Planned Love



1"Shang Yang, you... What did you do? " I subconsciously got angry, but when I saw Shang Yang's apologetic eyes, I suppressed the anger in my heart. "Where's Yiwa? "Where's Yiwa?"    


"I'm here." Yiwa let out a faint sound from the other side of the sofa, accompanied by a low sob.    


I hurried over and saw her sitting on the floor, wrapped in a towel, her hair matted with her tears, looking unstable.    


Although she was studying abroad, her aunt Alice was an eccentric person who forbade her to socialize with boys, so she was more conservative in matters between men and women than I was.    


I know that she has never been in a relationship with Shang Yang, but she accidentally bumped into him last night. I think she lost her first time, which is why she's so sad and messy.    


"I'm sorry, I'll take responsibility." Shang Yang walked over and squatted beside us. He reached out his hand to rub Xia Yiwa's head subconsciously.    


"What's going on?" I looked at Shang Yang and asked.    


"We drank too much last night, plus we were in high spirits, we chatted a lot, and when we got home, we drank another bottle of red wine, we didn't even know when we rolled together. Sigh, forget it, I won't explain anymore. This matter is my fault! In short, I will take responsibility! " Shang Yang sighed heavily and punched the ground with a furious look.    


Seeing him like this, I couldn't bear to blame him any further.    


Xia Yiwa looked as though she had been sitting on the cold ground for a long time. Her face was dry from the tears, and she was shivering in her bath towel. I reached out to help her pull her hair up, and when she looked up, tears started pouring down her face, "Shubei, this isn't what I imagined. It's not what I imagined at all. This isn't good at all. I feel really sad."    


What else can I say? I can only sigh at the fact that fate has played tricks on me.    


They never expected to be together last night! I knew that she treated her feelings with extraordinary purity. She had always wanted to leave her first time to the man she loved the most, and she had always longed for a long, long relationship. She had always wanted me to do the same.    


That's why she was so angry when I had sex with Sheng Yun.    


"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Shang Yang saw how upset she was and apologized again and again before turning to me and saying, "From the morning until now, she has been feeling sad like this. She sat on the ground and refused to get up no matter how I pulled her, so anything I said is of no use. Shubei, I don't know what to do. "I said I would take responsibility. Being her boyfriend, marrying her, any of these are fine."    


"Do you love me? Do you know me? What can you blame me for? Who wants you to be responsible? " Xia Yiwa looked at Shang Yang angrily.    


"Wear your clothes first, will you? Yiwa, I know you're upset, but it's already happened and we have to accept it. "Come, put on your clothes first." When I tried to find Lili's clothes, I found that her dress had been torn by Shang Yang.    


Oh, how crazy they were last night!    


"Shubei, last night I was very sad, and so was he. We talked a lot together, drank a lot of wine, and sang a lot of songs." Xia Yiwa looked up at me and said plaintively, "Do you know what makes me sad the most?"    


"What is it?" My heart ached, and I quickly wiped the tears from her face.    


"Yes, he said that he likes you too. From the first time I saw you, he had already liked you, hehe," she laughed bitterly and said, "Shubei, why do they all like you?"    


"Do you care?" I asked, looking at her. At that moment, I wanted to slap myself.    


"I don't mind, but …" She paused, then looked at me and said, with great disappointment, "It's just that he likes you too, so I won't even have a chance to try and start with him."    


"Yiwa, don't think like that. Shang Yang and I are only friends. " I hastily said, and held her cold hand. "I know about the incident with Sheng Yun last night, and it made you unhappy. I know, I know. I don't know how to explain, what to say, I just want to know how I can make up for it. "    


"No, I'm not sad, I'm happy for you, really." She took my hand, too, and her other hand was cold on my face, and she said, "I can see, my brother... He really cares about you. He really cares about you. "    


"No, it's not what you think. We just …" I quickly explained, because I knew Xia Yiwa cared about Sheng Yun and she cared about Sheng Yun. Maybe she liked Sheng Yun, but because of me, she could never say it.    


That's why she was so upset last night. That's why she drank so much with Shang Yang because she was sad!    


I understand! I know all about it!    


Before I could finish, she covered my mouth and said, "Shubei, stop lying to yourself. You and my brother are the same. We all know that you two like each other, and only you two have to deceive yourselves. "    


Even at this time, she is still concerned about me and Sheng Yun!    


My tears fell. At this moment, Shang Yang found his t-shirt and put it on Xia Yiwa without saying anything. He helped her put on her clothes.    


Xia Yiwa struggled desperately not to wear it. Shang Yang pulled with her and the towel on her body fell to the ground. I noticed that the moment Xia Yiwa's towel fell to the ground, Shang Yang was still able to look straight ahead and put his full concentration on helping Xia Yiwa put on her t-shirt.    


"Yiwa, get up and sit on the sofa to warm up. I'll cook for you." Shang Yang said gently to Xia Yiwa, "It's already been like this, and I know it's no use saying anything. Ask for it. As long as it's something I can do, I'll promise you anything. "    


Xia Yiwa glared at Shang Yang and said angrily, "Shang Yang, I didn't expect you to be such a bastard! The book said that a man's disordered nature after drinking wine was simply lame! If a man is really drunk, he can't do anything to a woman!     


"I know. I could have endured it last night, but you knew what you did to me. "Although this is my fault, you were a little too active towards me …" Shang Yang said aggrievedly.    


At that moment, I seemed to have understood something!    


Xia Yiwa got up from the ground. Just as she was about to hit Shang Yang, he quickly ran away. Xia Yiwa had only taken a few steps before her legs went limp and she fell onto the sofa. She must have been sitting on the floor for too long. She still hadn't gotten used to it yet!    


"Yiwa, are you alright?" I immediately asked, hurried to help her up, and then said to Shang Yang, "Shang Yang, quickly get Yiwa a cup of hot water!"    


Shang Yang went over quickly. I helped Xia Yiwa up. Just now, I saw her expression was a little relaxed. I didn't expect her to be so sluggish at this moment.    


"Yiwa, you're still sad?" I asked.    


"I don't know what to do in the future, I can't possibly fall in love with Shang Yang." Xia Yiwa had bent her legs and rested her head on her knees, making her look even more tearful.    


"Because... Me? " I asked automatically.    


"No, because I know the person he likes is you," Xia Yiwa said. She turned her head and gave me a long look, then smiled bitterly. "I know that my Shubei has a certain charm that is very attractive to men."    


"The hot water is coming! I added honey to it! I've tried the temperature too! It's just right! " Shang Yang held a cup of hot water and offered it to Xia Yiwa as if it was a treasure.    


He was still standing with his upper body, and his muscular body was bulging as he raised the cup. I didn't know that Shang Yang had such a good figure.    


"I don't want to drink anymore. I don't want to stay here. Let's go, Shubei. " Xia Yiwa didn't take the honey water, instead, she said to me.    


"No way!" I didn't say anything, but Shang Yang said firmly, "If you want to leave, you have to finish the big meal I cooked! "Maybe after you finish eating, you will have a better impression of me!"    


"Shang Yang, I remember every word we talked about last night." It was impossible for us to start. Forget it, I'll just admit defeat to everything that happened last night! " Xia Yiwa looked at Shang Yang and suddenly regained her rationality, as if she had the courage to face him.    


"That won't do. Even if you're an irresponsible woman, I'm not an irresponsible man." "I remember what you said last night, and I know you remember what I said. Since the heavens arranged for us to be together, then we will overturn everything that happened before yesterday and empty out the people in our hearts." I know it's very hard for you to like me and it's very hard for me to fall in love with you in the short term, but I'll try and work hard, and I hope you'll give me a chance! "    


"What?! The heavens are making arrangements for us to be together!?" You were the one who was playing the fool! "Shameless, shameless!" Lili looked at Shang Yang, but her expression began to relax.    


"Then it's settled! Shubei, take Yiwa upstairs to shower! I'll start cooking now! In half an hour, I guarantee that you will have a hearty meal! " Shang Yang said.    


"You can cook?" This time, it was my turn to be surprised.    


I didn't expect Shang Yang to live alone in such a big house and cook for himself. This really surprised me.    


"Of course, I'm an international chef and won't show my skills easily!" Shang Yang said with a smile. He then glanced at Xia Yiwa. Seeing that Xia Yiwa's expression was still serious, he instantly suppressed his laughter.    


I took Xia Yiwa upstairs with me and gave her some water to bathe in. Taking advantage of the time she took a bath, I took over Shang Yang's small villa.    


When I saw an open-air balcony upstairs covered with flowers, I immediately opened the door and went out.    


The setting sun is red, and the unknown flowers on the balcony are blooming with a violet hue. I squatted down and looked at the tender green flowers. Just as I was rejoicing, I suddenly heard a cough coming from my side!    


Caught off guard, I turned around and saw Sheng Yun on the balcony of the neighboring villa! He wore a white bathrobe, which he had untied without even closing it. His hands were in his pockets as he stared at me with interest. Behind him, shockingly, there was an open-air bathtub …    




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