The Super Universe Leveling Game

C4160 Tiger’s Gorge(last part)

C4160 Tiger’s Gorge(last part)

0Rumble, rumble, rumble...    0


The violent sound of cannons shattered the tranquility of the Tiger's Gorge. The pirates had already thought about attacking the fleet during the day, but the fleet was too far away, so the pirates did not decide whether to attack or not.    


If the fleet attacked the Tiger's Gorge directly, the pirates would undoubtedly attack them. However, the fleet stopped in the distance, so the pirates hesitated. If they went too little, they would not be able to win. If they went too much, they would be distracted. If they had not set out together, the pirates were worried that their territory would be taken when they returned. Because of all kinds of hesitation, the pirates could not make up their minds.    


At night, the pirates did not care about the fleet. They ate and slept as if the fleet did not exist. In the minds of the pirates, they were the ones who attacked others, and the others did not dare to attack them. Moreover, the pirates did not like fighting at night. The equipment was not good enough, and the lighting was not good enough. The pirates were at a disadvantage when fighting at night. The pirates knew this very well, and they would not easily leave the island at night.    


With all kinds of factors gathered together, the fleet opened fire. The pirates on the island woke up from their dreams. They picked up their weapons and rushed to the ships on the shore.    


However, they were a step too late. The ships suddenly burst into flames. Someone was setting them on fire. Since Dongfang Qingyu had decided to attack, he was not messing around. He was prepared to destroy all the pirates in one fell swoop. He sent out the frogmen and the ghosts to sneakily approach the ships at the port. With the sound of the cannons, all the ships were burned down.    


In terms of level, the pirates were no match for the players. However, in terms of equipment, the pirates could not compare to the players. When the high purity animal oil splashed onto the ship, a spark would immediately ignite a fire that was a few meters tall. This kind of fire could burn for three minutes even if it was drowned. It was almost impossible to extinguish the fire with seawater.    


The pirates were not completely unguarded. There were pirates on the ship. These pirates lived and ate on the ship, so they were not allowed to get off the ship. When the fire started, they discovered it and attacked the frogmen and the water ghosts. The difference in level made the frogmen and the water ghosts unable to fight back against the pirates’ attacks. They were killed one after another.    


When the commander saw this, he frowned slightly and ordered the cannons of the two warships to be lowered and open fire at the coastline.The pirate’s port was very simple. There were not many ships that could be parked there. Most of the ships were parked on the shore and were tied to a stone pillar with a rope. It was very casual. Every day, when they got up, there would be ships that floated to the sea because the rope broke or fell off. This was the reason why there were pirates on the ship 24 hours a day.    


When the ships floated far away, the pirates would come back.    


The port was narrow and the ships were close to each other. Once the fire was lit, all of them would be lit up. However, the ships on the coast were far apart. They could only burn one ship at a time. The difficulty of the frogmen and the water ghosts was greatly increased. They had to withstand the pirates’ attacks and burn a third of the ships. The last water ghost died. Many of them had already rushed onto the ships. The ships left the coastline and rushed towards the warships.    










One ship after another was turned into pieces. Within the range of the Eight Desolations Cannon, the accuracy of the cannon was still very reassuring. The pirates screamed as they fell into the sea. Many of them rushed to the port and discovered that their ships were on fire. They were furious and directly jumped into the sea, swimming towards the warship.    


The pirates were very good at swimming. For them, this distance was just a joke. They also discovered that without the restraint of the ships, their movements were much more agile and they would not become the target of the Eight Desolations Cannon. However, they were happy too early. The players had learned the tactics of the Sun's Soldier.    


Halfway through their journey, the pirates suddenly felt something moving on the surface of the sea, and it carried a faint fragrance. They could not help but dip their hands in it and taste it. They first felt puzzled, and then their eyes widened, and their souls almost left their bodies. "Fire oil!"    


A little flame appeared in their eyes. The flame fell into the sea, and in an instant, the flames soared into the sky. It spread in all directions at a speed that made every pirate tremble in fear. In just a few seconds, the entire sea was covered in flames. Tens of thousands of pirates were struggling and screaming in the night sky.    


A second ago, these pirates were thinking that they were wise for not building a ship. However, in the next second, they regretted it. Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in this world. The pirates were burnt to a crisp. Some of them tried to dive into the water to escape, but it was impossible to hold their breath at such a long distance. When they couldn't hold their breath, their heads would be covered in oil. The high temperature of the flames could burn their muscles in a few seconds.    


The pirates who had yet to reach the shore and had yet to get into the water were so frightened that they immediately stopped. However, at this moment, a large army made up of monsters appeared out of nowhere and launched a fierce charge towards the pirates. These monsters included Frost Dragons, Earth Bears, Blazing Violent Lions, Double-Headed Crocodiles, Titan Pythons, Sword Fang Tigers... What was even more terrifying was that these monsters were of similar levels to the pirates. They would not be suppressed by the pirates.    


The pirates' eyes were a little dull. They had lived on the island for so long, but they had never seen these monsters before. Where did they come from? Before they could figure it out, the mountains of blades and golden bodies appeared beside the monsters. Every time they appeared, there would be 1,000 of them. When these large monsters, who were 10.1 meters tall, charged, they were like a mountain that could topple the mountains and overturn the seas, and they had an imposing aura.    


The person who could cause all of this was naturally Dongfang Qingyu. In the water, he was inferior to the pirates, but on the shore, it was his home ground.    


Although the island was an object in the sea, as long as there was land, he would be able to stand undefeated.    


"Burning Blood Secret Technique!"    


"Universal Righteousness!"    


"The aura of the human race's War King!"    


Three rays of light bloomed, and the pirates immediately felt a burning fire. It was extremely uncomfortable, but they were not afraid. The pirates were a very strange profession. Sometimes, they were as timid as mice, such as when they faced the pirate boss, and sometimes, they were extremely daring. When they robbed, they only saw Dongfang Qingyu alone. How could the pirates be afraid? They revealed a cruel and sinister smile.    


"Blood Transformation Technique!"    


A blood-red light flashed, and a large number of pirates suddenly collapsed. A vacuum with a diameter of 100 meters appeared, and the pirates at the edge were dumbstruck. The blood-red light bloomed once again, and one vacuum after another appeared. In less than a minute, Dongfang Qingyu had eliminated nearly 30,000 pirates by himself.    


The pirates behind him were so scared that they quickly braked. They had seen many powerful characters, but this was the first time they had seen such a powerful character. In their lives, they had only robbed the ships that they had passed by, and they had killed their targets until they were pissed and covered in corpses. They had never encountered such a thing before. Now, the target had killed them until their corpses were like mountains.    


"Stop in your tracks!" The leaders who had crawled out of their beds hurriedly put on their underpants. They were a step too slow, and when they saw that their subordinates were actually afraid of a man, they were immediately enraged. The pirates shivered, and their eyes flashed with intense fear. With a loud roar, they charged forward.    


However, Dongfang Qingyu chose to retreat at this time, pushing himself behind the Saber Mountain Diamond and the Revival Pet. His goal was not to kill people, but to stop the pirates. The real threat to the pirates was the warships. The dozens of warships firing at the same time was something that the pirates had never seen before.    


On the island, flowers bloomed everywhere. Every time a flower bloomed, there would be a few or a dozen pirates who were killed or injured. The materials of the buildings on the island were all wood. The high temperature of the explosion ignited the wood, and balls of flames rose. The island quickly lit up, and the light of the flames helped the warships to aim. Although it also allowed the pirates to see the road under their feet more clearly, they believed that the pirates did not like this kind of light.    


There was fire oil on the surface of the sea, and it was already lit up. It was impossible to go into the sea, so they could only take a boat out to sea, but they were blocked by Dongfang Qingyu, unable to advance. The pirates were very angry, and a portion of the pirates who had already taken a boat out to sea were called out by the warship, and they were like target practice. One cannon shot for one pirate ship, and before the pirate ship could even reach a normal distance, there were already only a few ships left.    


"Five Elements Golden Sword!"    


The golden light shot towards the earth, and at the same time, the sand rose up. A pirate's head popped out, and before he could clearly see what was happening outside, he was struck by the sword qi in the middle of his forehead, and was instantly killed.    


The pirates were not all reckless, and there were still some smart pirates. Unfortunately, they did not know that Dongfang Qingyu had the Yin Yang Heavenly Eye, and it was still a bit lacking when it came to looking at the sea, but it was not difficult for a pirate who knew the Earth Escape Technique.    


"Five Elements Golden Sword!"    


"Five Elements Golden Sword!"    


"Five Elements Golden Sword!"    




Like shooting conches, Dongfang Qingyu killed more than twenty pirates with one sword strike. When the other pirates saw this, they did not escape and continued to attack.    


The Eight Desolations Cannon was a long-range weapon, and the pirates could only watch as they were bombarded by the cannon, but they could not attack the warship. They were very angry, so they vented all of their cannon fire on Dongfang Qingyu. Actually, there were also long-range defensive weapons on the island. Although the Stone-throwing Carts were simple and crude, their power was not bad.    


Before the fleet attacked, they had investigated everything on the island. The first round of cannon fire was aimed at the island's defensive facilities. There were not many Stone-throwing Carts on the island, and they were destroyed in an instant. Therefore, the pirates did not have any means to restrict the fleet.    


Due to the lack of troops, the fleet was dealing with the island on the left. The right side did not have a fleet to attack. The sound of the cannon fire on the left immediately attracted the attention of the pirates on the right island. However, they did not send troops to rescue them. The heads of the strongest pirate gangs were arguing about whether they should send troops or not. Everyone knew that if they sent troops, the teeth would be cold. However, some people had selfish motives and suggested not to send troops or send them later. They would first exhaust the forces on the other side and wait until the opportunity was ripe before sending troops. They would destroy both sides in one fell swoop.    


Pirates did not have any kind of superiority. Such a quarrel was destined to have no result. Just as the war reached its climax, four huge fleets sailed out of the Zhongyuan Eastern Sea one after another. They sailed towards the depths of the sea. These four fleets were the fleet formed by Qing Sha City, Dream City, Chaoge City, and Ten Thousand Lantern City.    


Chapter 3 – The Battle of the Eastern Sea    


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