The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3796 Ants Eggs

C3796 Ants Eggs

3"This is good stuff!" Dongfang Qingyu took the white grain of rice. With just a glance, she revealed a surprised expression.    0


"This looks like an egg." Wu Bao'er said.    


"That's right, this is the egg of the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Is it edible?" Wu Baoer asked in a low voice.    


"It must be edible!" Dongfang Qingyu laughed, "It's very nutritious!"    


"Do you want to eat it directly?" Wu Baoer asked.    


"I have to cook it thoroughly. I wonder if I will have diarrhea," Dongfang Qingyu said with a smile.    


"What's the benefit of eating it?" Wu Bao'er asked.    


"I'm not sure either, but there must be some benefits to it." As Dongfang Qingyu spoke, he thought of something and immediately sent a message to Guo Zhengfeng.    


When Guo Zhengfeng, who was on the ground, received the message, he was shocked. He immediately gave an order and sent 5000 elites into the crack. Every elite received a secret order.    


"Search for the eggs of the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant."    


While commanding the soldiers, Guo Zhenfeng sent a message to Hongdou, Sunshine, and the others, informing them about the ant egg. Although the secret of the ant egg could not be kept forever, and there were players who wanted to enter the crack, and the Black Tortoise City Group could not stop them, if it was discovered a little later, the Black Tortoise City Group would have an advantage.    


"Brother-in-law, does finding an ant egg mean that we're very close to the queen?" Wu Bao Er suddenly asked.    


"Not necessarily." Every once in a while, Dongfang Qingyu would use the Yin Yang Heaven Eye to scan the surroundings and make sure that there was nothing related to the Ant Queen.    


"I thought that I was going to kill the ant queen." Wu Baoer was a little disappointed.    


"The place where the Ant Queen hides is usually the deepest and most secret place. It won't be easy to find it." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Doesn't that mean we have to go down?" Wu Bao'er said.    


"Let's follow the passageway." Dongfang Qingyu said. No one could control the flow of the tunnel in the ant's nest, unless he could give up the tunnel and open up a path himself. If that was the case, the project would be huge.    


Every now and then, a magic crystal lamp would be stuck in the wall to keep the light on, and then it would stop and stop, killing tens of thousands of red flames, green, gold, mud balls, and ants. Another explosion would create a dozen fist-sized openings, and next to the openings, there would be piles of white ants' eggs, numbering in the tens of thousands.    


"Wow, I'm rich!" Wu Bao Er threw herself over with a wide smile on her face. She had only gotten a dozen of them before, not enough to fill the gaps between her teeth, but now she had enough to fry a whole pot of them.    


Chi -    


The golden sword qi shot out and just happened to collide with the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant that was shooting up into the air. The Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant was instantly killed and fell into the white ant's eggs. Wu Bao'er broke out in a cold sweat. This Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant was too cunning, hiding in the ant's egg. If Dongfang Qingyu wasn't vigilant, she would have fallen for it today.    


"Retreat!" Dongfang Qingyu's expression suddenly changed. With a tap of her index finger, beams of golden light shot out like lightning. Each beam of golden light accurately hit a Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant.    


Under her feet, on the mud wall, above her head... All of a sudden, a huge amount of Red Flame Green Mire Ants appeared. Wu Bao Er was so frightened that she quickly retreated. She reached out her hand and found nothing, and her face immediately changed.    


The ant medicine was gone!    


"Stand still and don't move!" Dongfang Qingyu said anxiously. Wu Baoer wanted to stop, but it was already too late. A Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant pounced on her thigh and bit it. Wu Bao'er's face immediately turned green, sweat started to appear on her forehead, and her entire body was twitching in pain. She gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to make a sound. She was worried that it would disturb Dongfang Qingyu.    


"Eat the Ant Coffee!" Dongfang Qingyu shouted, but Wu Baoer was in so much pain that her entire body was trembling. She could not even move a finger, let alone pick up anything. The pain made all the muscles in her body not listen to her.    


"Five Elemental Golden Sword!"    


"Five Elements Golden Sword!"    


"Five Elemental Golden Sword!"    




Dongfang Qingyu attacked crazily. In the narrow tunnel, he could not use any other skills. He could only use the'Five Elemental Golden Sword' to kill all the Scarlet Flame Green Golden Mud Ball Ants that were pouncing at him. When Wu Baoer was bitten by the Scarlet Flame Green Golden Mud Ball Ants for the second time, he killed all of them. With the fastest speed possible, he took out the ant's coffee and stuffed it into Wu Baoer's mouth.    


Wu Baoer's body was stiff, and her mouth couldn't even be opened. Her eyes were dim, and her HP was about to hit the bottom. Dongfang Qingyu used it to break her teeth open and stuffed it into the Ant Coffee, then poured a mouthful of water into her mouth. As the Ant Coffee entered her abdomen along her throat, three seconds later, the pain in Wu Baoer's body was relieved. The green color disappeared, and her face returned to normal. She opened her eyes and that kind of blooming light seemed as if she had walked through hell.    


"Brother-In-Law!" Wu Bao'er hugged Dongfang Qingyu, feeling wronged and afraid at the same time.    


"There's no danger anymore, it's safe." Dongfang Qingyu gently stroked her back. Wu Bao'er's clothes were wet, and in less than ten seconds, she looked as if she had been fished out of water.    


"It hurts so much." Wu Bao'er's tears kept rolling down her face. Before, she was in so much pain that her vision had turned black. She was still very strong, not saying a word, but now that the danger had been resolved, and the poison had also been cured, she could not stop her tears.    


"It's fine, it's fine." Dongfang Qingyu's eyes were filled with heartache. He was confident that he could slowly bring his sister-in-law to farm monsters, but he didn't expect her to suffer so much.    


"Just now, I thought I was going to die." Wu Bao'er held Dongfang Qingyu's neck tightly, as if she was a drowning person grabbing onto straw.    


"It won't happen. How could I let you die?" Dongfang Qingyu comforted Wu Baoer over and over again, and after a while, Wu Baoer started to recover. The sound of footsteps could be heard as the Mage caught up with her. Only then did Wu Baoer feel embarrassed to leave Dongfang Qingyu's arms.    


A large chunk of Dongfang Qingyu's arms was wet.    


"Let's end it here today." Dongfang Qingyu motioned for the Mages to block all the small passageways, and checked the ones that were blocked earlier to make sure that nothing was missing. Then, he and Wu Baoer returned to the surface with the ant eggs.    


He did not return to the City Lord's Mansion. Instead, he came to the Toad House first and handed over the eggs of the Crimson Flame Green Mire Ant to Toad Princess to handle.    


Toad Princess was very excited when she saw the Crimson Flame Green Gold Dirt Ant. She said that the eggs of the Crimson Flame Green Gold Dirt Ant had the effect of increasing strength. He left with the ant egg. After about an hour, Toad Princess came over with a large plate of golden ant eggs with a fragrance that overflowed in all directions.    


"Eat, don't be polite. Eat it all. I can't eat that much by myself." Dongfang Qingyu picked up the chopsticks and realized that Toad Princess and Wu Baoer did not make a move. They just watched from the side and quickly greeted them.    


The food that the Toad Princess made could not be wolfed down. It had to be chewed and swallowed slowly in order to taste the true flavor. Only by tasting it carefully would one not fail to live up to Toad Princess's expectations.    


The moment he bit into the ant's egg, a rich fragrance exploded in his mouth. It was a wonderful feeling that made him shudder, and a warm current flowed down his throat into his stomach, and a system notification sounded in his head.    


Ding! System Notification: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for eating the Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant's egg. Obtained attribute bonus, Strength 10, Congratulations to player.    


He raised his head and looked at Toad Princess and Wu Baoer. The two of them were immersed in the delicious food and had lost themselves in it. He did not disturb them. He took the spoon and fed it into his mouth bit by bit. The system's notifications continued.    


Ding! System Notification: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for eating the Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant's egg. Obtained Attribute Bonus, Strength 12, Congratulations to player.    


Ding! System Notification: Congratulations to the player Dongfang Qingyu for eating the egg of the Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant. You have received an attribute bonus, Strength 11, Congratulations to the player.    


Ding! System notification: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for eating the Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant's egg. Obtained attribute bonus, Strength 13, Congratulations to player.    




Clang ~ ~    


When the spoon touched the bottom of the basin, it woke up the three of them. Then, they realized that all the eggs of the Red Flame Green Mire Ants in the basin had been eaten up. Not a single egg was left in the stomachs of the three of them.    


"How magical! I thought that one or two would increase their attributes." The smile on Wu Bao'er's face could not be stopped. She had gained a few hundred points of strength, and her current strength was even stronger than that of an ordinary Warrior.    


"The Crimson Flame Green Gold Mire Ant can't be eaten, refined, refined, or refined into a weapon. All the essence is in the egg. I predicted that the egg would be extraordinary, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good. It's amazing." Toad Princess said.    


"It's not at the limit yet." Dongfang Qingyu was also in a good mood. It had been a long time since he had eaten something with such overbearing attributes. Although the three of them were sharing the pot of ant eggs, in reality, both Toad Princess and Wu Baoer had restrained themselves. He had eaten at least half of it by himself, and the total amount of Toad Princess and Wu Baoer eating was less than his.    


It wasn't easy to get an increase in attributes after eating so many Red Flame Green Mud Ball Ants' eggs, which meant he could keep eating them.    


Dongfang Qingyu called Guo Zhenfeng and told him to send more people underground. The eggs of the Red Flame Green Mud Ball Ants were good stuff and he wanted to get them as much as possible.    


This was the second time Dongfang Qingyu emphasized this. Guo Zhengfeng realized the importance of the eggs of the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant, so he sent his men to the crack.    


The Black Tortoise City Corporation tried its best to hide the matter of the Crimson Flame Green Mud Ball Ant egg, but on the second day, the news of the ant egg was still leaked.    


"Did you hear? The egg can increase strength and there's no limit."    


"The eggs of the Red Flame Green Mud Ball Ant? Does the Red Flame Green Mud Ball Ant have eggs? What does it look like?"    


"I said the people from the Black Tortoise Group were so eager to get underground, and I was just thinking that there was no need to be in such a hurry to get rid of the Red Flame Green Mire Ants. It turned out that they were after the ants' eggs, which couldn't be used by the Red Flame Green Mire Ants, but the eggs they laid were good stuff, which was surprising."    




The players who received the news all entered the underground world and dug holes and drilled holes. After Guo Zhengfeng asked Dongfang Qingyu, he did not stop the players from going down.    


If the players were willing to work for them, there was no benefit. The Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant was so dangerous, and once it opened its mouth, no players would be willing to kill the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant. The players would just go down there to watch the fun, and then they would leave, and the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant would not be touched.    


With the temptation of the ant egg, the players' passion was aroused all of a sudden. With the help of the players, it was easy to deal with the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Mire Ants. Although many ant eggs would be taken away by the players, this kind of thing could not be monopolized by one person.    


Compared to destroying the Scarlet Fire Green Mud Ball Ants, the ant eggs weren't a big deal. As more and more players received the news and entered the underground world, it was filled with people. Dongfang Qingyu had originally planned to go offline and rest after eating his fill, but after eating the egg of the Crimson Flame Green Mire Ant, he was full of energy and vigor. He was not tired at all, so he sent a message to Kissing Pig Baby and the two of them met up and entered the previous tunnel. This tunnel was guarded by the members of the Black Tortoise City Group and was not occupied by other players.    


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