Planned Love



2Despite my anger, I agreed to Ren Yingying's request. However, the one million she asked for was simply a pipe dream.     0


Everything was going according to plan.    


One week later. Ren Yingying left the hospital.    


That same day, I called Shang Yang: "Shang Yang, tonight at Thousand Dragons Convergence KTV028, I've already booked a room, you call Xu Tianyi to sing together."    


"His name is Xu Tianyi?" "Are you sure?" As I said this, Shang Yang froze on the other end of the phone.    


"Yeah, I'm sure that other than him, you can also call a few other people. It's been a long time since we last met, and everyone's been so lively." I said into the phone.    


"Alright, rest assured!" Shang Yang said straightforwardly into the phone.    


After the call, I quickly returned home with my bag. I changed my job suit into an evening gown, put on heavy makeup, and left my house.    


Downstairs, Xia Yiwa was waiting for me in her new red Lamborghini. We smiled at each other as I got into the car. Xia Yiwa had always had a knack for what to do to Xu Tianyi.    


I put in all my money and dressed Ren Yingying from beginning to end. I even changed into a sexy dress for her. Everything was for the sake of seeing Xu Tianyi again tonight. Naturally, Ren Yingying's dressing style was all based on Xu Tianyi's preferences.    


According to the previous arrangement, when we arrived, we should first have Ren Yingying wait in the next room. After that, Xia Yiwa and I entered the private box.    


When we entered the box, Shang Yang had already arranged everything beforehand. I calculated the time. It was Xu Tianyi's birthday.    


Thousand Dragons Convergence was one of the top entertainment clubs in Hangcheng. Everything in the room was arranged in accordance to the style of the birthday party. When Xia Yiwa and I arrived at the box, Shang Yang had yet to bring them over.    


We warmed up, each of us had two beers, and then we sang a few songs to clear our throats and get ready for the next show.    


Xia Yiwa and I were in the middle of shouting "Love Is Dead" when the door to the box was pushed open and a large group of men walked in.    


I turned around to look. When I saw Xu Tianyi and Shang Yang walk in with their arms around each other's shoulders, I immediately felt relieved.    


Shang Yang winked at me, indicating that everything was going according to plan. Looking at Xu Tianyi's flushed face and dazed expression, there was a high chance that he had already drunk too much liquor at the dinner table.    


"Bro, who are these two women?" Xu Tianyi let go of Shang Yang's arm, pointed at us and asked disdainfully.    


"Long time no see. How have you been, Xu Tianyi?" Xia Yiwa walked over with a glass of wine and put her hand on Xu Tianyi's shoulder. She smiled at Xu Tianyi and said, "What? Have you forgotten about me? "    


Xu Tianyi looked at Xia Yiwa and then quickly looked at me. When he found out that it was me, he flew into a rage, "Shang Yang, what are you doing? Why are they here? "    


"I'm not good at these parties or anything, so I asked them both to help with the planning. "Tianyi, it's your birthday today. Everyone's happy, so you shouldn't care about such a small matter, right?" Shang Yang quickly said, and then winked at me.    


Thus, I picked up a glass of wine from the table and said to Xu Tianyi: "Today, let's put aside our grudges. I also don't want to ruin your birthday atmosphere. How about we coexist peacefully?"    


"Who the f * * k is peaceful with you!?" F * ck off! Don't ever show up in front of me again! Xu Shubei, don't give me face! Get lost! " Xu Tianyi pointed at my nose and shouted in exasperation.    


"I want to see who dares to make her roll twice." Before I could say anything, a deep and familiar voice suddenly came from the entrance of the private box.    


Upon hearing this voice, the people behind Shang Yang immediately gave way. Shang Yang hurriedly pulled Xu Tianyi aside.    


At the door of the private room, Sheng Yun, who was wearing a black suit with his hands in his pockets, was standing there with an imposing manner. His eyes were staring straight ahead, but it seemed like he had already scanned everyone in the room. When he appeared, the noisy room immediately became so quiet that one could only hear the accompaniment of the song.    


"Yun, you're finally here!" Shang Yang walked over with a smile and put his arm around Sheng Yun's shoulder.    


"It's Tianyi's birthday today, no matter how busy I am, I'm going to come and cheer for him." Sheng Yun was clearly talking to Shang Yang, but his eyes were sizing me up.    


I knew that I was as sexy as I'd been on the first night with him. He was obviously a little upset, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood in front of so many people.    


"Yun rarely has free time, forget it, since he's yours, I won't mind so much." Xu Tianyi's tone softened when he saw that Sheng Yun had arrived. After he finished speaking, he looked at me and gave me a middle finger, then said angrily, "Xu Shubei, don't think that every time you have Yun's protection, I won't dare to do anything to you!"    


"It's here again? Tianyi, it looks like you don't want everyone to celebrate your birthday this evening? " Sheng Yun looked at Xu Tianyi with cold eyes and asked slowly.    


Xu Tianyi looked at me with disdain, then quickly smiled and said to Sheng Yun: "Okay, I won't argue with her that much. Yun, take a seat! It's rare for you to be able to join us. Say it, what do you want to do tonight? "    


"Yun has never been close to a woman. What shows could he want?" Shang Yang joked.    


Unexpectedly, just as Shang Yang finished speaking, Sheng Yun said, "I heard that Qian Long Huixin has brought a batch of beautiful 18-19 year old women here recently, and they're asking the supervisor to bring them over for a look."    


Once Sheng Yun said this, everyone's eyes widened. Everyone knew that Sheng Yun never liked coming to this kind of place, let alone getting close to these women. Unexpectedly, he suddenly changed his gender tonight, and even Xia Yiwa cried out in alarm, "Brother, how did you …"    


Sheng Yun didn't care about everyone's surprise. He calmly sat in the center of the room. It was strange that although a bunch of men were there, all of them wearing suits and shoes, he was the most eye-catching. Even if he didn't say anything, the aura that he carried with him could not be compared to that of other men. No wonder his father had left the business of the entire family to him so early.    


However, this request of his was just right for me. When he said that, it also saved Xia Yiwa and I from having to arrange Ren Yingying's appearance. Xia Yiwa and I sat silently in a corner of the sofa. We looked at each other and smiled. To my surprise, when Sheng Yun saw us laughing, he also smiled.    


After a while, the head waiter brought a bunch of girls with him. Ren Yingying was also among them. Because she was tall, she walked in front of the group. Compared to the other girls, she was obviously a lot more bashful.    


"I want this." A group of girls saluted and waited to be selected. To Xia Yiwa's surprise, Sheng Yun pointed directly at Ren Yingying and decisively chose her.    


Xia Yiwa and I looked at each other. Even Ren Yingying herself was stunned. She timidly asked, "Is that me?"    


"Yes, you." Sheng Yun said lightly.    


Ren Yingying subconsciously looked at me and then silently walked over to sit beside Sheng Yun. What made us surprised was that the moment Ren Yingying sat down, Sheng Yun directly pulled her into his embrace in front of everyone else!    


I subconsciously wanted to stand up, but I suddenly realized that my reaction was too extreme, so I patiently sat there. However, the moment Sheng Yun pulled Ren Yingying into his embrace, my heart felt like it was pierced by a nail, and I felt a burning pain.    


"Wait, why does she look so much like …" From the moment Ren Yingying sat down, Xu Tianyi had been staring at Ren Yingying for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but ask, "What's your name?"    


At this time, Ren Yingying slowly raised her head and gave Xu Tianyi a charming look. Then, she quickly lowered her head and cuddled into Sheng Yun's embrace like a kitten, looking around timidly with a fearful and alert look.    


After everyone had chosen a girl, the supervisor brought the rest of the girls out of the room. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Sheng Yun openly let Ren Yingying nestle in his arms, and from time to time, his fingers would intimately stroke Ren Yingying's smooth arm back and forth. This scene was really eye-piercing.    


I don't know what Sheng Yun is going to do, nor do I know if he has already seen through our plan. He had a faint smile on his face the whole time, looking to be in a good mood, no matter who toasts to him, he didn't refuse.    


Originally, we planned to use this method to send Ren Yingying to Xu Tianyi. Unexpectedly, Sheng Yun's sudden appearance disrupted our original plan. Every time I looked over and saw Ren Yingying still safe in his arms, a nameless flame rose in my heart.    


"Ren Yingying is really cheap!" I really want to kill her! I can't watch this any longer! " Xia Yiwa couldn't bear to watch any longer as she whispered into my ear.    


"Don't be anxious, be patient!" What might happen later! "Look at Xu Tianyi, he's almost unable to hold himself back!" I said softly, coldly sizing up Xu Tianyi's movements.    


It was obvious that he was no longer normal when Ren Yingying first appeared. In addition, Shang Yang pulled his buddies to continuously toast him. He drank one cup after the other, and his rationality had mostly vanished by now.    


Finally, he pushed aside the group of men and women surrounding him and walked in the direction of Sheng Yun and Ren Yingying.    




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