Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C35 035

C35 035

3Wendy handed me the diamond ring in the box. I took the ring and her left hand.    


"Rhonda. I love, cherish and respect you as I do few others. You are as dear to me as my Master and husband. I'm honored by your subservience. I offer you this ring as a symbol of the love I hold for you. I promise to be your lover, your friend and agree to be so as long as we both shall live. Your family will be my family, your burdens my burdens, your pain my pain, your pleasure my pleasure. My children will be your children. Your children will be mine from this day forward. Please accept this small token for the love I bear you."    


"I do, Domina. Thank you."    


I put the ring on her finger and kissed her. I began to stroke her cunt, and soon she was stroking mine in return. As two horny needy slaves, it didn't take long for either one of us to cum, moaning in each other's arms. When the tremors of our orgasms ended, I stood again.    


"Wendy, are you ready to give away your sister as my slave, lover, friend, and family?"    


"I am."    


"Pass me her leash, please."    


Wendy handed me the leash handle.    


"Slave, I promise to love and cherish you above all other possessions. I promise to show you tenderness, pleasure and pain in due measure. I promise to share my bed and my Master with you and with my sister slave, Lisa. Do you agree to submit to me as your Domina and to my Master as your Master?"    


"Yes, Domina."    


"Do you agree to submit to my will before your own, to obey me in all things, unless my Master countermand me, within the bounds of your slave agreement?"    


"Yes, Domina."    


"Then I accept your slavery. Please kiss my feet and lick my cunt."    


Rhonda did as she was told and I tenderly stroked her cheek and head as her facile tongue dipped in every nook and cranny of my cunt. I soon had a second orgasm on her tongue, stopping her when she was done, then pulling her to her feet and tasting myself on her lips. I thanked Wendy for her help and told her she could leave the stage now.    


She left the platform, Zoe helping her off. "Master, we're ready for you," I said, holding my slave around her waist.    


He got on the platform with us, bringing Lisa with him.    


"Give me your collars," Master said, holding out his hand.    


We took them off, wondering what he was doing. We'd already told him we didn't plan on changing Masters. He handed them to Zoe and told her to take care of them. Zoe put them in a cloth bag.    


"Slaves, I want you to masturbate for your audience. Show them what hot, needy slaves you are. Two orgasms apiece. I've got another matter to take care of. Marcia's Slave Trainer is about to die."    


While the three of us masturbated standing up for our many guests, Master got the other Slave Trainer and approached Marcia. He told her the battery was dying and she needed to swap out the old one for a freshly charged one. I couldn't hear what they said, but it was clear Marcia was disgusted her misery wasn't ending yet. Chantelle helped her to remove the old one and put the new one on. From what I could see from where I was, the phallus part was thick with her creamy discharge, lacking only cum to make it a complete mess. Her legs had two rivulets on it going down past her knees. Chantelle licked it up since she was down there anyway. Poor Marcia. She had to be absolutely miserable by now. Master took the dying one and putting it on the charger again. He returned to the stage.    


"I told her we might have to do it longer. The ceremony was taking longer than I thought it would. She was ready to scream." He chuckled. We'd both cum twice already. It didn't take slaves long to cum. "Zoe, please shred their old slave agreements," Master said.    


We looked at each other as the paper shredder turned them into mulch.    


Master then took our cuffs and fastened them to the chains above our heads and our feet parted by spreader bars much as Cindy's had been though our arms weren't spread out.    


"If I may have everyone's attention. These slaves are going to be offering themselves into bondage shortly and although they assure me I'm still their first choice, there's no reason you can't all come up and inspect the merchandise. Perhaps you can convince them you're a better choice for a Dominant than I am. I admit I've made a lot of mistakes doing this. Hopefully, I've learned from my errors and I'll be the better Master for it. Or, just feel them up a little. My slaves love it when they cum."    


For the next thirty minutes or so, we were poked, prodded, stroked, caressed, fingered and fondled in just about any way you could be. Rob even examined our teeth as a joke, announcing it didn't look like we needed dental care. Of course, he also felt my cunt first, thrusting two thick fingers in me, making me cum, before using the same fingers to pry my lips open. Master didn't ignore us though, bringing a plate of food and bottle of water to feed and hydrate us while everyone else made us squirm. Even the bus drivers were invited up to check us out. Rodrigo was a master manipulator and had me cumming on his fingers in seconds.    


Master shooed all the bystanders off the platform and addressed us.    


"I don't know if any of these people managed to turn you to the dark side or not, but before you make a decision as to who your Master or Mistress is going to be, I need to make you aware of some changes if you consent to remain my slaves. Zoe has drawn up some new slave agreements. It's essentially the same document as before, but with some important changes made which I'll outline now. I'll be replacing your collars and some of your jewelry. It will remain on you at all times, whether you go to the beach or the store or the gym. It will stay on as a visible symbol of your slavery. I want everyone to know at all times you're mine. It will have a biometric lock on it keyed to my fingerprint and I'm the only one who can remove it unless it's cut off."    


I thought about it. I had no problem proclaiming my slavery to anyone anymore. I was a slave and proud of it. Some people might be shocked by it, but it wasn't illegal as long as it was voluntary and you couldn't be more voluntary than I was. If some people got bent out of shape by my slavery, it wasn't skin off my hide. I doubted Lisa would have anymore of a problem than I did. Rhonda might have issues. Master addressed them next.    


"Rhonda, you're a special circumstance. Your Mistress will be able to remove your slavery symbols for your work. However, I expect you to wear them whenever you're not working."    


"Yes, Master," she said.    


"You no longer have to make me cum before you can have orgasms. In that regard, you're like my other slaves. Unless you're being punished, you can cum whenever they're allowed to cum."    


"Thank you, Master."    


"Lisa, I want you to have a clitoral hood piercing like Julia. You'll have it done tomorrow before we leave here. I wish to fuck you tonight and don't want to wait three days. It's made Julia exceptionally horny and I see no reason for you not to be as aroused as she is."    


"Yes, Master. I will obey." She bowed her head.    


"I'd like Rhonda to have one as well, but I know her job might make it difficult. I won't insist upon it, but leave it to her discretion."    


"Thank you, Master," Rhonda replied.    


"Rather than having you shave to keep off your pubic hair, I'm paying for laser hair removal for all of you. This means you will never again have pubic hair, at my will. I choose for you to have naked cunts always."    


I much preferred licking a bare cunt. Not every worrying about getting hair in your mouth was preferable to me and they'd told me the same thing. Since the other slaves and I spent so much time pleasuring one another, it would be easier for us this way. He was doing us a favor by making it permanent.    


"Yes, Master," we all replied.    


"I'm loosening my reins somewhat. Expect that you'll be fucking more men than you were before. I see no reason you can't enjoy your slavery as much as I enjoy it."    


"Yes, Master." This affected Lisa and I primarily. Rhonda only fucked women except for Master and never had restrictions on the women she fucked. Master was increasing the number of men we could have sex with, though it would always be up to him when and who we fucked.    


"I know I've had some issues as your Master leading to confusion and unease on your part. I'll try to do better than I have, but to make sure I am, I want to make this ritual annual, though not necessarily in this public setting. On May 16 of each year, I'll remove your collars. We'll discuss anything which we need to discuss and if you still consent to be my slaves, I will re-collar you for another year under the same agreement as we have now. Does anyone have any questions?"    


"No, Master." The three of us as one again.    


"Lisa, do you want to sign the new agreement and remain my slave?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Sign it, read it if you need to, then kneel to be collared."    


Lisa went over to the new agreement, scrawled her signature without reading it and knelt down. Master signed it and it was notarized by Zoe. Master took a new collar out of a bag, checked it for her name and put it around her neck. It locked with a solid click and she was once again his slave. He pushed a button and the collar lighted up, reading "Lisa, Scott's beloved slave." He had her stand again to attach a new slave badge to her vaginal piercing and it locked like her collar. Pushing a button, it lit up, saying "Sex Slave." He removed her wrist and ankle cuffs, then replaced them with others, like her new collar, with a biometric lock. He then put a plain iron ring on her right ring finger. It looked like a manacle, a plain band with a small ring attached to it like a chain link. He then had her suck his cock, though not to orgasm. If he needed all three of us to give him an oral orgasm, we'd still be up here in an hour. She sucked him for three minutes then he stopped her.    


"Rhonda, do you wish to sign the new agreement and remain my slave?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Sign, reading it first if you need to, then kneel to be collared."    


Rhonda signed it without reading it. I would too. I'd read it when I got the chance to check out the changes, but I trusted my Master. She knelt down and Master put her new collar on. He said to me, "We'll key it to your fingerprint this weekend, so you can remove it for work." He turned it on and it said, "Rhonda, sex slave of Julia and Scott". She stood and received new cuffs, like Lisa, then a new badge hanging from her labial piercing, saying the same thing. He also gave her an iron ring.    


"I'd like you to wear this ring always as my symbol of your slavery. If you can't for work purposes, I'll understand."    


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