The Sacred Gate

C631 surviving offspring

C631 surviving offspring

1Chen Mo did not understand what was going on.    


Why did the two of them suddenly kneel to him, respectfully calling him Young Master?    


He then said, "Because we suspect that between you all, there is a Son of Heaven that was born from a calamity ?" Tears streamed down his face. Why was that so?    


Without saying a word, Chen Mo immediately supported the two of them and said: "Please get up senior, what are you doing?"    


If black cloaked man and one-eyed woman did not get up, he would not be able to support them.    


"Young master, please promise to lead us to live on, only then will we wake up!"    


black cloaked man said, but his tears still fell like rain.    


Chen Mo frowned, and said: "You guys are making me very confused, and are completely confused. I really do not understand, what do you guys mean by this? Can you explain it more clearly? "    


Chen Mo became more and more suspicious.    


What was going on?    


"We ?"    


black cloaked man and one-eyed woman wanted to say something, but they could not bring themselves to do so.    


After suffering for a few minutes, his state of mind gradually recovered.    


The two of them still refused to get up.    


Chen Mo said in an incomparably stern and direct manner: "I don't care what reason you two have, nor do I care why you all want me to save you, but you must stand up and speak for me now.    


Chen Mo's words were also very cold.    


And very angry.    


He didn't like people kneeling to him.    


black cloaked man and one-eyed woman were both stunned for a moment.    


"Get up and speak!"    


Chen Mo roared, and then used all his might to help black cloaked man up.    


black cloaked man did not refuse, and got up.    


one-eyed woman also stood up by herself.    


However, their bodies were still trembling, and their eyes were filled with grief.    


Chen Mo slowly said: "Speak, what happened? I, Chen Mo, am not a cold-blooded and heartless person. If I could be of help to you all, I would naturally not stand idly by! "    


The black cloaked man nodded and brewed for a while. Then, he said: "Young master, let's... They are the descendants of the cultivators from the previous Red Blood Age! "    


Chen Mo was instantly shocked in his heart.    


Didn't they say that every time the Red Blood Age s appeared, all eighteen continents would be annihilated? Why is there a remnant?    


"Our ancestors, the Red Blood Age who participated in the last battle, witnessed hundreds of millions of our compatriots being slaughtered. Luckily, we were able to survive, but only a millionth survived!"    


"There were only a few hundred people in our ancestors who managed to find a treasure when they were on the verge of being exterminated. After recognizing it as their master, they hid themselves within it and survived!"    


After black cloaked man said this, Chen Mo finally understood.    


A few hundred survivors were lucky enough to survive.    


"After dozens of days, they came out and discovered that the eighteen continents were filled with corpses, mountains and rivers were shattered, corpses were everywhere, blood stain s were everywhere, limbs were everywhere, and the stench of rotting corpses permeated everywhere. There were no longer any cultivators left alive ?"    


"Later on, they found out that the 18 continents were completely wiped out. Only a few hundred of them survived ?"    


"Tens of billions of cultivators, all of them died tragically, not a single one of them survived!"    


"Our ancestors hid among the treasures and wandered around the 18 continents for several months, yet we couldn't find a single survivor!"    


"It was only later that I discovered that the great battle between the Nine Regions and the Demon Clan had resulted in victory. The Demon Clan had retreated ?"    


"Not a single cultivator from the Nine Regions survived. However, there are still billions who lived a peaceful life ?."    


"But on the Eighteen Continents, other than the few hundred who survived, the rest all died horribly, all of them perishing ?"    


"The ancestors were not willing to give up. They secretly went to the Nine Regions, and in the end, they found out that the people of the Nine Regions all knew of the existence of the Red Blood Age. The Eighteen Continents, actually did not know of any of them!"    


"When the Red Blood Age arrived, the Nine Regions closed their barrier opening and prevented cultivators from the eighteen continents from entering. The Eighteen continents nearly a hundred billion monks was slaughtered miserably!"    


"So it turns out that every single Red Blood Age and Eighteen Continents were all abandoned by the Nine Regions and treated as abandoned sons ?"    


When the black cloaked man said this, he was extremely saddened, and could not continue any further, so he stopped for the moment.    


Slowly, the black cloaked man continued, "Later on, our ancestors learned that the reason why the Nine Regions could survive was because a peerless Heaven's Pride rose to prominence at that time and led the Nine Regions to a great war, obtaining the ultimate victory!"    


"And that Heaven's Pride, actually came from the Eighteen Continents, and was even the weakest of them all ?"    


"More than two years ago, when the Red Blood Age was about to arrive, he appeared. He was slowly revealed and brought away by the people from the Nine Regions to be nurtured!"    


"Later on, our ancestors found out that the peerless Heaven's Pride was the Son of Heaven. Only by obtaining the Son of Heaven would we be able to ensure our safety."    


"Therefore, I passed down my ancestral teachings: to raise one's strength as the most important task, to protect the Eighteen continents nearly a hundred billion monks, to find the Son of Heaven, and to follow its lead, to save the lives of the billions of cultivators on 18 continents ?"    


"Young master, you are Son of Heaven, please save us, save Eighteen continents nearly a hundred billion monks's life!"    


Speaking of which, black cloaked man and one-eyed woman kneeled down towards Chen Mo again.    


Chen Mo finally understood the cause and effect of this matter.    


Last time in the Red Blood Age, there were still hundreds of cultivators on the Eighteen Continents who survived and knew about everything.    


Now, their descendants, who carried the legacy of their ancestors, were also looking for the Son of Heaven to save the eighteen continents!    


"Get up, I don't care if I'm a Son of Heaven or not, I will always stand on the same side as Eighteen Continents!"    


Chen Mo sighed and helped the two of them up.    


"Thank you, young master!"    


The two of them stood up and let out a sigh of relief.    


"Did you capture us to concoct pills just to prepare for battle?" Chen Mo asked.    


black cloaked man nodded his head, "Yes, now that the war is about to break out, we have to prepare for it!"    


"How many of you are there?"    


Chen Mo asked again.    


"Reporting to young master, we only have seven hundred thousand people, and they are the descendants of several hundred ancestors!"    


"Regarding the Red Blood Age, we don't dare to tell the people of the Eighteen Continents, lest it cause panic and chaos. I don't dare to take in the people from the 18 continents, lest the secret gets leaked out! "    


"The main reason is because of the hidden treasure that the Lord has uploaded. Only the descendants like us can enter, outsiders cannot enter!"    


"What treasure?"    


Chen Mo asked.    


black cloaked man did not hesitate. With a raise of his hand, a rainbow colored bead the size of a child's fist appeared in his hand.    


"Over 700,000 people are inside?"    


Chen Mo asked.    


The black cloaked man nodded and said, "Yes, over seven hundred thousand people are among them. This is a cave, where our ancestors hid in order to gain a chance at survival! "    


Chen Mo said: "Bring me there, can you go in?"    


The black cloaked man nodded. They had tried before, other than pure clansmen, no one could bring people in, otherwise they would have brought the cultivators of the Eighteen Continents in.    


Whether Chen Mo could bring her in was unknown.    


The black cloaked man surrounded Chen Mo and one-eyed woman. With a sweep, the three of them appeared within the treasures.    


"They actually came in? It really is the Son of Heaven! "    


black cloaked man could not help but exclaim.    


Such an outcome caused her to be extremely shocked.    


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