Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C517 He Chuan Lost Contact

C517 He Chuan Lost Contact

2Finish, third Master hung up the phone. Su Yexuan couldn't react in time. Third Master was forcing her. Chung Rann was wary of forcing her to do something that was impossible. Who could get the words out of her mouth?     1


Furthermore, she was already very suspicious when she suddenly got so close to Chung Rann. Now she even asked her to specifically ask about Liang Yifan. Wasn't this pushing her into a fire pit?    


Su Yexuan looked at her grandmother who was lying on the hospital bed, but she could not bear to do so in her heart. Otherwise, she really wanted to return the money to Third Master. If it wasn't for her grandmother being sick... She would not have accepted the bill and would not have betrayed the person who had helped her before.    


The doctor walked in at this moment. "Su Yexuan, I'll arrange the surgery for you in two days."    


Su Yexuan was surprised. "Really? Can you arrange the surgery for us in two days? Then my wife will be cured very soon."    


" If the surgery goes smoothly, there should be no problem. "    


"Thank you, doctor."    


"You don't have to thank me. It's still better that your surgery fees are in place. Otherwise, even if you manage to gather enough money later on, you might not be able to get it so quickly. "    


When Su Yexuan heard this, she suddenly felt that her decision was not wrong. If she did not accept the money, her grandmother might have already...    


She did not dare to think of the consequences.    


After the doctor left, Su Yexuan held the phone and thought for a moment. In the end, she still chose to call Chung Rann.    


Chung Rann received Su Yexuan's call and was still a little surprised.    


"Is something the matter?"    


Chung Rann's voice was very calm and did not show her surprise.    


"Rann, do you have something tomorrow?"    


"I might be a little busy tomorrow. In fact, I do not have much time these few days."    


That was the truth. She had indeed been busy these few days and was very busy.    


Su Yexuan was stammering over there. "I have something to tell you. Can you help me come up with an idea?"    


"What is it? Can't you say it over the phone?"    


"I might not be able to explain it clearly on the phone. Can you tell me in person? Give me half an hour."    


Su Yexuan's attitude was very sincere. If it was someone else, Chung Rann might have already rejected it, but this person was Su Yexuan. Although she was cold, she had helped someone before. It was better for her to remember someone else.    


Usually, Su Yexuan would not trouble her. Half an hour should not be a problem.    


"Alright, I can pull it out, but I might need to see you near our company. Coincidentally, there is a project to discuss tomorrow."    


Su Yexuan heard this and was overjoyed in her heart, "Okay, thank you Chung Rann."    


"It's fine, I will be busy first."    




Chung Rann hung up the phone. Fenng Moye leaned to the side and was woken up in a daze. He stretched out his hand and took the warm and soft jade into his arms. His voice was low and deep. He was lazy after he woke up.    


"Wife, who called you?"    


Chung Rann turned her body and leaned back into Fenng Moye's arms. "Su Yexuan called and asked to meet me tomorrow. She seems to have something urgent to talk to me about."    


It had been a week since the last time they met. Fenng Moye heard Su Yexuan's name again. This was a little surprising, but he had not contacted her for a long time and suddenly contacted her. There must be a problem.    


Fenng Moye naturally had to pay more attention to his wife's matter. His mind immediately became clear.    


"Wife, the last time you met Su Yexuan, didn't you notice anything wrong?"    


"No, she didn't say anything to me either. It was just some small problems."    


Chung Rann carefully looked back and there seemed to be nothing else.    


"That might not be because I haven't achieved my goal. You should observe carefully."    


Su Yexuan was not a fool. Even if there was really something that she wanted to ask Chung Rann for help, she would not bring it up immediately. This way, it would be a bit too exposed.    


Chung Rann nodded. "Okay. I will see the situation tomorrow."    


Whether Su Yexuan had a problem or not, she needed to further confirm it.    


Fenng Moye wrapped Chung Rann in his arms and lowered his head to kiss her soft hair. He patted her on the back like a child.    


"Go to sleep."    


"Good night, husband."    


The two of them hugged each other and slept.    


Chung Rann found that as long as she was in Fenng Moye's arms, she would always be able to sleep very peacefully.    


The next day, after Chung Rann woke up, Fenng Moye was no longer there. She reached out and touched the bed sheet beside her. It was already cold. It seemed that she had walked for a while.    


She looked at the time. It was about time for her to pack up and prepare to leave. Who knew that just as she lifted the blanket, her phone rang. She saw that it was a message from Duan Youlin.    


It was a cute and loving expression package with a greeting.    


[Sister, are you up?] ]    


Chung Rann only glanced at him lightly before putting down her phone. She got up and went to wash up. When she came back, there was another long string of messages. They were all sent by Duan Youlin. Chung Rann did not even look at them before deleting them.    


Was this Little Master from the Duan family so idle? He had sent her so many messages so early in the morning. She didn't reply to a single one of them and kept sending them.    


She didn't have much time to look at them. Just as she was about to leave, Duan Youlin called again.    


Chung Rann felt that if she did not see Duan Youlin now, she would really want to beat him up.    


She pressed the answer button, and her voice changed as she shouted into the phone.    


"Duan Youlin, if you say one more word, I will directly blacklist you."    


"Sister, I ordered breakfast for you. Did you get it?"    


Duan Youlin ignored Chung Rann's anger and kept talking.    


Chung Rann clenched her fists tightly. "No."    


"Then it should be almost time. You can go back to your work after you eat. This is the kind meal that my brother ordered for you."    


Duan Youlin did not take Chung Rann's angry mood seriously at all. He only had one goal in his heart. He wanted to let his beloved sister eat the love breakfast.    


He could feel the love of his younger brother.    


Chung Rann gritted her teeth, and was on the verge of breaking down.    


"I don't need your love meal!"    


After saying that, she hung up the phone.    


How boring!    


Just as she stepped out of the door, she saw a delivery man looking around as if he was checking something. Chung Rann had a bad premonition. She lowered her head and wanted to quickly walk past him.    


But the delivery man suddenly stopped her. "May I ask if your name is Chung Rann?"    


Chung Rann waved her hand. "You are mistaken."    


"But there is a photo attached. I think this person should be you. Someone ordered breakfast for you."    


As he spoke, the delivery man had already handed breakfast to Chung Rann. Chung Rann accepted it for no reason.    


"Then I'll be leaving first. Have a good meal."    


The delivery man rode his electric bike and with a flash, the person disappeared.    


Chung Rann stared at the take-out in her hands. There were all kinds of take-out. She almost moved the breakfast restaurant to follow her.    


Actually, she wanted to throw it away, but she also wanted to waste it. In the end, she still put it in the car and brought it to the secret base.    


Lih Sheng and the others were very enthusiastic when they saw Chung Rann.    


"Ms Rann, Ms Rann..."    


Chung Rann put the breakfast on the table. "I brought it for you guys. Divide it."    


"Oh my God, Ms Rann. That's a lot. You have spent so much."    


"Thank you, Ms Rann."    


"Ms Rann, why did you think of buying breakfast for us today? Could it be that some admirer of yours gave it to you?"    


"No." If it was given by a suitor, she might throw it away.    


Cheng came down from upstairs at this time. "Ms Rann, when will Chuan Er come back? I haven't been able to get through to him in the past two days."    


When Ho Chuan was mentioned, Chung Rann remembered. She quickly took out her phone and called Ho Chuan. When no one answered the first call, she began to feel inexplicably nervous.    


Could something have happened?    


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