Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C231 gully watcher

C231 gully watcher

3All of these things happened too quickly, and before Lei Yang could even think about it, the mysterious seed suddenly whizzed out, flying straight for the void below.    0


In the end, under Lei Yang's horrified gaze, he directly ignored the formation that was hidden in the void, passed through it, and instantly disappeared within the churning chaos.    


It was also at this moment that the void that was previously surging with chaos suddenly became quiet due to the entry of the mysterious seed. The hazy and astonishing green color also quickly disappeared and the void returned to its previous tranquility, as if nothing had happened.    


"Oh my god, what was that just now? Also, hasn't that mysterious seed not made any movements for a long time? Why would it suddenly have such an intense reaction and fly out on its own and even ignore the formation as it went through it? This is? " All of these things made Lei Yang feel that his brain was not enough for now. He rubbed his eyes with all his might, unable to believe what had just happened.    


If he hadn't checked his storage ring a few more times and found that the mysterious seed was indeed gone, he would have thought that everything from before was just an illusion.    


The seed's origin was mysterious, and Lei Yang had personally witnessed all sorts of strange things happening to it, although Lei Yang did not know what it was, but he had long known that it was definitely not ordinary. Now that it had left on its own, Lei Yang was naturally reluctant, so he decided to search for it.    


Fortunately, although the mysterious seed had left, it had left a trace of its aura in Lei Yang's mind, allowing him to sense it. Thus, Lei Yang took a deep breath, and forcefully suppressed the waves of emotion in his heart, then followed the strand of aura in his mind and walked down the other side of the western mountain.    


It turned out that there was a layer of mist on the mountainside, which was very special, as if it could confuse people. When one looked down from above, there seemed to be nothing under the mountainside, and after you slowly went through the clouds, and followed the mountain, there was actually a huge region below, which extended towards the distant flat area, as if it was a folded space.    


Lei Yang kept walking forward, and not long after, he reached the bottom of the western mountain. He walked for about two incense sticks' worth of time on the flat ground at the bottom of the mountain, and suddenly a huge valley appeared in front of him.    


At this time, the sun had already set on the horizon and the entire land had sunk into darkness. Fortunately, there were no lush trees on the other side of the western mountain.    


It was just that because this place had been deserted for many years, the closer Lei Yang got to the valley, the more eerie and scary he felt. This was the forbidden grounds of the sect after all, and there had been unforeseen events before. Furthermore, it was a dark and windy night at the moment, so when they approached the valley, Lei Yang couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.    


Lei Yang cautiously and cautiously arrived in front of the valley entrance. In front of the valley entrance, there was a gigantic stone tablet.    


"This place is indeed the Spirit Nurturing Valley!" This Spirit Nurturing Valley was a forbidden ground for sects, disciples were simply not allowed to enter by themselves. Adding on to that, there were a lot of unknown factors causing people to instinctively feel a sense of rejection, thus when they arrived at the front of the valley, Lei Yang was clearly hesitant in his heart. He did not know whether or not he should enter, and whether or not the mysterious seed was worth it for him to risk his life.    


In the end, his intuition told him that since this mysterious seed could ignore formations, it might be very important to him in the future. Moreover, he could clearly feel the strand of energy left behind by the seed in his mind.    


From the aura, he could even feel the satisfaction the seed exuded after its excitement. It was as if it had gained the feeling of wanting to break through to the next realm, and it didn't feel the slightest bit of danger.    


"Let's go all out!" It was obvious that there was a seal at the mouth of the valley. Lei Yang carefully went closer and prepared to test it. However, just as he was about 200 feet away from the mouth of the valley, an old man suddenly appeared in front of him.    


The old man's hair was a mess, his beard was unshaven, and his clothes were in tatters. In fact, his clothes couldn't even be called clothes anymore. Instead, various colored pieces of cloth were tied together, barely covering his body.    


He appeared in front of Lei Yang without a sound, and with half lying on a rock at the entrance of the valley, he supported his head with one hand while holding a calabash shaped wine jug with the other. At this moment, he raised his head and drank a mouthful of strong wine, and after casually glancing at Lei Yang, he said a little drunkenly: "This place is forbidden from the sect, and disciples are not allowed to enter, go!"    


Lei Yang looked at the old man and realised that although he looked sloppy and did not care about his image, his cultivation was actually at the consummate stage of the Nascent Soul.    


But for some reason, at the moment the old man suddenly appeared, not only did Lei Yang not feel any panic nor fear, he could actually feel a strong sense of familiarity from this old man's body.    


"May I know who senior is?" Lei Yang bowed and asked, his words did not reveal the slightest hint of panic, his entire person appearing extremely calm.    


"People guarding the valley!" The old man didn't even spare Lei Yang a glance as he gave a short and forceful reply. This made Lei Yang a little suspicious. Didn't the Spirit Qi disciple say that the person guarding the valley was a crazy old man? But at this moment, he clearly looked like a normal person!    


Seeing that, Lei Yang decided to tell him the truth. He cupped his fists and said: "Senior, I was careless and fell into the valley. Can you allow me to enter and search?"    


"Hahahaha, what a good boy, isn't this lie of yours too mediocre? This place is sealed with a peerless great formation that can't even fly in a fly, what could you possibly fall in for? Could it be that it can ignore this formation?    


Boy, hurry up and leave. This old man did this for your own good, that's why I stopped you. Otherwise, if you came forward and touched this formation, you would definitely be severely injured! Furthermore, this valley is an unknown place within the sect. Anyone who enters can't return, so you'd better hurry up and leave! " As the old man spoke, he kept swinging his crossed legs, revealing a leisurely look.    


Seeing the smug look on the old man's face, Lei Yang really wanted to say that the thing could have ignored the formation and flown in on its own accord, but he held it back in the end.    


He was about to say some good words to try and gain his favor, but at this moment, the old man who was originally lying down on the limestone suddenly flipped over and sat up. His eyes were filled with panic as all sorts of nonsense kept coming out from his mouth.    


"They're dead, they're dead! Haha, they're all dead! Mad! Hahahaha, all mad! None of them are alive! They're all dead! They're all dying horribly! They're all dying horribly!"    


This sudden change made Lei Yang a little confused. He observed carefully, the old man was grabbing onto his hair, and sometimes he would even cover his eyes, as though he was witnessing some tragic scene. It was extremely painful, and his eyes seemed hollow and blurred.    


"It seems like he really is a madman!" After observing them for a while, Lei Yang finally believed what the Spirit Qi disciple said.    


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