Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C201 Let him do it himself

C201 Let him do it himself

0Let him do it himself     1


For an entire three days, as many as a few thousand Spirit Gathering Pills were gradually dispersed within the Western City's cultivation world. Although Lei Yang and A Mu felt heartache, the effect was still extremely obvious.    


Although the free pellets were distributed, a cultivator could only receive one at most, and could only receive one at the same time. If the cultivators took Lei Yang's pellet, it would have a good effect, and they would definitely proclaim it, and this way, it would be like thousands of cultivators advertising for Lei Yang's number one pill shop, which resulted in an impact that was simply incalculable.    


And the good quality and effect of Lei Yang's medicine, had quickly formed a good and incredible reputation among the cultivators in Western City. Everyone thought that this medicine only had one word ? Like.    


Three days later, the number of cultivators receiving pills in front of Lei Yang's door increased day by day. Moreover, many cultivators who took the pill felt that the effect was not bad, and that it was many times better than the pills in Heaven Fragrant Pavilion. Thus, they came to ask for more, and even directly took out their Spirit Stones to buy it.    


However, the sneaky A Mu said that he might as well play another game. He made Lei Yang wait a little more, and directly spread another message, telling everyone who had already taken the number one pill shop in Imperial City, to bring one more cultivator who had never taken the number one pill shop in Imperial City, to obtain one more Spirit Gathering Pills.    


When this news spread, it instantly caused the cultivators of the Western City's Spirit Qi Realm to explode. In an instant, cultivators who were still in a race to introduce themselves and didn't know about this news came to receive a free Spirit Gathering Pills, and from then on, they themselves would be able to obtain another pellet.    


As a result, the passive promotion of the past cultivators had completely changed to the active promotion of their own initiative. Imperial City's number one pill shop's reputation instantly became like a hurricane, and in just a few days, it had swept across the entire cultivation world of Western City.    


The Western City was said to have hundreds of thousands of cultivators, and in the past few days, the number one pill shop in the Imperial City gave out the news of Spirit Gathering Pills.    


Furthermore, the good quality and effects of Lei Yang's pills were well spread among the cultivators. This further increased the influence of Lei Yang's pill shop and aroused the intense interest of countless cultivators.    


After the tenth day passed, Lei Yang and A Mu felt that the advertisement had already spread quite well. Thus, after it ended, it was announced that the Spirit Gathering Pills would be officially sold tomorrow.    


When this news spread, not only did it not cause the countless Spirit Qi cultivators to feel disgusted, it instead caused a huge sensation among the Spirit Qi cultivators who had already used Lei Yang's two free Spirit Gathering Pills s.    


To be honest, they had been waiting here everyday ever since they had tasted the good effects of Lei Yang's Spirit Gathering Pills. Because they knew, this kind of free pill, and this kind of good pill, was not something that could be given away free of charge. As cultivators of the Imperial City, they had never lacked Spirit Stones, so their desire to buy it had long ago become extremely urgent.    


As the morning of the eleventh day arrived, and just as the main door of the pill shop was opened, the cultivators outside who had been waiting for a while to buy pills, had already lined up into an endless line. A Mu estimated roughly that there were probably more than ten thousand cultivators, occupying half of the entire Pill Heart Square.    


This scene stunned A Mu. He couldn't resist the urge to drool and he exclaimed in his heart, "Oh my god, we're rich! We're rich!"    


Because the free pills were different from the free pills distributed in the past, they were only given to each person one at a time until the pill was given out to the end, but they could be bought more at the same time, as long as one was willing to give out Spirit Stones s, ten white pellets could be given to each person for thousands or even tens of thousands of pellets.    


So when A Mu opened the door, the thousand Spirit Gathering Pills he had just taken out were all bought out by the ten cultivators standing in front of him. In less than two hours, the ten thousand Spirit Gathering Pills that Lei Yang painstakingly stayed up to refine last night, were all bought out.    


Once the pills were done, A Mu prepared to close the door, claiming that he would come back tomorrow, but there were some people who had been waiting in line since last night, all the way until now, when they saw that the pills had been sold.    


This situation immediately caused the cultivators at the back to be extremely dissatisfied. Because they could not purchase the Master Mo's Spirit Gathering Pills, they were very agitated and their hearts were filled with discontent, almost losing control of the situation.    


Fortunately, A Mu had quickly come forward to explain that the Master Mo was trying to concoct more pills and would be back soon. Only then did everyone's emotions calm down a little.    


However, A Mu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan as he hurriedly slipped away from the back door. He almost crawled and rolled back to the manor, waking Lei Yang up from his meditative state.    


"Master, it's bad, it's bad!"    


"What is A Mu panicking for?" Lei Yang asked lazily. The past few days of concocting pills nonstop had made him extremely exhausted.    


"Master, something bad happened. Hurry and don't rest, get up to refine pills, if you don't sell these, I'm afraid something big will happen," A Mu hurriedly told Lei Yang about the pill shop, making Lei Yang's head hurt after hearing it.    


In the room, the two men were frowning and frowning. In the end, they both sighed and said, "Ai, it seems that this business is too good!"    


quickly instructed his subordinates to buy a large amount of pill furnaces, he directly moved the pill refining grounds from his room to the plaza in the center of the residence and fiercely gritted his teeth as he prepared to go all out.    


He crazily increased the bid to twenty consecutive batches, and for three days in a row, he knew that Lei Yang's eyes were completely red, his hair was disheveled, and looked like he had gone mad. In the end, he barely managed to push through the strong momentum of Western City cultivators buying Spirit Gathering Pills.    


On the night of the third day, when A Mu sent the last guest away, he returned back to his residence to look at the whole room full of white Spirit Stones with his master Lei Yang. The two of them laughed, and in the end, both of them fell asleep on the Spirit Stones due to exhaustion.    


It was not until the morning of the next day that the two of them woke up. A Mu then stretched his body and laughed: "Master, I feel like I slept soundly last night."    


Lei Yang laughed heartily, and jokingly said: "Of course, sleeping on so much money, how could I not feel assured?"    


The wave of cultivators who bought Spirit Gathering Pills finally passed, but the business at Imperial City's number one pill shop did not slow down. It was just that it was much better than a few days ago, so it was no longer crowded.    


However, the scope of this incident grew larger and larger, to the point that it even spread further and further to the south and east of the city. Countless disciples of Spirit Qi s belonging to officials and families also came to purchase Lei Yang's pills.    


With such an impact, the business of the Heaven Fragrant Pavilion, which used to be a busy city, became even more deserted. This immediately attracted the attention of the Pill Fragrance Pavilion, which had never paid much attention to the outside world.    


Today, Lei Yang was relatively free, so he did not refine pills. Instead, he went to the pill shop counter to inspect A Mu's work, and casually strolled out to relax. Unexpectedly, when the number of customers was relatively small, a lady walked into the pill shop.    


This woman was dressed in a fine pink embroidered robe and had a leisurely fragrance coming from her body. Before she even stepped into the counter, she had already rushed over. Her bright and beautiful smile was like a blooming flower in the spring.    


Along the way, a pair of alluring beautiful eyes that looked like they would captivate anyone they saw, stared at Lei Yang walking towards them step by step, causing Lei Yang's heart to tremble. This woman was none other than the Heaven Fragrant Pavilion's receptionist, Ling Qiu.    


Hehe, I really did not expect that the next time we meet, you would already be a Master Mo whose name would shake the entire Imperial City, and even more so, the boss of the number one pill shop in the Imperial City, who is currently in the limelight. Ling Qiu smiled slightly, and said gently and courteously, when his voice fell into Lei Yang's ears, he felt as clear as a flowing spring.    


"Miss Ling Qiu is too kind, I was just lucky, nothing more, nothing less!"    


There is a saying that one would not visit the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. I wonder what is the purpose of Lady Ling Qiu's visit? " Lei Yang asked politely.    


"Indeed, there is something I need to tell you. Qin Shi had me come over to invite Young Master to have a chat with him. I wonder if Young Master can take a trip with Ling Qiu!" Ling Qiu also politely stated her purpose of coming here.    


Lei Yang was about to say something, when he was suddenly interrupted by A Mu, and he immediately said: "Miss Ling Qiu, this is really not good, Master's energy is limited recently, and there is not much time left, if Qin Shi really wants to meet my Young Master, I will have to trouble you to inform him, and have him come himself!"    


After hearing that, Ling Qiu was startled, but immediately after, she revealed a smile that she did not understand, she cupped her fists and bowed politely, then without further words, she walked out of the pill shop and returned to Heaven Fragrant Pavilion.    


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