Urban Hardened All-area System

C4 Using a Stone to Save a Damsel In Distress

C4 Using a Stone to Save a Damsel In Distress

3Could he have found himself in a situation to save a damsel in distress?     2


Ye Hong's blood started to boil as he dashed through the alley.    


Not long after, he noticed three young men — each dyed their hair in different colors while wearing the same black vest on their upper body — surrounding a helpless young girl in a corner of the alley.    


The young girl seemed to be about the same age as Ye Hong. Her pretty face was further complimented by her fair skin as she wore a white school uniform that accentuated her purity. She had the same looks as Zhang Xuewei, so it was no wonder that these three hooligans had their eyes on her.    


At this moment, her face was filled with nothing but fear. She kept on shouting for help, but her voice was getting more hoarse and desperate as time passed.    


"There's a big promotion at the clothing store that I'm working part-time for. If the boss did not give me three times my normal salary, I would not have gone home so late..."    


"Could it be that I, Lee Muya, will be defiled and have my innocence stripped from me...? No... Please... Someone please help me!"    


Lee Muya's face was turned pale like a frightened rabbit. Her appearance seemed delicate and fragile — as if she would break with a single touch.    


"Hehehe, Beautiful, don't misunderstand. The three of us just want to invite you over for a drink."    


"That's right, we are all good and honest citizens!"    




The three hooligans wore obscene smiles on their faces as their eyes seemingly indicated their desire to devour Lee Muya whole.    


How could Lee Muya believe their words? At this point, she could only shout for help — hoping that her voice would reach someone.    


*Cough, cough.*    


A clear cough suddenly echoed through the alley.    


The three bullies — shocked by the unexpected appearance of someone — quickly turned around.    


However, when they saw that the newcomer was just a thin and weak student, the three of them immediately felt reassured and revealed a mocking smile.    


"You stinking brat, why aren't you studying properly at home? Do you actually want to play the role of a hero in this situation?"    


"Hahaha! Just take a look at how weak your is! It hasn't even fully developed, yet you actually dare to go against us?"    


The three delinquents laughed maniacally, completely disregarding Ye Hong in their eyes.    


The flame of hope that had just ignited in Lee Muya's eyes extinguished in that instant — her face ashen.    


It looks like she won't be able to escape from these monsters today.    


On the other hand, Ye Hong — confident in the power of the system — remained rather calm as he declared, "Mark my words, I really will save the girl today. If you bastards know what's good for you, then you better scram before you regret it."    


"Wow! This brat actually had quite the guts for someone his age!"    


The three hooligans were shocked at first, but soon revealed a vicious expression, "Very good, then let this brother teach you the consequences of meddling in someone else's business!"    


After their threat, the three hooligans reached behind them — taking out a sharp, metallic object that reflected the glint of moonlight from its shining surface. At that moment, they had unsheathed three fruit knives and grasped them firmly in their hands.    


"God damn it!" Ye Hong cursed in his heart.    


He had originally wanted to make use of the system to see if he could awaken other abilities.    


But who would have thought that these guys were actully carrying weapons on them!    


This time, his brave front had ultimately backfired on him.    


Finding himself in such a dire situation, Ye Hong could not help but retreat far away from him.    


"Are you afraid now? It's far too late!"    


"Go, capture that kid!"    


The three of them instantly sped up and charged towards Ye Hong. The cold gleam of the fruit knife in their hands reflected that of their thirst for blood.    


Ye Hong — in his moment of panic — tried finding something... anything that he could use in the alley to defend himself.     


Scattered on the ground around him were pieces of stones, discarded bottles, glass jars, and other rubbish.    


"Forget it! I'll just use whatever I pick up!"    


Ye Hong picked up a random stone from the ground and threw it at the three hooligans with his utmost strength.    


[Ding! Throwing ability: +1, Current Progress: 1/10, Current Level: Beginner-level.]    


Unfortunately, the stone flew past the gaps between their bodies and missed its targets.    


Despite his missed attempt, Ye Hong's expression gradually relaxed as the corner of his mouth hooked up into a strange smile.    


There it was — the sliver of hope he needed.    


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