Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C86 Dragon Abyss

C86 Dragon Abyss

3Although the three of them were shocked, they did not stop. They followed the warmth of the sword and charged forward.    0


As they continued forward, the entire city gradually entered their line of sight.    


It was a dilapidated city that had existed for an unknown amount of time. Many of the once lofty palaces had collapsed in the face of the unimaginable calamity.    


The city was filled with marks left behind by the massive magical items that had been bombarded into it. In fact, there were even some marks left on the ground. There were still no fragments of magical items that had been completely destroyed over the course of countless years.    


Through the yellow sand, one could still see some remains of skulls. Some were buried deep within the sand, while others were exposed outside. When the wind blew past, it would make people's hair stand on end, making them tremble in fear.    


It was not hard to imagine that underneath the yellow sand, there were more bones buried. There were even cracks that extended out, but as time passed, the yellow sand would gradually fill them up.    


Even though the endless yellow sand had dimmed down the originally tragic scene by a lot, it was still hard to imagine what kind of earth-shattering event had happened here countless years ago.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the temperature in front of them was getting higher and higher, and if the three of them didn't feel a faint heat from it, then the terrifying murderous aura that would naturally spread out from this place would make them wonder if they had entered the land of the netherworld.    


As they proceeded forward, the three of them felt even more oppressed. However, the size of the dilapidated city only increased their shock.    


Even after another ten days had passed, they still did not finish walking the dilapidated city at an extremely fast speed. According to their estimations, they seemed to have gradually entered the central region of this vast and dilapidated city.    


Two more days passed. From half a year until only about twenty days were left, the three of them suddenly felt a faintly discernible trace of cold air as they travelled forward in the center of the city. The three of them immediately flew to a place not far away from the city, where they were still standing atop the broken tower.    


Looking over, the three of them immediately saw that in the center of the dilapidated city, there was an incomparably large and deep hole. The faintly discernible cold Qi was being emitted from within it, and the fiery Qi, which was gradually heating up the entire tomb of the Secret Realm, was also being emitted from within it.    


"Dragon Abyss!" The moment Xie Jun and Zhang Qing saw the deep hole, they spoke at the same time.    


"Is this the Dragon Abyss you speak of?" Lei Yang's eyes also contracted. When he looked over, his gaze landed on that enormous, deep hole, and a familiar feeling immediately filled his mind.    


But before he could think about it, Zhang Qing said: "Does Brother Lei have a familiar feeling? That's right, this is the deep hole at the entrance of Secret Realm, the only difference is that this is only the projection of the real Dragon Abyss!"    


Zhang Qing passionately introduced Lei Yang, his eyes shining with a proud light.    


"Oh, I see!" Lei Yang looked like he had suddenly realized something, it was just that, why would the Dragon Abyss appear in the center of this city?    


Looking at it from afar, Lei Yang estimated that the cave entrance of the Dragon Abyss had a diameter of around three thousand meters, and two types of auras were continuously being emitted from it. One was fiery, one was dark and cold, but that fiery aura seemed to have gradually gained the upper hand, and had even begun to affect the climate of the entire Secret Realm.    


From a distance, there were quite a few cultivators who had already arrived at the edge of the cave. Based on their clothing, it was easy to determine that although the Cultivators were scattered about, they were actually divided into five areas.    


According to the sect's attire, they were controlled by the disciples of the four great sects. The cultivators in the other area wore a variety of clothing, obviously they were rogue cultivators from other regions.    


There were a total of five regions, and regardless of which region it was, at the very front of the entire Dragon Abyss, there were two experts with the strongest cultivation. There were ten of them, and Lei Yang guessed that this should be the so called Heavenly Dragon Ranking, which was the current Dragon Abyss's strongest competitor.    


Amongst them, no matter who it was, the cultivation fluctuations that they were releasing, were so strong that Lei Yang was startled, but without exception, they were all at the peak of perfection of the Spirit Qi, and obviously they were suppressing them intentionally, or else breaking through the Spiritual Source would be a piece of cake for them, but they did not just break through the Spiritual Source, they also came from the Heavenly Dao.    


Amongst these people, Lei Yang almost did not recognize any of them, but after Lei Yang looked around, his gaze landed on the two Rankers who were seated closest to the Dragon Abyss in the front area of the Loose Practitioners, and his eyes focused.    


The cultivation bases of these two were extremely high, and their bodies were filled with a murderous aura. Their bodies emitted a sharp light, which could not be compared to the genius disciples from the Four Major Sects.    


One of them was gigantic, almost like a dragon, and one could easily tell that he was a strong body cultivator, while the other just so happened to have a weak and gentle body, looking refined and refined. Although his body was filled with a terrifying killing intent, and even his killing intent seemed to have a trace of a gentle aura, the two of them seemed to have formed a huge contrast.    


And it was this frail, yet gentle looking cultivator that caught Lei Yang's attention, because he was none other than the middle-aged man dressed in grey who chased after Zhang Qing when they were fighting over the Dragon Heart Fruit in the valley. However, looking at him now, his cultivation was even stronger than before, and if he did not intentionally suppress him, he could have directly broken through and stepped into the Spiritual Source.    


Lei Yang was just about to try and find the other three cultivators at the peak of the Spirit Qi behind him, when he heard Zhang Qing muttering from the side: "Damn, that guy, so it's Lethal Rakshasa. No wonder you were able to chase this daddy down and make me cough blood."    


It was clear that Zhang Qing had also discovered him from the crowd. Even though he was acting strong on the surface, Lei Yang was able to see the deep fear in the depths of his eyes.    


Lei Yang found many familiar figures within the crowd, such as the one who was chasing after him, Shan Gui ... Wait, but when Lei Yang saw them now, the feeling in his heart had already changed. If he met them again, it was not certain who would be the one to chase and kill who.    


Thinking back to all the dangers that Zhang Qing and had been through since they entered Secret Realm, Lei Yang and Zhang Qing seemed to have found a common topic, and on the high platform, their exchanges gradually increased, and they were very happy to talk about it.    


Only Xie Jun, on the other hand, gradually became depressed. It was as if the lofty ambitions that he once had had, had now completely vanished with the Soul Shackling Technique.    


Lei Yang seemed to be able to see through Xie Jun's misery and after interacting with him for a period of time, he realised that Xie Jun was not a particularly bad person, and the reason for this entire matter, was indeed because of his and Zhang Qing's greed.    


Therefore, he walked over and patted Xie Jun's shoulders, and said: "Don't worry, after we exit this Secret Realm, I will remove your soul restriction technique and return your soul blood to you. If you still want to continue fighting for the Heavenly Dragon Qi right now, you can go!"    


"Say ... Is this for real? " When Xie Jun heard these words, his entire brows knitted, and he became indescribably excited in an instant. It was as if his entire soul had once again awakened from its slumber.    


"It's true!" Seeing Xie Jun's reaction, Lei Yang did not have any ridicule or disgrace in his heart. There was only sincerity and respect, because this was an attitude and desire that an expert should have.    


"Thank you, master!" It could be said that in the past few days, Xie Jun had called him Master the most sincerely.    


Xie Jun was moved, he paused for a moment, adapted to his excited emotions and then said: "Heavenly Dragon Qi, I don't think so, but it is said that the aura of an Earth Dragon is rising from the depths of Dragon Abyss, if this can be used to produce the Spiritual Source, it would be a good choice."    


Xie Jun was fully aware of the current situation. There was no hope for him to obtain Heavenly Dragon Qi, so he decided to take a step back.    


"Then what good idea do you have?" Lei Yang did not say anything, but when Zhang Qing heard his words, he immediately became spirited.    


"Fuck, aren't you a disciple of the Floating Cloud Pavilion? If you don't go to your sect's area, why are you here?" Xie Jun was also an outspoken and straightforward person, and at the moment, he did not think highly of Zhang Qing.    


"Damn, I don't want to be together with those wolf cub. They are all too savage, I want to advance and retreat together with Brother Lei!" Zhang Qing said angrily.    


Lei Yang was not interested in their conversation at all, at the moment, he wholeheartedly wanted to leave the Secret Realm and return to the Lei Family. He was not interested in the Earth Dragon Qi they were talking about, so he sat down cross-legged and meditated.    


During the conversation, Xie Jun pointed to something else, and said: "Did you see that? At that moment, there are people who collect the ice blue colored qi from the bottom of Dragon Abyss, which is the Earth Dragon's Qi. If this qi is accumulated to a certain degree, when it breaks through, it will become a tunnel Spiritual Source that is close to the Heavenly Dao's Spiritual Source."    


"Even children know this! Now that the five big regions are completely under the control of the big powers, how can we get past the borders of Dragon Abyss? " Zhang Qing was a little troubled, and when he saw the Earth Dragon Qi that would occasionally rise from the Dragon Abyss being collected by the cultivators at the edges of the mountain, his eyes revealed a look of envy.    


I have a way, in the sect, my position was considered to be extraordinary, I am confident that I can go to the area of the Azure Snow Sect now, with my current fighting strength, they will still welcome me! Xie Jun said confidently, his eyes shining with pride.    


"Good idea, then what are you waiting for, hurry up!" Zhang Qing slapped his thigh, as though he had discovered a new continent, and instantly jumped up, as if he wanted to take a step forward to reach the edge of Dragon Abyss.    


However, Lei Yang did not plan to go, he left the two of them to head over, while he himself planned to stay behind and wait for the Secret Realm's array to activate.    


However, the two refused to budge, they insisted on dragging him along, and in the end, the two passed the benefits of the Spiritual Source from inside to outside, and gave it to him from outside to inside. After being persuaded by the two again and again, they finally invited Lei Yang to join them.    


Only then did the three of them stand up, in a flash, they flew down the stage, and gradually approached the Azure Snow Sect controlled area from the periphery.    


Before they had even made it to the front, Xie Jun and Zhang Qing's eyes had already started to shine, as though they were already impatient to gather the so called Earth Dragon Qi. Zhang Qing was even more exaggerated to the point that he was about to drool.    




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