Urban Hardened All-area System

C3536 Four Star Patterns

C3536 Four Star Patterns

2"Blame Xuanyuan?"    


When Perth and Ye Hong heard this name, they were both surprised.    


Of course, Perth was really surprised, but Ye Hong was thinking about something else.    


This strange thief, Xuanyuan. Was it the Xuanyuan he knew?    


"I heard that this strange thief, Xuan Yuan, has a strange temper and never steals anything valuable. He only steals some strange items.    


His whereabouts are a mystery, and no one knows what he looks like until now.    


Strange, did something in the Nightless City catch his eye?"    


Perth rubbed his chin and muttered to himself. At the same time, he also briefly introduced the origins of the strange thief, Xuanyuan, to Ye Hong.    


However, Ye Hong was still unable to confirm whether the two Xuan Yuan were the same person.    


At this moment, the wireless communicator hanging on Liz's ear began to tremble violently again.    


She listened for a while, but her expression became uglier and uglier.    


"Reporting to Your Majesty! The strange thief, Xuanyuan, is heading towards the research institute at the bottom of the sea!"    


"Eh? Could it be that the strange thief, Xuan Yuan, is targeting... "    


A light flashed in Perceon's eyes. He did not lose his composure like Lilisi did. He only smiled at Ye Hong and said, "Are you interested in meeting this strange thief, Xuanyuan?"    






At the same time, at an alley in the Nightless City, a handsome young man was slowly extinguishing the cigarette in his hand.    


In the dim light, the young man's eyes were firm and cold.    


"Blame thief Xuanyuan! I, director Wei Qianling, from the second branch of the Yan Group, swear on the name of my ancestor, Wei Zhi Yu, that I will personally arrest you!"    








Riding the elevator from the building, two thousand floors down, was Perceon's undersea research institute.    


After arriving at the research institute, Ye Hong confirmed that Nightless City was built right above the ruins at the bottom of the sea.    


The location of the building corresponded to the whirlpool that Ye Hong used to travel to the ruins at the bottom of the sea.    


The moment he stepped out of the elevator, Ye Hong felt like he had returned to the past.    


All he saw were familiar Buddha statues and Buddhist writings.    


The entire third floor's structure, the large hole in the middle, and the scars left on the ancient battlefield. ...    


All of this made Ye Hong feel as if he had returned to the day he fought Zi Wei.    


Every trace of the battlefield was left behind during the battle between him and Zi Wei. ...    


It was different from the past... The surrounding Buddha statues and Buddhist writings were all properly protected.    


Groups of researchers in white lab coats were recording something in various places.    


What made Ye Hong's expression strange was that the traces he left were also studied by the researchers with a serious expression.    


He, as the person involved, was watching from the side.    




Where did the thief Xuanyuan go?    


Before Ye Hong and the others arrived at the research institute, Liz had already arranged for people to capture the strange thief Xuan Yuan.    


However, no matter how many people searched the research institute, they did not find any traces of the strange thief Xuanyuan. Instead, it caused dissatisfaction among the researchers.    


"Come with me. Perhaps I know where the Blademaster Xuanyuan is."    


Persion led Ye Hong to the third floor of the research institute.    


Ye Hong remembered clearly that there were only three floors underground.    


However, when they reached the third floor, Persion opened a hidden door.    


Huh? Could it be that he had overlooked it?    


However, Persion's next sentence solved Ye Hong's doubts.    


"This is the hidden laboratory that I asked someone to build later."    


Perth led Ye Hong into the lab.    


The laboratory behind the door was not big. It was only a dozen square meters.    


There were only a few things in the lab. There was only a small glass cabinet.    


Ye Hong's eyes widened when he saw the two things in the cabinet.    


The two items were the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda!    


However, Ye Hong clearly remembered that Wei Zhi Yu had taken these two items out and handed them over to Ai Qi for research.    


"I borrowed these two treasures from the Buddha Mother to study."    


Perth's words solved Ye Hong's doubts at the right time.    


"By the way, let me introduce you. That is the chief researcher of the research institute, [Lu Xuehai]. Old mister. "    


Perth pointed in the direction of the glass cabinet.    


Ye Hong noticed an old man with white hair lying on the other side of the glass cabinet.    


He was an ordinary person without any Qi of cultivation and was blocked by the glass cabinet at the right angle. Therefore, Ye Hong did not notice at the first moment.    


This old man called Lu Xuehai seemed to be very focused on recording something, and his eyes were fixed on the two things inside the glass cabinet.    


It had been a long time since Persion and Ye Hong entered the door, but Lu Xuehai did not notice them.    


When Ye Hong saw Lu Xuehai's face clearly, he could not help but exclaim, "Professor Lu?"    


The face in front of him slowly overlapped with the face from more than a hundred thousand years ago.    


That person's name was Lu Xiuzhou. He was a colleague of Ye Hong when he was a professor in the Jiangnan University!    


Lu Xuehai finally raised his head from his research and looked at Ye Hong with a blank expression.    


Beside him, Perceon also had a puzzled expression. He did not know why Ye Hong, who had always been indifferent, would lose his composure like this.    


After losing his composure for a short while, Ye Hong also calmed down.    


Clearly, the Lu Xuehai in front of him was not the same person as the Lu Xun from more than a hundred thousand years ago.    


However, there should be some kind of connection between the two.    


"May I ask if Elder Lu's ancestor has a professor from the Jiangnan University called Lu Zhouzhou?" Ye Hong asked.    


"There is indeed such a name on the family tree. His family has said that he is an amazing ancestor who helped the Lu family choose the right path of research."    


Lu Xuehai stood up and looked at Ye Hong in surprise. "But how did you know about the Lu Family?"    


Sure enough.    


The Lu Xuehai in front of him was the descendant of Lu Zhouzhou.    


In a daze, Ye Hong seemed to have returned to the time when he was in the classroom of the Jiangnan University, discussing Buddhism and science with Lu Zhouhai.    


It was still vivid in his mind, as if it had happened yesterday.    


Now, it seemed like the era where science and Buddhism coexisted with Ye Hong's promise to Lu Weizhou had indeed come.    


Lu Zouzhou did not disappoint him. He passed down his research spirit from generation to generation.    


After crossing a long period of time and seeing the descendant of the old professor here, Ye Hong was immediately filled with endless emotions.    


This feeling was just like seeing the descendant of the Zhuang couple for the first time, Zhuang Fan.    




Suddenly, an intense pain came from his mind. Ye Hong couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.    


He held his head, and a white line flashed under his feet.    


"That, that is...!    


Ye Hong's pupils shrank to the extreme, and he even forgot the pain in his head.    


Although the white line only flashed for a moment, Ye Hong's sharp senses still caught a wisp of black gas that disappeared in a flash on the white line.    


The black gas emitted a strange, ominous, and familiar aura.    


'How is this possible? ' 'This shouldn't be... ' ......’    


Ye Hong's mind was in a mess.    


"Hong, what's wrong?"    


Perth's concerned voice came from the side.    


In an instant, all the abnormalities disappeared.    


His head no longer hurt, and the white threads and black gas did not appear again.    


Everything seemed to be an illusion.    


However, a shadow quietly shrouded Ye Hong's heart.    


"I'm fine."    


Ye Hong forced a smile.    


Because he was in a trance, he forgot to answer Lu Xuehai's question.    


Instead, he changed the topic and pointed at the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda in the glass cabinet. "The strange thief Xuanyuan stole from before. Could it be these two treasures?"    


Persion gave Ye Hong a deep look, but still nodded and said, "That's right. After thinking about it, there are probably only two things in the entire Nightless City that can attract the attention of the strange thief Xuanyuan."    


"What?! Someone wants to steal them?!"    


Lu Xuehai was extremely shocked. He stood in front of the glass cabinet and gnashed his teeth. "If you want to steal them, step over my dead body first!"    


Ye Hong's gaze fell on the two items in the glass cabinet, but he could not help frowning.    


For some reason, he felt that the two things in the cabinet were different from what he remembered.    


Ding! Triggering the King's Appraisal ability. ...    


Identification complete: Target is a high-precision replica. "    


A replica?    


Crap! " Ye Hong reacted on the spot, "I'm afraid that the thief Xuan Yuan has already come!"    


"What?!" Persion and Lu Xuehai were also shocked.    


"No, impossible! Lu Xuehai shook his head repeatedly. "I've been here all day today. Other than the two of you, I've never seen anyone else come in!"    


Perceon frowned and walked to the glass cabinet. He raised his hand and reached for the cabinet.    


An invisible aura seeped into the cabinet.    


In the next second... ...    




The white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda in the cabinet suddenly exploded, turning into two balls of dazzling flames.    


The burning flames formed a crooked line of words in midair: [Monster Thief Xuanyuan is here.]    


Upon seeing this line of words, Perceon's expression darkened on the spot.    


Lu Xuehai, on the other hand, clutched his chest tightly and almost fainted on the spot in pain.    


He had actually been studying the two counterfeits for a long time and still didn't know it?!    


On the other hand, the corner of Ye Hong's mouth twitched.    


This strange thief Xuanyuan's style of doing things was really more and more similar to a wretched old man in his memory.    


Just as the atmosphere was strange, a commotion suddenly came from outside the research room.    


"Let's go out and take a look."    


Ye Hong and Perceon walked out in big strides.    


Lu Xuehai was stunned for a moment and quickly followed them. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go out and take a look. "It must be that bastard who stole the treasure that was caught!"    




The first floor of the research institute was filled with people.    


There were people wearing the uniform of the Yan Group's second division, the Nightless City Guards that Liz had brought along, and the researchers who were watching the show.    


The one who was surrounded in the middle was a mysterious person who wore a black robe. His face was covered by a dense fog.    


His hands were holding the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda without any concealment.    


Then his identity was obvious.    


It was precisely the strange thief, Xuanyuan!    


The one who stood in front of the Blademaster Xuanyuan and pointed the black pistol at him was director Wei Qianling from the Yan Group's second branch.    


"Blame the Blademaster Xuanyuan! I've finally caught you. Hurry up and surrender, or I won't hold back anymore!"    


Wei Qianling held the pistol and shouted coldly.    


Ye Hong had just arrived at the scene when he saw this scene.    


However, the two of them looked like their heads had been turned upside down for a few seconds.    


Let's not talk about Wei Qianling for now. He was still the same director from the Yan Group's second branch.    


As the Yan Group who was responsible for all kinds of cases, it was reasonable for them to personally hunt down the robbers.    


However, this Xuanyuan ...    


Ye Hong knew very well that there were some existences in this time and space that were not affected by the karma of time and space.    


They were Li Zhouzhou, Li Tang Tang, Zhou, Loong Yan and the Holy Spirit of Space and Time and the World Crossing Holy Dragon who knew the truth of Ye Hong's time and space travel.    


Therefore, after Ye Hong's soul left, everything they did was so that Ye Hong's soul and body could smoothly merge in the future.    


This was the reason why they established the ancient realm, connected to the Saint realm, and even secretly protected Ye Hong.    


Among them, the ship was arranged by Li Zhouzhou to be next to Ye Hong's body.    


When Ye Hong was in school, the ship also turned into a classmate named Zhou Hao, protecting Ye Hong in secret.    


However, there was no Star Demon, and Li Zhouzhou was still alive. That was why the ship had another identity. The Immortal Seal Emperor Xuanyuan did not appear in the long river of history.    


However, what Ye Hong did not expect was that without the Immortal Seal Emperor Xuanyuan, there would be another strange thief Xuanyuan.    


"Kakaka, if it wasn't for your grandfather, I would have stayed here on purpose. A brat like you who hasn't even grown a strand of hair wouldn't even be able to smell my fart!"    


A strange laughter was emitted from under Xuanyuan's misty mask.    


Hearing this voice, the corner of Ye Hong's mouth couldn't help but twitch.    


There was probably no one else in the world who could speak in such a cheap and mean tone.    


What exactly had happened in the past hundred thousand years?    


To actually make a dull ship turn into such a Xuanyuan.    


However, this Xuanyuan made Ye Hong feel a little kinder.    


Because this was in line with the Xuanyuan nature in Ye Hong's memory.    


"How dare you act so arrogantly when you are at the end of your road?"    


Wei Qianling was so angry that his teeth itched.    


He touched his waist and raised his hand to throw a ball at Xuanyuan.    


The ball quickly opened up in the air and instantly turned into a large glowing net that fell towards Xuan Yuan.    


"It's an air isolation net that specializes in restraining cultivators!"    


"The Yan Group's two divisions have even brought this secret weapon. It seems like they have captured the strange thief, Xuanyuan."    


The moment the huge net appeared, there were waves of discussions in the surroundings.    


On the other hand, Xuan Yuan, who was in the airtight net, did not seem to have any intention of avoiding it.    


He merely chuckled and allowed the airtight net to envelop his body.    


"I've caught him! Everyone, let's attack together!"    


Wei Qianling waved his hand excitedly. The men from the Yan Group he brought with him immediately rushed forward and pushed Xuanyuan to the ground, pressing him under his body.    


When the men from Nightless City saw this scene, they all revealed smiles of understanding.    


Heaven knew how long they had been fooled by Xuanyuan.    


Only Ye Hong shook his head secretly.    


If Xuanyuan could be caught so easily, then his name would not be Xuanyuan anymore.    


As expected, the group of people from the Yan Group's second branch suddenly fell into an uproar.    


"That guy is missing!"    


"What the hell? Why did he disappear out of thin air?"    


They looked around in confusion, but they could not find any trace of Xuanyuan no matter what. It was as if he had vanished into thin air.    


Ye Hong, on the other hand, was well aware of this.    


Although the air isolation net could restrain cultivators, Xuanyuan was no ordinary cultivator.    


He was a puppet created by Li Zhouzhou and was not restricted by any ordinary aura.    


It was easy for him to escape the encirclement of the Yan Group.    


When they couldn't find the north of the Yan Group, he and Perth, who was standing by the side, had already sensed something. They raised their heads and looked at the sky.    


Xuan Yuan, who had disappeared, was now standing on the head of a Buddha statue. He was mocking the people of the Yan Group. "You want to catch me, your grandfather, and cultivate for another ten thousand years!    


A little bit!"    


"Bastard!" Wei Qianling was so angry that his teeth were about to break. He shouted, "Catch him!"    


The two men from the Yan Group immediately gathered at the Buddha statue where Xuanyuan was. They raised their hands and were about to climb up.    


However, this action made the researchers who were watching the show fly into a rage.    


"Don't touch the Buddha statue!"    


"If you break the Buddha statue, we will fight you to the death!"    


As he spoke, he rushed forward and protected the Buddha statue. He said that he would not let the people from the Yan Group and Yan Group get close to it.    


The two groups of people couldn't come to an agreement, and they were in a mess. However, it made Xuanyuan, who was standing on top of the Buddha statue, take pleasure in his misfortune.    


"It's more or less enough."    


Perth raised his head and looked coldly at Xuanyuan. He pointed at Xuanyuan in the air and said, "God says that there must be light."    


Circles of halos pressed down on Xuanyuan from all directions. It was like a cage of light that was rapidly approaching.    


This move from Perseon made Ye Hong secretly nod his head.    


He remembered that Perth'ang of another time and space had already touched the threshold of the Divine Path before his body and Dao disappeared.    


And now, Perth, who had a brand new destiny, had truly stepped into the Divine Path.    


With a simple finger, he sealed the entire space around Xuanyuan's body.    


Even if Xuanyuan was a puppet, he was unable to easily pass through this layer of Divine Path imprisonment.    


However, even so, Xuanyuan did not panic in the slightest.    


He raised the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda that everyone had subconsciously ignored earlier.    


He simply placed the two treasures in front of him and actually used the two treasures as shields to protect himself.    


Perth raised his eyebrows and immediately stopped casting.    


He could deal with Xuanyuan as he pleased, but he could not ignore these two treasures.    


This feeling of being wary of others made Perth's eyes turn colder.    


'Tsk, he's still that shameless. '    


Ye Hong secretly complained in his heart.    


"Despicable! Shameless! Despicable!" When the crowd saw Xuanyuan's actions, they could not help but curse.    


However, this kind of harmless attack could not pierce through Xuanyuan's thick skin that was like a city wall.    


"Grandfather, I've played enough. It's about time for me to leave."    


Xuanyuan let out a strange laugh and leaped up from the Buddha statue.    


"Stay behind for This Seat!" Persion pointed at Xuanyuan's back again.    


A beam of light suddenly flew over.    


However, Xuanyuan let out another strange laugh. He actually smashed the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda towards the beam of light.    




Persion was depressed and wanted to vomit blood, but he could only helplessly control the beam of light to turn.    


However, things were not as simple as Perth thought.    


Because the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda actually exploded during the flight!    




Amidst the violent explosions, a blinding Buddhist light bloomed, causing everyone to subconsciously close their eyes.    


'This old thing, is he serious? '    


Even Ye Hong could not help but curse Xuanyuan in his heart.    


Stealing is stealing, causing trouble is causing trouble, and detonating the treasure?!    


But at this moment, Ye Hong discovered that a wisp of starlight suddenly bloomed from the dazzling golden light of Buddha.    


It was like a brush drawing a certain pattern in the golden light.    


Ye Hong's eyes immediately focused, and he looked at the pattern of starlight seriously.    


"Happy New Year to everyone! Hahahahaha!"    


Xuanyuan burst into laughter, but his figure had already taken advantage of the chaos to escape the research institute.    


Don't let him go! Chase after him!"    


Wei Qianling roared and chased after him with the men from the Yan Group.    


Lilith and the guards from the Nightless City followed after Perceon.    


The researchers from the research institute surrounded them curiously.    


Together with Ye Hong, they stared at the pattern of starlight in the Buddha light.    


The pen of starlight was like a grandiose painter drawing in the air.    


The long and short lines of starlight were connected one after another.    


Every single point of contact was glittering with starlight.    


"This is..."    


Looking at the flickering pattern, Lu Xuehai seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly rushed back to his room.    


Not long later, he arrived in front of the Starlight pattern with a heavy, ancient book in his arms.    


He flipped the pages frequently while comparing it with the Starlight pattern. It was as if he was confirming some sort of information.    




After a long time, Lu Xuehai excitedly pointed at the starlight pattern and said to the researchers around him, "Everyone, this is a [Starry Sky Navigation Path Diagram]!"    


"Starry Sky Navigation Path Diagram?"    


The researchers either nodded or shook their heads.    


The only similarity was that they all had expressions of interest.    


Ye Hong's eyes lit up. He looked at Lu Xuehai with interest and waited for him to continue.    


"Take note of this picture.    


Every star on the picture corresponds to the position of the stars in the sky.    


" Here... "    


Lu Xuehai pointed at the brightest star on the map and introduced, "This Constellation is called Zi Wei, the legendary Emperor Star of ancient times!"    


Ye Hong's pupils instantly shrank to the limit.    


He never would have thought that he would hear the name Zi Wei in Lu Xuehai's mouth.    


What flashed through his mind was actually Zi Wei's face that was exactly the same as his!    


"According to the books, Constellation is divided into [Three Walls, Four Symbols, and Twenty-Eight Constellation].    


Take note of this star map, isn't it divided into three great parts?    


"That's right, the Emperor Star of the Zi Wei that I was referring to is currently in the [Three Enclosures]. "That's right, the Emperor Star of the Zi Wei is currently in the middle of the [Three Walls]. The Zi Wei Walls.    


The other two parts were called the Supreme Palace and the Heavenly City.    


If the Zi Wei Palace was compared to the Middle Palace where the Emperor resided, Then the walls are the residences of officials, and the walls are the bazaar where the common people live.    


The two of them are like the right and left arms of the Ziwei Palace, guarding the two sides of the Middle Palace... "    


Listening to Lu Xuehai's introduction, the figures of Supreme Devil Emperor and Heavenly City Devil Emperor appeared in Ye Hong's mind.    


According to Lu Xuehai's analogy, the two Devil Sovereigns were indeed Zi Wei's right-hand men.    


"Below the three walls, there are also the Four Beasts and Twenty-Eight Nights.    


The eastern dragon's elephant, the horn, the horn, the horn and tail, the heart, the tail, and the Seven Nights!    


"The elephant of the Vermillion Bird of the South, Hideous, Ghost, Liu and Xing. Zhang and Yi, and the Seven Palaces of the Azure Dragon of the East!    


The image of the white tiger in the west, Han Kui, Lou, and the stomach. A long hair, a long hair, a long hair, a long beard, a long beard, a long beard, a long beard, and a long beard.    


The image of the Black Tortoise in the north, the Seven Nights of the Seven Nights of the Seven Nights of the Seven Nights of the Seven Nights of the Seven Nights of the Seven Nights!    


In these twenty-eight Constellation nights, the sky was filled with stars.    


Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... Vacuum... "    


Every name that Lu Xuehai listed could be added to Ye Hong's mind. The corresponding Demon Sovereigns, Demon Lords, Demon Emperors...    


One after another, memories of the Star Devil Race surfaced uncontrollably in the depths of Ye Hong's mind.    


"But Elder Lu, this is the [Starry Sky Navigation Road Map] that you mentioned. What does it matter? A young researcher asked.    


Because every location in this star map is a coordinate of the stars!    


The star lines that connect these space coordinates together form a space navigation route map!" Lu Xuehai's eyes lit up.    


"Then, where is the destination of this space navigation route map?" Persion humbly asked.    


"Cough cough... Replying to Your Excellency Divine Emperor, If my guess is correct, this Starry Sky Navigation Path Diagram is very likely to record the path to the outside of the Holy Region!"    


Lu Xuehai's words were like a bomb thrown into a calm lake, instantly causing quite a commotion.    


Even in this era of interstellar navigation, people still knew nothing about the world outside the Holy Region.    


In the depths of the sea of stars, there were mysterious laws that prevented people from exploring beyond the Saint domain.    


Lu Xuehai actually said that the path recorded in this space navigation map could lead to the outside of the Saint domain. How could it not cause a sensation?    


Even an existence like Perceon looked at the star map with a much more serious expression.    


"Hong, what do you think?" Perth turned to Ye Hong and asked.    


Ye Hong fell into silence.    


From the letter Li Shi left him, he could tell that there was a vast starry sky beyond the Saint domain.    


The vast universe was composed of many planes.    


The plane where the Holy Region was located was just one of them.    


In the plane next to this plane, there was "Zhou Tang.    


Deep inside Zhou Tang's Yu, there were many other mysterious domains.    


The Star Devouring Talisman came from a certain place or even a certain power in those places.    


The space navigation map in front of him was very likely the path to other planes.    


Speaking of which, why was there such a Starry Sky Navigation Path Diagram hidden in the white jade bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda?    


Could it be that the Starry Sky Navigation Path Diagram was hidden in the Pure White Jade Bottle and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda? ...    


Just as this thought appeared in Ye Hong's mind, his eyes shook.    


In his line of sight, the Buddha light outside the star map rose into the sky and gathered into the shape of a person.    


A man wearing a Zen robe who looked exactly like Ye Hong but had a bald head.    


Alchemist Glazed Light Buddha King!    


While Ye Hong was stunned, Alchemist Glazed Light Buddha King, who condensed Buddhist light, pressed his palms together and said in the direction of Ye Hong, "Boundless Longevity Light! ...    


When you see my Buddha Will, you must have woken up.    


You should have many questions in your heart.    


Then come and find me with the map of the galaxy I left behind.    


I will wait for you in the ninth plane... "    


After saying that, the Lorie Buddha Lord instantly turned into a Buddhist light and dissipated.    


Ye Hong subconsciously scanned the crowd, only to discover that they were still looking at the star map. It was as if no one had noticed the appearance of the Lorie Buddha Lord.    


In other words, the words that the Alchemist, the Glazed Light Buddha King, had said... Only Ye Hong could hear it!    


The Starry Sky Navigation Map had been specially left behind for Ye Hong by the Master Alchemist, the Glazed Light Buddha Lord!    


The real Master Alchemist, the Glazed Light Buddha Lord, should be in the Ninth Plane that he had mentioned.    



In other words, the route recorded in this Starry Sky Navigation Path Diagram was to lead the way to that mysterious [Ninth Plane]!    


He wondered if the [Ninth Plane] and the [Zhou Tang] that Li Shi was on were on the same plane.    




Ye Hong suddenly realized something.    


If it wasn't for Xuanyuan, he wouldn't have had the chance to find the map of the two great treasures!    


Could it be that Xuanyuan had intentionally guided Ye Hong to discover the Starry Sky Path Diagram?    


That wretched old man was truly unfathomable at all times!    




Just as Ye Hong was silently criticizing Xuanyuan, his shoulders suddenly sank, and a thunderous sound resounded by his ears.    


He turned his head in a daze, and only then did he realize that Perseon was looking at him with a worried expression.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Hong couldn't help but ask.    


"Don't you feel anything strange?" Perth frowned.    


Ye Hong shook his head honestly. He was even more confused. "What happened?"    


Perceon's expression became very serious. "Do you know that you looked very strange just now?    


It was as if... It was like..."    


Perceon seemed to be thinking about how to describe it. After a long time, he said," It was like he almost disappeared from the face of the earth!    


Moreover, it's not a simple physical evaporation. It's more like an invisible hand wiping it off the face of the world.    


Because your image in my mind became blurry as well. ...    


"Do you understand what I'm saying?"    


"What nonsense!" Ye Hong did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


However, when he subconsciously lowered his head, his eyes suddenly shook.    


The white line that had appeared for a short period of time appeared once again under his feet.    


It was a line that only Ye Hong could see!    


Ye Hong was not sure before, but now he knew it was not an illusion.    


The white line under his feet was a space-time line.    


What shocked Ye Hong the most was that the space-time line was becoming shorter bit by bit.    


Upon closer inspection, one could discover that there was a strange black gas coiling around the space-time line.    


It was like a group of parasites gnawing at the space-time line bit by bit.    


Demonic Qi!    


When Ye Hong recognized the composition of the black Qi, his heart immediately stirred up a storm.    


In this new world without the existence of the Star Demon Race, where did the devil Qi come from?!    


When Ye Hong raised his head, he was shocked to find that the surroundings had suddenly changed.    


The original research institute had turned into a mess.    


The Buddha statues that had been worshipped were scattered all over the place.    


What was strange was that Perceon, who had been standing, had also turned into a corpse lying quietly on the ground!    


As for the other researchers, they had all disappeared without a trace.    


The entire underwater ruin seemed to have turned into another underwater ruin in Ye Hong's memory in an instant.    


Ye Hong's body and mind trembled, and he lost his colors in shock.    


What the hell was going on?!    


Could it be that everything related to the new time and space was just an illusion?    


I'm still stuck in that never-changing space-time?    


After all, Perceon had been dead for a long time in that space-time!    


Just as Ye Hong was about to go crazy, his eyes flashed again.    


Everything he saw just now had disappeared.    


The research institute was still there, the researchers were there, and Perth was standing right in front of him.    


He looked at Ye Hong with worry in his eyes. "Hong, why do you look so bad?"    




Ye Hong was about to say something when a familiar voice sounded in his mind.    


Ding! Hidden ability [Eternal Calamity] It had been activated, and it began to devour the line of time and space.    


"Host, please increase your ability as soon as possible. Otherwise, as the line of time and space is devoured further, it is very likely that space-time reversal, karmic disorder, and other phenomena will occur!"    


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