The Super Universe Leveling Game

C397 Myriad Life Alliance

C397 Myriad Life Alliance

3The Life Alliance may sound like an alliance, but it's actually just a loose gang. Without a clear responsibility and power, it was destined not to be a grand occasion. But after all, there were more than a thousand people, and more than two thousand were announced to the public. It was still very scary, especially for Independent Player.    


What Houde Zaiwu said was that he wanted to consolidate the various industries. In fact, he only wanted to consolidate the resources of the farmers. This alliance mainly consisted of farmers and other occupations as support. At least for the time being, this was the case.    


The lives of the farmers were not as bright as they had imagined. Apart from the first batch of farmers, the later batch of farmers from transfer were of low levels, had few skills, and had a lot of competition. This was their biggest problem at the moment. Currently, the most profitable crops were still potatoes, but most of the players who had just become farmers. They did not have the ability to grow potatoes, so they could only watch helplessly.    


As for the second batch of transfer farmers, they followed closely behind. They could already grow potatoes, but the most profitable period for potatoes had passed, and they were now going downhill.    


The game was a market economy, and the demand for goods determined the price of goods. When the demand was greater than the supply, it was normal for prices to rise. However, when the demand was greater than the supply, no one could stop the price from falling. If there were more farmers, there would be more potatoes. If there were more potatoes, the price would drop, and the money earned would be less.    


If there was no money to earn and the pressure was great, one would be dissatisfied. Houde Zaiwu appeared at this moment and gave some guidance. These people followed him. With the accumulation of a small amount, the farmers' strength would increase. To a certain extent, it would affect a certain price. Because everyone trusted him, because he earned money. Money would not lie.    


Dongfang Qingyu did not pay attention to it before. After paying a little bit of attention, he found that there were many players with the prefix of the Sky City and the Life Alliance logo. He easily caught up with the two farmers and left the city.    


Sky City did not have any land. If he wanted to farm, he had to do it outside the city. He found a piece of land, but what made the farmers feel helpless was... Sky City was not a place with fertile land. There were many places that were not suitable for farming. Since it was impossible to mine, it was not easy to find a piece of land that could be reclaimed. This caused the land of the farmers to be very scattered and not too large.    


One of the two farmers praised the Horn of Wang, and the other called the Bala Dance King. Both of them were weird names in Guili. Besides level 26, the King of Brawls was level 27. Such strength was useless in Dongfang Qingyu's eyes, so he naturally wouldn't notice that there was someone following behind him. In fact, the two of them did not even realize that someone was following them. They swaggered along the way. After walking for about fifty minutes, they entered a plain. Their land was on the plain.    


The Bara Dance King had 13 pieces of land, and 10 pieces of land were planted with potatoes. Two pieces of land were planted with cabbages, and one piece of land was planted with radishes. Besides being a level lower than Prosperous Corner, there were two more pieces of land. There were a total of 15 pieces of land, which were also 10 pieces of land to grow potatoes. The other five pieces of land were divided into three parts, two pieces of land to grow hollow vegetables. Two pieces to grow cucumbers, and one piece to grow carrots.    


From the recipe of the vegetables, the two of them looked more like farmers than Dongfang Qingyu. Up until now, Dongfang Qingyu had never planted anything other than potatoes.    


He watered them, plucked the grass, and fertilized them. The two of them worked very hard, from the first piece of land to the last piece of land. They didn't even take a break. Dongfang Qingyu noticed that before the two of them watered, they would loosen the soil slightly. In this way, when water was poured on the soil, the utilization rate would increase by about 10%. The plant's growth time also increased by 1.5%, instantly feeling satisfied. Squatting in the weeds for two hours was still worth it.    


Because it was a plain, there were no trees. There were only some short shrubs. If one did not want to be discovered, one could only squat there for more than two hours. Their legs were extremely numb.    


Seeing that the two of them had stopped to rest, he didn't wait any longer and walked out.    


"... " How do you think red skin and white meat did it? They are both Intermediate farmers, how did he manage to reclaim 21 pieces of land?" Wang Jiaozhi furrowed his brows, but he could not figure it out.    


"It's either talent or tools." Ba-Ba-Ba-La King said.    


"If it were me, I would be able to reclaim 21 pieces of land. My income would at least double." A look of longing appeared in Wang Chao's eyes.    


"Let's not think about that. I'd better think about how to match the vegetables. Talent. Increase production. Do you remember the chicken pecking the rice? He only has 10 pieces of land, and he also planted potatoes, cabbages, and radishes. But his production is twice as high as mine." The King of Brawlers sounded unwilling and helpless.    


"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He heard footsteps coming from the corner of his eye. When he turned around, he saw Dongfang Qingyu walking over with ill intentions.    


The land was a farmer's treasure. According to the usual practice, other players should not go near it. This would be considered a provocation. Dongfang Qingyu had already crossed this distance. He took out a hoe and stared at Dongfang Qingyu.    


"I saw that the potato pieces are ripe, and I feel that you two need help, so I'm here to help. Dongfang Qingyu smiled lightly.    


"No matter who you are talking about, and no matter what your purpose is, I advise you to leave immediately. We are all from the Life Alliance." Ba-Ba-Ba-La King said in a stern voice. After sending the message, Wang Chao secretly sent a message.    


"Then I didn't find the wrong person. I know senior and Houde Zaiwu." Dongfang Qingyu glanced at Wang Jiao but did not stop him.    


"If you have any conflict with Houde Zaiwu, please go and find him. We are just small fries." The heart of the dancing king sank. It was afraid that this matter wouldn't end so easily.    


"I understand what you are saying, but Houde Zaiwu has offended me. Tell him that he has killed five of my collector. I killed fifty of his men. If you have any objections... Go and find Houde Zaiwu, because he is the first one to do it." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"What you are doing is not sincere. If you have the ability, go and find Houde Zaiwu. A professional player is bullying our life player, do you have any shame?" Wang Jiao was shocked and angry at the same time.    


"What is there to be shameless about when taking revenge?" Dongfang Qingyu calmly took out the Surprise Magic Array and revived a dwarf.    


If the two farmers gave up their land and ran away, they might be able to survive. But the land was the lifeblood of the farmers, how could they be willing to give it up? Just like that, the dwarves rushed forward, one hammer after another. They were dying.    


The dancing king was almost lucky and dropped a pair of cloth shoes. Dongfang Qingyu did not even bother to look at them. When it was almost time, he took out a hoe and harvested the vegetables that the two people had planted.    


While he was harvesting, the gathering area of Life Alliance in Sky City also exploded. Under Houde Zaiwu's lead, more than a hundred players left Sky City in a grandiose manner.    


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