Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



3Of course, the news had spread, but Luo Hui and Ke Yao did not want to get married on this day, because this was a big matter and they had to prepare for it.    3


Furthermore, other than Zhao Family, the other three families still did not know of this matter. Therefore, if they did, they would definitely cause trouble.    


And it was also because of this that under Ye Xiu's suggestion, they spread the news of the marriage between the two families.    


But for some reason, in the end, it was said that they were getting married today.    


But this was also good, because when the news spread within the Tiantang City, the Ma, Li, and Yu Families, the patriarchs of the three families would directly rush into the Luo Family.    


No matter what, Luo Family was the man's home, so the three Patriarchs naturally had to find the man's house to clarify the situation.    


"You all ?"    


When the three clan leaders arrived at the great hall of the Luo Family, they discovered that Luo Lie, Ke Yunhai and the rest were waiting for them inside. It was as if they were waiting for them intentionally.    


"Three Clan Chiefs, the tea is ready. The time is right." Luo Lie looked at the three clan leaders who were in a daze, and said while standing up with a chuckle.    


This was the great hall of the Luo Family, so it was naturally Luo Lie who stood up to welcome the three clan leaders who had come uninvited. As for Ke Yunhai's words, he looked at them with a face full of smiles.    


"Sect Master Luo, Sect Master Ke, what do you mean by this?" Ma Zeyu was the first to react and ask.    


From the looks of it, it was as if these people were waiting for them here.    


"What do you mean, we're just here to wait for you three?" Are you going to talk to us like this? " Ke Yunhai asked with a light smile.    


After hearing that, Ma Zeyu and the other two looked at each other, and then without hesitation, they sat on the three chairs that had tea already been prepared.    


"Clan Chief Ma, Clan Chief Li, Clan Chief Yu, if you have anything you want to ask, you can ask them now. I'm sure you three will be fine if you come here together, right?" Luo Lie asked.    


"Sect Master Luo, Sect Master Ke, since you already know why we're here, then there's no need for you to keep us in suspense. The seven clans have the same family rules, and the seven clans cannot marry each other. Li Kui Shan said harshly.    


The seven clans had always been peaceful, but one of the main reasons was that the seven clans did not have a marriage alliance.    


But now, Luo Family and the Profound Handle were going to be married, and furthermore, it was going to be a marriage that would go against the rules of the clan. Why on earth did this cause Ma Zeyu and the other two to become extremely curious.    


What drove the two families to be so bold?    


"Three Clan Chiefs, if I were to tell you that the source of your seven clan's teachings is all because of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, would you believe me?"    


Just as Li Kui Shan asked, Ye Xiu stood up and answered.    


The Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife now belonged to Ye Xiu, so even under such an atmosphere, he still had a say in the matter.    


"Because of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife?"    


Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Ma Zeyu and the others frowned, because they didn't really understand what he meant.    


Seeing the three of them with a puzzled look, Ye Xiu continued to speak: "The seven parts of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife are in the custody of the seven clans, I believe that it's because when the seven parts of the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife were split, the ancestors of the various clans all received one, and in order to prevent the other clans from taking the other part, this family training appeared. Otherwise, why would the seven clans have the same family training, who can explain this?"    


"This ?"    


Ma Zeyu and the other two looked at each other, and they truly had no way of explaining why the seven clans had the same family teachings.    


"Whether you believe it or not, I want to show you something. Of course, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, because the entire Tiantang City knows that Luo Family and Ke Family are going to be married soon, so this matter is already confirmed. It will not change because of you three families." Ye Xiu said.    


While speaking, Ye Xiu gently grabbed with his right hand, and the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife appeared in his hand.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Just when Ma Zeyu and the other two were curious as to why Ye Xiu had revealed the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife s to them, the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife released a ray of light, and then the light turned into a projection.    


"This ?"    


When Ma Zeyu and the other two saw the contents of the projection, they were immediately rendered speechless.    


Of course, regardless of whether it was Ma Zeyu or the other two clan leaders, their eyes were filled with disbelief.    


If someone casually showed them a bit of information and they believed it, the three clan leaders would be too trusting.    


In regards to the disbelief of the three Clan Chiefs, Ye Xiu naturally had already expected it.    


The reason why Zhao Zixiong and Chen Xuan were able to be convinced was entirely because Ye Xiu and Ke Yunhai had helped them. The reason why they agreed to it was mostly because they wanted to repay the debt of gratitude.    


As for the words Luo Lie and Ke Yunhai, they naturally wanted their own children to be happy. If they were to separate Luo Hui and Ke Yao, then neither Luo Hui would be happy.    


If their children were unhappy, would they, as fathers, feel good?    


Therefore, no one believed the news from the Killing Demon Seven Stars Knife, but because of various reasons, they took it as an excuse.    


"Ye Xiu, just based on this news, you dare to make a marriage between Luo Family?" Yu An, who hadn't spoken a word all this time, couldn't help but ask.    


To dare to form a marriage alliance with such ridiculous news, this was definitely not something that Luo Lie and Ke Yunhai would dare to do.    


"Chief Yu, I know you don't believe it, but the truth is like this. Those who believe this news naturally believe it to be true, and you don't believe it. Naturally, you think that I made it up on purpose, right?" Ye Xiu smiled faintly.    


After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he paused slightly before continuing: "Three clan leaders, it doesn't matter if you agree or not, because Zhao Family and Chen Family have already agreed to the marriage of Luo Family, so the opinions of the three families are not important."    




As Ye Xiu's words left his mouth, the three clan leaders' faces immediately revealed looks of surprise.    


Zhao Family and Chen Family had actually agreed to the marriage of Luo Family and Ke Family, how was this possible?    


However, when they thought that even at this time, Zhao Family and Chen Family had yet to appear, so even if they did not believe Ye Xiu's words, they had no choice but to believe at this moment.    


"Why, why would these Zhao Family and Chen Family agree? They're not asking for trouble!" Yu An said angrily with a frown.    


His Zhao Family and the Chen Family were currently not here, otherwise he would definitely interrogate them.    


Although Ma Zeyu and Li Kui Shan did not say much, but from their expressions, it could be seen that they were extremely angry at this matter.    


If Zhao Family and Chen Family agree, then even if the three families do not agree, Luo Family and Ke Family will not be afraid of one or two.    


Even if the three families were angered, so what? They couldn't possibly start a fight over this matter, right? There was no need for that.    


because Luo Family and Ke Family marriage would indeed have some effects on other families, but no one knew if these effects would be great, so it would be extremely unwise to make the first move for the sake of these unknown things.    


If the Luo Family and the Ke Family were to make a move against other families after the marriage, then it would be too late to resist, because there would be no way out by then.    


"Three Clan Chiefs, do you have anything else that you would like to ask?" If you don't have one, then please leave, because Sect Master Luo and Sect Master Ke are going to discuss the details of the wedding. "    


"Of course, if the three clan leaders are going to attend the wedding, then we will naturally warmly welcome them." Ye Xiu said.    


Although the faces of the three clan leaders were extremely ugly, Ye Xiu still spoke to them as if there was nothing wrong.    


One must know that the three clan leaders did not agree to the marriage alliance, but now Ye Xiu was inviting them to attend the wedding, this was definitely adding oil to the fire.    


After Ye Xiu spoke, Luo Lie and Ke Yunhai did not speak anymore. They just sat there quietly drinking their tea, as if they were giving everything to Ye Xiu to handle.    




Seeing Luo Lie and Ke Yunhai like this, the three clan leaders became even more furious.    


However, aside from a cold snort, the three of them did not make any other sound. At the same time, they knew that there was no way they could continue sitting here. Otherwise, they would be driven mad.    


Thus, when the three clan leaders looked at each other, they left the Luo Family Hall together.    


"Take care, clan leaders. Right, I arranged the marriage between the Luo and Ke Clans, so if you guys are going to participate, then please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a seat for you all." Looking at the back of the three clan leaders, Ye Xiu immediately shouted.    


With that sentence, the three clan leaders unexpectedly staggered and the three of them staggered at the same time. This was a very rare occurrence, so it also frightened Ye Xiu.    


Fortunately, the three clan leaders were not ordinary people, so none of them actually fell.    


However, their expressions were even more gloomy than before.    


"Ye Xiu, it was more or less enough just now. You really don't need to add such a sentence at the end." After Ma Zeyu and the other two left, Luo Lie stood up and said.    


Actually, it was not only Ma Zeyu's three clan leaders, even Luo Lie had been shocked by Ye Xiu's last sentence.    


The two of them never thought that Ye Xiu would actually say such a thing to the three Clan Chiefs.    


"Patriarchs, what I said was the truth. If they don't notify me in advance, what if I don't arrange a seat for them? At that time, won't they lose even more face?" Ye Xiu shrugged.    


Regarding the words just now, Ye Xiu did not think that he said anything wrong.    


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