Planned Love



3He quickly put me down. I turned around and saw Sheng Yun in a white suit. He did not know why he had come here with me. His movements had been so passionate, but now his eyes were so cold.    


"Director Sheng, it's you. You scared me to death." I had a lingering fear.    


"Am I not afraid?" He whispered in my ear, "There is a huge rock on the other side of the beach, and no one goes behind it. "Director Xu, this is a rare opportunity …"    


I immediately understood what he meant and instantly blushed to the point of my neck, "Director Sheng, there are so many people inside, it wouldn't be good if we were to be discovered, right?"    


"It doesn't matter. No one will find out." He smiled wickedly and said seductively, "This dress really suits you."    


"Did Director Sheng choose it for me?" I asked in surprise.    


He didn't answer, but dragged me directly across the beach, where the sea breeze was blowing with an inexplicable sense of comfort. The clubhouse is still brightly lit, countless people are having fun, but we are the only ones on the beach. It was only then that I realized how harmonious my suit and his suit color were …    


This night, this silent sea, this man beside her, this undisturbed tranquility, to be fair, no matter how hard his heart was, would still be softened by the beauty of this moment and the man beside him.    


I didn't walk very well on the beach in my high heels, and as he walked, he suddenly squatted down, took off my high heels, and threw them into the sea in a domineering manner.    


"Those are my most expensive pair of shoes!" My heart ached, and I couldn't help but exclaim.    


"I'll compensate you!" "Yes," he said authoritatively, pulling me toward the boulder.    


We quickly ran to the other side of the boulder. It turned out as he said, this boulder was a completely different world. The huge rock seemed to form a natural barrier, isolating the world of revelry outside. On this side of the boulder were innumerable low, continuous pieces of beach stone. Sheng Yun pulled me along on a slightly flat beach stone, and before I could calm my emotions, he had already taken my face in his hands and was impatiently kissing me.    


It was unknown whether it was because the night scene was too moving, or because the sea breeze was intoxicating, or because this sort of stimulation was too exciting, Sheng Yun's kiss was more affectionate and intimate than any other time.    


I didn't know how to respond to such enthusiasm, and I looked around cautiously, afraid that someone might be there. After a long while, under his guidance, I was gradually guided by his emotions and started to ignore them.    


It was a forgotten place, and for a moment it was as if he and I were the only ones in the world, the vast sea sometimes sleeping and sometimes splashing. We listen to the sea, only a few feet away from the sea.    


In all the twenty-six years of my life, I have never had a moment as wild and joyful as this.    


At the most intense and affectionate moment, Sheng Yun asked me in a loud voice, "Do you want to die with me?"    


"Alright!" I shouted, lost in thought.    


"Aren't you afraid of being washed away by the sea?" he asked me loudly again.    


"No!" I continued to shout.    


Under the endless relaxation and surging passion, my body gained an unprecedented feeling of emptiness. In an instant, I felt as though I had turned into a white cloud that was flying in the sky, floating away like a fairy …    


We had completely forgotten where we were, and the passage of time, and that moment our hearts were completely filled, leaving not the slightest gap.    


Just as we were about to leave, an even bigger wave came crashing down. This time, there was no luck. Sheng Yun and I were suddenly swept away by the wave.    


In an instant, I was engulfed by the waves. My clothes were all over me, and my body was crashing against the rocks, engulfed by the waves. This scene occurred in an instant. It was horrifying and suffocating.    


I rose and fell with the waves. I couldn't swim very well, so I choked a few mouthfuls of water, panicked, and instinctively shouted for help. But in the vast ocean, it was impossible to see where Sheng Yun went.    


This was clearly a shallow sea area where the seawater had been specially treated. The area was clear and azure. I struggled in the sea with my impressionistic swimming skills and watched myself wade into the deep sea.    


Just as I felt that I was about to die, I was suddenly grabbed by a pair of large hands and dragged to the shore …    


"Xu Shubei, are you alright?" Sheng Yun shouted nervously.    


"No problem, he's still alive." I dared to open my eyes at last, and smiled at him. I couldn't help it, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.    


"I still don't want you to die that quickly. After all, I still have 88 restrictions." He looked at me and smiled. She had a smile on her face and looked really pretty.    


"Even if I die, I have no regrets." I laughed, too, and felt as if I had survived a disaster.    


I wiped the water from my face and sat up on the sand.    


"It's so easy to be satisfied. I thought Director Xu had a big appetite." Sheng Yun looked at me and smiled even more. He stared at my faintly discernible dress and said, "With your current look, how will you go back later?"    


"Director Sheng can't just leave me alone." I smiled and ran a hand through my hair.    


"Don't worry. Although I hate you, it's not enough for me to do this." He stood up, took off his suit, and handed it to me. "Come on, I'll take you out the back door."    


"Alright." I got up from the beach, put on his suit, and walked barefoot along the beach, groaning as I stepped on broken stones.    


"Forget it, pretentious!" I'll carry you on my back! " He frowned at me.    


Before I could say anything, he squatted down and put me on his back, as if he was afraid I would misunderstand, and added, "I can't be touched by you on purely humanitarian grounds. Don't be touched."    


"I understand, no need to emphasize anymore, Director Sheng." I couldn't help but laugh as I hurriedly replied.    


It was the first time a man carried her on his back, feeling the warmth of his broad shoulders and body. It was impossible to say that she wasn't moved. However, he was only moved for a short period of time after arriving at the garden area. He immediately put me down and said coldly, "Go on by yourself!"    


"It's hot and cold. Is it an air conditioner?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I couldn't help but grumble behind him.    


"What did you say?" He didn't hear me, so he turned to look at me.    


"Nothing." I stuck my tongue out and smiled to please.    


He seemed to be very familiar with this place. He led me to the other side of the garden, and just as we were about to sneak out through the small door at the side of the garden, we suddenly heard Zhou Yihai's voice calling me from the garden.    


"It's our Zhou." I subconsciously looked at Sheng Yun and whispered.    


"You call it so intimate? "A kick?" Sheng Yun frowned again. He put his arm around my shoulders and dragged me through the door. He slammed the door shut and warned me fiercely in the darkness, "If you dare to be intimate with another man during the agreement, you are dead meat!"    


"Does Director Sheng care about my performance?" I heard him say this, so I asked quietly.    


"You think too much!" He spoke coldly and dragged them through a narrow passage outside the manor. Unexpectedly, this road led directly to the parking lot. Sheng Yun easily found his car in the long line of cars.    


He led me to the car, where the driver was already waiting. I suddenly remembered that my bag was still at the manor, so Sheng Yun asked the driver to bring it over for me.    


Unexpectedly, when the driver came back, Zhou Yihai also came with the driver. When I opened the car door, Zhou Yihai saw me and Sheng Yun percolated in the car, he was puzzled at first, but then seemed to quickly understand.    


He said respectfully to Sheng Yun, "Then I'll be troubling Director Sheng to send Shubei home."    


"Hmm, goodbye Director Zhou." Sheng Yun said blandly. He then closed the door of the car and asked the driver to drive me home.    


On the way, my phone rang. It was a text from Zhou Yihai: "Shubei, are you hiding something from me?"    


I didn't reply.    


Although Zhou Yihai and I often take advantage of each other, but after a long time, due to the high degree of tacit understanding and teamwork, there will always be a sense of mutual appreciation. It's just that I don't have any presumptuous thoughts about anyone. He's the same, and so is Sheng Yun.    


After we got home, my mood had already calmed down. I returned the jacket to him and respectfully said to Sheng Yun, "Thank you, Director Sheng, for sending me back. I'll head back first."    


Sheng Yun also returned to being indifferent. He slightly nodded and didn't even say anything as he let the driver drive away.    


I went upstairs in my formal attire, and Xia Yiwa was surprised to see me like this when she opened the door. "Aren't we going to the event?" How did he end up in a pool of sweat? It's not raining outside. "    


"I accidentally fell into the water. I'm fine, I'm going to take a bath first." I smiled at Xia Yiwa as I walked off in the direction of the bathroom.    


"Shubei, wait a moment, what's that red thing on your neck?" Xia Yiwa stopped me and suddenly asked.    


"I accidentally got injured." I quickly covered the strawberry mark on my neck and slipped into the bathroom under Xia Yiwa's confused gaze.    


Don't tell her about these dark, underground trades!    


Ever since Xia Yiwa went to work at Shengshi Group, her nature, which was cheerful, quickly grasped all kinds of gossip about the various channels in Shengshi Group. These unimportant rumors gave me a lot of information.    


I never intended to use Xia Yiwa to learn anything, but I have to admit that after she went to the Shengshi Group, she more or less opened up a few entrances for me, allowing me to keep an eye on the panthers and understand the latest developments in the Shengshi Group.    


When I found out from Xia Yiwa that Shengshi Group and they had the intention to start an updated project together, I became extremely flustered. Because, this means that not only is my sacrifice useless to Sheng Yun, he also wants to increase his cooperation with Xu's Group!    


This bastard! I'm shaking with anger!    




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