evelyn's ass does have a certain appeal. She was extremely bitchy to me at one time."    


"William, you'll need to lie down and let Evelyn mount you."    


He got on the bed, his cock only half hard.    


"Evelyn, may I get your husband hard enough for you to fuck?" I asked.    


She smiled. "Help yourself."    


I enfolded his cock in my mouth and cupped his sack and in a couple minutes he was hard enough. Since Sam was going to be sucked by Evelyn, he didn't need any help. She'd get him plenty hard by herself. Evelyn settled herself over William's prick, sighing when he bottomed out in her pussy.    


"I love you, Master," she said, settling over his prick and leaning down to kiss him. Of course, leaning down opened her bottom up. I spread some lube over her sphincter and stretched her bottom. Smeared more on the vibrator and as I watched, Marcia pushed through the star with Evelyn grunting to feel both of the thick phalli taking over her nether regions. Marcia turned on the vibrator and Evelyn climaxed, gasping in pleasure. She was stretched tight, filled to bursting. It was about to get worse; Sam fed her his cock, already almost full sized. From now on, her moans would be smothered by his large sausage. Lisa had begun fucking Chantelle with the other strapless. Chantelle was enjoying it.    


Since Evelyn expressed a prior prejudice towards black people and Marcia responded so well to my verbal suggestions, I decided to play around inside her head as well.    


"One of the men coming tomorrow is a very handsome black man. You might have seen him working on your new house. He's Master's business partner, Jerry, a Master who possesses a slim white slave he's about to marry next month. His cock is even larger than Sam's, at least in length. But his best feature are his big juicy balls, bursting with his creamy sperm. When he cums, he fills you up. I have a hard time swallowing it all."    


Evelyn started to respond, cumming more frequently, moaning deep in her throat where Sam's cock couldn't reach.    


"Just think, Evelyn, if your Master allowed it, he could slide his big black dick into your pretty white cunt, fuck you hard, and fill you with his cum until it ran down your legs. Or better yet, slide the purple black head between your pouty pink lips and down your throat where you could choke on his hardness."    


The sounds Evelyn was making now were quite urgent, signifying a spate of orgasms, one after the other. I could see spasm after spasm convulse her pussy, clinging to her Master's cock. Lisa and Chantelle had stopped to watch. It was quite incredible.    


"Perhaps in return for your rudeness to Chantelle's family, your Master should turn you over to her father and brothers to fuck all day. How many brothers do you have, Chantelle?"    


"Five," Chantelle answered.    


"Five men and her father, six black cocks for you to satisfy in return for your rudeness to her family. Would it be adequate recompense for your unwarranted prejudice?"    


Evelyn gave one long, low, deep growl, her body shuddering with the most intense of orgasms, which appeared to go on for a few minutes, then she collapsed against her Master, unconscious, her mouth coming off Sam's cock. Everybody froze.    


"Dear heart," Bill said, shaking her. "Evelyn?" Shaking harder.    


"Get some ice water, Chantelle," Marcia ordered, "and some ammonia from under the sink."    


She pulled out of Evelyn's ass. Evelyn's bottom still quivered from orgasmic aftershocks.    


"Oui, Marcia." Chantelle off like a shot.    


Shit, what had I done? Chantelle returned with a glass of ice water and a bottle of ammonia. Marcia pulled the strapless out of her cunt, set the glass down, and opened the top of the ammonia. She waved it under Evelyn's nose, Bill's nostrils flaring at the scent. His prick was shrinking and retreating from her pussy. Evelyn started to stir. Marcia recapped the bottle, pulled an ice cube from the glass and started rubbing it on Evelyn's forehead. She stirred some more, opening her eyes.    


"Hello," Evelyn said, "why's everyone staring at me?"    


"You passed out, dear," William said, stroking her face. "What happened?"    


"The most intense orgasm of my life," Evelyn said. "First, it was like one after the other, then, they seemed to get closer and closer together until it became one on top of another, continually building on the last."    


"Do you need to go to the doctor? How do you feel now?" Marcia asked.    


"I feel wonderful. My cunt is still frizzing," Evelyn replied dreamily.    


"Was it the triple penetration?" Bill asked.    


Evelyn blushed. "That and something more, sir."    


"What?" He asked.    


"Julia talking about black cocks fucking me," she admitted. "As much as I would like to think I've overcome my racial bias, the thought of all those black cocks fucking me set me off. I know it's still a byproduct of racial stereotypes, but I'm thinking of ten and eleven inch pricks filling me."    


Chantelle laughed. "I can assure you most black men are not all that large. You'd be lucky finding one outside of porn movies to be so large. Though I've never seen my brothers' or father's erect cocks; flaccid, they seemed quite ordinary to me. My boyfriends were much the same size as Sam."    


"What made you think Evelyn would respond to talk of black cocks?" William asked.    


"She admitted to racial prejudice regarding Chantelle and her family. Racial prejudices are often based upon ignorant stereotypes. Large black dicks is a common one. When combined with the thought of fucking such cocks, I thought Evelyn would react to the imagery," I replied. "One does not overcome most prejudice too easily. Because Evelyn recognizes Chantelle as a kindred soul now, didn't mean she wouldn't still have some racial imagery lurking in her mind. I thought I might play with it."    


William shook his head. "Unbelievable. Are you sure you're fine, Evelyn?"    


"I feel great, Master. A little sleepy and worn out, but fine."    


"Would you like to fuck a black cock, Evelyn?" Bill asked. "Would you like to have your curiosity satisfied."    


"Only if Master desires it," she replied, a good slave.    


"Let me think about it, slave. I think we'll head to bed now."    


"You weren't able to cum yet, Master Bill," Lisa said. "One of us could take care of it for you."    


"I think my own slave can satisfy me," he said.    


He helped Evelyn up off the bed and they went back to their room.    


"Master Sam," I said, "how about you? I'm sure you'd like to cum."    


"I would, as a matter of fact. How about if Marcia and Chantelle fuck you and you suck me off?"    


"I will happily do so, Master Sam, but if it's permissible; I'd appreciate if my sister slave could be the one to enjoy a triple penetration?" I kissed her.    


"Fine by me," Sam said.    


Since we were starting over, I washed both vibrators. Marcia chose to take the bottom this time, so Chantelle took Lisa's ass. Once again, I spread lubricant where Lisa might need it and watched as both of them penetrated her and turned them on. Lisa climaxed immediately, my dear slut. Sam''s limp cock went into her mouth and Lisa quickly brought him to an erection, which my sister slave had no problem handling.    


As I had nothing better to do, I got between Sam's legs and played with his nut sack as he pumped into Lisa's mouth. I licked it, sucked on his balls one at a time, then attempting to take both at once. It was difficult as they were quite large. One at a time was better. I also licked over his taint and towards his anus, prodding gently at the ring, though not enough to penetrate him. Sam enjoyed my attentions, groaning appropriately when I did something he liked, thrusting more vigorously as he approached his crest. Lisa was moaning too, her whimpers smothered by his prick. Able to tell when he was going to cum by the movement of his ovoid eggs, I caressed Lisa's face and suckled one of his testes.    


"Ah, fuck!" Sam sighed as he sprayed his sperm down Lisa's throat, not even letting her taste he was so deep.    


As his contractions eased, he finally pulled out so she could suck the rest from his cock. When he pulled out of her, I pulled her head down for another kiss and she dribbled some of his cum into my mouth for me to enjoy.    


"I think that's it for me tonight," Sam said. "If I've got a single drop of cum left in my body, I suspect it's hiding somewhere so it doesn't get wasted in Lisa's mouth."    


Lisa laughed, then moaned, cumming again. Chantelle and Marcia kept fucking her until they each orgasmed once more, eventually pulling out.    


"That was pretty amazing," Marcia said. "That's one of the better nights of fucking I've ever enjoyed."    


"Oui, mon cherie," Chantelle said. "I agree."    


"Slaves need cleaning," Lisa said. "Let Julia and I take care of it for you."    


They did, being quite messy after all the times they'd cum this evening. We licked them clean, me on Chantelle, giving them each one more orgasm in the bargain. After, I cleaned Lisa, licking around both holes since she'd been stuffed full. I was relatively clean, and Lisa took no time in cleaning me. Chantelle had cleaned both of the vibrators and put them on their chargers. We went to bed after, Sam spooning Marcia and Lisa and I cuddled with Chantelle. I was looking forward to tomorrow when I would bond with my Master and sister slaves.    


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