Planned Love



4The curtain had been made by his mother herself, and it was old, so he pulled it off.    


I lay on the floor, my heart breaking with pain when I heard the curtain tear.    


My eyes were blurred by Huang Xiaoxiang, and all I could see was a blurry figure closing in on me.    


Huang Xiaoxiang helped me up from the ground. She kept instructing Xu Tianyi on how to do it, and Xu Tianyi dragged me to the top floor of the villa, where he hung the curtain on a pillar. Then they both carried me and put my head on the curtain …    


The windows of the attic were broken from years of disrepair, and the wind blew violently through them, followed by a bolt of lightning, perhaps even the heavens could not bear to see their despicable behavior.    


I don't know what made it so loud downstairs, but Huang Xiaoxiang and Xu Tianyi, who did something shameful, ran away in panic, leaving me in the attic just like that.    


I was struggling, the sky had eyes, the curtains were too long and too inflexible, and just as I was about to suffocate, they automatically stopped and I fell from a high place to the ground with a thud.    


It was pitch black around me, the wind and rain were howling outside the window, and a few drops of rain were falling through the window that had been blasted open by the lightning. I lay on the ground, my whole body aching with pain, my vision blurry.    


There probably won't be anyone to save me. I'll have to rely on myself. When I realized this fact, my determination to come back to life came to me.    


This was my old home, and this attic still held my childhood toy car and clothes. Every single detail here was the mark of my parents happy life, so I wasn't afraid at all.    


Rather than fear, my heart gave birth to many expectations, hoping that there would really be a soul in this world, hoping that I would be able to meet my parents again. Sometimes, though, the more one looked forward to something, the less likely it would come.    


The house was eerily quiet, and as the minutes ticked by, I lay on my stomach, unable to move. I knew I was not dead, and I was glad to be alive.    


Outside, the wind and the rain had stopped, everything was quiet, there was the rustle of rats in the attic, and I was struggling with the pain in my body as I tried to think of how I could get out.    


In this agony, the sky gradually brightened. I didn't know if my eyes were still intact. I only felt that my vision was blurry, but I could feel the light gradually becoming stronger.    


Fortunately, this was the place I was most familiar with. When I was young, I had played hide-and-seek with my favorite father in this attic countless times. I had counted every staircase in the house and knew every nook and cranny of the house.    


I felt around for the furniture in the attic, making a clear guess as to the location of the stairs. Then I inched my way toward the stairs, and the moment my hand touched the stairs, my heart relaxed a little.    


I groped my way down the stairs, layer by layer. Every time I moved, the muscles in my body ached and made me grimace, but I wasn't discouraged.    


Huang Xiaoxiang and Xu Tianyi tried to kill me using such a method, so I wouldn't agree!    


Dad, mom, if you guys are alive in heaven, you have to protect me … I thought to myself, God knows how sorrowfully I climbed down the stairs and up to the door.    


By the time I reached the door, I was already exhausted. The last bit of my survival energy had already disappeared. What was even worse, the door had already been locked by those two bastards!    


I can't get out!    


Lying on the ground, I couldn't even cry. I had used up all of the potential I had accumulated through my survival. I was suddenly filled with an unprecedented fear, afraid that I would really lose my life just like that!    


Just as I was beginning to despair, I heard the roar of a car engine at the door.    


At that moment, I don't know where the strength came from, but it forced me to scream a few words of "help …"    


I don't know if the people outside could hear me, but I don't have any strength left. After shouting, I felt an unprecedented chaos. I'm so tired … I, I can't hold on anymore, I really want to sleep …    


After an unknown amount of time, my body suddenly lightened. I felt as though I was being gently lifted up by a warm hug like a feather. I then heard steady, vigorous footsteps before I walked outside step by step.    


At that moment, I was relieved. I knew that I had been saved. No matter who saved me, I know I'm saved.    


My body was so tired that I fell into a deep sleep.    


When I woke up again, my vision was white and my eyes were cold. When I touched them, they were bandaged.    


I didn't know where I was or if there was anyone in front of me. I gave a soft "En" and someone immediately brought a glass of water to my mouth and said softly, "Drink it."    


It was a familiar voice, with traces of pity in its tone. It was a gentleness that had never been there before.    


"Sheng Yun, is that you?" I took his hand as he held the cup. It was soft, and his hand was warm.    


"Yes." He answered again, then said, "If you were a little too late, you wouldn't have been able to save her. That was close."    


I heard the worry in his voice and was about to say something when he said, "I was just angry that day. You have always been a generous person. Why did you think of Qingsheng?"    


Life?" So, he thought that the words he said at Shang Yang's place gave me a sudden thought.    


He didn't seem to know what had happened to me.    


"I... Are you blind? " I asked softly, moving slightly, still feeling the pain in my body.    


"Don't move," Sheng Yun quickly stopped me. He gently put my two arms under the blanket and said softly, "You aren't blind. It's just that your eyes have been damaged by a hard object and need some time to apply the medicine. Your internal injuries were caused by falling down the stairs. Your internal organs were injured and you need to recuperate. "    


"Luckily, I located your car through the radar, so I knew where you were. Otherwise, no one would have noticed," Sheng Yun suddenly leaned over and lightly kissed my forehead. "I always thought you were very strong, but I didn't expect you to be so weak. However, I only found out that something happened to you. Those few days were the anniversary of your parents' death, and I also knew that it was your former home. Shubei, did you have the thought of surviving because you couldn't think it through at first? If the police had not investigated and eliminated the suspicion that he was a murderer, I would not have believed that you were a living person. "    


I wanted to blurt out that I was not, but then I thought that since the police officer had already determined, Xu Family must have suppressed this matter. Even if I told Sheng Yun the truth now, he probably wouldn't believe that Huang Xiaoxiang and Xu Tianyi could do such a heartless thing; even if I said that Sheng Yun would believe me, what could he do? I'm not even sure if he'll help me, so why should I?    


However, he seemed to be especially gentle with me. Did he really think that his words made me feel sorry for him and that was why he felt guilty towards me? This... Isn't this a bit too arrogant?    


My silence was the equivalent of acquiescence in his eyes, and I felt his tone soften a little. "I know you don't want to talk now, and I know you're not feeling well," he said. Don't worry, I've settled everything for you. No one knows about this. I haven't told anyone, including Yiwa and Zhou Yihai. "    


"Sheng Yun, why are you looking for me?" I couldn't help but ask. Normally, it was impossible for him to tell me about his personality, so when I asked that question, I didn't have much hope that he would answer me.    


I didn't expect him to answer me so unexpectedly, and in such detail.    


"My eyelids kept jumping when I got home that day," he said. "Then it started to rain and I couldn't get through to you on the phone. I don't know why, but I wanted to go to your house. As a result, when I got downstairs, I found that your lights were off and you didn't see your car. After that, I asked the guard to check with the security guard. I saw from the monitor that your car drove out of the compound about ten minutes after it drove in. Your phone was not connected, so I started to worry. "    


"You're worried about me?" Surprised, I subconsciously asked.    


He was talking about it, ignoring me, when he said, "Later, I had radar locate your car, and I found out you were there. I know that place. Twenty years ago, it was the villa area with the best Hangcheng, but it has already declined. I am curious as to what you are going to do there.    


"What do you know?" I asked softly. What happened that year was already reversed by Xu Changsheng, but I know that with Sheng Yun's strength, if he really wanted to investigate, he would soon find out the truth.    


"I know a lot." His voice became even softer, "Your past, your childhood, including the grudges between you and your parents, as well as the Xu Family, also know that that day is the day of your parents' death. After knowing all this, I was afraid that you would be too sad, so I went there to find you. "    


"Actually, I didn't want to die, it's just …" "No, you don't have to explain, because I understand that at some point I wanted to live a light life, too."    


I immediately thought of what Shang Yang had said. I thought of Sheng Yun's past, his mother, who had died miserably, and the nurse who had disappeared.    


"Yes." I don't know what else to say.    


"With me in the future, I have already decided." He didn't say what he had decided on. Suddenly, I felt two ice-cold lips on my lips. I still wanted to say something, but he didn't give me the chance …    




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