Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



4"Who I am is not important. What's important is whether or not you guys want to learn these two Profound Array s?" Ye Xiu asked with a light smile.     0


Maintaining a little bit of mystery was definitely beneficial to Ye Xiu. Especially in front of people he wasn't very familiar with, he needed this bit of mysteriousness to protect him even more.    


If a person was mysterious, other people would not have any unfavorable thoughts other than being curious about him.    


After all, he didn't know his limits. What if he offended someone he shouldn't have offended, then it would be too late for regret.    


However, if this person did not have any secrets, then he had an important treasure on him. At that time, who would worry about his future?    


If there were no more worries, everyone would want to snatch the treasure on his body.    


"Of course I want to, this is a Second Level Composite Profound Array. If we can learn how to draw it into a Second Level Profound Array Jade Chip, then we can have an even bigger guarantee." Zhou Jiang and Zhao Lu nodded their heads.    


Although Ye Xiu did not reveal his origins, the more it was like this, the more the two people suspected his origins.    


Because how could an ordinary youth possess such an astonishing innate skill of the Profound Array and the long-lost compound Profound Array?    


Of course, since Ye Xiu didn't say it, the two of them naturally didn't ask anymore. After all, the most important things that were laid out before them right now were to learn the Ice and Fire Clearing Profound Array and the Wind Lightning Formation.    


Just like this, in order to allow Zhou Jiang and Zhao Lu to study the Profound Array in a proper environment, Zhou Tao directly brought Ye Xiu and Zhao Lu to the secret room that he cultivated in.    


"Uncle Zhou, I'll have to trouble you with taking care of my two friends." When he arrived at the secret room, Ye Xiu spoke to Zhou Tao respectfully.    


"Don't worry, I will not treat your friends unfairly. You can rest assured and stay here to guide Zhou Jiang and Yue Shan." Zhou Tao smiled and nodded.    


From Zhou Jiang's expression, Zhou Tao could tell that Ye Xiu was definitely a rare talent, so Zhou Tao naturally had to think of all sorts of ways to please him.    


And because of this, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan received a VIP treatment within the Zhou Family.    


In a very luxurious room, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan looked at the decorations in the room before sitting down.    


Although the two of them had enjoyed the treatment of honored guests within their Zhou Family, the two of them were well aware that everything they were enjoying today was due to Ye Xiu.    


If not for Ye Xiu, big families like Zhou Family would never take them seriously.    


"Lin Tian, what do you think?"    


When the two of them sat facing each other, Chen Aoxuan suddenly asked.    


"Hmm? What do you think? " Hearing Chen Aoxuan's words, Lin Tian frowned slightly and asked a question in reply.    


"Lin Tian, don't tell me you don't know what I mean?" Chen Aoxuan's brows lightly twitched as he continued to ask.    


Lin Tian was naturally clear of what Chen Aoxuan was saying, but the facts were laid out in front of him. Furthermore, Ye Xiu had great ability, so it would not harm them at all.    


"Chen Aoxuan, Ye Xiu's talent is definitely higher than ours, so if we view him as our target, then that will make us feel more and more insignificant, he is alive and happy, so we do not need to care too much about other things, if one day we find out that Ye Xiu and he are not from the same world, it will not be too late to separate from him." Lin Tian said.    


Lin Tian thought very openly, so he calmly faced everything that was happening, and accepted Zhou Family's good intentions.    


"Lin Tian, are you really not jealous at all of Ye Xiu?" Chen Aoxuan asked Lin Tian again.    


Ye Xiu's talent was really too heaven defying, so heaven defying that Chen Aoxuan felt a bit of fear.    


No matter what, back then when he was in the Bluestone Town, he was known as the number one genius among the Bluestone Town's younger generation.    


But now that he saw Ye Xiu's transformation, Chen Aoxuan realized just how ignorant he was before.    


"Saying that you're not jealous is definitely a lie, but what's the use of jealousy? "Talent is something that comes naturally to us, just like how other people are jealous of us." Lin Tian laughed bitterly.    


Before Ye Xiu's rise to power, both Lin Tian and Lin Tian were targets of jealousy, but now that their roles had changed, they became a member of jealousy. This made Lin Tian feel that it was funny.    


It turned out that the taste of jealousy was not that pleasant.    


What Lin Tian said was true, but even though he clearly knew of this logic, Chen Aoxuan's heart was still a little unsettled.    


Seeing Chen Aoxuan in such a state, Lin Tian clearly knew in his heart that the other party was a little young, so it was normal for him to not be able to immediately understand what Chen Aoxuan was thinking.    


"Alright, don't think too much, rest early. I think we'll be staying at this Zhou Family for the next few days." Lin Tian guessed.    




Taking a deep breath, Chen Aoxuan calmed his heart down a little, then left the room and returned to his own.    


That's right, this luxurious room did not belong to the two of them, but only to Lin Tian himself. And right next to this room, Chen Aoxuan had his own large room.    


Zhou Family was indeed worthy of being called a clan with a higher level of Chen Family, even the rooms for the guests to reside in were so luxurious. This truly broadened Lin Tian's and Chen Aoxuan's horizons.    


And just when Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan were resting in their respective big rooms, in the other big room, Zhou Tao and Zhou Lan sat facing each other.    


"Father, why did you call me here?! You even sent Liu Yan away on purpose!" Zhou Lan couldn't help but ask as he looked at his father.    


"Xiao Lan, what do you think of Ye Xiu?" Zhou Tao asked after letting out a light breath of air.    




Hearing Zhou Tao's tone, Zhou Lan frowned slightly. She wasn't a three year old child, so she could naturally understand the other party's intentions.    


"Father, Ye Xiu and I only met by chance. If he didn't save me time and time again, it would be impossible for us to be friends." Zhou Lan explained.    


"Xiao Lan, you said it too. Ye Xiu saved you time and time again, does that mean that there's fate between you two, or that he ?" Zhou Tao said.    


But before Zhou Tao could finish his sentence, Zhou Lan interrupted him and said, "Father, I, your daughter, am not an idiot, I naturally know what you want to do. That's right, I admit that Ye Xiu is a talent, and even the most outstanding person my daughter has seen so far. But he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and I am older than him by a few years.    


Xiaolan, you're only a few years older than him. As the saying goes, a girl in her third year is worth more than a girl from the Qin and Zhao Family." Xiaolan, you're only a few years older than him. Zhou Xu frowned.    


"Father, you can't be thinking of having your daughter sacrifice herself to keep Ye Xiu for you, right?" Looking at his father, Zhou Lan asked after thinking for a while.    


"Xiao Lan, what do you mean by sacrificing yourself? Although you and Ye Xiu have not known each other for long, Father can tell that he should be a good man who deserves to be entrusted with his life. Furthermore, you aren't young anymore, it's time for you to consider your major life event, why are you still hesitating now that such a good guy has appeared in front of you? Zhou Tao asked.    


"Dad, this is not a small matter. Besides, this is all too sudden, can you prepare some ideas for me? After all, this is related to my daughter's happiness, so I don't want to be careless and barely live the rest of my life." Zhou Lan frowned slightly.    


Emotions could not be forced. Even if Zhou Lan had a good impression of Ye Xiu, the two of them had a good feeling about him.    


Besides, how could you know a person's personality just by feeling? As the saying goes, knowing a person's face and not knowing his heart, one could only interact with a person for a long period of time if they truly wanted to understand him.    


A person's heart could only be seen after a long time of being together.    


"Alright, anyway, I'm afraid that Ye Xiu's guidance of the Profound Array won't end in a short period of time, and since there's also the threat of the Qin Family, he shouldn't be able to leave the Zhou Family easily, so you have time to think about it."    


"But remember this, Ye Xiu is a hotspot, if you don't want him, then there will be people fighting over him, so even if it is for the clan's prosperity, you have to think it through carefully."    


Seeing Zhou Lan's somewhat complex expression, Zhou Tao earnestly advised.    


From the looks of Zhao Xugang's reaction in the Main Hall, it was obvious that he had also valued Ye Xiu, this talent, and wanted to take him for his own.    


When Zhao Liuyan returned to the Zhao Family, Zhao Xugang immediately went to find her, and the content of the father and daughter pair's discussion was also greatly related to Ye Xiu.    


Of course, because everything happened too suddenly, Zhao Liuyan's reaction was similar to Zhou Lan's. He also said that he had to consider, after all, he could not be careless in such a matter, or else he would regret it for the rest of his life.    


The next day!    


"Sister Liu Yan!"    


When Zhao Liuyan arrived at the Zhou Family entrance with complex emotions, a voice rang beside her ears.    


"Rouer, what's wrong? Why are your eyes so red, who bullied you? " When Zhao Liuyan turned around and saw Qin Rouer's bloodshot eyes, she immediately asked.    


"Sister Liu Yan!"    


After Qin Rouer, who had originally stopped crying, heard this, she once again couldn't help but cry, and then the two girls hugged tightly.    


Looking at the sad Qin Rouer, the talkative Zhao Liuyan was naturally at a loss for what to do.    


Furthermore, they had already reached the Zhou Family entrance. So after Zhao Liuyan comforted them for a bit, the two girls entered the room and found Zhou Lan who was still dressing up.    


"Sister Lan, today, you ?"    


When Zhao Liuyan and Qin Rouer saw Zhou Lan who had intentionally dressed up, the two girls immediately felt that their eyes lit up, because she looked exactly like a peerless great beauty who had appeared in front of them.    


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