The Super Universe Leveling Game

C4021 Lonely City

C4021 Lonely City

4"Those who attack the Imperial City, die!"    


Nine Gate Inspector He Qishu appeared. His hand flashed as he slashed the air, and a two hundred meter long blade descended. In a straight line, the twelve army corps' players were instantly killed and dropped items all over the ground.    


They were originally part of the regular army of Xuanwu City, but now they had become traitors. Their names had turned red, and if they died, all their items would drop. The Imperial Court was still orthodox. Before the Imperial Court was overthrown, the players would remain traitors.    


He Qishu's gaze was like a blade, and his face was expressionless. He unleashed his blade, and the blade's light swept towards the players like a surging river. The players frantically resisted, but under the suppression of He Qishu's terrifying aura, they could only use 80% of their full strength at most. Their levels were already inferior to He Qishu's, and now they were even worse off. Many players died before they could even see He Qishu's face.    


The only good thing about being a rebel was that you could get rid of the government. The logic of governmental repression was concerned with the people's respect for the court and its rules. However, when a person was not even afraid of the court and wanted to overthrow the court, he was naturally not afraid of the officials, nor was he bound by the laws of the court. Since you are not afraid, there will be no suppression. Even if you are the Minister, you will still be killed.    


"Don't defend. Attack with all your power." Guo Zheng quickly calmed down. He saw the weakness of He Qishu. There were too few people. He Qishu had come alone. Many people had died in the army, but there were still around twenty thousand of them. All of them were elites with good equipment. They could wear He Qishu to death.    


However, Guo Zheng neglected one thing. The change of people from the army to the traitor had changed the attitude of the players towards Guo Zheng. They were no longer obedient. Many people began to think about their own future. In the past, in Black Tortoise City, Dongfang Qingyu was the strongest shield. No matter what happened, Dongfang Qingyu would take care of it. But now it was different. If he died, who would pay for his losses?    


The fear in their hearts showed in their actions. Most of the players were used to listening to Guo Zheng's orders and giving up on defense and attacking with all their might.    


A small portion of players chose to retreat and defend. When the blade light fell, the Defensive Shield shattered, the shield shattered, and the armor shattered... All defenses were a joke under He Qizhu's attack. He Qizhu's blade was the sharpest spear in the world, invincible.    


Defense was useless, but this led to a chain reaction. The others didn't know that defense was useless. When they fought with all their might while the others retreated, their motivation was diminished. Players couldn't stop He Qishu's attacks to begin with, and when a large number of players chose to defend, they became lambs waiting to be slaughtered in his eyes.    


The two-hundred-meter long blade flashed, cutting the void into pieces. Groups of players were killed instantly, and the items dropped were scattered all over the ground. Shoes, wrist guards, Red Drugs, Detoxification Pills, arrows, daggers... There were also quite a few gold coins that sparkled under the light of the blade.    


Of the twenty thousand elite players, the elite could not stop He Qizhu. No one would believe it, but that was the truth.    


"Use items!"    


"Do not retreat. Those who disobey... will be dealt with by military law!"    


"All of you use grenades!"    




Guo Zheng-Feng was going to say, Those who disobey my order will be killed! However, he realized that the situation had changed, so he had to change his words. He suspected that if he said the word killed, it might be counterproductive.    


Guo Zheng-Feng's nightmare was just the beginning. A group of bailiffs rushed over and blocked the way to the back of the army. The bailiffs didn't hold any iron chains. They just killed everyone they saw. The order they got was to kill all the criminals. They didn't have time to capture them alive.    


The army fought back with all its might, and although there were various reasons for the decline in combat power, they were still the elites of Xuanwu City, and after fighting the Scarlet Flame Green-Golden Mire Ant for so long, they had developed a will of steel. Even in the worst of situations, no one gave up. Everyone was trying to find a chance to fight back. The last straw that crushed them was the appearance of the Six Gates.    


Although the Six Fans Gate didn't have a lot of people, its quality was extremely high and its battle power was far higher than the yamen runners. One against ten, it forced the army to retreat.    


The army was trapped in a long street, unable to move forward or retreat. Many people looked at Guo Zheng-Feng, hoping that he could think of a way to turn the situation around. However, Guo Zheng-Feng had no idea at the moment. It was the time to talk about strength. He was not good at being reasonable. However, even if he was good at it, it would be useless. The bailiff, the Six Fans Gate, and He Qishu would not talk to him.    


The players fell one by one. Guo Zhengfeng's face was dark and he didn't say a word.    




Boom -    


Boom ~ ~ ~ ~    


Rumble ~ ~ ~    




The tanks were still firing, trying to break through the defense of the Forbidden City, but it was obvious that this was wishful thinking. 80% of Azure Dragon City's defense funds were spent on the Forbidden City. Azure Dragon City was easy to destroy, but the Forbidden City was almost indestructible. The Yellow River had burst, and such a terrifying force of nature hadn't been able to do any damage to the Forbidden City.    


Tanks were weapons of modern technology combined with the power of magic to defy the world of magic. There was no doubt about their destructive power. However, the target of the tank was the Forbidden City.    


The sky above the Forbidden City was covered by a layer of purple-gold Defensive Shield, and all of the explosive abilities were either bounced off or removed. The tank had been bombarding for ten minutes, but the Defensive Shield did not seem to be on the verge of shattering.    


When there was less than a third of the army left, the tanks suddenly stopped firing and turned away, their engines at full throttle, their engines roaring away so fast that the approaching yamen runners could only stare at the exhaust of the tanks. The yamen runners could not chase them because the Scarlet Flame Green-Golden Soil Ant was coming.    


The tanks had been there for so long that they had long since been discovered by the Crimson Fire Green-Gold Mud Ball Ants. As soon as the tanks left, the Crimson Fire Green-Gold Mud Ball Ants arrived, and Azure Dragon City was completely surrounded by the Crimson Fire Green-Gold Mud Ball Ants.    


There were still many players in Azure Dragon City, and after failing many times, they could only retreat back to Azure Dragon City.    


"What do we do?" The archer with the golden bow didn't know what to do.    


"Calm down, anxiety won't solve any problems." Earth Magician was the youngest, but he was the calmest among everyone.    


"I want to calm down too, but I can't. It won't be long before the Crimson Flame Green Golden Ball Ant covers the streets and alleys of Azure Dragon City. We don't have much time left." The archer said.    


"So what? It's not like I haven't encountered such a situation before." The Earth Magician was also anxious, but he would not show it.    


"This time is different from the past. In the past, no matter how dangerous it was, there would always be a way out and reinforcements. Now, who will save Azure Dragon City?" The archers walked back and forth and looked out the window from time to time as if the flaming green mud ball ant would charge in the next second.    


"Can you stop arguing? You've interrupted my train of thought." The one who spoke was a female thief. She had a slim figure and a delicate face. The only flaw was that her skin was slightly dark. If her skin was whiter, she would be a top beauty.    


The beautiful woman's words were more effective. The archer immediately shut his mouth and his footsteps became softer. The black-armored Warrior, who had been talking on the phone, raised his head and everyone looked at him.    


"How is it?" In the end, the archer could not hold it in anymore and was the first to speak.    


"I contacted Bronze Monk of Shaolin in 'Dream City' and talked to him for a long time. He said he wanted to be kind to the City Lord, but in the end, he did not agree." After the black-armored Warrior finished speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at the others.    


"Why? Why aren't you willing to open the teleportation array? We will pay you double. It's not like they lost anything." The archer was both confused and angry.    


"I don't know either." The black armored warrior actually knew, but he did not want to say it out loud. There were some things that were better left unsaid.    


Everyone had the idea of dealing with the Forbidden City. After all, the Emperor would occasionally fine and donate, and sometimes he would ask for migrant workers, causing all the cities to be unable to take it.    


However, no one was willing to be the first one. Now that Dongfang Qingyu was leading the charge, although they wouldn't follow him, they would still add insult to injury. The first step was to cut off the traffic and unilaterally close the teleportation array. Azure Dragon City had become a lonely city that couldn't be entered nor left.    


They were not afraid of ordinary players. They were afraid of the army, and at the same time, they were afraid of letting the Angel of the Forbidden City come over. If there was an imperial edict ordering them to come to the aid of the Azure Dragon City, then should they go or not?    


Go, there were no soldiers, and he did not have the strength to do so. If he did not go, he would be going against the decree, and the result of going against the decree would not be much better than Dongfang Qingyu's. He might as well cut off the communication. If the Angel had the ability, then come from the main road.    


Azure Dragon City had become a lone city, and the players who stayed in the city were the most wronged. They were not rebels, but they were easy to kill, and at the same time, they would become targets for the army. The thing that made them most anxious to leave was the Crimson Fire Green-Golden Mire Ant. As more and more of this stuff appeared, the space for players to move around became smaller and smaller. At this rate, by tomorrow at most, the players would have no place to stay.    


"What about the other cities? Xuanwu City? Ten Thousand Lanterns City? You can contact all of them. I don't believe they won't make a profit if you give them money." The archer said loudly.    


"Xuanwu City definitely won't use a teleportation array. As for Ten Thousand Lanterns, we can try it. Does anyone know the top management of Ten Thousand Lanterns City?" The female thief asked while staring at the archer. If it was any other time, the archer would be excited with the attention of a beauty, but now, he was looking in another direction and pretending not to see.    


Of course, they knew a lot of people from Ten Thousand Lanterns, but they didn't care about the executives. No one answered. Hundreds of players fell silent. There were forty or fifty such groups in Azure Dragon City.    


The content was from Mi Gu Read.    


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