Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Master was kind enough to lick me to three orgasms when I was done with Lisa. I held Rhonda's hand as both of us spasmed under artful tongues. I was famished and wanted to eat. Yesterday had taken quite a toll on my reserves of energy. I think both of the other slaves were starving as well. Master didn't even bother feeding us we wanted to shovel food so fast. I had the equivalent of two normal breakfasts when I ate.    


All of the additional guests were gone with the exception of Shasta and Wendy. Shasta was sitting with William and Evelyn and they were chatting quite amiably. Shasta winked at me and gave me a quick thumbs up, so whatever had happened had been to her liking.    


Chantelle was sitting with Marcia and Sam, so she hadn't worked to prepare breakfast this morning. Marcia and Chantelle kept glancing at Master and William, so I guessed Sam was still planning to go forth with their triple penetration.    


When everyone had finished breakfast, before everyone wandered off to do whatever they planned for the day, I announced, "I am in possession of a disobedient slave who climaxed without permission this morning. I'm going to be administering punishment in the living room. Some of you may wish to bear witness to her punishment."    


"Do you need a paddle?" Monique asked.    


"Thank you, no. My hand will be sufficient."    


As it turned out, most everyone wanted to watch. Squirming naked slave girls being punished being a source of some amusement and entertainment to both Dominants and submissives. It was the first time I'd be punishing my slave in front of such a large audience, and of course, I wanted to do it right. All of us had been punished here by Master's father, even Master, when Dan found out about Cindy's sexual activities. Dan had a heavy hand and I felt I had to live up to his example. Because I felt I might be striking her harder than usual, I didn't want to use a paddle as I'd have no feedback for what she was feeling. She hadn't done anything worse than cum and most slaves orgasmed without permission on occasion. Master's wanted them to, just as I'd wanted Rhonda to, though leaving it up to Wendy.    


I took my place in the large chair and had Rhonda go over my lap with her hands and feet touching the floor and her magnificent bottom thrust into the air. I noticed Wendy was sitting cross legged on the floor a few feet from me, wanting to see her sister be spanked at close range. She was responsible, so I had no problem with her being close so she could see the results of denying Rhonda her orgasm.    


"You are being given thirty strokes with my hand for cumming without permission," I said. "You must count out each stroke and thank me for each one. Your hands and feet are not to leave the floor and your buttocks are to remain raised at all times. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, Domina."    


I smacked her bottom as hard as I'd ever hit her with my bare hand before. The sound was loud in the room, everyone quiet. Rhonda had been prepared, so no more than a weak whimper escaped her lips. Wendy appeared to be surprised by how hard I'd struck her. Her eyes widened to witness it.    


"One, thank you, Domina."    


I waited for a few moments, then swatted her again, just as hard. Rhonda's ass rocked under my hand. My hand was going to be sore before I was done.    


"Two, thank you, Domina."    


By ten strokes, Rhonda was silently crying and groaning slightly with each blow. Wendy appeared dismayed. She was rocking back and forth with each swat, closing her eyes when each one fell.    


When I reached nineteen, Wendy shouted, "Stop."    


"Why should I stop?" I asked.    


"It was my fault."    


"How was it your fault? Did you disobey me by cumming?"    


"No, it was my fault for not letting her orgasm."    


"You knew she would be punished if she orgasmed. She begged to cum. Every action has consequences. Why didn't you let her climax?"    


"I didn't think it would be this bad. I thought it would be more playful and not this painful."    


"Are you saying you thought it would be fun if your sister suffered, but it's not fun if she suffers this much?"    


"Yes. I need you to stop."    


"Would you be willing to take the rest of them for her?"    


Wendy got this steely look in her eyes. "Yes. I'll take the rest of them for her."    


"Is this acceptable to you, Rhonda? Are you willing to let your sister take the rest of your spanking for you?"    


"No, Domina. Give the rest to me."    


"There's your answer, Wendy."    


"Please Rhonda, it's my fault. Let me take the rest for you. I'm sorry. Please, I'm begging you."    


"Just like I begged you, Wendy? Give me eleven more, Domina. I'm ready."    


"I love you, Rhonda," I said, giving her number twenty.    


"Twenty, thank you, Domina."    


"Please, stop," Wendy begged. "Please, it's my fault. I'm so sorry."    


Actually, Rhonda was probably close to cumming. I leaned down and whispered, "You have my permission to cum, slave."    


I pushed two fingers into her cunt and with a couple pumps, she spasmed, squirming. The next ten swats would be substantially easier. As soon as her orgasm burned its way through her, I gave her the last ten, somewhat lighter and more quickly than the first twenty. Wendy was crying herself, probably more than Rhonda. Finished, I told Wendy to put her hand on her sister's bottom and made her feel how hot it was. After she did, I allowed Rhonda to kneel and I kissed her, caressing her face.    


"Monique, you have the cream available for soothing the bottoms of punished slaves?"    


"Of course." She handed me a jar of the ointment.    


I handed the jar to Wendy. "Bring your sister to our room and put some of this on her buttocks. It will help ease the pain she feels. Rhonda, I'd like you to spend some time with Lucia before you leave. You haven't had much of an opportunity this trip. You may stay with her until lunch. Wendy, I want you with me so I can keep an eye on you while your sister is busy. Return here."    


"Yes, Domina," Rhonda replied. They disappeared.    


I got up, asked Lisa to join me, and approached Sam and his two slaves. Reaching him, I dropped to my knees as a slave should when addressing a Master. Lisa was right behind me.    


"Master Sam, is it still your intent to allow your slaves to enjoy a triple penetration today?"    


"It is," he smiled at me, squeezing Marcia's and Chantelle's hand.    


"If it please you, sir, we'd like to witness my Master fucking your two slaves. I shall keep them tidy for you if I may."    


"I think that would please me very much."    


"Thank you, sir."    


"Speaking of which, we should probably get started shortly," Sam said.    


"If you would be so kind a wait a couple minutes, I'm waiting for Wendy to return from applying salve to her sister's ass, sir. I'd like to keep an eye on her for my slave."    


"We can definitely wait a few minutes," he replied. "Chantelle, would there be anymore of the Cristal left we can use for post fucking refreshments?"    


"Oui, Monsieur. We have several bottles left."    


"Let's remember to bring three or four bottles with us. It looks to be quite the party viewing us. We're sure to get thirsty today and Julia did say it went well with cum."    


"I did, Master Sam. It's quite delicious with cum," replying with a saucy grin.    


Ten minutes later, Wendy returned. Her eyes were still wet and red from crying. I was still kneeling near Master Sam when she arrived. Seeing Lisa and I kneeling in front of him, she dropped to her knees too, though not quite as lasciviously displayed as we were. Her knees were together.    


"Don't kneel," I ordered, "you're not a slave."    


She hastily stood up, standing with her hands clasped in front of her.    


"This is a member of Rhonda's family, isn't she?" Sam asked. "I recall her from the ceremony yesterday."    


"Yes, Master Sam. This is Wendy, Rhonda's youngest sister. She's nineteen and still a virgin. She had something she wished to discuss with Rhonda last night and missed the bus. I feel I should keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Wendy, this is Master Sam and his two slaves, Marcia, his wife, and their lover, Chantelle. Marcia is a law enforcement officer like Rhonda. Chantelle is the cook who made all or most of our food yesterday. Master Sam does investments for the estate."    


"Hello," Wendy said, shyly.    


Sam stood to shake her hand. Since he was planning to have sex shortly and sitting with his two lovely slaves, some blood was now flowing to his cock and while he wasn't sporting an erection, his cock was showing a hint of what it would become. Wendy glanced at it, realized what she was doing and hastily looked up. While Sam noticed, he didn't make reference to it, assuming rightly she would be embarrassed by it.    


"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Wendy. You must feel a little out of place here."    


"I was very nervous when I arrived. I'm becoming more comfortable since. It's actually quite freeing to be naked all the time, isn't it?"    


"We find it to be very pleasant, yes."    


"Might I say you have very beautiful slaves, Sam."    


"You might. I certainly believe so."    


"Wendy is uncertain of her sexual identity," I said. "It's what she wished to discuss with her sister. She's only made out and petted with a boy and kissed a girl. She felt more attracted to the girl, though the girl couldn't or didn't return her affections. Her parents are adamantly opposed to lesbianism in any way, so she felt Rhonda was the only one she could speak to."    


"Many of the women here have had the same issues," Chantelle said. "I was afraid to tell my parents when I was Brianna's slave. They now know I'm in a relationship with a man and woman, but I was initially afraid of Papa finding out, though I felt Maman would not care as much."    


"What's it like having sex with both a man and a woman?"    


"For me, I enjoy it very much. I love a nice hard prick and the softness of a woman. To me, it is the best of both worlds. I am very content and very much in love with both of my amours."    


"Where are you from? You're foreign aren't you, from your accent."    


"I'm from Guadeloupe, a French speaking island in the Caribbean."    


"You're very beautiful."    


"Thank you. You are as well."    


"Do you get punished if you're disobedient?"    


"All slaves are punished if they are disobedient, enfant."    


"I'm not an infant," Wendy protested. "I'm nineteen."    


"Not infant, enfant, French for child, by which I mean you're not yet a woman, merely a fille, a young girl. No offense is intended."    


"I want to be a woman," Wendy said. "I just haven't had the opportunity yet. I think I'd like to be like Rhonda, a sex slave like her."    


"No responsible Master would ever take you as a sex slave, Wendy," I said. "It's why I wanted you to see Rhonda punished, so you would realize it wasn't all fun and games. The youngest slave I know is Reneé and she'd had five years of sexual experience as a bisexual before submitting to her Master. You have no experience. You've never been in love, or experienced sex with a man. You can't really know what you want for yourself without living life a little. You should go to college or continue working, make out with other boys and girls, fall in love, suffer heartbreak. From other life experiences, you will begin to know what it is you want from life. I didn't grow up wanting to be a sex slave, nor have you. You've seen a romanticized version between people who are very much in love with one another. Without that love, it would merely be abuse."    


"She is right, mon cherie," Chantelle said. "Despite the fierceness of her spanking, Rhonda knew her Mistress would not do anything to harm her. By lunch, the pain will be completely gone as she only used her hand. Someone who did not love her might have done much worse. Julia was married to Scott for ten years before her submission. There was love and trust before there was submission. Lisa was a next door neighbor who knew both of them before joining. Marcia was married to her Master before submitting. I witnessed Marcia's submission to Monsieur and the love they had between them and the care with which they treated each other before falling in love with them both and changing my submission from Brianna to Monsieur."    


"But wouldn't I know from the way they treat Rhonda that they wouldn't harm me?"    


"You don't know me, Wendy, but do you think I would harm you?" Sam asked.    


She looked at his two slaves and said, "No. I don't believe you would harm me."    


"If I punished you, would you feel it came from a place of love and respect or would I just be smacking your beautiful young ass?"    


She thought a moment. "You'd just be hitting me."    


"And if I had sex with you, would it be because I loved you, or would I just be fucking you?"    


It took her a shorter period to answer. "You'd just be fucking me."    


"I'm about to participate in a triple penetration of both my slaves. They know this is something I want for them and I'm doing it for them, for their enjoyment because I love them deeply and wish them to take pleasure from it. If I were to do the same to you; punish your young body with cocks in your cunt, your ass and your mouth - would you feel loved and desired, or would you feel I didn't give a shit about you and only wanted a quick fuck with two of my friends, even if you didn't necessarily suffer from it?"    


"A quick fuck."    


"And that's the difference. Even knowing I wouldn't hurt you, you would feel used and abused by the very same things. Julia is right. This is not the way or age you want to start life as a submissive. This is something you might do if you find the right person; someone you both love and trust. And you would probably experiment a little on the way. Not leap into it with both feet at once."    


"It looks like so much fun," she said.    


"It is fun with the right person," Master said, standing behind me, "but nothing but torture from the wrong one."    


I put my arm around his leg and leaned against him.    


"Your sister was the only one I didn't love when she began, though I've grown to love her a great deal. But I knew she was a police officer capable of taking care of herself, and she submitted to Julia, and only through her, to me. It was Julia she first trusted because she'd never been with a man before. She was trusting Julia to see to her needs and safety, not me."    


"When Lisa first started," I said, "we attended a BDSM club, which in this case, stood for Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. Some of the people were like us, in loving relationships. Others were not. There were people there who took pleasure in pain and were more interested in beating a slave than fucking one and those who took pleasure from their pain, more interested in the beating than the fucking. It was not uncommon to see some people who had scars or marks which were placed there days or even weeks ago. Some of the instruments available for inflicting pain were quite horrible. As I said, you're seeing a romanticized version of sex slavery from people who love one another, and not all versions of the same thing. Don't accept these are the only Dominants you might be exposed to should you choose this life for yourself. I trust everyone here because I've been exposed to them enough I can. I would never walk up to another Dominant I didn't know and submit to them."    


"I see," Wendy said thoughtfully. "Thank you for explaining."    


"It appears everyone is here," Sam said. "Perhaps we should get started. I know some of the participants have to leave today. Shall we adjourn to my bedroom?"    


I looked around and saw Bill with his arm around Evelyn.    


"Chantelle, I'll help you get the champagne. Wendy, please stick with me."    


"You want me to watch?"    


"Just because you shouldn't participate, doesn't mean you shouldn't get to watch. These are people who love each other a great deal and you might find it meaningful and informative and I don't believe you should be forming relationships with the people here because you don't live here, they are all older, and it would just be fucking for fucking's sake, so I'll look after you."    4


We three went to get the Cristal and we each carried two bottles to Sam's, putting them in the fridge before going to the bedroom. Everyone was naked of course. It was one of the things I liked best about being a slave. Everyone is ready to fuck all the time. There's no fumbling with clothes or preparing. The only thing which you might need to prepare was a cock if it wasn't sufficiently hard. None of the three gentlemen performing today seemed as if they would need much assistance in this area.    


Marcia would be starting. I had dreamt of Master fucking Marcia. She was so incredibly beautiful and the thought of his cock sliding in and out of one of her slave holes aroused me a great deal. We left the bed to the participants. There were two chairs in the room. I took one with Wendy on my lap, Lisa took another and invited Evelyn to sit in hers, Chantelle knelt on the floor waiting her turn as the center of attention.    


"Who's going where," Sam asked.    


"It's your wife and slave," Master said. "It should be your decision."    


Before Sam could answer, I said, "If a slave is allowed an opinion on the matter, I would dearly love to eat Master's cum from her cunt or ass."    


Sam laughed. "Marcia, would you prefer Scott in your cunt or your ass?"    


"Since I cleansed myself this morning for these festivities, I would dearly love Julia digging for cum in my bottom."    


"Then I shall take her cunt, Scott her ass and Bill her mouth."    


Good, Master could stare at her magnificent ass as he fucked it.    


"You would do that," Wendy whispered, "eat the cum from her ass?"    


"Yes," I replied, "happily. I'll explain later. Watch for now." Louder I said, "Lisa, you'll help prepare Marcia's bottom and Master's cock for her penetration."    


"Of course."    


Sam got on the bed, waiting. One last time, Marcia asked if her Master was truly sure about this. He sat up and kissed her. "I'm absolutely positive," he said, then lay back down. She mounted him, riding him up and down, leaving his cock soaked so I knew how aroused she was. Marcia leaned down and kissed him while Sam spread her cheeks, exposing her back entrance. Lisa excused herself and took water based lube and spread it around her crinkled star, even squirting some inside, then sucked Master's cock a couple times, before spreading more up and down his shaft.    


Master got on the bed behind her and Lisa guided his prick to her pucker. Master was slow and gentle in pushing inside her bottom, so she could protest if it hurt. She merely moaned, like the slave slut she was. Given Master would be doing most of the driving as he had both of them pinned to the bed, he didn't move after he was all the way in so she could get used to both of them. She'd been double penetrated enough, it didn't pose a problem having a pair of pricks filling her. All she was missing was the one for her mouth, which Bill quickly provided. All three cocks were buried in her up to the balls. She moaned again.    


They all moved and Marcia climaxed, the first of many, many more. Marcia was as orgasmic or even more so than I am. All she lacked was the clitoral hood piercing to make her a total slut. In the fifteen minutes she was fucked by all three cocks, Marcia had to cum ten times, moaning ecstatically for each one. She climaxed twice more after sucking the cum from Bill's balls from the fucking she was taking from Sam and Master. Master was pounding her ass quite firmly, now she wasn't slammed onto Bill's cock and could breathe. The second one she had was the trigger for Master's own climax. His back arched and he grew rigid as he pumped his semen far up her rectum.    


Master finally stopped pulsing and pulled out, leaving only her husband still fucking her. Lisa immediately attended to Master's cock, cleaning it for him. Marcia could ride Sam fine now and was bouncing back and forth quite enthusiastically, on his shaft. Marcia was bent over, kissing him and orgasmed two more times before Sam gasped and froze, his sperm pumping up his prick. I left Wendy on the chair and clamped my mouth over her gapping ass to capture Master's cum before it all escaped, gently squeezing Sam's balls to make sure no drop of cum was left behind. My tongue dipped into her bottom, slithering about to gather Master's cum. She climaxed again from my tongue job.    


All activity now ended, Marcia rolled off Sam onto her back. "Oh, my," she panted. "That was amazing." Since her cunt was now available and leaking cum, hers and Sam's, I simply moved my activities further North, giving her two more orgasms in the process, her hands clinging to my head as I lapped at her cunt. Chantelle sucked her Master's cock clean. Since she now appeared tidy and her tremors were slowly dying, I moved back, giving her room to sprawl.    


"Did you enjoy that, love?" Sam asked.    


"You couldn't tell?" Marcia asked. "I thought it pretty obvious myself, sir."    


"I'll grant you it certainly seemed you enjoyed yourself, but I do wish to be sure."    


"It was wonderful, Master, and I thank you so much for doing this for me."    


"I'm hoping to make it a fairly regular occurrence," Sam said. "Scott is frequently working in Los Angeles on Bill's house and Bill will be spending more time in LA with a house here. Scott will want to come and visit his child with Lucia with his slaves. Bill and I even thought we could have one of Scott's poker games here on a Saturday night and put three new slaves up for auction."    


Marcia looked at him in amazement.    


"I'm still working on that, but it could happen."    


She pulled him down for another kiss. "Whatever Master desires," she whispered.    


"It must be time for some champagne now," Sam said. "If we could get a couple slaves to do the honors."    


Lisa, Chantelle and I got up and pulled two bottles out, pouring nine glasses for the three men and six women. We carried it out on two trays. I handed Wendy a glass.    


"I'm not twenty-one yet," she said.    


"Which means you can't purchase liquor yourself, nor drink alone," Marcia said. "You are able to drink in the presence of a responsible adult and I see eight of those around, including me, a deputy sheriff."    


"Go ahead," I said, "you just witnessed three men fuck one woman. I'm sure one glass of champagne won't corrupt you more than that did."    


"No," she giggled, "I suppose not." She took a glass and sipped, nodding. "This is very good."    


A general conversation ensued, people chatting as if they weren't standing around naked after an extremely arousing sex act. The slaves were generally crowded around their Master's, as if seeking comfort, or perhaps wishing they would be next. Lisa and I had each been airtight a week ago, Evelyn last night and Chantelle was waiting for hers. She'd never been fucked by three men before, like Evelyn, and I wished to see how much she enjoyed it.    


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