Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I got a text from Julia asking for me to call her as soon as I could. I imagine she just found out she'd be eating Thai food tonight and Marcus would be delivering. I inwardly smiled at her consternation. Around four I had the opportunity to call.    


"I loved your pictures, slave," was the first thing I said. "Looked as though you had a good time at Chen's last night."    


"It was pleasant, Master," she admitted. "Do you still love me, Master?"    


"Of course. Why would you even ask?"    


"I'm confused by your actions, Master. You made it clear to me nearly a year ago the sight of us fucking other men made you uncomfortable, if not angry. We've done as you've asked, but now everything has changed. You have us not only fucking other men, but you want to see the pictures of us being fucked. I know it causes you pain, and I wonder why you're going out of your way to see us cause you pain? I keep thinking it's your way of learning to hate us so you can get rid of us."    


"I love you more than anything in the world, Julia."    


"Do you want to love us less, Master?"    


"No. I want to love you more."    


"Then why are we fucking other men and you looking at the photos and videos of us doing it? I don't want to hurt you, Master."    


"It hurts me less than it used to," I said.    


"Does it still hurt you at all, sir?"    


"Yes, a little, but the pain of it is less than the joy I feel when I see the ecstasy on your face as you get fucked."    


"I don't want to cause you any pain, Master; only pleasure. Don't the pictures make everything worse?"    


"Nothing's worse than my own imagination, slave. The pictures are better."    


"I see." She paused. "Sharon, the waitress from Luigi's called, sir."    


"Is she cancelling?"    


"No, sir. She said as a result of our invitation, her husband asked how she knew us and why they were being invited. She told him what happened. Rather than being angry, he wanted to see her get her reward and perhaps watch her lick me back. She was wondering if she and Phil could come Monday after work and I want to check with you."    


"Rhonda and Lisa would be there?"    


"Yes, Master, and probably Sean and Shasta as well if your plans remain the same."    


"I'd be concerned if it was just you, but if Rhonda is going to be there and can protect you if Phil decides to get rowdy, I have no objections. In fact, if Sharon and Phil would be agreeable, Phil can get his cock sucked or fucked as well. Any one of you can suck it. I'd like to see photos of the entire episode. Ask them if they'd protest to being photographed in the act. I won't keep the photos after I've seen them to ensure you were pleasing in your service. They'll be erased after I've looked at them."    


Julia was silent briefly, probably wondering what I was doing now.    


"Are you sure, Master?" Julia asked.    


"Quite sure."    


"As you wish, Master. I'll let Sharon know your decision."    


"I have another matter to discuss," I said.    


"Yes, Master?" Julia asked.    


"Sarah called. They are flying into Fresno before the ceremony on Tuesday. She said Ron would like to see Regina since they're going to be in California anyway. I told them they could stay at our house on Tuesday night as you'll still be there. They will get the Master bedroom as Jerry did. You will provide full slave services to them while they are there, including Ron if Sarah wishes it. In fact, why don't you invite Regina for supper Tuesday night. Give her and Ron a chance to see one another without Ed and Rob around. You may service Regina as well if she wishes it. I'll expect to see photographs if they wish slave services. Sarah will make other arrangements after Tuesday night, and come with the others on Friday."    


"Yes, Master. I will obey."    


"Good. I'd hate to have to punish you for disobedience before our bonding."    


"As would I, sir."    


"Talk to you later. Make sure to send me lots of pictures, slave. Oh, and make sure both you and Lisa cleanse your asses tomorrow. I'm sure they'll get heavy use."    


They didn't yet know what was in store for them tomorrow. I liked surprises.    


"Yes, Master."    


She hung up and I was left with a raging boner. Too bad I was working at the moment. I'd like nothing better than to stroke my cock to the videos of my slaves satisfying Chen and Jerry last night. Even imagining her with Sharon was very stimulating. Unfortunately, I was working until six tonight, then returning to my lonely motel room. I thought of asking Brianna for the use of Dawn or Zoe, but then I'd have something my workers didn't have and I thought it was unfair to them. Guess I'd have to be satisfied with Rosie Palms tonight.    


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