Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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4JULIA     1


I woke up, suddenly chilled and realized the water was draining from the tub.    


"Is it time to get up?" I asked Zoe.    


"No. There was so much cum floating in the water, you weren't really going to get clean. I'm pumping the dirty water out and putting fresh water in." As she spoke, hot water flooded the tub. "Now the water's clean, would you mind if I joined you."    


"I'll mind if you want to fuck me. If all you want to do is lick me or leave me alone, I'm game."    


"How about a little kissing?"    


"Kissing I can do, using hands to stroke or finger fuck you I can do. Anything having to do with using my cunt, ass or tongue is off the table."    


"I can accept those rules. Make room."    


Rhonda and I slid over and Zoe got in the water with us. She pulled me into a kiss, her hands reaching for my breasts. They'd been pretty much ignored all day, dangling uselessly beneath me, so I had no problem with it. I fondled hers in return. Rhonda cuddled up against my back, stroking my buttocks and kissing the back of my neck. I was the meat in a lovely female sandwich.    


"That looks like fun," Marcia said.    


"Lisa's awake. She'll happily rock your world," I said.    


"I won't even mind licking your cunt," Lisa said. "My tongue isn't that tired."    


Marcia laughed. "I can't believe it. We've all been fucked for hours and we still want to have sex."    


"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm a full time sex slave, emphasis on sex. I love sex. I live for sex. What Master did today, I loved. I loved being fucked, pounded even. I loved Lester's baseball bat sized cock thrusting so far up my cunt he reached my womb. I love cunt and cock and tits and ass and cumming, and if Zoe doesn't start licking my cunt now, I'm going to order my tired slave to do it because I want more sex."    


"I can take a hint," Zoe laughed, backing away from me and throwing my legs over her shoulders.    


I leaned back against Rhonda, resting in the hot, bubbly water, my hips raised up, and melted on Zoe's tongue while Rhonda played with my breasts. I loved to cum. It was so easy; like rolling off a log. Lisa and Marcia started kissing. Lisa's mouth went down to Marcia's breasts where she sucked her pert nipples. Her hand started sliding between Marcia's legs which parted for her. Marcia moaned when Lisa's hand reached its goal. She was such a slave slut, just like me.    




"Mr. Thornhill, may I please have a word with you."    


"Of course, Scott."    


Evelyn was kneeling beside him.    


"In private please."    


"Evelyn. Please wait here."    


"Yes, Master."    


He walked with me to someplace we had a little privacy. "What do you need, Scott?"    


"It shouldn't surprise you to know I overheard your conversation with Shasta."    


"Do you believe I shouldn't grant her request?"    


"No, I think she's competent enough to decide this for herself. She's grown a lot in the last few months. Julia and Lisa put her in charge of the furniture construction side of the business. I'm referring to the second part of the conversation. I overheard you saying you planned for Jerry and Chen to fuck Evelyn tonight."    


"Is there some reason they shouldn't? Aren't they trustworthy? They seemed so to me."    


"More than trustworthy. I trust them with my own wife and slaves. I made Jerry a partner because I trust him implicitly. Have you spoken to Evelyn about it yet?"    


"I mentioned I would like her to fuck two new men and their slaves tonight. She hasn't been told who yet."    


"Are you sure you want her to do that? What made you pick those two? I guess I'm worried about our business together if you should regret allowing them to fuck your wife? It doesn't seem to be the sort of thing you've done before to the best of my knowledge."    


William smiled at me. "You're right, of course. It's not something I've done before. Sam is the only man I've willingly allowed my wife to fuck. I suppose two things have happened recently which have made me reappraise my former position. One was what you allowed to happen to your own slaves today. I'm a good judge of men, Scott. I've made my fortune sitting across the table from other rich and powerful men, waiting for them to blink. It's one of the reasons I hired you to build my house. I think you're a damn fine man on the whole. I watched you closely today. You hid it well, but I could tell the experience was somewhat painful to you. You weren't doing it for yourself, because you didn't enjoy it. You don't strike me as a masochist who wants to give himself pain. You genuinely are trying to become more open with your slaves, allow them some variety, become accustomed to seeing them with other men, despite the pain it causes you."    


"Yes, sir. They mean so much to me, have done so much for me, freely giving anything I asked for and asking for nothing in return. It actually made me feel miserable at times and I decided if I was going to feel miserable either way, I'd prefer it to be the misery of allowing them pleasure."    


He laughed. "Yes. I almost divorced Evelyn for her cheating ways. I was this close to giving up." He held up his fingers and they were almost touching. "It was painful imagining other men with my wife. Devastating really. A big part of it is doing it behind my back, barely caring if I found out about it. It was like I meant nothing to her, not my fame or fortune, not even being her husband meant nothing.    


"It all changed when she became my slave. I became her world. She does everything I ask without question, obeys me implicitly, submits to a painful spanking every morning and absolutely adores me and her life with me. She's not questioned a single thing I do or say, yet she obviously loves me more than she ever did before. Her submission saved our marriage. I love her more than I ever have before. More each day. When I watch Sam fuck her, it doesn't bother me the way imagining her fucking strangers bothered me. Part of it is I have control. If I say stop, she'll stop. She'd never fuck anyone else again if I don't want it. She'd do without sex if that's what I want.    


"I'm proud of her now. I was embarrassed by her behavior before. Now, I'm not, because her behavior is my choice. It's taken awhile, but I trust her more now than I did when we first married. When you're rich, you always worry about other people's motives. Do they like you or do they like your money? I keep her naked most of the time, so she's not in it for the clothes. I've taken most of her jewelry away except for her wedding ring and her collar, so she's not in it for the gems. She lives in nice homes, but I've taken away most of the servants so she has to do most of the housework herself. She'd actually prefer a smaller house that would be easier to care for. For the first time, I know it's me she wants and not my money."    


"I see," I said.    


"I'm beginning to believe I have a truly precious person to share my life with and like you, maybe she can enjoy some of the variety you want your slaves to enjoy. But, I have to admit to you it was your wife who put the idea in my head she should fuck a black man."    


"Julia? How? When? Why?"    


"Last night. Chantelle was airtight, riding the vibrator in Evelyn's cunt. When Chantelle was done, Evelyn kissed her and apologized for being such a racially biased bitch when they first met. She admitted she hadn't any reason to be so except from racial stereotypes.    


"When it was Evelyn's turn, Julia, who wasn't otherwise participating, had the idea of talking to her while she was getting fucked. She talked about the people coming to the ceremony, including a black man. She talked about Jerry coming today and that he had a beautiful, big, black cock and if I allowed it, she could get fucked by him, or suck it and feel his warm sperm shoot into her mouth. Evelyn was so turned on by the talk, her orgasms started building to the point she actually passed out for a moment. I decided then she should experience what it's like fucking men of other races.    


"I spoke to them earlier to ensure in my own mind they would take care of her. I already had good feelings about them since they were your friends, but they confirmed those feelings when I talked to them. I'm happy with my decision."    


"Are you certain you'll still feel as pleased tomorrow after the deed is done?" I asked.    


"Are you worried about our business dealings, the money you might lose?" Bill responded.    


"Perhaps a little, but I've done okay without your money before and I'm sure I will again. How many houses can you even build in California? What I value more is your friendship. What you did for Shasta means more to me than building your house. I could tolerate losing your house more than your friendship. That's what I don't want to jeopardize."    


"And you think I might hold you or your friends responsible if I have second thoughts after letting them fuck my wife?"    


"Well, sir, as someone who has let them fuck my wife, my slaves, and seen them fuck my Mother, my relationship to them has changed from what it was before. It was worse at the beginning, when I first allowed it to occur. It's not an image which is easily dismissed from your mind. Every time I'd see them afterward, I would picture them fucking Julia and Lisa, and know they'd been with my wife. They knew it too. They had fucked my wife. Even saying it out loud still carries emotional weight. Lisa was everyone's friend before. She was different to start, as she wasn't my wife, merely a friend to all of us, but knowing they knew they'd fucked my wife; it's a very intimate thing on both our parts. In a way, I'm closer to them, because I've shared something so intimate with them, but in another sense, I'm also less close because we both know what happened, and we see each other all the time.    


"I'll admit those feelings have diminished over time, but the easy jocularity we once had is gone. Partly, it's because I've also been with both Jerry and Chen's slaves, either their wife or soon to be wife. We hold that in common now. It's more serious somehow. They have a sense of familiarity with my wife different from when she was only my wife and not a sex partner. They don't exceed the bounds of what I consider propriety, but it's changed.    


"I don't think it can be any other way, really. You never feel the same about someone who's slept with your wife. It's not necessarily better or worse, just different. I'm closer to both Jerry and Chen because we've fucked each other's women, even though I've known them fewer years than Edward and Robert, who I've known since high school. I'm more distant with them because I can't sleep with Regina. She's not a slave. Nor is she their wife. Theirs is more of a friends with benefits relationship even though they live together. I'm unsure if Regina would marry either one of them. She seems comfortable with the way things are. I wouldn't expect you to feel any different about Evelyn than I do."    


"Yet you let me sleep with your wife. Do you feel differently about me now?"    


"I do. We weren't really all that close before. I certainly admired and appreciated you for your generosity to Shasta. I feel closer now, certainly, than you were before, a different friend; not a worse friend, but it's changed us both, don't you think? What did you think about me before and how do you feel now?"    


"Now I stop and think about it, yes. My relationship with Sam is certainly different because we've slept with each other's wife. In a way, it was a forced intimacy. We barely knew each other when I slept with Marcia. They started as friendly confidants as I went through another round of infidelity with Evelyn. There is something more with you than there was before. So are you recommending I not let Evelyn fuck your friends?"    


"Not necessarily. It's entirely up to you what you do. Just realize you'll never look at them the same way again. The others, you probably won't see much in the future, so it may not matter. Chen is done with most of electric. He only has fixtures to finish. A couple days work. He might not even come to supervise the work. Jerry, you'll see every other week as long as your house is unfinished. Will you feel comfortable doing so after he's fucked your wife? Will it matter to you, or can you overlook it. He probably has less of a relationship to you than I did. In its own way, it will be a forced intimacy, like you had with Sam. I certainly believe him to be worthy of friendship and intimacy, but he's my friend, not yours. Perhaps the friendship should come first, before the intimacy for someone you will see in the future. You might be better off letting Evelyn fuck the bus driver. You'll never see him again."    


William laughed. "And reinforce Evelyn's racial stereotypes about black cocks?"    


"Well there is that. Plus, no one really knows him that well. I was okay with him fucking my slaves in a public setting. I'm not sure I'd let any of my slaves fuck him in a private setting. What I will say is, except for the bus drivers, who I will never see again, everyone else here had fucked my slaves before, either through my initial mistakes and misadventures, or by intent as I wanted to prepare for todays event. Even you and Sam. I wanted to mentally prepare for what I knew was going to happen today.    


"There was no getting you out of my life anymore. Since I'd already shared them, the mental images or memories already existed. There is no getting it out of my head anymore. Once more didn't make that much of a difference and believe me, mental images are always worse than the reality. Your mind plays tricks on you. Makes you feel and see more than actually exists. Instead of just happily fucking and enjoying sex, you imagine them becoming enamored of their partner, falling in love and wanting to be with them. Watching it, it's just sex and you realize it's only sex, and they come back to you, happy you've given them some freedom.    


"Evelyn is your wife, your slave. I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but you might want to be present. Watching is easier than not watching. My imagination is worse than reality. I just want you to know how I was affected by my experiences. You may not be affected the same way or you may be comfortable with it even if you are. As long as you know, it's up to you what you do. Sam has asked me to help him provide a triple penetration with both of his slaves. If I do so, things will change. I don't expect it to be worse, but it will be different. He'll be more like Jerry and Chen now. Someone with whom I've now shared women with. It is what it is."    


"Thanks. I'll think about it some more. Sam told me what he planned. We could end up fucking them together."    


I smiled at him. "I think I'd like to fuck mine with you and Sam as well. Maybe even Rhonda could be convinced to surrender to three cocks at once."    


"That sounds like two full days to me. I don't think I could accomplish it in one."    


"Two of the best days of my life."    


"Should I add Evelyn to the mix?"    


"As Chen said when I asked him about your offer to them, 'I don't expect most men to share their wives or slaves with me, even if they want to color outside the lines'. That applies to me as well. Just because I was willing to let you fuck my wife, doesn't mean you have to be willing to let me fuck yours. I don't expect it, but would be grateful if you felt I was worthy."    


Bill clasped my shoulder. "I find myself liking you more and more, every time I see you."    


"One last thing. Shasta just started having sex again after Christmas, and for several months, couldn't even let Sean touch her with his hands. It started out as no hands oral sex, then she him tied down, unable to move or hold her while fucking. It was only after she worked through counseling she gradually added normal sex. I don't know what happened in the last couple weeks while I was gone, and she seems to be more relaxed now, but please go slowly. Let her drive the show at her own pace. She's not a slave and I would consider she'll still experience some timidity at having sex with others."    


"Good advice. I'll take it."    


"It's almost supper now. I should go look for my girls."    


"Thanks again for our discussion. Food for thought."    


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