Planned Love



1When I opened the door, I saw that it was Shang Yang who was stopped by the security guards this time around. He was obviously drunk, too, and his face was flushed. He looked intoxicated, and when he saw me, he shouted, "Shubei, what's going on? Why do you have security at your door? "    


"Let him in." I said to the two men in black, and they let go of his arm.    


Shang Yang disdainfully gave the two hulks a middle finger, then asked me: "Where's Yiwa? Did you come to your house? I couldn't find her anywhere. "    


"Yiwa? You two drank wine together? " I asked, surprised.    


At this moment, Xia Yiwa had already walked out. Seeing Shang Yang, his face immediately darkened: "What are you doing here?"    


"I'm looking for you. I was just drinking wine. I haven't seen you since the moment I went up to WC. Why did you come here?" When Shang Yang saw Xia Yiwa, he suddenly felt relieved and said, "I thought you were kidnapped by some hooligan in the bar. You really worried me bad."    


"What are you worried about? "I'm not someone you should be talking to. Hurry up and leave, Shubei and I still have something to talk about." Xia Yiwa said snappily.    


I don't know why, but since the last time, I feel a little strange between the two of them, but I can't say why.    


"By the way, Shubei, what's going on with you and Yun? Why did the child suddenly appear? Aren't you keeping the truth from us too much? Do you still take me as a brother? " Shang Yang asked me drunkenly, slouching down on the couch.    


Before I could answer, he had fallen asleep on the sofa. Judging from his appearance, he must have drunk quite a lot of wine.    


Xia Yiwa frowned and glanced at Shang Yang before she sat on the sofa on the other side. She looked at me coldly. That look made my heart ache inexplicably.    


"Don't you have anything to say?" she asked me coldly.    


"I don't know how to explain this, about this child... I've only just learned about it and I'm also very confused. " I went to sit beside her and tried to take her hand, but she automatically moved back.    


Embarrassed, I withdrew it. I could only smile wryly.    


"Half a month ago, my brother had already announced it to the public. Even if you were to tell me now, you just found out. Shubei, in your heart, do you still have a friend like me? " Xia Yiwa stood up excitedly with her whole body trembling. Her face was flushed red and she staggered two steps.    


"In my heart, our relationship has never changed. It's just that I have my own difficulties." I couldn't bear to look at her.    


"Never changed?" She sneered, pointed at me and said, "Shubei, yes, I also thought our relationship would never change, so I insisted on returning to China and keeping the promise I made when I was young. I came back to live with you. But now, I've discovered that I'm really funny and stupid, you don't even need me to come back, you don't even care about me at all … I have always been fooled by you, and only now do I understand that you are simply using me! "    


"Use you?" I stood up, surprised. "Where did that come from? "Yiwa, you know me. I won't be able to use you if I use anyone."    


"Ren Yingying has already told me. Your reputation in the company and others. Hehe, only I would be so stupid to trust you." Xia Yiwa looked at me with tears streaming down her face and said, "Xu Shubei, who used to help me with everything and talk to me about everything, will never come back. The current you has long since changed. Completely and utterly changed. "Xu Shubei, you disappoint me!"    


"Ren Yingying? Are you in touch with her? What exactly did she tell you? " I asked, aghast.    


"What she told me didn't matter, and if it was before, I wouldn't have believed her. But now, I've seen it all with my own eyes, how you used me to get close to my brother, and now that you're pregnant, you kick me. "Xu Shubei, I know that you are more ruthless than me and have more brains, but I never thought that one day you would use me to achieve your goal!" Then she fell to the floor, retched, got up, and ran into the bathroom.    


I quickly followed her in. The moment I saw her vomiting so much, my heart was in disarray. I never thought that we would cause such a misunderstanding.    


"I'm sorry, Yiwa. You misunderstood me, but I don't know how to explain it. " I said, patting her on the back.    


She pushed me back so hard that I stumbled, and if it weren't for my hand gripping the door frame, I would have fallen to the ground.    


"Yiwa, don't be angry, okay? I'll tell you the whole story, okay? " I cried too.    


At that moment, my intuition told me that my friendship with Xia Yiwa had broken.    


After she vomited, she lazily leaned on the toilet seat, looking at me with such a cold gaze, her eyes were a little dazed: "Remember when we were in the orphanage, you were always stronger than me, you were always faster than me at everything, and every time I couldn't complete my mission, you would always help me, and whenever I got bullied, you would always stand up for me, Xu Shubei? I can actually do better than you, I can also stand up for you, if I really have to put in effort, I will do better than you, but I always give in to you, because from the bottom of my heart, I feel heartache for you, pity for you, respect you, and treat you as my only family other than my parents. Until now, until the second before I came here, if you had called me and sent me a message explaining, I would have forgiven you and loved you as I always did … But, you didn't, you didn't do anything! "    


"Yiwa, I just got home …" I can't argue. Tears are dripping down my face.    


"Stop looking for excuses!" "Xu Shubei!" Xia Yiwa looked at me and said with tears in her eyes. She took a match and a cigarette from her pocket, lit one, and took a long drag from it. Then she looked at me and said with a sneer, "You don't care about me at all, do you? You said you don't like Sheng Yun, you're basically lying to me, right? "Xu Shubei, answer me, don't you?"    


"You like him, don't you?" I sat down on the floor and took the cigarette from her. I took a puff and she snatched it back.    


"Yes sir!" She took a long drag on her cigarette, and the way she held it was very pretty. "I admit I like him, but how many women wouldn't like a man like him? It's just because of you that I've never dared to like him. I've always suppressed my feelings and kept telling myself, Xia Yiwa, don't ruin your friendship with Xu Shubei because of him. "But you secretly conceived his child, haha …"    


Xia Yiwa laughed, which made my heart ache, and I reached out to touch her long seaweed hair. I noticed that she had lost a lot of weight these days, and she was wearing a black leather jacket with an even more pronounced collarbone than before.    


"I'm sorry, Yiwa. I'm sorry. "I know you will be sad no matter what I say. I also know that nothing I do can make up for your heart. I'm sorry, Yiwa." I kept blaming myself, but I knew she wouldn't forgive me.    


She held my hand. Her eyes were cold, and she said, "Xu Shubei, you really disappoint me. You disappoint me so much that I really want to slap you in the face! But seeing that you have a child in your belly, I'll endure it! "    


"Yiwa, I really don't want to lose a friend like you. Just listen to my explanation. Can I explain everything to you?" I could no longer meet her eyes, nor listen to the words that were poking at my heart.    


I suddenly thought of that year at the orphanage. She was the one who got beaten up for me even though I did the wrong thing. When Xia's mother whipped her with her cane, my heart was as torn as it was now.    


"It's too late, Xu Shubei. I don't want to be your friend anymore," Xia Yiwa muttered. She took another drag on her cigarette and blew a smoke ring at me. "Xu Shubei, I've had enough of your hypocrisy. In the future, we will walk our separate paths. I don't want to see you again. "    


"Yiwa, are you really not willing to give me the chance to explain? It's not what you think. I almost died, you know? " I looked at her and said bitterly.    


There was a flash of surprise in her eyes, and just as she was about to listen to me go on, the door outside was kicked open, and I heard Sheng Yun shout, "Xu Shubei, are you okay?"    


He obviously saw us sitting on the bathroom floor. He strode over and helped me up naturally. His eyes were full of pity as he asked, "Are you okay?"    


I shook my head. I didn't even have the strength to speak.    


Xia Yiwa was still smoking her cigarette as if there was no one around her. She had an indifferent expression on her face. The smoke lingered in the air, coupled with the fact that the bathroom lights were not turned on, Sheng Yun didn't see who was inside, so he directly took the cigarette from her hand and shouted angrily: "Who the hell are you? Don't you know she's pregnant? "    


I turned pale with fright and immediately grabbed Sheng Yun's arm, but it was already too late. He had already snatched the cigarette from Xia Yiwa's hand and extinguished it with a single kick.    


Xia Yiwa slowly stood up from the toilet. Sheng Yun then turned on the light in the washroom with a "pa" sound. When he saw Xia Yiwa, he was also stunned. "Yiwa, why is it you?"    




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