Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C34 identity exposure

C34 identity exposure

4Dong ...    


Early in the morning, when the sound of a heavy bell resounded throughout the entire Lei Family Garden, and entered the ears of all the clan members, the entire Lei Family began to clamor ...    


As the "dang dang dang" sound of the bell rang out, it finally stopped after nine chimes. All the members of the Lei Family knew that once again, the annual Clan Grand Ceremony had arrived.    


Lei Yang sat crossed legged on top of the tatami, and the instant the ninth bell sound ended, he suddenly opened his eyes, a sharp light flashing across his eyes.    


Lei Yang felt the energy in his body surging. Be it the peak of the sixth floor of the Spirit Qi s or his body, which was equivalent to the early stage of the seventh floor of the Spirit Qi s, both had been adjusted to a perfect state.    


He sat on the bed and stretched his body, then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Looking at the sunlight rising from outside the window, anticipation appeared in Lei Yang's eyes.    


The father and son duo smiled at each other, without saying anything unnecessary. One in front and one behind, they directly walked towards the plaza in the center of the Lei Family ? ? Sun Moon Plaza.    


Sun and Moon Plaza was surrounded by a tall wall. Normally speaking, it was not open, but there were spell formations surrounding it. Only when the Clan was holding a major gathering, would the spell formations be opened, allowing the clan members to enter.    


Lei Yang and his son walked in a line, looking at the entire manor covered with red lanterns, it was filled with the jubilant celebration of the new year, the two of them had a rare smile plastered on their face.    


One of them was heavily injured, and the other one was a piece of trash who had "extremely great influence" within the clan. Along the way, they immediately attracted the attention of many clan members who had participated in the Family Competition, and various discussions about them broke out.    


However, even though they were discussing, when they saw the brimming smiles on their faces, they frowned and revealed extremely puzzled expressions.    


As the discussions continued, the two of them followed the other tribe members and soon arrived at the outskirts of the field. Red lanterns were hung on the walls of the tall platforms around the square. They were pasted with giant New Year pictures, and the smell of the New Year was even stronger.    


Although the sun shone brightly in early spring, the wind that blew over still brought along a bit of the chilliness of midwinter. At this moment, as the sun rose, a lot of clan members had already gathered at the gate of the square and lined up. They were chatting happily with each other as they followed the line of people into the square.    


Lei Yang and his son followed the crowd and gradually moved forward. At the gate of the plaza, there were two middle-aged men with relatively high cultivation from different clans that were standing guard there to maintain order. Both of their cultivation were at the late stage of the Spirit Origin Realm, and one of them was Lei Fengyu's father, Lei Shichang.    


As the crowd moved forward, Lei Yang immediately noticed it. Amongst them, many of the people in the third floor of the Spirit Qi were immediately blocked outside the door by an invisible array formation, which was not unfamiliar to him, as he had been blocked outside multiple times. But from today onwards, everything changed.    


And this light screen formation, was the so-called threshold for participating in Family Competition s.    


Looking at the many disciples of the third level of Spirit Qi that were blocked by the formation, Lei Yang finally understood that he no longer had to worry about being demoted to a family's medicine slave anymore in his life.    


As if he had felt the bitter memories that surfaced in Lei Yang's eyes, Lei Zhennan's heart ached, but he did not say anything, and patted Lei Yang's shoulders forcefully. The two of them followed the movement of the crowd and stepped into the light screen.    




"Absolutely huge!" This was the first time Lei Yang felt this in his heart!    


Although he had come to participate in the Family Competition many times, this was the first time he had truly stepped into the most important place in the clan in these few years ? the Sun Moon Plaza.    


Originally, the outer perimeter wall had layers upon layers of stands lined up neatly. They surrounded the square and were all made of bluestone, making it look like a colosseum.    


At this moment, as more and more clansmen entered, the surrounding grandstands were already filled with clansmen. From the entrance, the disciples participating in the competition had separated from the spectators.    


As for the disciples of Family Competition, they were led to the center of the plaza at the bottom. After Lei Yang separated from his father at the entrance, he followed the other disciples who were participating in the Family Competition, and once they arrived, they slowly entered the plaza, walking towards the center.    


At the center of the plaza, there was a ten zhang square stone platform that was more than ten zhang tall. On the four corners of the stone platform, four two meters in diameter and ten meters tall stone pillars were standing.    


The densely packed, dark-black magical symbols filled the pillars, connecting them together to form a dancing black dragon.    


They respectively coiled around the four stone pillars and looked lifelike from afar, as if they were about to leave the stone pillar and fly towards the sky. They faintly emitted an invisible fluctuation and appeared extremely extraordinary.    


Not knowing how others felt, the moment Lei Yang arrived at the center, he immediately felt a familiar aura from it. It was actually quite similar to the aura of the two huge golden dragons in front of the palace. However, the black dragon formed by the four runes in front of him was clearly inferior to the giant golden dragon in front of the underground palace.    


Lei Yang followed the disciples and arrived in front of the stone platform in the center of the plaza. When he looked around, he noticed that many disciples had already arrived at the front of the stone platform.    


However, these disciples did not just stand around randomly. There was a certain pattern to them. Surprisingly, around the stone platform in the center of the plaza, there were nine neat and orderly teams.    


Lei Yang was surprised, he then looked closer, and when he saw them, he immediately noticed a lot of familiar faces on the Fang party he was currently on. For example, Lei Fengyu's Lei Xinlan's Lightning Force... Many familiar faces were standing at the front of the line, chatting and laughing.    


And the location of this team Fang was right in front of the central stone platform, exactly on the center of the plaza which was the center axis of the entire Lei Family Garden. Lei Yang immediately understood, everyone in this team Fang, were naturally all descendants of the main bloodline. Without even thinking, one could tell that the other teams were definitely the disciples of the Eight Dragons Tribe.    


In fact, Lei Yang even found out that the spectators in the surrounding area were also divided into their own areas, and the area was right behind the square group formed by the disciples of each and every bloodline.    


Along with the slow flow of time, more and more clan disciples gathered at the plaza. The clansmen walked up to the stands, and gradually, the surroundings of the tall platform in the center of the plaza was already filled with disciples from all kinds of bloodlines, and the surrounding stands had long since become packed full. There were also many clan members who came late, and because the stands were already full, they could only squeeze into the space between the narrow aisle and the stands.    


Looking at it now, whether it was the square or the surrounding stands, they were all densely packed with people, and from the looks of it, there were no less than twenty thousand people, and the effects of the entire Lei Family Garden, as well as the eight branches that were hundreds of kilometers away, seemed to have reached the number of tens of thousands of people. From this, it could be seen how much the entire Lei Family valued the Family Competition.    


Lei Yang turned around and looked at the stands behind him until he saw his father Lei Zhennan, sitting in an inconspicuous corner. Only then did he smile at his father and turn around with relief.    


Initially, her mother Qin Feng Lan had also wanted to come to see Lei Yang's Family Competition, but she wasn't a cultivator that couldn't enter the Sun Moon Plaza. Furthermore, she was always gentle and didn't like fighting, so both father and son advised her not to watch.    


However, just as Lei Yang was about to turn his head, his eyelids suddenly twitched for a few times, and all of the hairs on his body stood up, as a chill instantly enveloped him. When he focused his eyes, he suddenly discovered that on the first row of the spectator's stand, a cold and venomous gaze was staring straight at him.    


Seeing Lei Ming's expression, it was clear that he had already discovered him. Although he did not completely overlap with the trash Lei Yang from the past, Lei Ming still remembered his current appearance, and that was enough for it to be like this. (TN: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU))))    


The eyes of Lei Ming, who was now at the very front of the direct line of disciples, were bloodshot. He roared and clenched his fists, standing up from his seat and looking as if he wanted to kill someone.    


Lei Kaishan immediately noticed Lei Ming's abnormal behavior, he immediately suppressed him and asked: "Ming'er, what's wrong, is there something wrong?"    


"It's him, it's that bastard! He turned me into a cripple! I'm going to kill him! Kill him!" Lei San, and you guys, I, your father will give you all a chance to make up for your past deeds. Go, go and kill him now. " Lei Ming's entire being was breathing rapidly and screaming nonstop. His entire body was filled with killing intent, but because it was suppressed by his father, Lei Kaishan, it was difficult for him to move at all.    


But how could Lei San and the rest who were beside Lei Kaishan dare to act rashly? Standing to the side, they felt bitter, but could not do nothing. They could only nod their heads repeatedly to the side, but they did not move an inch.    


"Enough!" Lei Kaishan roared, forcing Lei Ming to calm down, then said gently: "Ming'er, our big matter is about to be completed, endure for a few more days, after we finish, the entire Lei Family will be ours, when that time comes, whatever you want will be yours, there is no need to be anxious about it right now."    


After a round of persuasion, Lei Ming's mood finally calmed down, but his eyes were like a venomous snake staring straight at Lei Yang, and said while gnashing his teeth: "I will let you live a few more days, at that time I will definitely hack you into a thousand pieces, and let you experience the pain of being executed by Ling Chi!"    




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