The Super Universe Leveling Game

C4090 Conflict

C4090 Conflict

1There was a buffet on the yacht, free of charge. It was one of the most popular places for socialites, where you could eat as much seafood as you liked, a couple of kilos of lobster, a dozen pounds of crab, sea cucumbers, football, salmon, anything you wanted, as long as you had enough space in your stomach.    


The dining room was lavishly decorated, the kind of place where the socialites needed to take pictures, a seat, a tourist spot, barbeque, seafood, raw fish, western food...    


In this login list, about 15 percent of the names are celebrities, internet celebrities, and bigVs, so you can meet any celebrity in a restaurant. Celebrities are a very special group.    


Rich businessmen like to keep stars, and stars are beautiful, and they dress up, and they have a star with them, and they have faces, and ordinary people like stars, and stars are a part of their spiritual diet, and socialites like to take pictures with stars, and that helps raise their status...    


Liang Yuan'er was not a gourmet, but she was very curious. She would pick up all kinds of strange food and eat as much as she could. If it was good, she would eat as much as she could, and if it wasn't good, she would put it aside. Dongfang Qingyu was a person who couldn't bear to see waste, so he picked up the rest of her food and ate.    


In the end, Dongfang Qingyu was full, but Liang Yuan'er was still eating.    


"You know Huang Jianren?" Dongfang Qingyu held a cup of drink that was sour and sweet. He didn't know what kind of drink it was, but he didn't know. After it was iced, the taste was very good.    


It helped digestion.    


"I met him once a few years ago. At that time, he came to Jing City with his company to discuss a collaboration. He ate at the Jing City Hotel. This guy liked to eat roast duck, so he ate half of it by himself," Liang Yuan'er said.    


"Which country is he from?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Chinese nationality." Liang Yuan'er replied.    


"I thought he was from America," Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Huang Jianren was born in Taiwan. He lived in the United States of America since he was young and received Western education. However, he likes the food in the country very much." Liang Yuan'er said.    


"The auction is over." Dongfang Qingyu looked at his phone. Lin Zhu Ling had sent him a message asking where he was.    


"Actually, I don't like this kind of auction." Liang Yuan'er forcefully cut open the beef and put it into her red lips. She said, "It's expensive, I can't afford it. Even if I could afford it, it would only benefit others. It clearly belongs to me, yet I have to pay for it with my own money."    


"Where's the boxing?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"I like it!" Liang Yuan'er immediately said.    


"Let's go." Dongfang Qingyu didn't care much about boxing, whether he liked it or disliked it. He didn't feel much about it. He liked traditional Chinese martial arts, which was both practical and beautiful. It looked pleasing to the eye, had the wrath of thunder, and boxing was actually free fighting. There was no beauty to speak of, much less grace.    


Martial arts is a spirit that surrenders without a fight, and boxing clearly does not have such a spirit. Lin Zhuling and Xia Hongxiu had already gone, so he could only follow them. The boxing arena was filled with both good and bad people. It was very easy for Lin Zhuling and Xia Hongxiu to be at a disadvantage.    


As soon as he walked into the boxing arena, he heard Lin Zhuling curse angrily.    


... "One can be uneducated, but one cannot be unethical. One can run into someone and apologize. We are not unreasonable people, but you accuse us of running into you and apologizing. Is that how your country teaches people?"    


Dongfang Qingyu hurriedly pushed through the crowd and saw Lin Zhu Ling arguing with two tall foreign men. One of them was blond and the other curly-haired. Xia Hongxiu stood behind Lin Zhu Ling with a nervous, scared, and angry expression.    


"What is it?" Dongfang Qingyu took a step forward and stood in front of Lin Zhuling. The curly-haired man who raised his fist frowned and put it down again. He was 1.8 meters tall, which was not short, but Dongfang Qingyu was half a head taller than him. After measuring his physique, he was not a match for Dongfang Qingyu.    


"He, when he came in just now, he took advantage of the fact that there were a lot of people and intentionally bumped into Hong Xiu." When Lin Zhu Ling saw Dongfang Qingyu appear, she heaved a sigh of relief and immediately pointed at Curly Hair.    


"Did he do it on purpose or accidentally?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"On purpose." "I saw it very clearly. They were walking in front, but this man deliberately stepped back. I avoided him, and Red Sleeve didn't avoid him."    


"Nonsense, it was you who saw that we were handsome and tried to attract our attention in this way. If you want to be our girlfriend, just say so. We agreed on account of your good looks, but it's impossible to take the opportunity to ask for money. I can't give it to you -" The blond man could speak Mandarin, and his words were very well spoken. But before he could finish, he was interrupted by a slap.    




A palm mark appeared on the golden-haired man's face. It wasn't obvious at first, but after a few seconds, it quickly swelled up, and his five fingers became extremely obvious.    


The blond man was white, with a high nose and deep eyes. His face was carved marble, angular, handsome even in Hollywood.    


It took a moment for the blond man to realize what was happening, and his handsome face twisted into a snarl. "I'm going to kill you -" The words were in English.    


From the blond man's left hook, he had practiced boxing for a few days. Whether it was the arc of his fist or the swing of his waist, they were all standard and full of strength.    


"Watch out ~ ~ ~ ~!" Lin Zhuqing and Xia Hongxiu shouted at the same time as their expressions changed.    


Bam ~ ~ ~ ~    


The blond man shot backward, his body rolling a few times on the carpet before he stopped. He bent down and tried to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he spat out a stream of filth, filling the air with an unpleasant smell. The onlookers backed away in fear.    


Dongfang Qingyu's left foot was still in a kicking position, his cold eyes were staring at the curly-haired man who was about to launch a sneak attack. The curly-haired man was also white, his eyes were blue, and his body was strong. Although he was wearing a shirt, the lines of his muscles could still be vaguely seen. His plan was to attack from the side when the blond man entangled Dongfang Qingyu. With his strength, as long as he hit Dongfang Qingyu's head, Dongfang Qingyu would definitely faint. At that time, the woman and the two men would be at their mercy.    


Unexpectedly, the script did not develop as he had expected. Not only did his companion not suppress Dongfang Qingyu, he was sent flying by a kick. This kick made the curly haired man realize how terrifying Dongfang Qingyu's strength was, and he did not dare to act rashly.    


The security guards on the cruise ship arrived late.    


When the curly-haired man saw the security guard, he seemed to have found his backbone. He pointed at Dongfang Qingyu and scolded him. In a hurry, he spoke in English. He spoke gibberish and spoke very quickly. In any case, Dongfang Qingyu did not understand him, so he did not know if the security guard understood him or not. However, from the expression of the security captain, it was impossible for him to understand everything.    


"Sir, if there are any conflicts on the cruise ship, we will resolve them. It's not right for you to hit someone." After the security captain heard this, he stared at Dongfang Qingyu and said in an unfriendly tone.    


"You don't seem to have heard what I said, and you're already sure that the problem is on my side?" Dongfang Qingyu squinted his eyes.    


"Mr. John and Mr. Edward are friends of our boss, and I trust them, and so does our boss."    


"Do you dare to say that in court?" Lin Zhu Ling was unhappy. What did he mean by friends of the boss? Didn't they have to take the blame because they were the boss's friends?    


"Everyone, let's go. If there's anything, go to the mediation room." The security captain ignored Lin Zhu Ling's words.    


"Are you going to enforce the law on behalf of the police?" Liang Yuan'er, who was standing in the crowd, couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "Call Huang Jianren out. Is this challenging the laws of the country?"    


The security chief's face changed slightly. Anyone who dared to call their boss by his name was not someone he could afford to offend. He took out his walkie-talkie and reported to his superiors. After a while, a man with a bald head came out. He was bald in the middle, with only a few strands of hair left around him. He was the first mate of the cruise ship.    


"I hope it doesn't affect your mood. As an apology, we'll have tickets for the Viennese restaurant ready for you as long as you're on board." The first mate sincerely apologized to Dongfang Qingyu and the other three.    


Liang Yuan'er's eyes lit up. She suddenly felt that it was worth it to meddle in other people's business. There was another floor above the buffet. A multi-millionaire boss who specialized in catering to wealthy businessmen wouldn't go to the buffet and share a table with others.    


At the buffet she asked what was going on upstairs, and was told to pay an extra two hundred thousand dollars.    


Liang Yuan Er immediately gave up. The ticket was only 100,000 yuan, but they had to pay 200,000 yuan to go upstairs. Wasn't that robbing money? The buffet was free. That was what she liked.    


"I hope this won't happen again. Also, your security guards might be color-blind. It's best to take them to the hospital for a checkup," Dongfang Qing Yu said plainly.    


"Of course, of course!" The first mate nodded, and the security captain's face darkened.    


Chapter Twenty-Four    


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