Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I was finally going to be able to watch Master fuck the delectable Marcia. I think I was almost as excited as he was. Only the fact he had pre-cum on the tip of his cock made me think he was more excited. The thought of him using that cock on me tonight didn't bother me at all compared to earlier. Unfortunately, Master was right. Lisa wouldn't be fucked for three days after her piercing. If she wasn't still too sore, Master should fuck her as much as possible, tonight and tomorrow both.    


All five of us made our way from Sam's to Brianna's bedroom, Wendy coming with. I had a sudden thought.    


"Wendy, since you're thinking you might be lesbian, why didn't you take advantage of our position today to get your cunt licked? We wouldn't have known it was you as we were blindfolded."    


"Too public. I didn't even have the courage to remove my clothes until nearly supper time. I almost wish now I had. It might have answered some questions for me."    


"Why do you think you're a lesbian?" Rhonda asked.    


"Well, the only person I truly wanted to kiss was a girl, my friend. I have to admit I'm somewhat afraid of cocks, and men in general. They seem too hard, too eager, too impatient. I think I'm interested in someone who will be gentle, and take their time with me. I was impressed by Jerry though, his advice. He looked as though he'd take his time, no slam, bam, thank you ma'am from him."    


I laughed. "Everyone is capable of being kind and gentle. Given the right circumstances, Jerry can be a tiger. You should have seen him fuck Mrs. Thornhill tonight. She probably didn't think of him as particularly gentle, but I doubt she wanted gentle either."    


"How do I find out who and what I am?" Wendy asked.    


"The same way most people find out about somebody," Rhonda replied. "You date them, find out how well you like them. At some point, you'll realize if you want to have sex with them. And, you'll try it out and see how you do together."    


"How did you and Julia meet?" Wendy asked. "She was married. I can't imagine you dating her."    


Rhonda laughed. "No dates, no moonlit walks, or candlelight dinners, no furtive kisses in the back seat of a car. She whipped me on a bet. Made me cum and I had to submit to her for a day."    


"She whipped you," Wendy whispered. "How? Where?"    


We'd gotten to Brianna's room.    


"You can finish your story after we've showered," Master said. "We all stink of sex at the moment. Wendy, you may take a shower with your sister or shower alone."    


"I can shower with Rhonda," Wendy replied.    


Master told Rhonda to wait until we were all together again before she finished her story. It wasn't until we were all in bed again that Rhonda continued. Rhonda and Wendy were facing each other on their sides, heads propped up on a hand. I was stroking my slaves bottom. I loved her ass.    


"Everyone was hiding out at a friends house after Master's house got shot up. I'd responded to the attack and I was interested in dating their friend, Lucia, who wasn't pregnant at the time or just pregnant. She was tough, pretty, the kind of woman I'm attracted to, but she told me she was a submissive and she was owned by Brianna, the woman who owns this house. She was perfectly willing to have sex with me, but told me she could never be my romantic interest due to her submission to her Mistress. I couldn't conceive how someone so tough, so competent, could be a sex slave. It made no sense to me. Lucia was allowed to have sex with me and I spent a lot of time with her at Master's house to be with her. I was trying to understand her and why she'd want to do something like this.    


"One night, Chen and Janet come over so Master could show Chen how slaves should be punished so it's reasonable. Both Domina and Janet were paddled and whipped, both of them cumming during the process. I accused Domina of being a masochist because she orgasmed from being whipped. She denied she was one and said she'd prove it to me. She said if she gave me an orgasm while whipping me, I had to serve as her slave for a day. If she didn't, she'd serve Lucia and I as our personal sex toy for a week. I lost. When my twenty-four hours was up, I didn't want to stop. I became her temporary slave for a month to see how it worked out for everyone, then her permanent slave when it worked out well."    


"You climaxed from a whipping?" Wendy asked. "It's hard to believe."    


"Don't make a bet with Domina. You might find yourself wearing a collar as well."    


"I've always believed Rhonda was a slave at heart," I said. "I believed part of her attraction to Lucia was she was not only the perfect lesbian slave, but tough as nails. Since Lucia could still be tough, but submit, it gave Rhonda permission to submit as well. She only needed to maintain her toughness for her job. She could surrender when she wasn't."    


"That's probably true," Rhonda admitted. "I always had to be tougher than anyone on the job; prove I was as good as any man. It didn't allow me to explore my feminine side except for sex. I had to always be the tough one, the butch one. Lucia didn't take shit from anyone, but was fully able to submit to someone else when she didn't have to be tough."    


"How did you discover you were a lesbian?" Wendy asked.    


"High school, another girl on the basketball team. I mean, I wasn't interested in boys anyway, but when she kissed me, I thought, this is what I want."    


"Like when I kissed my friend?"    


"I don't know. Maybe kissing your friend was an outgrowth of the good time you were having and the warm feelings from that good time. I'd never been interested in boys, never even kissed one. I was a gold star lesbian before Domina made me suck Master's cock the first time."    


"And now you fuck him too?"    


"He's my Master through Domina. Like any sex slave, all of my body is his to possess."    


"Do you like fucking him?"    


"Not as much as I like cunt, but I enjoy any kind of sex. Like Lisa and Julia, I want and need sex all the time. Sometimes, that sex comes from Master, most of the time it comes from women."    


"Can I watch you and Julia have sex? See what it's like for two women to fuck each other?"    


Rhonda looked back at me. "I have no objection," I replied. "You get on the bottom. Master, may I cum?"    


"Ask me again when you need to cum, slave."    


"It won't take long."    


"I imagine not."    


Rhonda lay down on her back and I climbed over her in a sixty-nine. "Don't lick my cunt just yet," I ordered. "Just kiss around me like you're trying to seduce me. I'd like to discuss this with Wendy since she's unsure about her sexuality."    


Rhonda started kissing my thighs, staying away from my cunt, already starting to drip in anticipation.    


"Sometimes, we need to cum quickly, we're so desperate and as slaves, we orgasm easily. I'm always ready to fuck. Master can stick his cock in me any time he wishes, so I'm always wet. Show her, slave."    


Running a finger through my pouting slit, Rhonda showed the evidence of my arousal to Wendy.    


"Your sister is very good at making me cum. Probably less than a couple of minutes if she tries. Master, you need to make a decision now, because I want her to make me orgasm as fast as she can and I don't wish to delay to ask permission."    


"Fine," Master said. "You can cum once fast."    


"Make me cum, slave," I ordered. I spasmed in less than two minutes, coating my slaves face in my juices. I told her to stop, even before the waves had ended.    


"We don't always want or need to cum so quickly. We want to take our time with each other. It's not just fucking then. I want to make love to her because I love her, so I'll tease her and won't let her climax. You're not to cum without permission," I ordered.    


I started my seduction of Rhonda, taking my time, going slow, not even using my fingers on her. Five minutes later, she was panting and moaning, but still hadn't released. Her cunt was untouched yet, though dripping as mine was. Wendy was intent, watching, unconscious of her hand sliding down to her own sex, lightly rubbing the outer surface. For the first time, I allowed my lips and tongue to delicately touch her liquid folds, though not with enough pressure to make her cum, especially as I was staying away from her clit, peeking from her hood. Looking at her this way, I suddenly wanted her to be pierced as I was and Lisa would be. Rhonda started thrusting her hips at my face trying to force her orgasm from me.    


"Hold still, slut," I ordered. "You don't have permission to cum yet."    


"Please, Domina. I need to cum now. You're driving me crazy."    


Apparently, I was driving Wendy crazy as well, or at least our show was. She was no longer rubbing just the outside of her pussy. Two fingers were sliding through the slickness of her own slit. I believed she was unconscious of it, she was paying such close attention to us.    


Another four minutes of my attention on Rhonda had her in a dither. Her fists were clenched, the muscles in her legs in high definition as she struggled not to thrust against my mouth. Her abs were fluttering, she was so close. I still hadn't touched her clit, a tiny spike now, screaming for attention.    


"Cum," I ordered, just before sucking on her clitoris.    


"Auuggghh, fuck!" Rhonda moaned, her back arched, thrusting her sex against me, cumming so hard.    


My command apparently worked on Wendy as well. Two of her fingers were buried in her sheath, pumping in and out. "Oh, oh, oh, oh," she cried, realizing suddenly what she was doing, unable to do anything about it but orgasm herself.    


My face now covered in Rhonda's cum, I lifted my head up and said, "That's what it's like to make love to another woman."    


Wendy continued spasming, her fingers squishing in her young pussy, panting, a string of "ohs" still issuing from her mouth. It took more than a minute before she got hold of herself and withdrew her fingers, embarrassed to have masturbated in front of all of us.    


"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I couldn't help myself. Now, I can't wait to have sex with a woman."    


Master was sporting an erection, not immune himself to the show the three of us had put on.    


"I don't want you to think that's the only way to enjoy sex with someone else," I said. "Sex between men and women can be just as beautiful and extraordinary. My Master and Lisa can show you. She needs to have sex with him now before she gets pierced tomorrow. After, she won't be able to have sex for three days. That's very difficult for sex slaves like us. Will you show her, sir?"    


"Lisa," Master asked, "are you ready to accept a cock again."    


"Please, sir. Very much."    


"Why don't you ride me so you control how fast and hard you go?"    


"Yes, Master. May I cum, please?"    


"As much as you want."    


Master lay on his back, his cock spring up from his groin, hard and straight. Lisa swung over his hips and placed his cock at the entrance of her cunt. Very slowly, she slid down his pole, cumming before she reached bottom. She'd enjoyed the show as well. When she raised back up, Master's prick glistened from her juices. She kept it nice and slow at the beginning, perhaps still slightly sore from the days activities. It didn't stop her from cumming though. Perhaps the endorphins released by her orgasms, or the slickness of her cunt, or just an overall easing of her soreness, Lisa started going faster. Wendy's eyes grew wider as she watched.    


"Wendy, you're among friends," I said. "If you need to touch yourself again, no one will care."    


She looked gratefully at me and immediately put two fingers in her sheath again, slowly moving them in and out, about half the speed with which Lisa was riding Master's prick. Rhonda and I kissed and petted one another as Lisa got fucked. It took twenty minutes for Master to cum after all the fucking he'd done this evening. His cock was soaked in Lisa's juices. She'd cum six times. Wendy's fingers had brought her to two more orgasms. I cleaned off Master's cock while Rhonda cleaned Lisa.    


"What did you think of the heterosexual sex compared to the lesbian sex?" I asked Wendy.    


"It was just as beautiful and arousing as you and my sister," she replied. "Perhaps I'm not a lesbian after all."    


"It may be you'll be one of those people who are equally comfortable with both men and women," Rhonda said.    


"Watching you made me want to have sex," Wendy said. "Both kinds."    


"Jerry was right though," I said. "Since you are a virgin, you should wait and do it with someone you care for, not just anyone to get it over with."    


"I care for all of you," she said. "You make Rhonda happy and that makes me happy."    


"It's not the same," Master said. "Liking someone and loving someone is different."    


"You all are fucking people you don't love. I bet you don't love even half the people today who fucked you."    


She was right, of course. I loved four people in the way Master meant. My Master, my two sister slaves and my son. After that, came my parents. I was quite fond of Lucia and Zoe. I was becoming better friends with Shasta and beginning to accept her dominance over me in the work place. That left a lot of other people who'd fucked me recently I merely liked, some I didn't even know, like Lester and Rodrigo. But there was a difference.    


"You're right. I didn't love all the people who fucked me today, but I wasn't surrendering myself for the first time to any of them. I wasn't a virgin, and I wasn't being fucked for the first time. I'd been with both men and women before and experienced all of it at one time or another, exclusively with my loved ones first, not a bunch of strangers.    


"I really liked the boy to took my virginity and I spent ten years fucking only my husband and loving only him before I began my slavery and learning who I am. What I did today was not necessarily what I would have chosen for myself. I enjoyed it. I always enjoy sex because of who I am, but I did it because I love my Master. He wanted me to do it, and so I did, submitting my will to his. It was an act of love on his part to give it to me and an act of love on mine to accept it. The rest was just fucking. Until you've experienced all the things I've done, you wouldn't place yourself on that platform the way I was. You wouldn't enjoy it. Don't believe our situations are similar because we're both women. I've got fourteen more years of experience with sex than you do."    


"What if no one wants to have sex with me?"    


"Wendy, don't be foolish," Rhonda said. "You're a lovely, young woman. There will be lots of boys and girls who will want to have sex with you. The problem will be picking the right ones. Ones who care for you and want to see your needs and desires are met. Who won't abuse you and lie and cheat and will treat you as you should be treated. Ones you want to be with as much as they want to be with you."    


"Wendy, I'm going to tell you something which must remain a secret, kept from the rest of your family," I said. "If they know, it might damage their already poor relationship with Rhonda."    


She looked at her sister. The rest of them were looking at me, wondering where I was going with this.    


"Jerry said you should find someone you love to teach you about sex. Would you agree it was sound advice?"    


"I guess."    


"There is already someone you love here, in this room, that can teach you about one kind of sex."    


Her eyes darted to Master, misunderstanding me and knowing she didn't love him. She hardly knew him.    


"Not my Master," I said softly.    


She looked at me, then Lisa, and finally Rhonda, her eyes going wide when she realized what I meant.    


"Rhonda?" she whispered.    


"Did you know that one of the women I licked today was my mother?"    


Wendy shook her head no, still goggle eyed.    


"There is nothing illegal in the State of California about having sex with your sister. Having vaginal sex with your brother or father is a criminal offense, but not oral sex with your sister."    


"Is that true?" She asked Rhonda.    


"It's not illegal, though many people might consider it immoral. Mom and Dad certainly would. They'd disown us both if they ever thought we were having sex with each other."    


"Would...would you teach me?" Wendy whispered, shivering.    


Rhonda looked at me, bewildered. "Domina?" She asked, not asking anything, yet asking everything.    


"I would never order you to have sex with Wendy," I said, "nor encourage Wendy to have sex with you. It seems to me it's a very personal matter between both of you. I merely point it out as an option for someone who's wondering about her sexuality and wanting to have someone who loves her to show her what it's like."    


"All of my family but you have nearly disowned me, Wendy," Rhonda said. "I barely speak to anyone anymore. If we do this, you run the risk of being cut off from the rest of them, never speaking to them again, or even seeing them, never seeing your nieces or nephews again. Think very carefully. Is that a risk you want to take?"    


"I...I don't know." She thought for a moment. "But if Julia or Lisa shows me, they wouldn't consider it incest would they?"    


"No, not incest, but still immoral. You would be having sex with women like I do, possibly a married woman to boot, who is having sex with someone other than her husband. They would blame me for involving you with my circle of 'depraved friends'. They would treat you as they do me. Even when I wasn't a submissive, I was 'sick' for wanting to have sex with women. I'm more depraved now for being a sex slave to a white woman who's married. I let myself be bound and tied. I wear a collar. I'm spanked, paddled and whipped. I lick cunts and suck cocks. I get fucked in the ass. My nipples and cunt are pierced and I wear slave emblems. I'm a pariah to our parents. Associating with me will make you a pariah too, even if we don't have sex."    


Wendy thought some more.    


"I still believe I'm more attracted to women than men. If I'm going to be an outcast anyway, I'd prefer to learn from you."    


Rhonda looked at me again.    4


I stroked her cheek. "It's your sister, slave. It's not up to me what you decide."    


Rhonda leaned up to kiss me, softly engaging my lips, then turned, facing Wendy, holding her arms out. "Come here, Wendy. We'll begin by kissing. You tell me when you're ready for more."    


"Could we turn out the lights?" Wendy asked. "I'm feeling shy at the thought of an audience."    


Master smiled and turned out the lamp. Lisa and I snuggled close to Master to give them more room. The soft sounds of kissing beside us. In less than twenty minutes, we heard Wendy gasping in orgasm, softly, trying to be quiet. I felt for Master's cock, finding it hard and Lisa's hand already on it, lightly stroking him. I shifted down, lowering my mouth over his shaft, gently sucking as Lisa stroked, until he pulsed in my mouth, flooding me with his cum, swallowing. I fell asleep as Wendy whimpered for the third time.    


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