Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



2"Little brother Ye Xiu, I think we should just force our way through. If not, after a long time, they will all be back to normal!"    


When Hua Haifeng saw that Ye Xiu had returned, he brought up his own thoughts.    


Since time couldn't wait, if he waited, he might as well take a gamble.    


Although the Profound Array was very strong, if Hua Haifeng was able to destroy it, then even if he was heavily injured, the rest of the people would be able to eliminate the root of their Wind And Thunder Mansion.    


On the other hand, once all of the Wind And Thunder Mansion's disciples have recovered, even if Hua Haifeng was safe and sound, the situation in the Huayang Mansion would not be too optimistic.    


"Don't worry Mansion Master Hua, I have already found the weakness of the Profound Array, but I can't confirm if it has been replaced." Ye Xiu said.    




Although Ye Xiu was not anxious, this matter was related to the entire Huayang Mansion, so how could he, as the Palace Chief, not be anxious?    


"Mansion Master Hua, I only know of the Profound Array's weakness, but if the person who laid the formation changed the way it was placed, the weakness would shift, so I am not sure, since my cultivation is limited." Ye Xiu replied.    


"Forget it, little brother Ye Xiu, please tell me where my weakness is first, I will attack first to see!" Hua Haifeng said anxiously.    


"Mansion Master Hua, you can try, but don't go all out. Because if this isn't your weakness, your attack will be rebounded back by the Profound Array." Ye Xiu reminded.    




Hua Haifeng nodded his head lightly. Regarding his own life, he naturally cared a lot about it, so he would definitely not act rashly.    


"That's the direction, you just have to attack from this side. If your attack isn't reflected back, then that means that the weak point is here." Ye Xiu pointed in a direction towards the Profound Array and answered.    




After finding out the location of the Profound Array's weakness, Hua Haifeng shouted loudly, and without holding back, he activated his Late Period of Profound Emperor Stage.    




When Hua Haifeng's attack was ready, he used the sword in his right hand to cut down fiercely.    


In that instant, an enormous sword shadow appeared out of thin air. Following which, the sword shadow rapidly shrunk until it became a sword that was about the size of an adult.    




The moment the sword image and the Profound Array made contact, a deafening explosion occurred.    


Following the explosion, the entire Profound Array began to shake violently, but the expected rebound attack did not occur.    


"It seems like its weakness hasn't been removed." Ye Xiu saw this scene and nodded slightly.    


In the next second, Ye Xiu indicated that Hua Haifeng could continue his attack, and that he could make his move too.    


Although Hua Haifeng was very strong, compared to him, Qi Wei's strength at the peak of the Profound King was still lacking.    


However, the peak of the Profound King was still very strong. If the two combined their powers, even the strongest Profound Array would lose in a short amount of time.    


Especially since the place where the two of them attacked was where the Profound Array was the weakest, there was no chance for an attack to bounce back.    


"Bang bang bang bang!"    


Under Hua Haifeng and Qi Wei's all-out attack, they could only see that the great protective formation of the Wind And Thunder Mansion was in danger.    


"Is the formation dangerous?"    


When Feng Zhendong, who was currently recovering, felt the aura of Profound Array's defeat, his eyes revealed a sense of shock.    


He naturally had a lot of confidence in this great protective formation. After all, he had paid a large price for this Profound Array back then, and he didn't even have the dignity to do so.    


But now, this Profound Array that he was extremely confident in actually showed signs of being defeated not long after. What should he do?    


With the current situation in the Wind And Thunder Mansion, it was impossible for them to face the enemy, and even he himself lacked the strength to do so.    


"Does the heavens really want my Wind And Thunder Mansion to die?" Feng Zhendong frowned.    


Due to the sudden turn of events, even until now, Feng Zhendong did not know what kind of power their Wind And Thunder Mansion had offended, and now, they had to eliminate them all.    


"Hmph, I would actually like to see which palace has such great ability to dare to completely exterminate my Wind And Thunder Mansion." Feng Zhendong said sternly.    


At this point, there was no other way, so Feng Zhendong could only brace himself and fight.    




Just as Feng Zhendong was about to leave the room, a deafening explosion sounded out.    


At this moment, the Profound Array that Feng Zhendong was so proud of was finally broken into pieces. A powerful explosive shockwave quickly swept out.    


As for the Wind And Thunder Mansion in the center of the explosion, they were instantly turned into a mess by the shock wave from the explosion. A large number of houses collapsed, and the Wind And Thunder Mansion disciples who were still in a weakened state were covered with wounds from the sudden explosion.    


"This Profound Array is really... "Awesome!"    


Hua Haifeng and Qi Wei were also forced dozens of meters back by this powerful shockwave. When they saw that the entire Wind And Thunder Mansion had exploded into a complete mess, they truly did not know how to express what they were thinking in their hearts.    


This Profound Array was truly powerful, even if it was its weakness, the combined attack of Hua Haifeng and Hua Haifeng took a long time to break through.    


Only, if this kind of powerful Profound Array was broken, it would be tantamount to perishing together with the entire Palace.    


But of course, if the great protective formation was destroyed, then the entire sect would be disintegrated as well.    


"It's all of you!"    


However, when Feng Zhendong and the rest walked out from the ruins, they saw Hua Haifeng and the rest outside the Wind And Thunder Mansion Ruins.    


Because Feng Zhendong never would have thought that the one who would push them into the abyss was actually Huayang Mansion, which strength was not even close to the gates of their residence.    


If it was any other second-rate or first-rate power, then Feng Zhendong would have willingly lost.    


But now, when he saw Hua Haifeng and the others, the unhappiness in his heart was extremely strong.    


But so what if they were not willing, the secrets of the Wind And Thunder Mansion had already been exposed, so even if they begged for mercy right now, Hua Haifeng might not be so soft-hearted as to let them off.    


The reason was simple. Right now, they had lost their fighting strength, but that was only temporary. Once their strength recovered, it would be dangerous for their Huayang Mansion.    


Therefore, since the Huayang Mansion had made a move, they would definitely not return empty-handed.    


"Hua Haifeng, I, Feng Zhen Dong, would never have thought that one day, my Wind And Thunder Mansion would actually be destroyed by your hands." Feng Zhendong said coldly.    


"Feng Zhendong, you are wrong, Wind And Thunder Mansion was not destroyed by me, but by you, the Palace Chief. It is one thing for you to cultivate your own Evil Skill, but you actually caused all of the disciples of the Wind And Thunder Mansion to be together with you. Hua Haifeng said fiercely.    


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