Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



0As Ye Xiu began to fully circulate the energy of the Eight Gates of Limitless in his body, time quickly flowed by.    


In the blink of an eye, two days passed. With the arrival of the third day, a group of people arrogantly walked into the Ye family's mansion.    


"Patriarch Chen, you're really early!"    


When Ye Zhantian came to the great hall, he smiled and complimented the middle-aged man who was already sitting in the hall drinking tea.    


Although Ye Zhantian and this Patriarch Chen in front of him had both reached the Peak Profound Qi Stage realm, there was still a gap between the strength of the two families.    


"Patriarch Ye, all the disciples from our Chen Family have been prepared. I wonder how much your Ye Family has prepared? If possible, I wish to start the match as soon as possible. " Chen Family Patriarch, also known as Chen Shan said indifferently.    


The Ye Family's overall strength was not as good as Chen Family's, and this martial arts competition was also suggested by the Ye Family, so due to face, Chen Family could not be refused.    


However, not refusing did not mean that everyone in Chen Family would respect the Ye Family.    


"Hehe, I didn't expect Patriarch Chen to be so impatient, to want to officially start the match without even finishing a cup of hot tea. That's good, since everything is ready, then I'll ask Patriarch Chen and the others to transfer the Training Field." Ye Zhantian laughed awkwardly.    




Chen Shan nodded slightly, and under his instructions, the five Chen Family disciples followed him out of the great hall.    


"Patriarch, this Chen Family is obviously looking down on us, and actually did not even send Chen Aoxuan over." After Chen Shan and the five Chen Family disciples left the great hall, a middle-aged man spoke with a gloomy expression.    


This was the Great Clan Elder of the Ye Family, Ye Hong. His cultivation had reached the same level as Ye Zhantian, but because of his age, it was almost impossible for him to break through to the Profound Pill Realm.    


"Chen Aoxuan?"    


Hearing this name, Ye Zhantian revealed a wry smile, if Chen Family really sent this person over, then it would be a massacre for the Ye Family.    


Chen Aoxuan was seventeen years old this year, but his cultivation had already reached the eleventh stage of the Profound Vein Stage. He was the young man with the highest talent so far in Chen Family, and the person with the strongest strength among the Chen Family's young generation.    


If this person was sent here, then no one in the Ye Clan's younger generation would be able to defeat him.    


There were a total of twelve meridians in a person's body, so the Profound Vein Stage realm had a total of twelve stages, and once one reached the twelfth stage, the next step would be Profound Qi Stage.    


In other words, Chen Aoxuan definitely had a chance of reaching Twelveth Layer of Profound Vein Stage before the age of eighteen, and then breaking through to the Profound Qi Stage by the age of twenty.    


If it really was like this, then Chen Aoxuan would be the first genius to step into the Profound Qi Stage before the age of twenty.    


"Great Elder, it's fortunate that Chen Aoxuan didn't come. Otherwise, today would definitely be the nightmare of the Ye Family's younger generation." Ye Zhantian let out a light breath, and then, he walked out of the great hall with quick steps.    


"Sigh, when will our Ye Family produce such a genius? Before, our Lin Family already produced a Lin Tian." Ye Hong sighed.    


The Bluestone Town had a total of five great families, and after the Lin Family, a similar genius had emerged from the Chen Family. If another genius appeared from the two remaining families, then the Ye Family would soon become the weakest existence among the five great families.    


Perhaps the other two great families had already produced geniuses, but they were just deliberately concealing it in order to catch the other families off guard at the right time.    


Just like this, after sighing, Ye Hong also walked out of the hall and headed straight for the Training Field.    


While Chen Family and the descendants of the Ye Family were gathering at the Training Field, Ye Xiu was still cultivating.    


However, the two Profound Stone in his hands had already turned into two pairs of white powder. It was obvious that all of the Profound Power inside had been absorbed.    


Of course, with the help of the Profound Stone s and level two Profound Gathering Array, the aura of Ye Xiu, who had been cultivating for two days, also reached its peak.    


"Leader Ye, didn't we agree on five participants from each sect? Why are there only four of you? Could it be that in your Ye Family's younger generation, there are only four people who have reached Sixth Layer of Profound Vein Stage and above? " Chen Shan looked at the four people standing beside Ye Zhantian, and asked while slightly furrowing his brows.    


"This ?"    


Hearing Chen Shan's question, Ye Zhantian hesitated for a moment, then said: "I'm sorry, there is still a disciple training, I have already sent someone to get him, he will be here in a moment, we can begin the competition."    




Chen Shan lightly nodded his head, and after he glanced at the five people beside him, he pointed to the only girl and said: "Chen Yan, you should take the lead for this first match."    


"Yes, Patriarch!"    


The only girl out of the five lightly nodded, then she took a step forward. Following the burst of profound energy from her body, she transformed into a heavy shadow that appeared on top of the Training Field.    


"Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage."    


When the girl stood at the center of the Training Field, Ye Zhantian's eyes slightly narrowed, and then, looking at the four people beside him, he spoke out. "Ye Yunhao, your cultivation is also at the Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage level.    


"Yes, Patriarch!"    


The youth who was called Ye Yunhao lightly nodded his head, and then, he similarly quickly arrived at the Training Field. He was only five meters away from Chen Yan.    


"Ye Yunhao, seventeen years old, Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage."    


"Chen Yan, sixteen, Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage."    


After Ye Yunhao finished introducing himself, he followed suit and introduced himself.    


"Sixteen years old, Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage!"    


When Ye Yunhao and the other Ye Family members heard Chen Yan's age, their eyes revealed shock.    


Although there was only a difference of one year between the two, looking at the fact that their cultivations were the same, it was clear that Chen Yan's talent was above Ye Yunhao's.    


"Little Sister Yan, please."    


After Ye Yunhao restrained the expression on his face for a while, his hands formed palms and he assumed an attacking posture.    


No matter what, Ye Yunhao was older, and the other party was a girl.    


"Brother Yun Hao, then I won't be polite." Seeing that Ye Yunhao had allowed her to make the first move, she laughed lightly, then followed with a light step, her body started moving quickly on the Training Field.    


"So fast!"    


Seeing such an astonishing movement skill from Chen Yan, Ye Yunhao was slightly shocked.    




When the sound of the collision rang out, Ye Yunhao was forced to stagger two steps back.    




Although Ye Yunhao had succeeded in blocking his first attack, Chen Yan merely chuckled, and then, his speed had actually increased a little more from before.    




Seeing that the other party had increased his speed once again, Ye Yunhao, who was standing on the Training Field, was shocked. It was clear that he had never imagined that this girl whose cultivation was comparable to his own would have such shocking speed.    


"This is the Profound Shadow Steps from the Chen Family."    


Standing at the side and watching the battle, Ye Zhantian revealed a surprised expression when he saw the figures of the women on the stage move faster than Ye Yunhao by quite a bit.    


This Profound Shadow Steps was a profound movement skill with the Chen Family of a mid-tier beginner, yet this kind of profound skill was cultivated to this extent with only a single Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage.    


"Sigh, there's no suspense in this competition, Ye Yunhao will definitely lose." Ye Zhantian sighed lightly.    


As expected, not long after he finished speaking, because of Ye Yunhao's inferior speed, he was struck by one of Chen Yan's palms, and his entire body immediately rolled out of the Training Field.    


According to the rules of the competition, once a person passed through the Training Field, they would be considered to have lost.    


"Clan leader Ye, thank you."    


When Chen Shan saw that Chen Yan had won the first round, he cupped his fists and smiled to Ye Zhantian.    


"Patriarch Chen, Chen Family is indeed a place filled with talents. This Chen Yan is actually able to cultivate the middle ranked profound skill, the Profound Shadow Steps, to such an extent at such a young age. It seems that your Chen Family's future is limitless." Ye Zhantian flattered.    


Although he had lost the competition, Ye Zhantian's expression did not change, because if there were any changes, it would only increase the burden on Ye Yunhao's heart.    


Just like that, after they lost the first round, Ye Zhantian and Chen Shan quickly sent two more people out.    


When the two were fighting, outside Ye Xiu's room, a guard was shouting nonstop. But no matter how he yelled, there was no sound in the room.    


This was very normal, because when Ye Xiu began the competition, the White Crane had set up a First Level Profound Array around his room. The Profound Array's main function was to isolate all sound that came from outside.    




When another two to three minutes had passed, Ye Xiu whose Qi was already at its peak, suddenly let out a deep sound, and in the next second, the Qi on his body doubled in strength.    


"He broke through?"    


The White Crane that was guarding the side of the Profound Gathering Array saw the change that occurred to Ye Xiu within the formation, and a smile appeared on its face.    


Originally, he was worried that the failure of the Profound Gathering Array would affect Ye Xiu's breakthrough. However, he did not expect that the other party would succeed before the failure of the Profound Array.    


After successfully breaking through, Ye Xiu spent a few minutes to consolidate before slowly opening his eyes.    


"It's the Sixth Layer of Profound Vein Stage."    


Feeling the surging Profound Power in his body, Ye Xiu smiled and nodded. This Profound Power was a little different than the previous ones, but he felt that it was stronger.    


With just the cultivation of the Sixth Layer of Profound Vein Stage, the strength of the Profound Power in his body wouldn't be weaker than the internal energy that he had accumulated for more than ten years.    


"Ye Xiu, you have been cultivating for more than two days. If you want to participate in some competition, you should be able to leave by now." While Ye Xiu was feeling the changes in his body, the White Crane reminded him from the side.    


"Ah, today is the third day?" Ye Xiu screamed, and immediately pushed open the door.    


"Ye Xiu, you finally came out, hurry up, the competition has already started for quite a while." When Ye Xiu came out of his room, the guard who had been shouting for a long time urged him with a slightly hoarse voice.    




Ye Xiu repeatedly nodded his head, but when he was prepared to leave, he turned around to look at the remaining Profound Stone, and then stored them all into the Profound Treasure Bag at his waist.    


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